
Day 1, Evening. One-Shot.

The upper wilderness is much like the lower wilderness. It is made up of a thick collection of tropical trees and borders a more developed aspect of the island, the rice paddies rather than the village in this instance. Some of the main differences are that the vegetation is much thicker, there are no paths, and the land begins to slope up the island. These features all combine to make the upper wilderness much more treacherous to navigate. The upper wilderness is also home to populations of monkeys, parrots and goats descended from those originally kept in the menagerie.

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Catche Jagger
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Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 12:39 am



Post by Catche Jagger »

((Colin McCabe continued from Dead Clicks))

Almost as soon as he’d ditched Tom and Dick, Colin couldn’t help be get a bit pissed at himself. Shit, it wasn’t like he had some grand master scheme to keep himself safe or some crap like that, but he wasn’t about to stand around and beg Dick to let him be his little travel buddy or something. Nuh-uh. That wasn’t the way this crap worked.

And the way Dick had been talking, all “I’ve got my mom at home. I’m all she’s got.” Like that was some kind of unique shit. Part of Colin had wanted to yell in his face “Hey, same here, asshole.” But no, he was a better guy than that.

He’d left his mom with nothing, nobody but a floozy-ass girlfriend that was nearly half her age and would drain her dry of money, resources, anything really. She’d be even more susceptible to it, now that her son had been scooped up by Survival of the fucking Fittest.

“Damn it!” he hissed, kicking a small stone that sat before him, sending it off into the air where it arced forward before disappearing into the undergrowth. As it vanished from sight Colin sunk to the ground, plopping his ass right into the dirt.

What he wanted to do, what he really wanted to do, was find that sonofabitch Danya and smash his smug fucking face it. But he couldn’t. Instead, he was stuck here with a bunch of scared idiots. Scared armed idiots. For what? So some fucking Russian oligarch could jack off to this shit on a dark web stream.

“No fucking way.” Colin growled, clenching his fist. Colin McCabe wasn’t gonna be the subject of some foreign pervert’s weird fetish. No sir.

Still, just wandering around alone wasn’t ideal. Like, he could follow through with his plan of robbing whoever decided to snap first in this fucking hellhole to make sure he could defend himself, but then what?

What he’d said to Dick was true, you’d have to be a miracle worker to make it out here alone, and Colin wasn’t that good. But which good people were good people and who flipped a switch inside when they found themselves in the dark.

Hel. Hel was good people. Maybe some of the fuckwits from anime club who were too stupid or sensitive to be any real danger. Beyond that, well, beyond that everyone was suspicious until proven otherwise.

But names didn’t give him a destination, didn’t give him much of anything beyond another, distant goal.

Fuck… Was this how it was for everyone else? Collapsed in the dirt, too caught up in their own despair and indecision to fucking save themselves?

“Whatever…” Colin once again rose to his feet, brushing some of the dirt from his ass. “If there’s anybody that can muscle through this shit, it’s Colin Freakin McCabe.” He muttered to himself, almost chuckling a bit at the last part.

Without even taking a look at his map, he began to make his way towards an area of the wilderness where the trees seemed to lighten up. Maybe there’d be some buildings where he could hold up for the night.

((Colin McCabe continued in Hear. Fear. Here.))
[+] sig
[+] V7
ImageB078 - Thomas Buckley: "Holy- yes, I am scared because I am not ignorant to the world around me. What the fuck are you talking about ‘am I scared’?”
Memory: 1 | Pregame: 1-2 | Trip: 1
V7: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

ImageG078 - Sapphire Waters: “It’s okay, Emmett…”
Pregame: 1
V7: 1-2-3-4

ImageB079 - Colin McCabe: “Hey you murderous prick! Tell me how the fucking dirt tastes!”
Pregame: 1-2
V7: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
#1 Uriel Hunter stan

"I'm refined, I'm cultured. I'm a fashionista. I'm everything you're not and never will be." - Ali Grayston, 2006

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