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Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:56 pm
by LadyMakaze*
There was a cold, metallic click as he flicked the lighter, followed by the sigh of the tiny flame that blossomed in his gloved hand. He held the flame up to the end of the cigarrette in his mouth. There was a faint hiss as the bright blue skirt raised its orange hem, meeting the cigarette and its contents. The tip of the cigarette glowed like an ember, letting off a faint wisp of smoke.

He snapped the lighter shut and pocketted it, lifting the cigarrette from his lips as he exhaled with a low hiss.

Yeap. It was a cigarette, one of those tiny wrappings that were sold cheaply in bulk, and gave you a million different kinds of cancer if you took up the habit long enough.

Not that Ash cared... he'd probably be dying of something else anyways, especially given his current circimstances.

Though not any time soon, he thought to himself, lips curving slightly in a wry smile. Hell, with this thing on me, and the rest of the world population without a clue, his current 'competition' had nothing on him.

Underneath his tattered, dark coat and a loose shirt that hung limply, the kevlar wrapped around his tall, lanky form. Even from close up, the added bulk was barely noticeable to the naked eye. Without a weapon in hand, he would come off as someone vulnerable, the easiest target, a sitting duck.

Whoever it was...he'll definately be in for a treat.

Ash smiled once again to himself. For all his experience fighting on the streets, cutting accross highways, and the like, he had never felt the experience of walking through the middle of a crossfire.

And now that the thought had occurred to him...he realized that he wouldn't mind finding out.

He continued to lean against the side of the well idly, smiling to himself at the thrill of the situation he was in.

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:57 pm
by yumi22*
((If you read the non-canonical thread involving Xian, Ryuichi, and Devi, Xian is continued from: Arriving at the Hospital. Otherwise, Xian is continued from: Girl #4 on the Move))

Unsure of what she had seen at the Makeshift hospital, Xian had decided to return to the well, to return to Cole. She felt so alone out here now, not afraid, just alone. She had been terrifed at the start of this "game", but now........

Cole had been a great guy, someone who had genuinlly liked her, and sadly did not reveal his true feelings until the very end. She didn't know what to expect when she got back to him, but at least she would be seeing him again.

However, it seemed that someone was already at the well. Xian couldn't make out how it was, only seeing the faint glow of a cigarette. Could it be......had she been wrong about his death??

'Cole?? that you??'

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:57 pm
by LadyMakaze*
At the sound of Xian's voice from nearby, Ash only lifted his head slightly as the wisps of smoke curling about gradually drifted away from his form. His back was turned to the newcomer, but seeing as he was in no hurry, his movements were relaxed and gradual.

The cigarette dropped to the ground with a small bounce. A grey curl drifted from the tip before Ash smoothly crushed it with his heel. The grin that was hidden behind his hunched, wiry form widened. A soft snicker escaped his lips. He slid his stained hands into his pockets. So the fun begins...?

He emerged from his slouch, stretching out his back and craning his neck backwards, gazing up into the sky above. His feet then shifted, so that his form turned ever so slightly. He peered at Xian over her shoulder, looking her over. He recognized this girl as someone who possessed a bit of 'school spirit', meaning that with little else to do with her time, she placed all her energy into the pointless, such as the dance committee, the cheerleading group, and other such activities. Another one of those 'ordinary, boring people'. Like others of her kind, he had never bothered to associate with her. But now...

His eyes narrowed, his smile only partially hidden by the shoulder he was peering over. "Looking for someone...?"

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:57 pm
by yumi22*
Xian's heart sank. How could she be so foolish, there was no way that Cole was alive. Instead, she looked at this new boy, not quite sure who he was, but certain she had seen him around school. She studied him, and, feeling catious, remained a safe distance from him.

'No...its just.....from the back, you looked like someone......never mind.'

Xian remaind motionless, her eyes fixed on Ash, her body apperaing relaxed, yet she was ready to move at a seconds notice. With her newly made tarp sarong, she had tied the corkscrew to the back of it, well out of this boys vision. To him, she appeared to be unarmed.

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:58 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Ash stared at her wordlessly for one discomforting moment, then tilted his head back, letting out an unexpected of burst of laughter. Though not especially now, there it was laced with something cold and harsh, much like the hideous screeching from a murder of crows. His laughter stopped suddenly, and he turned fully to face her now.

"I look...and sound like a lot of people these days," he remarked in a voice that was suddenly low and quiet, barely a whisper, yet his words remained sharply distinct in the surrounding silence.

Normally, he alienated anyone and everyone, and avoided association with others if he could help it...but playing around like this, in front of this wary stranger, actually amused him somewhat.

He began walking in slow, deliberate strides towards her, soft soled shoes crunching against rotting leaves as he strode. As he boldly approached her, he lifted his hands from his pocket, raising them as if to show that he was unarmed.

"Quite a predicament we're in, aren't we?" He asked her casually. "Kill or be killed. Kill for the sake of others. Kill for the sake of yourself. Only one person walks away. That's what they told us....makes it pretty hard to trust a stranger like me doesn't it?"

He continued on, voice growing quieter now as he drew closer. "Looking at the way we've bumped into eachother...perhaps it is reasonable to call it fate. But lets see how far we can push this...

...honestly though, I have no idea what I am capable of, seeing that I've never killed anyone before."

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:58 pm
by Chase*
((Coming from Cillian~It's My Birthday))

((OOC: This is Jon Tognetti's death everybody! Enjoy))

Jon trudged through the brush, his eyes darting this way and that as if any person could jump out at him. Which was entirely possible. He knew he'd be ready for them, as long as they were gunless. Years of fighting dwelled in his mind and his muscles were tensed as he caught sight of two figures.

They were talking, a girl and a boy. He didn't recognize them, but chances were that they didn't attend his school. Hell, he hadn't seen anyone he recognized on this island yet! If he had, he would've taken good care of them. The boy began to move towards the girl, he seemed to be playing with her. Was the boy playing?

Just as Jon was about to barge in on the scene in front of him, a noise in the brush made him turn quickly.

Cillian ducked down behind the bush, covering his mouth to keep himself from giggling. The new boy just spotted him!

Have to be quiet! He can't seeee me. Not yet!

Jon stood still, his eyes glued to the spot where Cillian was sprawled on the ground. Should he move? Get closer and see who was hiding? He could tell they had no gun, they would have shot him by now. So, who was waiting behind the bush to try a sneak attack? He finally decided to attack them before they could attack, and he moved slowly to the bush.

Closer...closer.... And suddenly, as Jon could barely peek above the bush, Cillian leaped. His nails dug into Jon's shoulders and, before the poor boy could scream in pain, he was flung across the brush a good 5 feet from the well. It wasn't very far from the place he had started, but the landing coupled with the new gashes that began to bleed on his shoulders made him pause for a moment. Cillian ran full speed to Jon and was about to take the cleaver to his head when Jon's reflexes kicked in.

His right arm grasped Cillian's wrist just inches away from his throat, twisting it slowly away as Cillian tried desperately to land the blow. It was in vain, however, as Jon finally managed to grasp Cillian's other wrist and throw him forcefully against the well.

Cillian's back met with stone as he hit the well and crumpled to the dirt. His body began to shake and he started to whimper.

Jon was furious at this boy's attempt. What was he? Crazy?! He stomped over to the boy's body, thinking the boy was too hurt and scared to defend himself. His left foot struck a hard blow into Cillian's abdomen, and the whimpering grew louder. Again, Jon pulled his foot back and landed another kick. Cillian was in tears now, the anger building quickly inside him.

For the third kick, Jon was aiming for his ribs. He pulled back... and Cillian's arm shot out with the cleaver. The blade cut into the back of Jon's ankle, snapping his Achilles' tendant. Jon fell to one knee, his mouth opening to let out an ear-piercing scream. Yet, Cillian wasted no time in pulling out the blade and entering it once again, right into the back of Jon's neck.

As Jon's body was rendered helpless, Cillian let Haddy take over. The blade hacked off his hands, then his legs. He was gutted, and torn literally apart. All the while Jon was slowly dying from lack of oxygen. Blood was pouring from Jon, but Cillian wasn't phased. It drove him further, as he pulled Jon's own heart from out of his chest. He squeezed the blood into his hands, then began to paint hearts on Jon's face. By then, John had already died.

Boy #40- Jon Tognetti- Dead

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:59 pm
by yumi22*
Xian stared at the boy, as he slowly descended upon her, and....laughed.

Xian burst into a loud, hearty laugh, tears in her eyes.

Christ...what is it...Melodrama Day?? Oh...please, youre killing me here. OOOh....look at me...Im the creepy loner...ooooh.....Im dark and mysterious....oooooooo....get over yourself.

Xian folds her arms across her chest, and smirks at Ash.

Look here, this is serious, and I have no time for fun and games. Do I want to Will I kill if someone attacks me...fuck yeah! Im only interested in two things. Finding that Mr Danya, and slicing his throat, then finding a way off this island. I dont have time to play the damsel in distress, or listen to your little insightful speeches. Two boys got close to me, and I had to watch as those two boys died. Im trying hard not to make it a habit of watching others die, so watch your step!

But, before Xian can continue, all hell seems to break loose around them.

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:59 pm
by Chase*
There had to be blood everywhere. Cillian's eyes glazed over and his lips pulled back into the same smile he wore a lot more on this island as time passed. The meat cleaver was stuck into Jon's left thigh, and he bent don't slowly to pick it up. The handle was covered in blood.

Then again, so were Cillian's hands, his shirt, and even his face. The terrible smell was spreading everywhere.

After placing the cleaver back in his bag and taking Jon's day pack as well, he took a step back. It seemed as if he was admiring the carnage he created. Then, slowly but gradually getting louder, he began to clap. And laugh.

((Continued in Birthday games and homicide at the Gazebo))

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:59 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Ash simply gazed serenely at Xian while she laughed at him mockingly. In truth, he almost felt like laughing himself. Well, almost. He listened intently as she spoke those bold, stalwart words to him. Her reaction caught him slightly by surprise, and amused him somewhat.

After all, that was probably the only sort of entertainment you can find in ordinary people: simply observing their reactions.

His own words had no ulterior motive behind them. He had no intention to intimidate her, or scare her away, or even make her nervous at the time. After all, for all that he was a juvenile delinquent, he was not a bully or a criminal. To be honest though... it was not as though he was thinking carefully before speaking out. Those sinister words only came out as something he thought was...convenient to say at the time.

"Oh I understand," he smiled rather pleasantly and tilted his head to the side. "In other words, 'mess with me and I'll show you just how dangerous I am...'. That's perfectly fine...seeing as I've always had a taste for the dangerous...."

He turned to the direction of the sound of the chaos and surveyed the bloody scene with interest, raising a curious eyebrow. Taking note of the carnage, as well as the insane-looking He let out a whistle of appreciating, sincerely impressed.

"By the were saying about a habit?"

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:59 pm
by yumi22*
Xian was shocked. She had known that some of the others would snap, but to such an extent. This new comer with the meat cleaver was trouble, that was for sure, and Xian had no desire to mix it up with him.

As for the dark and mysterious boy engaging her in "conversation", well she had little time for him either.

Ok, him, he's fucked in the head. And, you know what, I think you are too. You got a deathwish, well, looks like the butcher over there is more then ready to help you out. I don't have time for either of you, and I like my limbs where they are.

Keeping her eyes on the pair of them, Xian slowly begins to back away.

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:59 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Ash's smile disappeared, twisting into a frown that seemed to express resignation and disappointment. However, it was apparent that he was simply mocking her again. His eyes darted towards the bloody mess of Jon's dismantled body, then moved back towards Xian. He noted that Cillian no longer seemed to be in the present area.

His eyelids lowered themselves as he spoke, keeping a careless, casual tone that was laced with his usual snideness. "Backing out already are you? A shame...really... but do as you please. Small's a lost art." He turned away from her, stretching his arms lazily over his head.

He muttered under his breath, "Ordinary people....You're all the same." A moment of silence followed as he relaxed and dropped his arms, swinging them back and forth idly. He turned to looked over his shoulder, peering at her again.

"So...two boys died after getting close to you, huh? How find yourself a witness to it all. Let me guess...they were killed in your place, trying to protect you. Or perhaps you simply killed them yourself after gaining their trust." His tone was mocking and careless. But then it lowered as he looked at her straight in the eye, turning around to face her again.

"Fools. But I wouldn't worry too much. Sooner or later, you'll end up just like them, no doubt following them into Hell. After all, birds of a feather..."

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:59 pm
by yumi22*
Oh? As if you you know anything thats been going on? I don't know what you want, but if you want to die or fight, you'd better look somewhere else. I told you, I'm only interested in getting to Mr Danya, and making him pay.

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:00 pm
by LadyMakaze*
"Well in that case, good luck Sweetheart," Ash called out to her with a sarcastic grin, raising his hand and flicking it out lazily in an ironic salute. "Hope you have a super wonderful time...hopefully you won't lose limb or life in the process." He tilted his head back and let out a burst of crowing, insane laughter.

Turning away, he now ignored her, lighting yet another cigarette and holding it in the corner of his mouth. Without snuffing out the flame, he held up the lighter and gazed into the dancing flicker of orange petals, extending from a vivid blue calyx.

"Something so beautiful....can be something so dangerous...." He mused to himself quietly.

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:00 pm
by yumi22*
Xian stared in disbelif, not knowing what to make of him. was he nuts, or simply acting? Xian decided it was best not to find out, and while keeping her eyes locked on Ash, she slowly began to withdraw away from him.

Continued elsewhere....

((Xian adopted by Kaishi. Xian toThe Morning After the Night Before)).

Re: Boys 20-GAME START

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:00 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Ash continued to linger by the well in silence, not caring to watch as the girl slowly slunk away on her own. He made a quiet, disappointed noise of contempt, stretching out his shoulders a bit. Not much of a game so far, as far as he was concerned, what with certain people too scared to do anything dangerous. But that was alright. If trouble did not find him, he would find it in the end.

He snapped the lighter shut and pocketted it, flexing his fingers a bit. He noted with amusement the little 'mis-announcement', where there were the sounds of four people talking, having a casual, careless conversation...only to fall into total panic once they realized their words had been made painfully public. Ash smirked, wondering how it felt to be in the position of those foolish ones right now. Although he did remember playing a practical joke on the school's PC intercom system, though he had taken great care not to get caught, despite the scathing nature of his comments.

Smirking a bit, he listened casually to the real announcement, noting with interest at the notification of their three 'surprises'. He also took note of the fact that the Well was becoming a danger zone, but remained calm.

Well so much for waiting. Meanwhile, why not find something fun to do? he thought to himself as he started to wander off casually, hands in pockets, walking at a casual, relaxed pace.

He wondered for a while if he would be able to evade this place in time before it became a danger zone. He wondered what it felt like, to have a bomb collar tear your neck apart, as an explosively lethal, albeit painful sounding means of death.

To his mild disappointment and slight amusement, he had made it out of the area, neck fully intact.

((To be continued: EASTERN SHORES))