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Meddling Heart

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 10:07 pm
by Primrosette
Shoes. All I can see is fucking shoes!

Emmett was rightfully seething on the beach and he kicked a shoe off to the side of him, grumbling bitterly under his breath. This was not what he wanted to happen. If only he had the balls not to go on the trip. But nooooo, he had to because.... just because...! Aaaaaahhh!!! He hated this, he really fucking hated this!! Did they really think that he was gonna play their shitty game?! Fuck no!

Breathe, Emmett, breathe!

He couldn't calm himself down and he knew that he had to stop seeing red in front of him. His anger was definitely not going to help him in the long run. He had to stop and think-

He felt his feet give way under him and he was suddenly on his knees, feeling his head throbbing like crazy. God, his head felt like it was spinning and he had to make sure that he wasn't going to pass out from whatever he was on.

((B045 - Emmett Bunnell - Start))

"Just.... breathe, you idiot...." He mumbled to himself quietly and his breathing and his rage was slowly starting to go away. As long as he was alone, he would be fine. Absolutely fine.

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 11:19 pm
by ItzToxie
Relax... Drink some water. You’re still alive. Don’t know how long for, but you’re still here. Truth be told, if you were gonna die here at least the view was nice.

((Emil Van Zant: Game Start!))

Emil drank some of the bottled water from his pack as he sat down along the beach, just watching the water wave back and forth. The best thing he could do right now was to keep his bearing.

He reached his hand into the bag and pulled out the little gps looking thing. It wasn’t a gun or a knife, but shit, it’s something I guess... Emil toyed with it, turning it on and seeing how it functioned.

It had a touch screen which made it a lot easier to fuck with. He found himself zooming in and out, seeing more dots as he zoomed out.

He scrolled around the map and realized the dots were moving. This was kinda cool! He checked out different parts to see where his classmates could be. Maybe they could make some sort of group, do some good shit.

As he scrolled, he moved towards the rice paddy, where two dots converged momentarily, before one disappeared. The Van Zant frowned as a realization hit him. Emil was... slow, but he wasn’t that dumb. He knew what that dot disappearing meant.

Emil shook his head. “Shit man...” He had to be careful when meeting people. He chugged water again, before dragging the cursor back to his location. There was another dot near his.

“Well, safety in numbers I guess..” Emil emptied the bottle, tossing it to the side before grabbing his pack and moving towards the nearby dot.

As he got closer, he saw a figure on their knees.

“Hey buddy? You okay?”

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 11:47 pm
by Primrosette
Emmett knew that voice and he really wished that he could dug into a hole that would let him bury himself forever. Of all the people that he could run into- At least it was not Adonis, it would have been so much worse if he was there. Which reminded him.... Oh shit! Adonis was here too, wasn't he? Emmett felt a bit of panic for his ex-boyfriend taking over him and he felt himself wanting to find him as soon as possible. Adonis was too trusting of other people and Emmett did not want Adonis to get killed because of his kind, naïve personality.

Emmett turned his head and he glanced right at Emil. Not realizing that he had tears rolling down his cheeks. Why? Why was he crying right now? He didn't understand where these emotions were coming from. Why was any of this happening? It wasn't fair, not fair at all.


Emmett tried to get himself up to his feet but his legs collapsed back down into his kneeling position and he let out a frustrated noise. He couldn't get mad at Emil right now. He had no real to take it out on Emil and he knew that he was still an asshole for not apologizing for kicking Emil out of the bed on the trip. God, the trip felt like it was a million miles away now.

"I'm not... I just need time to uh...." Emmett sounded like he was feeling sleepy and he took off his glasses to wipe away the embarrassing tears. "Fuck. This fucking sucks, man!"

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 11:59 pm
by ItzToxie
“Hey, hey, it’s...” Emil was not gonna day okay coz it clearly wasn’t, but Emmett looked HELLA fucked up to be here. “It’s cool man, just breath.”

Emmett was not taking this well at all. Emil couldn’t blame him. This shit was fucked up. They didn’t deserve this.

“Listen if you need time alone or something that’s fine, I’ll be on my way.” Emil looked along the coastline. “I’ll come back later, I got this people tracker, Ima try to find some people and get a group set up or some shit.”

Emil did his best to smile considering the situation. “You’re welcome to come with me if you want. I don’t mind.”

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:10 am
by Primrosette
Alone.... God, I don't want to be alone anymore... Shit, I'm such a pathetic asshole.... Emil doesn't need to deal with a waste of space like me. So why...?

He really did need to breath and make sure that he wasn't about to pass out. He never experienced something like this since he got outed to his parents by a former 'friend' and he never thought that he would go through it again. His heartbeat felt like it was actually going back to a normal state and it felt so strange that Emil was helping him out like this. God, he felt more of a massive dick now.

"No! I mean, you don't have to leave. You can stay, I guess." Emmett mumbled tiredly, putting his glasses back on and he looked back at Emil, trying to not cry in a panicked way again. "Look, I know I'm a crappy person to deal with right now, but god.... I don't want to be on my own. Shit, I can't deal with this.... Whatever this fucked thing is!"

He glanced back towards the coastline and he was quiet for a while. Would Emil care if Emmett tried to be a decent human being and apologized to him now? It didn't really matter right now since people could be dying for all he knew. Adonis could be dying....

"Wait... People tracker...?" Emmett whipped his head back to Emil, looking up at him from the ground more seriously. "You mean you have a GPS? Holy shit.... Holy shit! Then we can find Adonis! Then he will be safe...."

Emmett then looked sad for a moment and he shook his head a little. He had no right to feel down and upset. He had broke Adonis' heart. Not the other way around.

"Emil.... Fucccck…! Okay. Look I want to say that I'm sor- I'm... uh.... Shit, I'm no good at this...! Ughhh."

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 4:10 am
by ItzToxie
“Hey, hey don’t worry about it, you don’t need to apologize for shit that don’t really matter. Yeah I’ll help you-“ Emil smiled. That was Emil’s plan at least. Use his tracker, help find people. He didn’t care who, but shit, this weapon was perfect for doing something good, he could find people he knew where everyone was!

...Except, he didn’t. He knew where a person was, but not who. They’d still be searching for quite a while, and the only way Emil knew someone died would be if they disappeared from the tracker.

“We got an issue with the tracker though. I only know where people are, but I don’t know who they are. Every dot is a gamble.” Emil remembered the first dot disappearing.

“There’s gonna be a risk every time, so we can’t drop our guard.”

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 4:50 am
by Tonyksin
It was hot. Hotter than he was comfortable with, that was for sure. He’d already had to strip off his sleeveless tee and tuck it into the duffel bag the terrorists had been “kind” enough to grace him with. Fuck. He still couldn’t believe this shit was happening. As if he didn’t have enough shit on his plate to deal with and now he was trapped on some island in the middle of fucking nowhere with a bomb strapped around his neck.

Lorenzo sighed. This wasn’t at all how he expected the end of his life to look.

[B03 - Lorenzo Tavares Game Start]

It was honestly kind of annoying how fucking pretty the island was. Like the terrorists were flipping them all a giant middle finger. Here’s an island paradise! Oh, but you and all the people you know are going to die here, k-thnx, byeee! It was absolute bullshit. It didn’t help that he didn’t appreciate waking up to find that those bastards had nabbed his leftover pre-rolled joints when they took their stuff, so he had nothing to calm himself down. Luckily they at least left him his smokes. He pulled the one he was currently smoking to his lip and took a deep drag. Fuck. He only had about ten of these left, he’d have to make them count.

He shambled out of the thicket and onto a beach. It really was pretty dazzling. Golden sand and the smell of the tide. In any other circumstance Lorenzo would think he was in paradise. But no. No this was hell no matter how it looked. He still remembered hearing that gunshot, and watching their vice principal fall to the ground dead. It was shocking and horrifying. And it made him realize he needed to think fast and figure out what the fuck he was going to do.

The last few weeks had made him question a lot about himself. He used to think he was a good person, but obviously that wasn’t true. Good people don’t hurt people the way he did Artem. People like Ty don’t look at good people the way he looked at him that morning on the balcony. Lorenzo understood now that he was a monster, a terrible person who does terrible things. But even he had a hard time coming to grips with the fact that he’s have to kill people now for his own survival.

Fuck. This was some twisted shit.

He thought about his parents and his sisters. He wondered if they even knew they’d been taken yet. He wondered if he’d ever get to see them again. His hand gripped the heavy tool in his hand tighter. He would see them again. He had to believe that. These terrorists were fucking assholes, but they’d given his something good to work with at least. A splitting maul, for chopping wood. It was heavy, but it balanced well in his hand. He’d taken a few practice swings with it on a tree when he first saw the weapon. That’s what it was in this context after all, it was no longer a tool, but a weapon used to kill others. The swings he took were heavy and would do damage, but any swing he took he’d have to commit to. He’d be wide open if he fucked up.

He couldn’t fuck up.

He made his peace already. If playing their sick game was the only way to make sure he got home, then so be it. He would return to his family no matter what. They were all that was important to him. He’d kill every single person on this godforsaken island if that’s what it took to see them again.

He made his way onto the sands slowly and quietly. He could hear voices. He made his way closer, attempting to stay out of view. It was hard on a beach like this, but he’d make due. The closer he got the more he could hear. A people tracker? That was interesting. Did that mean he could see all the other students on the island with his “assigned weapon”? That sounded very useful. Lorenzo marched over to where the voices were coming from with a smarmy smile on his face. As he closed in on the two, he recognized them as Emmett and Emil. He knew them, sort of. Not well enough to not do what he planned, that was for sure.

“Hey guys, did I hear something about a tracker?” He said, walking closer and flicking his finished cigarette away. He swung the splitting maul in an arc to land the shaft in his other open hand, brandishing the heavy weapon openly.

“Now that sounds useful. How bout you toss it over here?” It was a question, but he really wasn’t asking.

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:01 am
by Primrosette
Emmett was feeling a bit better that he and Emil seemed to have a plan rolling and he didn't mind about just seeing numbers. Although, Emil was right about the possibility of there being risks of them running into people who were dangerous and Emmett knew that that meant they would have to fight back and maybe kill someone themselves. No, he definitely had to kill one person to get back home. No, he was not stupid enough to do something like that. He wasn't going to go down that route. He had to try to be a good person and not become a murdering piece of shit.

"Emil, you're right. We should-"

Aaaaaaaand there was Lorenzo. With a splitting maul no less. What the fuck? Did Lorenzo honestly think that he was hot shit with a weapon in hand. Was he for real right now? Emmett did not want Lorenzo to get his dirty hands on the tracker. Dammit. His two bags were a few inches behind Emmett so he couldn't do dick about seeing what he got as weapon. Hell, it could even be something useless against Lorenzo's.

"Hey, Lorenzo...."

Emmett was starting to get some feeling in his legs and he forced himself up slowly to his feet, feeling himself wobbling a little. He then turned around to face Lorenzo and he felt a scowl appearing onto his face quickly. He had never been in a physical fight before in his life. Besides that one time he was almost in one with Kayden and Ace had stepped in to stop him from getting his own ass kicked. Now he was dealing with a guy who thought he looked so threatening with a maul. Emmett did feel a bit scared by it. But still, fuck it.

Emmett raised two middle fingers and pointed them right at Lorenzo, not caring if he fucked himself over with it.


Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:07 pm
by ItzToxie
Oh hey, new people. Emil turned around to see where the voice came from only to find Lorenzo waving a big ass medieval motherfucker at them. He asked for Emil's tracker in a very not that polite, and kinda threatening manner. Oh hey, bad people.

"How 'bout Neeeeooooo!" A little Jack Black to diffuse the situation that probably wasn't gonna be diffused, but it was worth a shot. Emil realized there were shitty people here since the moment he woke up, and remembering the dot that disappeared made Emil realize that it wasn't too early for shitbags to start. Lorenzo went into this shit thinking he could mug or murder people, and Emil wouldn't have it.

"How about I just break it and yeet this bitch at your head? Or hey, how about I just toss it in the ocean? There's a lot of how about's right now, and yours is at the very bottom of this lists." Emil knew threatening someone with a weapon was dumb but it'd be stupid to actually give them what they want. Nothing's stopping him from coming down there and taking it. Even if they gave it to him, nothing is stopping him from coming down there and attacking them anyways. Now, Emil was pretty fucking dumb, but he wasn't stupid.

He turned his head and saw Emmett was giving Lorenzo the double bird treatment. Hell yeah! Emmett wasn't taking no shit! Neither would Emil, two versus one, biotch! "Yeah bitch! Fuck you! Whatchu gon' do about it?" At this point he just turned into heckling. Maybe he could just shame Lorenzo into walking away by making him feel stupid. He began to slap his hands against his chest, extending his arms out to his sides, leaning left and right. "What!"





He paused his Lincolnian dance to cup his heads to his mouth and to call out to Lorenzo. "Hey!" He waited for Lorenzo's reply, then interrupted him.


Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:24 pm
by Tonyksin
Lorenzo cocked his head to the side and watched the two boys bemusedly as they shouted their disagreement at him. Emmett’s little outburst was annoying, he had to admit. You had to be really fucking stupid to antagonize someone who was threatening you like that, but at least Lorenzo could respect the balls of it. Emil, however? This idiot just needed to shut the fuck up and realize the situation he was in. he had a good point, he could just smash the thing and then no one would have the tracker. Lorenzo severely doubted he was stupid enough to do something like that though. Without that tracker, Emil had nothing, and even the threat of Lorenzo taking it from him wasn’t enough for him to destroy his only upper hand on the competition.

Then again, this WAS Emil he was talking about.

Fuck, he better get the damn thing before this idiot breaks it and really pisses him off.

At this point Emil was slapping his chest and shouting at him over and over. Lorenzo’s face scrunched and he felt a vein on his forehead begin to pulsate. This kid was really fucking annoying. Lorenzo began to walk forward, slowly at first, but moving a bit faster with every few seconds. Once he started to pick up speed he dropped the duffel bag from his shoulder onto the sand below his feet. The sand wasn’t the best to run on, so Lorenzo was stuck at a brisk walk towards the annoying little shit, but his grip on the splitting maul tightened considerably as he came closer to the boys.

“Shut up you cunt.” He stated firmly and loudly, only to be interrupted with another ‘what’.

A wicked smile found it's way onto his face and when he was a few feet from Emil he reared his leg back to kick up the golden sand in front of him into the other boy’s face. As soon as his leg came back to the ground Lorenzo took a horizontal swing with the maul, sledgehammer side first, hoping to take the annoyance out at his kneecaps and bring him the fuck down.

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:10 pm
by Primrosette
"Oh, shit...."

Lorenzo was coming right at them in a scary fast-walking pace. Okay, Emmett seemed like he might have been a bit stupid with his outburst, but Emil had took it to a whole new level that seemed to make Lorenzo come closer and closer towards them. Emil was still rambling on and Emmett turned his head to look to his side slightly, noticing the dufflebag on the ground. Dammit, he had to do something fast!

Do something, you dumbshit!

Emmett moved as fast as he could to pick up the dufflebag and he turned back to look at what was happening to the other two. Lorenzo had kicked some sand into Emil's face like a goddamn, dirty cheater and Emmett felt himself feeling fear over him swinging the splitting maul towards Emil. Emmett knew that he had to act....


He tried with all his might to throw the dufflebag between the weapon and Emil and then he tried to grab Emil around his arm, trying to pull him backwards.

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:46 pm
by ItzToxie
Oh shit.

OH SHI- Sand was kicked into Emil’s face as Emil felt himself get dragged to the ground. He brushed his face with the arm holding the tracker as his free hand helped backpedal him away from Lorenzo. He saw the bag Emmett tossed to save him from getting his legs shattered. His arm shot out and pulled it towards him before Lorenzo could get a hand on it as he stood up.

Emil handed Emmett the tracker as he stood up giving himself distance from the two as he reached through Emmetts’s bag. “Emmett if he chases you, toss it into the ocean.” It wasn’t a glock, but it was something he was familiar with. His dad used it in the Marines before he became a cook.

Emil tossed his own bag and Emmett’s to the ground as he held Emmett’s assigned toy. He unfolded it and locked it half way, turning it into a pickaxe. He hoped Lorenzo would just walk away.

Truth be told, he didn’t like the fact that Lorenzo just tried to end him, but Emil didn’t want to kill anybody either. But Lorenzo DID just try to fucking kill him. Just because Emil didn’t want to kill him doesn’t mean he wouldn’t hesitate to plant Emmett’s E-tool through Lorenzo’s skull.

“Lorenzo, you best fucking leave while you can.” Emil had a good million subscribers, and more importantly his folks back home. He wasn’t gonna disappoint them by going down day one.

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 9:32 pm
by Tonyksin
Lorenzo grunted in frustration as his attack was foiled by Emmet’s timely intervention. All he succeeded in doing was bashing the duffel bag about a bit. He snapped his attention to the two little shits in front of him as they collected themselves. Emil handed off his tracker to Emmett, apparently in the hopes that the other boy would escape with it. They new toy he pulled from the duffel must have been Emmett’s weapon. It looked like some sort of foldable shovel. Emil locked it in a way that made it like a sideways axe. Lorenzo snorted and grinned at the idiot. Even with that, Lorenzo still had the better reach. The shovel was short, the handle only being able to be held in one hand. Lorenzo was still in a good place here.

“Oh best I?” He replied sarcastically to Emil’s threat.

“Why Emil? You really think you’re gonna be able to kill me with that? You don’t have the balls.” He stated simply and harshly. He narrowed his eyes and observed the two of them for a moment.

If he went after Emmett, he might be able to get the tracker, but that would give Emil the chance to bury that shovel into the back of his skull. On the flip side, if he went after Emil, Emmett might abandon him, making him lose the valuable device. He had to make a choice here, and whatever choice he made would be final. There wouldn’t be any turning back after he made a move.

Unfortunately, as useful as that tracking device would be, it was too much of a risk to go directly after Emmett, he’d just have to hope the kid wouldn’t get too far away after he finished dealing with Emil. Lorenzo spun the Splitting maul around in his hand, making the axe side of the heavy weapon face forward. The blade was able to take a significant chunk out of the tree he practiced on earlier. He wondered how much damage it would do to a person.

Guess he’d find out.

Moving quickly, he ran at Emil as best as he could on the sand, trying to build as much inertia as he could, maul over his shoulder in a wood-cutting, over the head chop position. When he was within range he stopped suddenly, swinging the maul down with as much force as he could muster, not aiming for the boy himself, but instead for the shovel he held in his hand. If he could disarm him and hurt him a bit, he could go after the other one without wasting too much time.

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:02 pm
by Primrosette
Everything was happening too fast for Emmett who now had the tracker in his hands and Emil had *his* weapon. Was Emil trying to be the hero here? Shit, this was not what he wanted to happen in the first place. Why couldn't Lorenzo just fuck off and disappear? Emmett had just managed to make a plan with Emil to try to find other people that they could have possibly teamed up with. But now Lorenzo was shitting all over it because 'Look at me, Lorenzo! The hot as fuck baddie coming to fuck you two idiots over. Har-de-har!'

Fuck that.

"Dammit, Emil." He muttered under his breath and he knew that he had to run, turning his body away from the two of them and he picked up his bag quickly. Making sure to sling it over his shoulder after zipping it back up quickly and he did not care about his dufflebag. "Don't you dare fucking lose to this bastard, Emil!"

And with that he started to try to run over the sand away from them with a bit of difficulty.

Re: Meddling Heart

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:15 pm
by ItzToxie
“Two more then you’ll have if you don’t get the fuck away.” Lorenzo tried to kill him, then was so sure he wouldn’t defend himself if he had to?

Fuck nah. Emil weren’t a murder, but he wasn’t a punk either. He’d rather die then let Lorenzo go off to kill people, and he’d rather Lorenzo die, than himself. Don’t you worry yourself Emmett, I’m too dumb to die.

Lorenzo charged, big ass sledgehammer axe thing held overhead. He remembered that dirty ass trick he pulled when he kicked sand in Emil’s face and figured he’d give Lorenzo a taste of his own medicine.

Emil kicked his own bag on the ground, sending it towards hopping towards Lorenzo’s direction in an attempt to trip him up. He then sidestepped towards the right, swinging the pick of his E tool towards Lorenzo’s ribs from the outside.

“Get some!” Emil barked, with more bass in his voice than he ever remembered having.