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V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:28 pm
by Deamon
Once again, it is time to die.

You guys know the drill by now. Keep rolls discussion in the chat and other parts of the board respectful, do not post in here unless you've been rolled or are using a card, etc.

The following characters have been rolled this time:

1. Quinn Abert (Namira) Bryan Merryweather (Namira, Swap Card used)
2. Marcus “Marco” Volker (ItzToxie) Emil Van Zandt III (ItzToxie, Swap Card used)
3. Tristan O’Hara (Sansa)
4. Abraham “Abe” Watanabe (dmboogie) Alexander Brooke (dmboogie, Swap Card used)
5. Wyatt Carter (MK Kilmarnock) Cheridene Williams (MK Kilmarnock, Swap Card used)
6. Caitlyn “Katie” Agustien (Pippi) Stepney Cruz (Pippi, Swap Card used)
7. Ashlynn Martinek (General Goose)
[+] Fifth Rolls Log

KilmarnockToday at 5:37 PM
Fifth rolls commence

VillainzeeToday at 5:37 PM
ready to start

DeamonToday at 5:38 PM
Ok test roll #1
/roll 150

SidekickBOTToday at 5:39 PM
@Deamon: 150 = 150 = 150

KilmarnockToday at 5:39 PM
Rolls are out of 128, test rolls use 200 or something- that works.

DeamonToday at 5:39 PM
/roll 1d150

SidekickBOTToday at 5:39 PM
@Deamon: 150 = 150 = 150

VillainzeeToday at 5:39 PM
do 1d150 or w/e otherwise it just gives you the same number

DeamonToday at 5:39 PM
Oh right yeah

KilmarnockToday at 5:39 PM
/roll 1d200

SidekickBOTToday at 5:39 PM
@Kilmarnock: 1d200 = (196) = 196

DeamonToday at 5:39 PM
Guess which dumbass is tired from travelling
This one

KilmarnockToday at 5:40 PM
Is it y- yeah.
Okay give it one more test 150 and we'll be golden.

DeamonToday at 5:40 PM
/roll 1d150

SidekickBOTToday at 5:40 PM
@Deamon: 1d150 = (127) = 127

VillainzeeToday at 5:40 PM
rolling 7

DeamonToday at 5:41 PM
/roll 1d128

SidekickBOTToday at 5:41 PM
@Deamon: 1d128 = (26) = 26

KilmarnockToday at 5:41 PM
Quinn Abert (Namira)

VillainzeeToday at 5:41 PM

DeamonToday at 5:41 PM
/roll 1d128

SidekickBOTToday at 5:41 PM
@Deamon: 1d128 = (75) = 75

KilmarnockToday at 5:42 PM
Marcus “Marco” Volker (ItzToxie)

VillainzeeToday at 5:42 PM

DeamonToday at 5:42 PM
/roll 1d128

SidekickBOTToday at 5:42 PM
@Deamon: 1d128 = (11) = 11

KilmarnockToday at 5:42 PM
Tristan O’Hara (Sansa)

VillainzeeToday at 5:42 PM

DeamonToday at 5:42 PM
/roll 1d128

SidekickBOTToday at 5:42 PM
@Deamon: 1d128 = (63) = 63

KilmarnockToday at 5:42 PM
Abraham “Abe” Watanabe (dmboogie)

VillainzeeToday at 5:42 PM

DeamonToday at 5:42 PM
/roll 1d128

SidekickBOTToday at 5:42 PM
@Deamon: 1d128 = (9) = 9

KilmarnockToday at 5:43 PM
Wyatt Carter (MK Kilmarnock)

VillainzeeToday at 5:43 PM

DeamonToday at 5:43 PM
/roll 1d128

SidekickBOTToday at 5:43 PM
@Deamon: 1d128 = (98) = 98

KilmarnockToday at 5:43 PM
Caitlyn “Katie” Agustien (Pippi)

VillainzeeToday at 5:43 PM

DeamonToday at 5:43 PM
/roll 1d128

SidekickBOTToday at 5:43 PM
@Deamon: 1d128 = (82) = 82

KilmarnockToday at 5:43 PM
Ashlynn Martinek (General Goose)

VillainzeeToday at 5:43 PM
and that's it
Three days (72 hours) from the time of this post for cards, and a further seven days for deaths.

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:30 pm
by ItzToxie
Shieeeee... I’m really looking out for a hero right now, because I just got the ball rolling for Volker. If anyone wants to hero me I’d hella, HELLA, appreciate it.

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:33 pm
by Namira
That's a darn it.

So full disclosure, I'd like a save, but I will prrrrrobably? Probably, maybe swap. So if you hero me it might be that you were saving a different member of my cast than Quinn.

So uh, yeah, totally would love a hero-just-with-the-caveat-I'm-considering-swapping-anyway.

By that token feel free to propose murdering literally anyone.

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:40 pm
by Pippi
I see the rolls have it out for the one girl in my cast. Very rude, rolls! Not a fan!!!

Same deal as Elena, here; I'd love a hero for Katie, but odds are that I'll swap her out for another member of my cast. We'll see as we get closer to the deadline, but, yeah. Hero would be super appreciated, but there's a high chance it'd be saving one of my boys instead.

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:48 am
by dmboogie
hey yall

im gonna swap to Alexander; so if you wanna hero him I’d super super appreciate it, I think the boy still has legs

in the meantime if you have death ideas hit me with em

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 4:03 am
by General Goose
Oh poo bums.

I too would like a hero - probably won't be swapping out to save her.

BELATED EDIT: Actually don't hero me

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 5:14 am
by MK Kilmarnock
I initially wasn't going to post an official request here because I figured if people hero me, they hero me and that's cool.

But then I started to figure that people might expressly only be heroing those who express interest in it. So... consider this my official notice that I am VERY interested. Wyatt's a slow burn so far and I really intend to pick up the pace with him. People were probably expecting him to have like six kills at this point but like, hey, good things take time, right?

So yes. If you've got a hero to spend on my precious boy who's never done anything wrong in his entire life, I shall humbly accept it.

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 4:46 am
by ItzToxie
Welp. Ima do this early and get on the ball.

Swapping the Van Zandt child for Marco. I’d still love a hero, but barring that, death ideas are good too (discord messages preferred as I can reply to those faster.)

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 7:54 am
by Sansa
Hey lovelies, I would absolutely adore a hero for Tristan as I feel like there's a helluva lotta potential there and he's my only baby and he's really starting to cook now <3

That being said, I would also appreciate death ideas in the meantime x

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:33 pm
by Namira
Gonna officially swap in Bryan Merryweather for Quinn Abert.

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:48 pm
by dmboogie
swapping alexander brooke for abe watanabe

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:07 am
by backslash
22 hours and 32 minutes for cards.

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:13 am
by Pippi
Gonna do this now because odds are I'll be busy tomorrow.

Swapping Stepney Cruz for Katie Agustien.

IMPORTANT EDIT - Throw death ideas my way please! Thank you for your...... contribution! I now have plenty of death ideas!

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 2:01 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
Swapping Cheridene Williams in for Wyatt.

Re: V7 Fifth Rolls

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:16 pm
by backslash
Past time for cards. Seven days for deaths.