G19- Drag the Sunrise down

Elise Aversano

A beautiful shore. An overturned canoe sits upon the white, sparkling sands. If the SOTF ACT wasn't going on, this shore might just be considered beautiful. But, because it's on this particular island, the shore's white sands seem to beg to be painted with red.
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G19- Drag the Sunrise down


Post by Swoosh* »

Coming from Small House

She had made it. She had made it all the way without meeting anyone. She must be the luckiest player in the game. Smiling slightly, Elise looked at her new surroundings. A pretty beach. This island seemed to be full of beautiful scenery. She flopped down on the ground. Her location was quite hidden away, no one could shoot her from a distance, but if anyone was nearby, she'd be quite easy to find, and confront, kill... Elise shook her head.

She'd be safe here. She had to be safe somewhere.

She looked down at the gun in her hands. Peri's gun. She wondered what he and Stevan were doing now. Were they looking for her? She doubted it. Were they still alive?? They seemed like they had the skills to endure this game, at least for a while. Unless they turned on each other.

For the first time since she woke up on this hellhole, Elise got the time to collect her thoughts. She sat, staring out into the ocean, wishing she was back in England, safe and well. Wishing wouldn't get her far.. It really was a beautiful beach, the sea was sparkling and clear.

Could she escape by sea? No, they wouldn't make escape that easy. They probably had sea patrols or something... Elise kicked the sandy floor angrily. How had she ended up in this?? She was supposed to be enjoying a psychology conference now, not fighting to stay alive, solely to entertain the masses. God bless America, she thought bitterly.

This seemed like a good place to rest for a while, there didn't seem to be anyone around... she made herself comfortable, her gun never leaving her hand, and stared out into the sea.
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((Continued from: Travelling Circus))

He would move oncemore after her sliding between the trees and leaves without a sound till she came to a halt and he would do so aswell.Finding a nice leaning post as a tree,his pistol would be raised towards her head.What three four foot between them? She had chosen a good place for him..Lots of cover for him and where could she hide? in her sandcastle? Not the best call but maybe she loved the view.

"Didnt we play this game before? by the waterfall.." he said his voice managing to get out past the rain and fly to her ears.His hand just as steady as the look in his eyes,life was a game and he was willing to prove he was worth it but for now he had to settle something.

"If the way to a mans heart is through his stomache then does that mean a way to a womans heart is through her head?" he asked as he would yank back the hammer of the colt with a satisfying greased click before he brought his weapon back up.She had Six shots,He had twelve maybe more.Bad call on her part.
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Elise jumped up. Panic started to pound against her ribs.

"What are you doing??...." she asked, not trying to disguise the terror in her voice. She held her gun at her side, but not in a threatening manner.

Was he going to shoot her? Why?? What had she done to him??

"You're not going to shoot me, are you?" she asked, timidly. She thought she had been safe, she was obviously wrong. If he did try and shoot, there was a path leading off the beach that she could escape to, but that was not a situation she wanted to find herself in, running away for the second time.

She just wanted to be alone, why couldn't people just leave her be??
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"The Ammo for youre weapon..I want it and while were at it that weapon at youre side.Its mine and as for yours,Did I leave you to die? No did you leave me to die? yes you did..You left me with a armed stranger,You owe me this chunk of metal at least this chunk of metal.I could shoot you but Id rather you give me what I want and I shall move on and you can to..Or I can kill you and move on..I just dont see why you had to leave me to die,because of the waterfall? Someone had the upperhand who wasnt you..Toss the gun and Ammo over.Please." the waterfall had been a empty threat so she hadnt shot at him or indeed just shot him but most of all to not let her run away but this was slightly diffrent.This time he would freely blow her face off,she was meant to be an ally who silently snuck away leaving him with a shotgun wielding stranger? Anger must be in there somewhere but he looked as calm as he ever did.

Wet hair clinging to his face as he did this,he wanted two things.One of them that would leave her as good as dead but she was repaying her debt nothing personal there.There was nothing personal about any of this game,not to him at least.

"Toss it all over now or I shall pull this trigger..Lets say you whip the gun up quick enough to fire at me.You think I wont get you first? You think you wont miss? Six shots isnt much for a rookie..Ive got double the number of rounds..exsperience and Ive already killed.So please for our sake,Hand the items over.." and then silence fell like a dark chokehold on the both of them.Who would be released from it? Would someone give into the tension and pull the trigger?
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Tears began streaming down her face. "I didn't leave you to die... I thought you were going to kill me... I guess I was right." she whispered.

He'd already killed? Did that mean Stevan was dead? Elise couldn't believe that to be true, but she ignored that and moved on. She stared at Peri.

He looked so fearsome, stood there pointing a gun at her. At first glances he appeared normal, cool, calm and collected, but as Elise looked into his eyes, she thought she saw flames flare up. He must be pretty pissed off.

She couldn't believe she was in this situation again. Twice now she had been threatened with death, and once again she was faced with the situation of walking around weaponless, or dying. It was hard to concentrate with someone pointing a gun at you, but Elise had to, in order to stay alive.

"S-say I give this to you," she said, nodding at her gun. "You'll just let me go? I find that hard to believe..."
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"Well find it as hard as you like but you can be pleasntly surrpised in the future when I let you walk but of course if you wish me to save you alot of time and pain I can put a round with youre cranium..There are worse things than living you know.Living with a guilty conscience,you can go to heaven knownig you never did a single thing wrong.You can pick but eitherway I am getting what I want..The longer we spend talking here the more and more agitated I will become...Just give me what " he looked at her with those cold oddly coloured eyes.It had come to this and she had forced it to be,they could have stayed as a threesome and survived it all but no she had to run off and things had gone badly.

"You dont want blood on youre hands,Elise..You dont want blood on youre hands it hurts each time you look at youre hands you die a little more inside..Stevens gone and I wish he wasnt.When you kill it it its like..its like" he would gently tap at the side of his head with his free hand "its like a piece of you rotts and falls away every second..Dont do this to youreself.I had to kill him,I had to...He was going to attack me..You dont want to be like this,Youre better than this..Hand the things over or I will have bloody arms not just hands this time" he said as his face straightened itself out.
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He.... he had killed Stevan? He made it sound like a hobby. Elise felt a wave of nausea surge through the panic and fear she was experiencing. So Peri was playing the game.

"You... you killed him," Elise was talking barely above a whisper now.

She had made the right choice, then; if Stevan was already dead then she would have been next anyway. She suspsected the whole 'he attacked me' story to be a lie. She wiped the tears away from her eyes, and spoke again.

"You killed him," she repeated more firmly. "I guess I did myself a favour by running, I would have ended up as dead as him." There was a hint of disgust in her voice as she uttered the last line.

It really was kill or be killed. She could trust no one, everyone wanted her dead and there was nothing she could do about that. It wasn't paranoia, she convinced herself, it was common sense. It would have kept her alive, had she known it before.

Looking up to face Peri, her eyes, once watery and scared, were now narrowed. If this was how she was going to die, then so be it, but she would die with dignity.

"Did he know you were going to shoot him? Or did you just do it when his back was turned?" she asked, her confidence growing more and more.

((haha, I KNOW you haven't killed him. I have the amazing powers of reading other posts.))
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"I am guessing he did know since I shot him in the head well the face to be more precise you should see the look on his face it was simply..it was very very Happy birthday.Im Sorry you had to miss the party but you seem to be a bit of a party pooper..You know the sort of kid who goes around poping the balloons and throwing food around? You do know the sort of kid.Drop the gun,Kick it over and pass the rounds..I need those rounds.I can get given them or I can take them it is youre call.Please dont make a stupid one I wouldnt want to ruin such a pretty place like this by tainting it with human blood" This talk was making him impatient although he never changed his exspresion he looked as sturdy as he had ever been with that beautiful handgun held towards her head.

He was going to start making a habit of shooting people in the face? Well it gave them more dignity and the look on thier faces right before the round tore through it made him giggle a little bit.Wouldnt be the first or the last kid to loose their sanity in this game.His finger moved onto the trigger of his weapon,the finger gently stroking at the trigger.

( Lol So? You know he didnt kill Stevan too bad you werent smart enough to know he wouldnt kill Elise..Well he wouldnt have and the body he disposed of wasnt made by him )
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This was it. She had to act now. Peri meant business, whatever way he put it, he was willing to kill. He was willing to kill her. Was she going to stay and experience what Stevan had done back at the house?

Not likely.

"Don't worry. This beach will remain blood free," Elise hissed. "Wouldn't want to ruin the view for the others."

She turned to look behind her. The path was within reach. If she ran, she could probably escape Peri's shots, she had the element of surprise... unless he had lightning fast relfexes. Elise had to hope that he hadn't. She turned back to look at him, for what she hoped was the last time. If this was her time to die, she wasn't going down without a fight.

"And if you want your gun, you can bloody well come and get it!"

She sprinted for the path, Peri's gun still in her hand. She had to run, her very life depended on it.
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( Lol So unrealistic..Remember Hirono and Mitsuko in the movie? Think about it )

He shook his head,she had to be a smartass didnt she? The weapon exsploded to life sending some high caliber rounds after her aiming for the top of her legs and her rear.One bullet would be all it takes,it would sink in and come out as a tennisball sized hole when it tore out of the flesh if it hit.

He took off running after her,those eyes calm as ever as he fired shot after shot after her.The weapons recoil shaking his whole arm each time he sent yet another lead slug to follow her in her pursuit,did she think he would honestly just let her go? No he could keep up with her and he had something she didnt.A Lust for blood that would be sated soon as he found her,She fucked him over once and now twice.Silly girl.

( Whatd she do with her bag?
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((haha, nuh uh, remember Takako and Mitsuko? She got a fair way before... dying of her wounds... shut up ^_^ Your aim is poor, I tells thee!! And she's still got her bag, but just wait))

Elise heard the shots being fired. Panic rose up inside her, but so did adrenaline. The shots hadn't hit her, she still had a chance! She ran, pushing her body to the extremes. She could do this, she could make it without-

A searing pain shot through her shoulder, it was unbearable. She'd been shot in the shoulder, by the feel of it. Screaming, Elise fell to the floor face first, her gun skidding in the opposite direction. It felt like her shoulder was on fire from the pain, it took every inch of strength that she had to stop herself from passing out. Slowly, she turned to examine her wound. There was blood everywhere, but it appeared that the bullet had just scraped her shoulder, and not made a gaping hole like she had expected.

She tried to push herself up, but the pain was so intense that she could only lever herself for a short bit before flumping back down to the floor. Wincing, she waited for Peri to catch up. This had to be it now, he would kill her for sure. Breathing heavily, she managed to whisper, talking took up too much energy.

"You did it... you really shot me..."

((there, now take my gun and my bag and LEAVE ME BE :angry: ))
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"Well I didnt fire the gun for how cool it looks in my hand Elise" he said as he would approach her slowing to a stop as she would fall down.He gave a coulple tuts as he would approach her,ejecting the clip from his weapon and checking the clip.Five rounds left,he only needed two rounds.Her pistol would be picked up and slipped into the back of his pants,shirt tugged down over it all was good for now and safe.He would press the barrel off the gun to her forehead as he would slide her bag off her shoulder and onto his.

The cold metal of the barrel stayed there for a few seconds before he would remove it and take one step backwards bringing the aim of his weapon down to her left thigh.He pulled the trigger and the weapon exsploded to life sending one more round into the world and at her flesh yet again.

"You Chose the wrong guy to fuck with.You chose to fuck with a Dead guy" he said as he stood there watching her face.Rain slapping away at him constantly along with the rain.
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Elise screamed in agony as yet more of her body was mutilated at the hands of this guy. She was crying for real now, not in fear, but in pain. Tears made their familiar route down her face as she looked up at Peri.

"You have my gun, now what else do you want??" she sobbed, her face was spattered with blood that had come from her shoulder.

He was enjoying this. He was enjoying seeing her suffer... I bet this would make for good TV as well, Elise thought. What an odd thing to be thinking about, when she was bleeding to death and in the company of a guy with a gun. Guess it was a mark of how surreal her situation was.

She turned her head to face Peri, her cheeks soaking wet from the rain and the tears she was shedding.

((how much damage would that do? I'm not up on my gun knowledge... would I actually have a leg left to walk with or would it just really hurt?))
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( You would still have a leg but itd hurt like a bitch and youd have a nice big hole in the back of youre leg from where the bullet exited and I exspected you to dodge Lol She could walk but itd hurt like hell,the leg will hurt like a whore anyway )

"I Wanted you to join me..I wanted someone I could rely on" he said as he would crouch down and give a gentle tutt as he pressed the barrel of his pistol to her thigh on her right leg.Oncemore he pulled the trigger the hammer slamming back into his hand as he did so another hole punched into her leg,she wouldnt be going anywhere it would seem for awhile.

He rose to his feet watching her his face solemn and silent for a couple of moments as if he was exspecting to see something,some miracle to save her..those tears would drop and heal her wounds.What no? No help from the lord almighty? Poor Elise."I Guess you were wrong,Seems like we are going to spoil the sand after all.Tut,tut.What do I want? I want you to sit here and think about what you have done.So think" he said before he turned his back on her and started walking up the beach back to the house.One gun in his hand,one concealed wearing two Bags.This was looking up to be his lucky day.
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"You son of a bitch!!!" Elise screamed. She now had two nasty holes in her leg now, her shoulder still stung but it was nothing compared to the pain in her leg.

She turned over so she was lying on her back, and cried a little more. She knew her crying was loud, and someone would probably hear it, but what's the worst that could happen? She was beginning to think even death was preferable to this.

Feeling full of anger and frustration at the boy who was once her ally, she looked around and grabbed a nearby pebble. It wasn't overly huge, but with all the built up frustration she had, she lobbed it at Peri. It fell a little short, to her dissapointment, but she was sure it made enough noise to grab his attention.

((dodge? When I have my back to you? Who's realistic now? :P ))
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