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V7 is Live

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 10:14 pm
by backslash
It is time to announce that...

V7 is officially live!

We're all itching to leave the safety of Chattanooga and transform our pregame murders into proper game murders, but before we get to that, there are a few things to take note of:

First, make sure to read the V7 Prologue. This gives information that all your characters should have (specifically, the briefing) as well as OOC information (specifically, the confiscated items list, daypack contents, and the nature of the SOTF broadcast).

Next, review and familiarize yourself with the rules for the game if you are not already acquainted, particularly things like our activity rules (found here)

The same adoption protocols from V6 are still in place. Any character adopted from here on counts against your limit in V7 proper. Also, remember that if any of your characters goes terminally inactive, you will not be allowed to adopt in V8, so consider yourself warned and be sure not to let this happen to you.

For V7, as it was with both V6 and V5, the thread limit is one per sub-area.

Next off, a few more other things:

First rolls will go up around ONE MONTH from game start. All subsequent rolls will happen approximately every two weeks from that point, barring special circumstances.

Pregame will remain open until first rolls with one exception: As with previous versions (V4-V6), Memories of the Past will remain open until right before Endgame.

Inactivity enforcement starts now! Anyone who does not post in the next fourteen days (336 hours) will get warned. This means first adoptions through the official system will likely be offered approximately four weeks from now (three weeks to terminal, plus an appeals window).

The 'Meanwhile' section will open by first rolls or sooner.

Thank you to all staffers who have contributed to our rules, the editions of our rules and announcements, and the site as a whole, as well as a Thank you to all the handlers who help make this community what it is, 14 years and still going strong.

If you have any questions, you can direct them to @Staff on our Discord server or through to SOTF_Help via board PM.

Re: V7 is Live

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:36 pm
by backslash
V7 Meanwhile is now officially open, and will remain so for the duration of the game. Please make sure that you read the section rules before posting, and enjoy!