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Know Your Enemy

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 11:07 am
by Yugikun
Jonathan felt like his big moment was supposed to be met by like, big things to follow it up. Like, action, cameras, big explosions and stuff like that. He…

Wasn’t really sure whether he should be disappointed or relieved, given that none of that had happened yet.

((continued from Can You Open Your Eyes? See The Blood On The Ground?))

Because, like, he didn’t know. There was relief in the fact that he hadn’t run into anybody who could maybe probably actually murder him (because okay, yeah, he was a massive coward who didn’t really like the idea of dying all that much) but there was also a little indication in his head that maybe that wasn’t how he should be feeling. Like, okay, yay for being not murdered, but... he didn’t know. Walking through this place and having absolutely nothing happen to him felt like a betrayal, kinda. Like he could be doing something more than just traversing the wilderness. Like maybe had he taken a different direction of the stables something would’ve happened, he might’ve found someone, he might’ve actually been able to make good on his promise while it was still fresh in his mind.

...Right. It was still fresh. He’d probably still been trying to believe that only Christine and Abel had died half an hour ago. No point in rushing things, and stuff.

So he slowed down his pace. Went from a powerwalk to a regular walk and then to a stop. He looked around, saw… a garden place, he guessed. He didn’t really know whether it was a pretty garden or not because he wasn’t really the type of person who cared to look at gardens but he supposed it was a nice enough place to stop and take a breather? Take a pause and maybe evaluate his strategy a little bit? Maybe. Like, he supposed he needed to think of what would happen if/when he actually met new people. Could he just ask them ‘hey you know where some of those killer dudes are?’ Would he have to explain why he was going to go after the killers? Would he suddenly be good at talking to people now that he had seen what he’d seen and done what he hadn’t done?

...He didn’t know. He supposed that was the point of planning. He found a tree. Leant onto it. Let his exhaustion fade and felt his breathing go back to normal.

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 5:33 pm
by Jan de Witt
(Theophilus "Theo" Walterson continued from Solace in Solitude?)

Theo had initially planned to go to the manor house, but he had fled at the sound of a sudden scream. He walked aimlessly after that, pausing only to listen to the morning announcements. As he predicted, he knew nothing of most of the names that were mentioned; he doubted he had even spoken to any of the people he mentioned. Still, one name stood out, that of Nick Ogilvie, his erstwhile room-mate, as well as that of Beryl, who turned out to be his girlfriend. Perhaps he should have noticed the seeds of this during the trip? Regardless, it was too late to do anything now but try to steer clear of him. Eventually, he found himself back in the Temple's garden, still mostly intact, despite the apparent excitement of the previous day.

As he tried to walk around the various sculptures, topiaries, and oversized pots, he came across a boy leaning against a tree directly in his path. Theo approached cautiously, his parade rifle still slung on his right arm. Waving timidly towards him, Theo sat on the edge of a chipped but still intact pot. Looking around for any newcomers, he called out to him. "Are you with anyone? What's your name?"

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 6:07 am
by Yugikun
“I am Jonathan Liam Meyers, and I ride alone.”

He was Jonathan Liam Meyers, he — like hope — rode alone, and he’d jumped… far higher than he would’ve really liked to, when the voice he heard called out. Like, it was maybe okay for Jonathan to be surprised because that was what normal people did when someone they didn’t know was behind them called out to him but there was… more to it, now that he was here. There was a bit in his head in the midst of all the surprise going ‘hey, what if that guy right behind you is one of the killers?’ Like, he probably wasn’t a killer or otherwise a not good guy because he started this conversation with something other than ‘I’m gonna kill you roar,’ but the fact was there. Jonathan’s ability to trust had gone down, a little. That... was probably what the terrorists wanted for him and that in turn was probably something he didn’t want himself because trusting that the people you went to high school with weren’t going to kill you was pretty cool, all things considered!

But it was fine. He could maybe get trust back. Maybe if this was an early point he could work to get it back from the brink, pull it back to him, wherever this metaphor went. Just had to talk to the guy behind him. No big deal.

“May as well throw your questions back at you, if that’s okay.”

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:52 pm
by Kotorikun
“.... See, step two failed, so we don’t want to eat that.”

[Declyn continued from the world is spinning but only in grey]

A nutritious buffet was just waiting to be plucked, cracked, and uprooted in front of them;

or so he wished.

Declyn studied the wild plant he was holding between his index finger and thumb while he was explaining and walking beside Amelia, twirling it by its stem to the left, right, left, right. It reminded him of a smaller version of a philodendron. Step two of the edibility test meant holding it to your wrist or inner elbow for a few minutes, and if you felt a burning or itching sensation it was not worth taking a bite of. He eyed the red spot on his wrist, scratching it carefully. Then he let the leaf fall to the ground.

The state of possible desperation where he’d keep on doing that until he’d end up with an unseasoned mixed salad wasn’t reached, and he didn’t want to reach it, but any distraction was welcome and anything that would keep him awake, too.

They had been walking around for an hour, possibly more. Walking along the cliffside turned out to be more peaceful, random birds being the only sound that would startle him at times between the casual talk.

He couldn’t imagine being all by himself out here.

When they turned and stepped out into a less dense part of the vegetation, a statue managed to halt Declyn as he unintentionally walked against it with a soft thud. A low squeak, a quick recovery, he touched the uneven surface of the statue in front of him as the garden unfolded itself in front of him. And not only that.

“Wait, wait, wait—” He lowered his voice, indicating to Amelia with his hand that someone was there. It took him approximately... three seconds to recognize who it was, which took a lot of tension away from him. Their positions and close surroundings showed anything but trouble and danger. Which didn't have to mean anything but hey.

It took Declyn another couple of seconds until he stepped forward. His breath hitched.

“Theo!” His mouth formed into a light grin, giving a share of that to Jonathan as well.

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 7:52 pm
by Tonyksin
[Amelia Fischer Continued From The World Is Spinning, But Only In Grey]

“Wow, you’re so smart Declyn!”

Amelia gushed praise at her friend as the two of them walked side by side in the heat of the late morning. She was quite impressed by how knowledgeable Declyn was when it came to the plant life around them, and what was and wasn’t safe for them to forage. Well, she figured she shouldn’t be too surprised, after all, Declyn was in the gardening club, so plants and stuff were kind of his thing, right? Amelia was lucky he was with her, otherwise she’d have probably eaten some sort of berry that she shouldn’t and she’d get sick.

Or worse, shed feel all weird again like before in the house.

Her mood had improved significantly ever since they left the house. Amelia enjoyed being out in the fresh air, and taking a walk around with Declyn made her feel some sort of normalcy again. It was almost like they weren’t trapped on a random island, and were just going out exploring like they used to. She was doing her best not to think of all the bad stuff right now. Like how weird the silver collar around Declyn’s neck looked, or how her gun bounced against her hip with every step she took.

She just wanted to pretend like everything was okay for a little bit longer.

Declyn shushed her, and she stayed behind him as he moved forward to see who the voices up ahead belonged to. Amelia was torn. On one hand, they might find more friends up ahead, like Ivy and Ace. On the other hand, it might be someone who wanted to hurt them, like Lori. Amelia’s heart still hurt when she thought of Lori. She really thought they’d been getting along, and yet…

She shook the thought from her mind, because Declyn was exposing himself and calling out to one of the people, so Amelia figured she should show herself too, so she followed him out from behind where they were hiding and into the view of the two boys. One was named Theo, because that’s what Declyn said, but she wasn’t sure who the other one was. She’d seen him before though for sure. Names were always so hard for her to remember. Dolly usually did the remembering for her.

But she already decided she had to be strong for herself, even without Dolly.

Amelia gave a meek wave at the boys, and tucked herself behind Declyn a bit. Sure, she was gonna be strong, but talking to people she didn’t know was hard.

“H-hello!” she called out with a squeak.

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:23 pm
by Jan de Witt
Theo was somewhat taken aback by Jonathan's exuberance, but he was pleased not to have been immediately threatened, as well as the knowledge that, for now, at least, they were alone. He walked around the tree to get closer, holding his hands up and in what he hoped was a non-confrontational gesture. "I'm Theo, and I'm alone too."

As he considered his other possible lines of questioning, he got up quickly as he heard someone call his name. After a moment of searching, he caught sight of Declyn. He seemed to be ... hiding? But Declyn eventually stepped out, Theo moving over to him as he did so. "Are you alright? Have you found anyone else?" Seeing his companion, he offered an awkward, almost perfunctory wave before gesturing towards Jonathan.

"And this is Jonathan." Despite himself, he couldn't help feeling cheered by the appearance of a friendly face, and he smiled warmly at the others.

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:45 am
by Yugikun
“Uh, hi...”

Well, there was...

Well there was something, Jonathan supposed. Two more people had come out of the woodwork and suddenly it felt as if the four of them were back somewhere vaguely near George Hunter High School and not on an island in the middle of nowhere where it was so, so likely that one or likely maybe more of them would be dead in two or three or like, however many days it actually took for someone to die here. Point was, this felt way too normal. Like, he just saw someone get their fucking throat torn out what felt like a couple minutes ago and he’d used that plus all the other corpses he saw to vow that he would try and do his best to be a hero and now he was here, just saying hi to people and stuff? Felt weird. Felt...

Felt like he had changed. He now felt like a complete alien just saying hi to people. He didn’t know whether that was just a side effect of being him or a side effect of being placed in SotF and also seeing someone die right in front of you.

He hoped it was the former. The latter would once again represent that he was maybe transforming into something bad.

“I, as stated, am Jonathan. Meyers, not... whoever the other Jonathan is, if there even is one.”

Haha, just try and be your socially shitty self, Jonathan. Just try and pretend that this is just a regular conversation and that there aren’t nine dead bodies somewhere vaguely near you. Do it bitch. See what happens.

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:28 pm
by Kotorikun

Declyn felt his eyebrow raise slightly, which reminded him how dry and dead his eyes felt. The empty tears that were pricking the corners due to this didn't really help and made him look like he was about to start crying, which was not the case. "I don't know any other Jonathans." A tired chuckle followed and he welcomed Theo’s warm smile.

Keeping the corners of his mouth turned up turned into a rather difficult action.

In the hot atmosphere among the dense bushes and trees and thick-leaved plants scattered around, this place felt like an oasis of tranquility. That’s how it should be. And yet it was the opposite of safe. The memories that lay there deserved peace, didn’t they? How many more souls that would lose their life on this island could this garden accept?

He touched his gun on his hip when he eyed Theo’s rifle and allowed himself to sit down on what looked like a broken stone wall or bench.

“Amelia and I, we spent all day yesterday inside one of the houses up there, up until this morning. The summary is don’t.... trust Lori, I guess. Watch out for Julien. Ace and Ivy are fine.”

And still were, he hoped.

His body was slouching.

“.... By the way, do any of you happen to have a spare shirt for me?”

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:59 pm
by Tonyksin
Everyone was introducing themselves or other people, and Amelia felt a bit out of place. She wasn’t exactly the kind of person who was used to making introductions and meeting people. Just yesterday she’d met three new people, and one of them turned out to be a bad person! It was too many people at once. At least if this was back at school, she could just slink off into a corner and doodle in her artbook, pretending the other people didn’t exist. It was harder here. She frowned, and kept herself behind Declyn for the most part as the boys spoke. One of them waved back at her, which was nice.

But she thought Lori was nice, too.

Amelia wasn’t a good judge of people. She didn’t understand them very well. Dolly told her that all the time. So she usually deferred to others when it came to deciding if people were good or bad. Declyn, Ace and Ivy decided Lori was bad, so that made sense to her. Dolly and Artem told her who to stay away from back in school, so she followed their directions. It was easy to let other people decide. Amelia didn’t know how to make those decisions herself. She wanted to be strong, but she just didn’t know how.

It was too hard.

Declyn seemed to know the one boy, Theo, and he was being nice to the other boy, Jonathan. That meant that Amelia should do the same, right? It felt like she should, but boys were scary. Declyn and Artem and Dean were different. Ace was nice too though. But he’d done that thing… the kiss thing… that was weird. Was that how boys acted? Sure, they had all been on drugs, and they weren’t thinking straight, but… Even still, just thinking about it made Amelia blush. She wasn’t used to that sort of thing. All she wanted to do was lay in a field and stare up at the stars.

But right now she couldn’t.

“I-I’m Amelia!” She said a bit too loudly, peeking her head out from behind Declyn to make the statement, before blushing even harder and returning to hiding behind him. She felt dumb now, because Declyn had already introduced her.

“I got drugged yesterday. S-so sorry if I’m acting strange.”

There, that was better, right? A full sentence that didn’t make her look crazy. Dolly told her not to use that word, because she wasn’t crazy, but she knew it must have looked funny. Dolly wasn’t around to yell at her for thinking it anyway. Wait... would Dolly even know she was thinking it? Knowing Dolly, she probably would. Oh no… When she finally found Dolly she was probably gonna yell at her for thinking all that stuff before. Somehow she was sure Dolly would know. Oof, that made her nervous. Dolly could be scary when she was upset. Better start apologizing in her head now.

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:30 pm
by Jan de Witt
Theo sat and listened intently to the others, hoping to learn if anyone else he knew had been found. Disappointingly, however, no one seemed very interested in discussing yesterday's events in great detail. Aside from a person named Lori being untrustworthy, and Declyn needing a shirt, he learned little of importance, although he did offer a polite "sorry" to Declyn and Amelia when they spoke of their respective problems. Still, once everyone had spoken their part, he felt obliged to say something.

He cleared his throat and gestured towards the nearby temple. "Well, I started over there yesterday, along with a few other people, until I got threatened by a girl called Tonya. She had a machete, I think, I don't remember anyone else being armed." he said, waving towards the nearby temple, "Then I went to the houses downhill, but I left when there was a scream or something. Now I'm back here again." As he spoke he opened his bag and selected a pastel blue shirt, which he tried to carefully fold.

Walking over to Declyn, he offered the still slightly crumpled shirt. "This shirt might be a bit small on you, I think.", he said apologetically. "Is that fine with you?" He stepped back, coloring slightly with embarrassment.

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:57 am
by Yugikun

So they were doing it. Sharing war stories. Pretending that all of this was normal.

Jonathan supposed that there wasn't really much more he could do, then.

“I saw Chris die.”

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 12:55 pm
by Kotorikun
Declyn’s throat tightened.

He had gladly accepted Theo’s shirt after some consideration when Jonathan’s words caught him off guard while they were talking about their actions, adventures, and ascertainments.

Of course, that was part of it. It was one thing to hear the names from the speakers, from a voice that had decided it was okay to toy with their futures, another to hear it straight out of your classmate’s mouth. Because it wasn’t just about the defined killers and the victims, but the temporary observers between the lines as well.

Death was near and Declyn didn’t like that, and if that was where the conversation was going, he didn’t want to be part of it at that moment.

His stomach was acting up.


He looked at Jonathan with a somewhat distressed expression when he stood up, which winded down when he touched Theo’s arm gently.

“I.... I’ll go try on the shirt. And, see if it fits.”

He brushed his hand against Amelia's shoulder and hurried to the closest bushes and trees, disappearing behind them.

And then he threw up,

releasing all the bile he had been holding in since the morning. That's all it was, watered down. A sharp pain in his stomach followed, a ringing grated against his ears. The crude noise continued for a couple of seconds until it stopped, his fingers digging into his temple while he was taking deep, deep, long breaths.

Vividly, when he always sought and desired company, the appeal of wanting to be alone increased.

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 12:41 am
by Tonyksin
They were all talking about what had happened to them so far. As she listened, she felt as if her and Declyn’s misadventures paled in comparison to the others’ ordeals. Sure, someone had spiked their drinks in an attempt to cause confusion and maybe do something sinister, but gratefully nothing terrible had happened, besides lack of sleep and a few lingering effects from the drugs. Even Ivy, who’d left them earlier in the day, having been beaten by someone before they found her, had had it relatively tame by comparison with what Jonathan said.

He saw someone die here.

Amelia grimaced at the thought. Declyn seemed to be pretty affected by the words, and brushed against her as he retreated into the brush to change shirts. She frowned as she watched him go. Declyn never had a look on his face like that before. Never that she’d seen, anyway. In school there was nothing but smiles and laughter. Here there was nothing but sadness and hurt. She didn’t like it. She didn’t like to see people she cared about look so sad.

As she waited for Declyn to come back, she stood awkwardly in front of the two boys. She couldn’t hide behind anyone now. She felt the familiar pull to slink into a corner and doodle in her pad. It’s what she did in school when she was around people she didn’t know. But there was no pad here. She looked down at the ground and pulled at the hem of her skirt with her hands. She felt on display and didn’t know what to do or say. This wasn’t something she had to do before. There always used to be an escape. Weather it be Dolly or fading into the background.

No way to fade here, unfortunately.

“That sounds scary…” She eventually offered in response to Jonathan’s claim.

It was true, the idea of watching someone die in front of her was terrifying. She didn’t know how she would react to such a thing. Aliens coming to take her away, she knew how to react. She’d thought about it for most of her life, after all. But this? Friends dying in front of her? She didn’t understand the feeling she felt even thinking about it. It was angry and sad and scared and awful. A rumble in the distance caught her attention, and she turned her eyes skyward. The clouds over the island looked as dark and scary as the feeling inside her.

“Rain is coming…”

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:34 pm
by Jan de Witt
Despite being aware of the situation at hand, Theo flinched at the mention of death anyways. Still, he wasn't alone in feeling that way, and he took some comfort in the fact that no-one else seemed to be particularly interested in discussing it. Ignoring Jonathan, he turned towards Declyn only to see him walking away, his shirt in his hands. Waving weakly as Declyn left, he spoke to Jonathan without looking at him. "What..." He shook his head to steady himself, but he couldn't fully shake off the sense of apprehension he felt. "Did you see what exactly what happened?"

Fortunately, he was saved from having to wait further by Amelia's comment on the weather. He nodded gratefully. "Maybe we should find shelter." He took a brief look up at the rapidly advancing clouds. "But don't you think everyone else might do the same thing? It might get crowded."

At the sound of retching behind the trees, he excused himself to check on Declyn. "I should probably go check on him."

As he moved behind the trees, he was greeted by a scene of distress: the ground was splattered with vomit, while Declyn himself lying unmoving to one side, breathing heavily. Making sure to keep a careful distance away from him, he spoke cautiously. "Are you alright? Did something happen?" When he received no response he moved in closer, shaking him at first lightly and then roughly, but still Declyn remained unresponsive.

Panic rising, he returned to the others, twitching agitatedly and with an imploring look. "I think you should take a look at Declyn; I think he's sick."

Re: Know Your Enemy

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:19 am
by Yugikun


That probably wasn’t the correct thing to say, huh? Like, he’d never said anything that had led to anyone vomiting onto the ground but… yeah, okay, seriously wrong way to break the ice. If it weren’t for the fact that his mind was already in the spiral of ‘oh god I am on Survival of the Fittest and all the people I know are killing one another’ he could’ve probably induced it into the spiral of ‘hahaha oh man Jonathan you’re so bad at conversation look at you you absolute fucking fool.’ It was… it wasn’t really whatever but he was going to do his best to say that it was whatever, though. The sooner he and maybe the other three accepted this as reality was the sooner they could like, do stuff. He didn’t know. There wasn’t any particular reason why it was just that he kinda felt that making sure everyone here was totally adjusted was a pretty good idea.

...Later, though. He was pretty sure that going up to someone vomiting on the ground and telling them in detail how he saw someone’s throat get torn out wasn’t exactly socially acceptable behaviour.

“Yeah,” he said. “I’ll, um, elaborate later. We should probably get everyone inside somewhere first.”

He looked at Declyn but didn’t give him any sort of gesture. No hand forward, no welcoming smile. Would’ve felt disingenuous.

“Need any help up?”