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Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:30 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Continued from "A well deserved Shower": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=384

IC: Jason came up on the shore after a few minutes of quickly walking (though he was delayed breifly when he thought he heard someone following him) and saw the overturned canoe.

"Someone could escape to shore with that if they got the collars off." he said to himself as he walked around it and noticed the two corpses, one face down in the water (female) and another face up and covered in cuts (male). Obviously someone was playing to win, and had killed these two probably only an hour ago, judging by the condition of the bodies and the overall lack of decomposition. Taking a closer look at the male corpse, he wondered who exactly had killed him.

"Couldn't have been Jacob, most of his kills have been gunshots, from what the announcements said. Maybe it's the work of that Crowe kid I've been hearing about. That's likely, but it may be someone else. He probably wouldn't have drowned the girl, no, this guy probably killed her than died himself." Jason sat on the canoe, put his Uzi to the side and asked himself a question of morals.

"Should I play this game? It seems to be my best way to survive, but there may be a way off. Such a hard choice..." he muttered as he picking up his Uzi and listening to the sounds of the ocean. Of course, if he had looked up, he would've seen Cillian Crowe himself not too far away from him and walking away.

OOC: Feel free to ambush him if you want, Ebony. Not trying to tell you what to do or anything.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:30 pm
by Chase*
((Cillian's still in the vicinity, and the jacket is his. Me and Makaze have gone through this. So, no Bullet-proof vest for your character there... sorry.))

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:30 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Alright, I can edit that.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:30 pm
by Chase*
((Sorry, Cillian's got other business to attend to...))

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:30 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Cool, I can have him wait for Peri then, no real problem.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:31 pm
by JayneBrown*
((Coming from Makeshift Hospital))

Jayne and Stevan were ambling across the island in near silence. In their trek, very few words had actually been exchanged, presumably because neither fully trusted the other. Or maybe it was anxiety. Or both. Whatever, it didn't matter any more as for now, Jayne had some sort of protection, even if there was something distant about the boy. Survival was of the essence right now.

But on approaching the shore, Jayne grasped Stevan's shoulder. She could see that they were not alone any more.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:31 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
((Continued from: Where'd you go, Psycho Boy?))

As stevan made a slow pace along the brush by the beach he felt a tug on his shoulder. He just stopped dead in his tracks and whispered back to her "So i see!" His shot gun was held hip height aiming towards where he thought the people were.

He grabbed jayne by the sleeve and dragged her down into the bush with him for cover. He again whispered "Your call this time! I made the choice to come here now its your turn to decide" He said as he looked into her eyes with a cold serious stare. he lay on his back, everything as close to the floor expect his head which was slightly raised to talk. His shotgun aiming out into the beach.

he knew this girl didnt trust him but who did on this island? One person did but he'd left for a safer party. This jayne girl would have to do and hopefully she would turn out to be useful.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:32 pm
by Slayer*
"Hey, is someone there?" Jason looked to the bush not too far away from him and the two corpses, he was pretty sure he heard a voice coming from there, but he wasn't sure. Raising his Uzi, he stood up.

"If someone's there, please come out. I don't want to have to use this. Not yet anyway."

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:32 pm
by JayneBrown*
Jayne had to furrow her brows in concentration to come to a speedy decision. They had three options: fight, flight, or reason. From their position, Jayne could see that the boy was holding something uncannily like a machine gun. Shit. They had to run into somebody with a better weapon than Stevan's shotgun, didn't they? If this guy was playing the game (another guy? Where the fuck are all the other girls on this island?) then they were more or less screwed. Running away wouldn't work; he'd just pepper them both from behind with a hail of bullets. Fighting? Maybe if they had the element of surprise, but again, a machine gun was more of a match than a shotgun, unless this Stevan guy was a good shot. Did he have experience in firing a gun? This was a nightmareish situation.

Now, if this guy wasn't fighting, then shooting him would be... terrible. Jayne knew that she couldn't live with that on her conscience. So, it really left only one option:

"We stay here," she mouthed, tapping her index finger to her mouth. "If he's a threat... we'd know. he sounds okay. He says he's not fighting!"

She couldn't help but let a squeal slip from her mouth with that final word, before regretting doing so. "Let's trust him," she muttered. "if he's a danger... well, you've got that shotgun, and there are two of us."

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:32 pm
by Slayer*
"I said, get the hell out here. I can hear you from here, you know!" Jason said, his eyes narrowing into a glare and his hooked nose giving him the look of a hawk that just spotted it's prey.

"This Uzi can fire six hundred rounds a minute and has a thirty two bullet clip. If you don't do as I say you won't live to regret it."

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:32 pm
by JayneBrown*
Fuck, he's changed his tune, Jayne thought, catching a significant look from Stevan. She considered running, but what was to stop him from chasing after her? But more pressingly... more pressingly...

Why hadn't he just shot at where the voices were coming from, instead of talking about it?

He's not playing either, she thought with glee, her hope rising. He's just saying that to force my hand!

She looked at Stevan once more, indicating that he stays where he is, hidden, with a gun, whilst she went out to chase the truth. Anxiously, carefully, she got up, crept out of her place with her hands in the air, contorting her face into a perhaps-slightly-exaggerated expression of fear.
"Don't shoot!" Jayne pleaded with the boy, making sure to keep to a safe distance. "Not playing this game, and I'm unarmed! Don't hurt me, please!"

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:33 pm
by Slayer*
"There was a second voice, where is ther person it belonged to?" Jason asked, raising his Uzi slightly so if he fired it would be over Jayne's head (worse comes to worst he could readjust his aim and shoot her instead of firing a warning shot).

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:33 pm
by JayneBrown*
"Yeah... yeah I'm here with somebody," Jayne said, the thought of lying currently unthinkable. "It's just the two of us. We... I mean... I..."

Jayne really couldn't formulate her words properly, though whether that was from the vodka she had been drinking or the fact a second strange boy was pointing a gun at her was hard to determine. All she knew was that she would have to keep her arms raised, and to not arouse any paranoia from the stranger. He was glancing at the spot where she had just been, and realising it was pointless hiding, Jayne shot a look at Stevan, indicating he should come out as well. She sidestepped further to the side. Distance is security.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:33 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Fucking woman he thought,.When said make the choice he didnt mean make the choice to open yourself to an armed potential enemy. He just laid where he was while they had their little conversation. Maybe the voice is in your head?" he called out from the bushes, Another mind game maybe?

He saw jaynes glance at him but decided to ignore it and mouthed the words 'Fuck You' at her. He had a veiw of the boy but the leaves and twigs were slightly blocking it. What he could see is this guy had a fucking machine gun. Not the best of things to run into.

"First you wont shoot and now you will? wanna make your mind up some time soon?" He called out from beyond the bushes. the only person who had a half decent view of him was jayne, other than her he was out of view. He shotgun was aimed to the figure of the new kid through the bushes.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:33 pm
by Slayer*
A rattling sound peirced the air as Jason moved his arm to face the bush and his Uzi crackled to life, pumping five bullets from his thirty-two round clip towards the bush Steven had spoken from. He had told the boy to come out and he didn't, he had to assume the other was preparing to shoot him, so he made the preemptive strike.