Like Lambs to the Slaughter


Your typical dark and dank caverns, located conveniently at the side of a tree-covered mountain. They'd certainly provide some sort of shelter, although the caves are so dark that without some sort of light, you can't see your hand in front of you. Be careful... who knows who may be hiding in the shadows of the caves?
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Like Lambs to the Slaughter


Post by Swoosh* »

((Coming from The Morning After The Night Before))

Angharad finally arrived at her destination, the dark caves. Sighing with relief, she lowered her gun (which she had been holding religiously since she left the bathroom facilities). Lowering her rucksack, she knelt down rummaging through her bag, finally retrieving her torch.

Taking a quick glance at the entrance of the caves, she saw that the caves did indeed seem to be as dark as they were described. Perfect. Grasping it in her free hand, she turned around to look at the rest of her group.

"I think we'll be safest staying here for a while," she said, gesturing to the entrance of the caves with her torch. "Shall we?"

Without waiting for an answer, she began to walk into the cave's murky dark.

((I'm hoping Kai, Slacker and Bloody_Fists are all pretty much going to end up here... I've just assumed they're gonna follow me. If not, yell at me and I'll edit leik woah. Oh, and I've been playing this as if this is all before the announcement. If anyone wants to write about the announcement (and seeing as Angharad is mentioned on them it'd be pretty silly not to!) please do, cause I totally forgot!))
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Post by Buko »

((Continued from: The Morning After the Night Before))

Andrew walked into the cave silently. Sure walking into a dark scary cave with a girl with a gun was a smart move wasn't it? No. He didn't even think of the possibilities.

Getting his eyes gouged out by a cork screw. Being pinned down and then slowly killed with a dull steak knife. Some how he couldn't even make getting shot sound nice compared to the other two... he had to add his favorite piece of his anatomy into the mix.

"Dark caves...sounds like a super duper good time."
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

((Continued from: The Morning After the Night Before))

Vince appeared behind the rest of the group. The wind on the trail here had made his hair messy and scruffy looking.

He watched on as angharad took controll. She seemed to be strong minded, For a girl an all, No vince wasnt sexist or anything, its justthe girls he was used to were flirty slutty fangirls who hung around him because he was in a band.

He stayed near the entrance where there was some source of light. There was no way he was going into the darkness to be slaughtered.

Good time?

"Oh you better be being sarcastic" he said with a slightly peeved face.
Nervous had grown some balls since the bathroom facility, Stepping in and answering angharad for vince. Vince could talk for himself but hey he was lazy.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Angharad turned around. She was already partially obscured by the dark of the cave, so she flicked on her torch, one hand by her hip, holding the gun tightly, and the other grasping the torch, resting it just on her shoulder. It was a stance that gave off the impression of non-chalance, but Angharad was a little amused at the guys' reluctance to enter the cave.

"What, you guys are afraid of the dark?" she mocked, her Welsh tones ringing out with callous amusement.

Laughing almost villainously, she took a step towards where the two boys were stood. She smiled, a mixture between a friendly gesture, and the kind of smile a lion would do (if lions could smile, of course) before advancing on a stray deer or two. Her torch still on her shoulder as if she was going to work in a mine, she spoke.

"I need someone to protect me, and you big strong boys are just the heroes I was looking for. I really think we'll be safe in the caves, I mean, no one can see us in there really."

She took a step forward and reached out and grapsed Andrew's hand in hers.

"Please," she said, a smile playing on her face. "Follow me?"

It was then that the crackling sound could be heard, and a voice echoed out around them, loud and clear. Mr Danya, announcing those who had died. Angharad's eyes went wide.

The names of the dead were listed off, each one of them ringing a bell with Angharad but she didn't care enough to mourn for them at the moment; she had much bigger issues. Like a name that was going to be read out.

"47th, Duncan Wright, by Angharad Davies."

Just like that. He read it out so plainly, as if he was calling out bingo numbers or something. She gripped the gun even tighter as she looked up to see Vince and Andrew's reactions. As Xian already knew she was willing to kill, she didn't really care what the other girl thought- but she had more or less depended on the two boys trusting her to be sweet and innocent.

Guess that's another plan down the drain...
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Post by Kaishi* »

((Continued from: The Morning After the Night Before))

Xian swallowed hard.

Since the Facility, she had been keeping relatively quiet, other than a few harsh breathes here and there. The breathes were only to alert the group that she, the mighty Xian Chun, was still alive and there. Worthless at the moment, but she was going to be quiet until the time was right.

"I mean, no one can see us in there really." Her words sounded suspicious, like a girl sending out hints to a boy she liked. Only, worse, since they were in a dark cave while Angharad was sending signals.

She gasped softly when Angharad and Andrew's hands touched. It took her back to the days before, when boyfriends mattered. When little Xian, a cheerleader, hadn't even touched a guy. The only cheerleader out there without a boyfriend and any records of kissing someone. A nerdy and sex-starved cheerleader; pathetic. Life's so unfair...

It's happening again.

The announcement had hardly registered on her mind until Angharad's name was read-off. She knew that she had killed already, but she decided to play dumb.

"Oh my gosh!" Needless to say, Xian was a terrible actress. "She killed someone!! Get her, guys, kill her!!!" It was time to make them hate Angharad; make her more liked than that wench. She pointed her corkscrew defiantly at Angharad, smirking like a satisfied cat. The boys are mine now, beach.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Vince watched angaharads little sharade as she grasped andys hand. Please say he did not fall for maiden in distress thing. He looked away and tutted with a disappointed look on his face. he saw xian standing alone. They had been ignoring her, He smiled at her in what he thought was a seductive way, Not seductive at all, just cheesy.

The loud sound of danyas voice booned through the caves. He listened to the list without thought, he didnt reallyu know anyone on the island so it didnt matter to him, Untill it came to the name angharad.
He stared at her dumb founded.

"What the fuck? you killed some guy and didnt bother telling any of us? why?"

So many whys but he knew none of them would be answered. His steak knife was pulled from his belt and held tightly by his side when he heard Xian speak.
"You know i should hurt you for not telling us.....But....I suppose everyone kills at somepoint here."

The grip on his knife loosened, his eyes never coming away from angharad. His feet slowly shuffled over to xians way, He was being cautious now, No more trust, for that girl.
As he slided his way over to xian he spoke "I dont blame you for killing, But i just cant trust you anymore, One wrong move and ill.....have to do somthing bad" Vince was never to good at threeatening people. He'd never really had to, he was friends with most of his school.
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Post by Swoosh* »

She glared at Xian through narrowed eyes.

So that's your game...

Fully aware that Xian was just acting and turning the boys against her, Angharad felt the familiar wave of fury rise up in her, matched with the frustration at her lack of a decent weapon. She knew she would have to watch out for Xian, no matter what the outcome of this scenario. She was not to be trusted.

If only this gun had a bullet. Your brains would be decorating this area right about now.

Angharad flinched as Vince withdrew his steak knife. Was he going to kill her now? She readied herself to run, to hit out, anything to stop him from hurting her... but it would appear that he had changed his mind as the steak knife was loosened. Sighing inwardly, Angharad prepared herself for her latest scene.

"Look... I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It was for this reason; I knew you'd go all weird and you wouldn't trust me, but I suppose I owe you guys the truth now..." Looking around the group, she tried her best to look scared.

"It was... this guy was huge. And the way he advanced on me, I just couldn't..." She took a deep breath. "It was in the Lighthouse. I went there to try and hide from this game and he was there. He came up to me and started..." her voice trailed off and her eyes started to well up. She looked at the floor, trying not to smile.

Man, I deseve an Oscar for this!

"He said he'd kill me if I didn't let him. He tried to... he tried to rape me. He had me up against a wall, I had no choice... he was holding this gun to my head," Angharad nodded towards the gun, held at her side still. She looked back up.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys, I really am. I just wanted it to all go away. I didn't want to have to remember what almost happened. I understand if you don't trust me, but please, I'm not going to hurt you..."

Are you proud of me, Reese? Can you see me on the TV? Can you see what I'm doing for you? How I've killed for you? I'm your girl, always and forever.

Turning back around, she spoke sadly.

"I'm going to go into these caves now. I feel safe there. If you guys don't want to follow me, I wish you luck in the game..." she aimed the torch into the cave and started walking in, manic laughter ringing out in her head.
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Post by Buko »

“Ummm…” Andrew was frozen this girl was holding his hand, a killer was holding his hand. He wanted to let go but it felt so warm, so…he didn’t know how to describe it. The light sweat that covered her hand made him relax just a little bit.
“I am not surprised… I mean she was covered with blood, and that meant that she had either killed someone or… was injured.” he paused not really sure how to continue “I mean she had the gun… so I think it was fairly obvious who would win if she fought someone.”.
Andrew tried to lighten the mood “and I am a big strong boy… protecting a girl who is about six inches taller than me.” he laughed lightly… the laugh was fake, but damned if Andrew was not a good actor.

"I'll go with you Angharad." he mumbled quietly.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

((Continued from: Truth be Told, the Child was Borne))

The graze on his thigh had a strip of his shirt now wrapped around it and so the blood had at least for the moment ceased but the pain stil throbbed in it, on the brighter side the graze on his chest was drowned out by his newest wound.Ingram in hand and pack on his back oncemore he would move along rocks jumping from one to another like a small child with that stupid grinn on his pale face.

If possible that grinn of his stretched a little further as he noticed those figures in the distance.The sound of there chatter bouncing from rock to rock closer till it beat itself into his head.

Boots would be placed gently upon the grond as he walked a clear path between the rocks towards the sounds of the choice.One crimson tainted lock of hair slapping at his face with each step he took.

The Ingram hung on his shoulder swinging with each step he took towards them.Oddly coloured jewels glanced from rock to rock,the pieces of conversation were carried to him over and over till the cover ran out and now that black clad blood stained figure became visible moving at a strolling pace towards the little band.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Angharad smirked slightly; as her back was towards Andrew he would have been unable to see this, but it was a smirk nonetheless.

Don't try it, Xian. You won't beat me.

She glanced behind her at Andrew and gave him a genuine smile, the first of the kind he'd received from her. And the last, if she played her cards right.

"Thanks. It's nice to know someone can trust me..." she said, shooting a dirty look at Xian.

But as she glared in her direction, she saw something moving in the distance. Something... someone.

"Shit..." she breathed. Hopefully the someone would shoot at those closest to him/her, giving her precious time to escape. She waited, although she bit her lip. She wasn't particularly scared, if needs be she could always play her 'gun' card; it was just a new challenge to overcome.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

As the blood splattered figure drew closer and closer it seemed nobody had seen him well one person had but it was not as if he cared.One girl seemed to have ran over him but she was not waving her arms and no screams or gunshots yet and this was a very good sign.

The chatter of the group fading out and silence oncemore returning he decided to shatter it as the Ingram would be slung from his side upto infront of him.


The 9mm auotmatic weapon was oncemore bought into life.The short bursts of rounds fired off into the ground as he kept his slow steady asent to his target, his victims.

That grinn still lay splattered across his pale features as the weapon his hand shook from its call to life oncemore.
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Post by Swoosh* »

Ok. So standing around was no longer an option. Not waiting for anyone else, Angharad dived to the side to avoid any bullets entering her skin. The noise was defeaning, and skidding to the floor, dust collected around her face in a cloud. Choosing to ignore it, she pushed herself to her feet, luckily she was slightly hidden by the darkness of the caves, but still, she was in a pretty vunerable position. Glancing over at the attacker, her heart sank.

There was no mistaking it, through the bloodstains and darkness, she recognised him. Peri, the guy who had given her a gun. They had made a promise to meet up again after she had killed someone... was this his way of 'meeting up again'? She gulped, and looked around frantically. Was there a way she could escape? She was fairly certain Peri wasn't occupied with her, instead the other three who were getting shot at right now. If she could run around, she could make it out of the caved area and escape...

She ran. The commotion and gunshots meant that she went relatively unnoticed, but as she made to sprint off behind Peri, something caught her eye.

The handle of a gun was clearly visible in the back of his jeans. Obviously he had too many guns to be able to carry them all... she skidded to a halt. Peri was still shooting... creeping forward, she managed to sneak up behind him, grab the gun from out of his jeans and hold it to his head, pressing lightly against the back pf it.

"Long time no see, eh boyo?" she said, a hint of a grin playing across her face.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He just kept firing as he felt the weight from his jeans being lifted and the cold metal of the weapon being pressed to the back of his head,he just smirked and continued on firing towards the scampering figures from a few moments.

Smoke was escaping the barrel of his favourite weapon in a thin plume.

"Never point a gun at anyone unless youre going to use it and you owe me a gun" he said as he would continously scan the area with his upraised weapon.

He had enough rounds in this gun to most likely shred the group and the girl with a gun to his head that was if a bullethole the size of a fist didnt appear in his forehead.

Slowely he turned around to her with that weapon still clasped tightly and his grinn still worn.
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Post by Buko »

OoC- Well… it is time, I need to try this whole death thing and y’know… Andrew was going to die anyway so lets make it happen sooner rather than later.

BiC- Andrew was at once happy, he felt he was secured… he had befriended someone with a gun! And that had to have bought him at least a few days and then it hit him.

The sound of the automatic gun echoed throught out the cave and Andrew felt the metal pierce his skin and he fell quickly toward the ground… still holding Angharad’s hand.

Pulled into Nazereth
I was feeling 'bout half passed dead
Just needed to find a place
Where I can rest my head
'Hey mister can you tell me where
A man might find a bed?'
He just grinned and shook my hand
'no' was all he said.

Andrew just wanted to scream, but words wouldn't come out and no matter how much he wanted to die... his body refused to let him.

"Kill... that... Asshole" he managed to scream before coughing up blood, and that blood quickly moved down his chin.

I packed my bags and went looking for a place to hide
When I saw ol' Carmen and the devil walking side by side
and I said "Hey Carmen! Why don't we go head downtown"
and she said "I gotta go! But my friend can stick around!"

Andrew was quickly falling into a deep slumber and he refused to let go of Angharad's hand.

"P-Please go tell my mom I love her and that I am so sorry that she won't be able to afford Starz this month... I doubt my money from the last show can pay for that."

Go down moses, there is nothing that you can say
Cause we got ol' luke and he is waiting on Judgement day.
"Hey Luke my friend! What about young Ana Lee!"
He said "I gotsta to be going... but why don't you keep Ana Lee company!"

Time seemed to slow down now and everything seemed to grow foggy. Andrew remembered his mother, his life, and for some strange reason he saw a man... a short man who was powerful and brave, Andrew couldn't help but have a smile on his face when he saw that man.

Take a load off Ani!
Take a load for free
Take a load off Ani
and you put the load right on me!

Andrew Munteanu... Boy 69... Dead

OoC- That was awesome! Man, now I know why people love death posts so much :).
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Post by Swoosh* »

((Dude! I wasn't expecting you to die!))

Angharad was mildly shocked to see Andrew fall to the ground. She had been holding his hand until the gunshots had started firing, and almost felt like she had abandoned him... she had to remind herself that he was just someone to be used; he had carried out his purpose.

It was still a shock though. She chose not to look at his still form and looked back at Peri, who was now facing her. She raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Still willing to kill?" she asked. "Good, because so am I. I did what you asked. I killed someone." She nodded at her leg, which was still covered in blood.

She smiled slightly as she looked back up at Peri. He was a lot taller than her, but she still felt more or less in control. She flipped over the gun easily so the handle was held out to Peri.

"You're gonna need this," she said.
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