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Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:06 am
by Slayer*
((Continued from: Onslaught Redux))

Jack had taken quite a while to exit the woods and reach the crash site, which was natural considering the sheer amount of space the woods took up and the fact that Jack had stopped for the occasional break.
Christ, if Danya had declared the woods a Danger Zone I'd be right fuckin' screwed. he had thought, chuckling with dark humor as he walked, batting a branch out of the way with his right hand and the revolver held within. A short time after that, he had heard the screeching of car tires and the thunderous booming sounds of shotgun blasts and hid in a nearby bush, where he stayed for several minutes, starting to come out after hearing the explosions from the direction of the warehouse.
But that's a Danger Zone...who in their right mind would go there? paying that thought no more mind, he continued to walk after picking up his pack and gun. Judging from the gunshots and explosions there, along with the more recent ones, Jack had no doubt the "final ten" was now even further down to the wire. Most likely it was only the males left.
Either that, or just the males and a female or two that's ugly as sin with my luck. Pity about Elsie and Takara, I wouldn't have minded screwing either of them. Well, I haven't heard that French girl's name on the list, the one that fucked a guy to death a few days ago. Ah well... he was quite accurate in that line of thought as he finally cleared the line of trees and walked into a part of the field/crash site that was covered in very tall grass. All of the girls known at Barry Coleson for their attractiveness had died over the course of the game, in fact almost every Barry Coleson student on the island had. Attractive or not.
"Fuckin' cut it out Jack," he muttered to himself as he moved through the grass, shaking his head, "If you want to win, you have to start thinking with your head and your gut, not your dick."
That's right. I've got to win. For myself, for Jill and Martyn, for my team, for everyone that's died thanks to Mr. fucking Danya. There's no way I'll let anyone beat me.

Several minutes later, moving on a mixture of gut instinct, having been at the field before, and the fact that he had seen the helicopter wreck's propeller upon entering the area, Jack managed to clear the tall grass, now literally in front of the crashed helicopter and the rather disturbing sight of several crows eating away at a corpse that looked like it had been bludgeoned to death. The nearest one was tearing a chunk out of what appeared to be the corpse's brain matter, which was leaked out of it's destroyed head. Suppressing the urge to vomit, he raised his revolver, aimed it at the bird, and fired. The bullet smashed into the bird's head, utterly destroying it and sending the avian corpse tumbling off of the humanoid one. The shot got the desired effect, all the remaining birds took off in a frightened cloud, most likely not to return to the feast for a while. Looking at the corpse, he did not recognize it, and was sure he would not even if it was not almost entirely eaten. Of course, he wasn't entirely worried about one of the other nine (or less than) hearing the gunshot and coming, he assumed they were all a good distance away, as he would've undoubtedly attacked him if they had been close enough to make a difference. Nodding in acceptance of this fact, he moved into the cabin door that (unknown to him) was the only way in or out of the wreck unless the person in question had the ability to turn into an insect.

Closing the cabin door behind him, but not locking it in case he had to make a quick escape, Jack dropped his (formerly Jill Gatling's) bag to the floor and sat at one of the surprisingly plush benches that the terrorists and their weapons had sat on during insertion, digging out his bullet box and popping open the cylinder of the revolver, placing three new bullets in the emptied chambers of the Enfield before closing it's cylinder and putting the box away. Placing the gun to his right side, he opened the bag and dug through it, taking out two water bottles and a tin of crackers. He felt absolutely terrible stealing food out of the late Jill Gatling's bag (he had lost his own, presumably destroyed by the grenade that killed Jill and Martyn, though he couldn't go back and check.), but if he ignored his hunger and thirst any longer, dehydration and starvation would probably kill him before anyone else could. Besides, the dead didn't need food or water, whether there was an afterlife or not. Besides, if life after death was real, and Jill was really watching from some other, hopefully better place, she'd understand he couldn't win like she asked him to if he keeled over from starvation and dehydration. Taking off the top of the first bottle, Jack pressed it to his lips and proceeded to drink, experiencing an immediate feeling of cold relief as the liquid moved through his parched throat and down into his stomach. Before he gained some restraint, he had already consumed a third of the bottle.

This setup's perfect. he thought as he opened the tin and ate a cracker. It tasted awful, but he was probably hungry enough to eat anything that would fill his stomach now. The day's still young, so I don't have to worry about danger zones, and I've got the only entrance guarded. All I've got to do is plant my feet, stand my ground and fight...

I just hope I win...

6 Contestants remaining

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:06 am
by Cactus
Back to where it all began...for me, at least...

Angelina Kaige strode back into the open field that contained the wreckage of the helicopter, still a little pissed off at the fact that she'd fucked up killing her latest victim. Danya had even poked a little fun at her, and truthfully, it was not something that she was proud of - missing like she did. Well, perhaps that wasn't true - she DID hit him. It just hadn't killed him, and now she had a true enemy on the island.

It's not like it really matters. I'm armed with grenades, pistols, and an assault rifle that has a clip of ammo left. With probably less than ten kids left, I can probably take on any of them, and win. And once I get out...

She left the thought hang in her head, and wandered towards the wreckage. Rifle out, she couldn't see anyone, but that, of course, didn't account for anyone who might be hiding and and amongst the wreckage. Cautiously, she crept towards it, taking note of the bodies strewn along the ground. People had died here since the helicopter had crashed, that much, she was sure of.

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:06 am
by Slayer*
Jack had been halfway through eating the sixth cracker in the tin when he heard the footsteps outside. With less than ten people alive and the entire area being empty until then, it wasn't hard to miss the sound of someone heading right for his hiding spot.
Shit, they must've heard the shot! he thought in a near panicked state, quickly placing the bottle and tin back in the bag and taking up the revolver. He had screwed up, and he knew it. He should've known scaring off those birds would've attracted attention. Most likely the kind of attention he did not want, since it was logical to believe the only ones who lived up to now were playing.
Calm down, Jack. You've got to keep a cool head. They probably don't even know you're still here, and if they do you have the only way in or out in your sights. You could take them out before they ever saw you if that was necessary. calming down a bit, he looked around. There were no other working doors to where he was, but there were two windows facing where the steps were coming from. The one closest to him was tightly shut and appeared to be in perfect condition besides a small crack, and the one farthest away was completely broken open, just the right size for a grenade to go through. Suppressing the memories of that ambush, he started trying to make his breathing slower and quieter, careful to remain still and not make any noises that would alert the newcomer. Silently shifting his body so it faced the unlocked but closed door, he aimed his pistol at the space just in front of the door where a person's head would appear if entering and waited.
I don't even know who's out there. Going out there right now would be a death sentence. If I don't do anything that'll let them know I'm in here, I should be alright.

6 Contestants Remaining

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:06 am
by Kris*
((Continued from: Major Tom))

The dreaded place. The place where his miseries first started. The place where his optimistic and happy nature was melted away in a matter of minutes. Cassie. Cassie was the name of this place. Drew looked nervously around him as he stumbled onto the Helicopter Crash Site. There wasn't really anywhere to go, it was either this or the cliffs where he murdered Tobs. Just passing thorugh there gave him chills, and he looked once again at the mangled body on the rocks all bvecause of his little insecurities.

He would rather have shot Cassie and save Tobs. But he ended up killing them both. His bestfriend, and the girl he vowed to protect. Some guy he was, he didn't have an courage or valor. he was a coward like most people were when tossed into this kind of situation.

Drew looked up, with gun in hand trying to find a refuge, that is until he stopped in his tracks. he saw a young woman nt far from him but a good amount of distance.

No trouble.....Just turn and run...

But his body didn't react. By seeing someone else he immediatly froze. He was scared out of his mind not knowing what to do, of coruse there is only one thing to do. Adam wasn't a threat when he saw him, but that dosn't mean everybody else isn't. He said that if they meet next time it won't be under good circumstances. So he did what any students in his position would do.

Drew raised the gun and fired two shoots toward Angelina Kaige.

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:07 am
by Cactus
When the first shot took her in the back of the shoulder, Angelina Kaige instantly knew that something was amiss - at least, for her. She hadn't heard anyone coming, and she'd foolishly left her back turned the entire time, as she walked towards the wreck of the helicopter.

Your parents would be admonishing you right now, calling you a dirty failure...

Through clenched teeth, Angelina dropped and the second shot whizzed harmlessly by her. Rolling into a sitting position, she aimed her rifle and squeezed off three short, controlled bursts at the boy with the gun.

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:07 am
by Kris*
Drew immediatly took off trying to run behind one of the wreckage helicopters. He knew that when she ducked their would be complications in her murder. And so he did the reasonable thing. He ran. The boy ran, passing two bullets however one slammed into his calf. Howling in pain he managed to slump behind the old remains of an old rusted helicopter.

He looked at his wound, it hurt. It really hurt. Drew hadn't been shot like this, unlike Tobs. He felt Tobs pain, of what he did to him. But he was not going to let that stop him. he came to far to give up now. Throught the window of the cockpit Drew came up with his gun and fire a couple more shots at Angelina.

Come on.....I can make it......

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:07 am
by Cactus
Quickly jumping to her feet, Kaige was again brought down by a bullet, this time hitting her in the leg. It seemed as though this boy was a bit of a better shot than the ones that she'd killed before, and as she raised her rifle and pounded off a few more shots at the helicopter area, she had an idea. Grabbing two of the fragmentation grenades from her belt, she pulled the pin on both of them, and tossed them to land behind the wreckage. Anyone hiding within would be unharmed due to the metal shielding, but anyone unfortunate enough to get in the way would be seriously injured. Another bullet pierced her arm, and she bit down on her tongue in pain. At the rate that she kept getting hit, she wouldn't last too much longer. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she ran over towards the taller grass, hoping that it would act as a bit of a shield.

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:07 am
by Kris*
When Drew saw Angelina grab two round sphere shaped objects from her belt terror filled his eyes. He crawled dragging his leg out of the way of the wreckage, he managed to move quickly but the pain still coursed thorugh his veins. The grenades surley impacted, the spot where he was sitting seconds before had no become a patch of ash.

The impact of the blow send him rolling over. Drew aimed his gun at Angelina as she ran into the bushes. He fired two shots toward her trying to maintain his focus. Unfortunatly the pain had completley deluded his mind, and now his mentality was focused on this. More illusions entered his logic as he shot at Angelina.

It's Cassie......I'm fighting Cassie...

Drew had now an imperative thought that Angelina was truly Cassie reincarnated into another life-form or had moved to a body to inhabit after Drew pumped his bullets into her head. She had definatly come back from the grave to kill him, for revenge.

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:07 am
by Slayer*
The few moments between the newcomer's arrival and the start of the battle were filled with anxiety and fear the likes of which Jack knew of, but had never felt. Every second felt as if it were made of pure terror as he struggled to stay perfectly still, trying to avoid doing anything that would give away his presence. At first, it seemed inevitable that the person would come through the door in Jack's sights, aiming to kill him, but soon after there were two gunshots, after which the steps stopped. Instead of silence, however, a flurry of gunfire and a male voice occasionally screaming tore through the air and to Jack's ears. The sounds soon got very close to the wreck Jack was hiding in, and it became clear the combatants were actually fighting around it, possibly using it as cover. Being unintentionally saved by the battle's chaos, he allowed himself to relax, straightening from his previous position (in which he was nearly folding in on himself) but keeping his upper body slightly crouched and his gun aimed at the door. Immediately after he did this, two deafening explosions sounded out almost directly next to the wreck's cockpit, causing Jack to crouch back into his previous position, temporarily covering his head with his hands.
Wait a minute. Those explosions...they sounded exactly like that of the grenade back in the warehouse...Kaige is out there! he realized, allowing himself to straighten up as the explosions were followed by the sound of running feet and two more gunshots. Quietly slipping off his sneakers, he brought his feet (now bare, he had never liked the feel of socks, too confining and rather uncomfortable) up onto the bench and lifted himself into a crouch. Moving carefully, he was able to silently "walk" over to the intact window and lift himself up slightly to take a look around, hoping to find Kaige. Other than a few spots of blood and the odd shell casing, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary at first, though for an instant he saw a flash of clothing in a nearby batch of tall grass. Alarmed and unsure whether he had been seen, he crouched back down and quickly moved along the bench back to his original position, the soft material on the bench absorbing most of the pressure and causing minimal noise to be made.
I definitely need to be more careful. he thought, slipping the sneakers back on and replacing his aim on the door. I just hope she didn't see me. I'll need to be very careful if I want to take down a terrorist.

6 Contestants Remaining.

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:08 am
by Cactus
Diving into the bushes as she heard the gunshots, Kaige's mind began working furiously. She hadn't anticipated that someone would actually be able to take her by surprise, and her stealth advantage was most certainly gone. Dropping her rifle, which - of course, in the worst of times, had run out of ammunition, Kaige removed the two pistols that she'd come onto the island with. After these were done, she'd be essentially weaponless - never a good situation to be in. She heard the two bullets whiz past her, where she'd just been standing, and pointed the pistols at the place that the bullets were coming from, squeezing the trigger of each pistol several times, sending the bullets flying towards the boy...

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:08 am
by Kris*
Drew tried to run yet a bullet slammed into his shoulder, however others flyed past him into whatever stood in thier way. Cassie was beatiing the hell out of him, Drew knew this is the devils work. Her spirit has not yet been rested, she wants revenge...REVENGE!!!

The word ringed inside his head as he continued to shoot a few more bullets toward Cassie hoping to finally vanquish her to hell. He'd come too far to lose now, too far to just be pummeled by a someone whose already dead. Who lost. They lost the game, those were the rules....

The boy's gun ran low on bullets, four more was left inside his gun which wasn't a good sign. A feeling within himself told Drew to run away, but he started to make his way back to the metal where the grenades blasted him. He shot another shot toward Cassie hoping to hit her, but how can you a ghost?


Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:08 am
by Cactus
Hearing the crack of the guns as they fired, Kaige lept to her left, hoping to avoid the spray of dangerous metal that emerged from the barrel of Drew's pistol. Again firing at the place she thought that he might be, she kept moving, trying to stay clear of the gunshots that would go towards her. This plan was working all well and good, of course, until one of her guns went dry. Ejecting the clip, she saw that she only had one more left, so she grimaced and tossed the gun as hard as she could out towards the boy, hoping to hit him with it. Hopefully, he'd think that it was a grenade and become afraid of it, losing his sense of safety long enough for her to blast him.

This one's most definitely more of a challenge than the others...

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:08 am
by Kris*
At the look of a black thing coming toward him Drew ducked as the empty clip fell by his side. Not feeling an explosion Drew started to breath and try to concentrate on the situation.

That little bitch, I'm glad I killed her.....

Drew felt a little satisfied that he blew off her head but a little pissed when it came to bite him in the ass. How the hell do you kill a ghost? Cal an excorcist? Maybe someone has some holy water or something.Drew quickly emerged and shot one of his third to last bullet at Cassie ducking as quick as he pulled the trigger.


Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:08 am
by Cactus
Not hearing any sound of exclaimation at a grenade or, frankly, any sound at all except more gunfire, Kaige moved to try and get out of the way of the bullet, but instead ended up walking right into it. As it tore through her chest, her eyes bulged out and she instantly coughed up blood. The internal bleeding was something she felt immediately, and she internally cursed herself for being so stupid. Wincing, she reached around and pulled out two of the grenades she'd been holding on her belt, pulled the pins, and tossed them away. She then lifted her gun and fired back a few more times, hoping to at least catch the boy enough to do him some serious harm.

Re: Gonna Stand our Ground...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:09 am
by Kris*
Drew's pain was immense and he tryed his hardest to stay focused. He heard the bullets clattering with the helicopter remains, which was the only barricade from himself and death. He could feel Cassie screaming in pain from her wounds.

Yes I'm wining! I'm winning!

The boy came up again and shot another shot trying to conserve as much ammo as he can in order to find the perfect shot. He winced at the new fresh wound at his shoulder, his leg hurt too as it started to become sore. Blood soaked through his cloths, but Drew ignored how comfertable he was. He ignored all factors within the game except for his show down with Cassie. At the place of her death.