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Creating Bountiful Partnerships

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:22 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
[+] Color Key
Hot Pink = Current Romantic Interest

Purple = Former Romantic Interest

Blue = Close Friend

Light Blue = Good Friend

Green = Friend

Gold = Acquaintance/Neutral Feelings

Orange = Negative Feelings

Red = Intense Negative Feelings

White = Relationship with NPC/Family Member

Within categories, there is no hierarchy. A character who appears above another character within, say, the Green subset, is not necessarily a better friend than the one below.
Hey there! This'll be relationship planning headquarters for my four children, listed below. Please feel free to suggest any possible relationships with any of my characters. Thanks!
[+] The Witch
Violet Schmidt is very tall. As far as other hobbies go, she plays the violin, takes photographs with her phone of neat things, reads webcomics, engages with video games and watches video game design videos, does amateurish computer programming, and semi-secretly practices the Occult. She's extremely friendly overall, unlikely to get on your kid's bad side, but she does have a habit for playing tricks and has extreme difficulty with physical contact and intimacy. If you've got a kid with similar interests or just want to stop by and say that they'd get along, that'd be super welcome. desensitized eyes.


Marceline Carlson: "Oh, she's nice! We play games, and I can actually share in the Occult with her! I'm trying to get her to read some Hermeticism stuff, but I don't know how she'll like it..."

Dolly Upton: "I mean, I wish she'd take the Craft more seriously, but we're super tight so it's fine. I've borrowed a dress from her once or twice, too. She's very nice like that."

Forrest Quin: "She's really cool! I don't agree with the drugs and the music can be a bit loud but she's awesome otherwise! Great taste in games too."

Dorothea Rodriguez: "A bit too blunt, but I think she's got a nice person hiding underneath. I hope it isn't too presumptuous of me to say that..."

Leslie Smith: "She acts a little funny around me sometimes, but that doesn't really irk me at all. I'm friends with lots of slightly, well, awkward people, and everything turns out okay in the end. Well, generally."

Kyle Harrison: "He can't know. Of all the people I have to keep this secret from, he's the most important. G-got it?"

Hel Fury: "She's the most excited about my whole pilgrimage idea. I wonder, would she come with me if I decided to go for it?"

Isra Khalili: "She's one of Marceline's friends, right? Okay, good. She's very nice to me, but I think that...maybe she's looking at me a bit much."

Angie Cortez: "Mix-matching aesthetics works, right? Well, ah, anyway, I'm a fan of her stuff and of her in general, so, I dunno if you can really get on me for not matching her style."

Lyra Doyle: "Love love love! I'm glad she isn't as huggy around me, and I'm glad we have much the same interests. Very warm fuzzy feelings here."

Billy Trevino: "He likes spooky stuff, I like spooky stuff! I don't know if he likes it as much as I do, but, I mean, he's still nice and all."

Aleksandra Prudius: "Music buddy, again! I like talking to her, even if she don't appreciate much talking herself."

Ned Jackson: "If only he'd stop talking over the speech clips in Everything when I show it to him, ..that'd be nice, I guess."

Bill Dover: "This guy knows his stuff! Jazz, music in general, all of it, it's just so good! I wish I could jam with him more but I don't think that I should because Violin doesn't jazz."

Jamie Goodman: "Fixes that computer up when shit gets rough. I don't into graphics cards, sorry. Nice talker, too."

Violet Quinn: "The more of us Violets, the merrier!"

Bert Wren: "Her name is so pretty, either way you say it! I just wish that maybe she'd remember not to try to hug me. Oh, and it's also hard to have to crane my neck to look down all the time. Sorry!"

Altan Ochir: "He didn't deserve the garbage he got from others in middle school, and he certainly doesn't deserve any garbage he gets nowdays either. Plants are neat, too."

Yuka Hayashibara: "Quietly advise her I do. She's more aesthetically into the craft, but I gently push. Very gently. Yessss."

Ivy Langley: "Us band people gotta stick together!"

Meilin Zhou: "Sweet precious clarinet cinnamon roll too sweet for this earth."

Sean Leibowitx: "I hope he listened to that record I got him!"

Yuki Hayashibara: "I mean, I don't exactly catch her reading Israel Regardie, but I do like talking about books with her. She's nice, y'know?"

Malik Jameson: "We talk music, even if we really don't listen to the same stuff. It's fun!"

Cammy Walker-Grimsley: "Jam-friend! Yes yes yes yes!"

Juliette Sargent: "She's nice to everyone, and that means you have to be nice back. Not out of obligation or anything, just... well, because that's the nice thing to do!"

Dean Puchero: "He's cool! Very cool! Maybe he'd be cooler sober? Just a thought?"

Sal Bonaventura: "Metal Gear is pretty cool, ain't it? He's pretty nice to hang out with in general too, a really nice guy."

Bryan Merryweather: "I'm glad he's so...understanding. T-to a degree! There's some stuff that I couldn't tell him, but, that's that."

Osiris Wesley: "The food blog is awesome, and his aesthetic's pretty nice too. Really nice guy!"

Ross Laguna: "We're friendly, but I don't really talk to him."

Roxanne Herbert: "I'm a little intimidated... but we had fun on the bridge~!"

Lizzy Wilson: "Nice girl, good friend. A bit spooked by me though. We'll fix that."

Morgan Dragosavitch: "It was pretty easy to say no to him, because he gets that a lot. I like his pranks and such, but they're a little beyond my scope of operations, heh."

Phillip Olivares: "The clowns are... weird, but also... cool? Who am I to, eh, judge? I mean, you know what I do. What if he found out, right?"

Abaynesh Dula: "Well, everyone's deserving of kindness."

Katie Augustien: "W-well, e-e-everyone's deserving of kindness?"

Cedric Kanagagota: "He's honestly kind of cute, the way he tries so hard at everything. I don't mean in a condescending way! Genuinely."

Ophelia Mackenzie-Mitchell: "I'm a little weirded out by her looks, but she's alright, I guess."

Piet Lick: "He's probably a good guy, but...he touches people, much."

Axel Fontaine: "He doesn't show it, but he knows the good stuff. I know that he knows that I know. Quiet respect."

Blake Colvine: "One more fight with someone else, and I, I don't know if I could handle being in the middle, anymore, yeah... I'll blow a gasket! I really will!"

Brock Tuel: "He likes my photographs, I think. It's tough being patient with him, but he's pleasant and I'm pleasant, and everything winds up turning out alright. Not the kind of person I usually associate with, but I'm trying."

Oliver Lacroix: "I don't know anything about this guy apart from the fact that he drives around really loud and fast and I have to take cover in the bushes in order to get away from him and not get run over."

Felix Rees: "He doesn't exactly pervert the word magic, and at the very least he's good at what he does. Kinda fun to watch, actually?"

Alton Gerow: "I want to know... more, I guess?"

Lavender Ripley: "Purple flowers are pretty, our mothers both thought."

Skinny Trevor: "Aha, haa, haa, hee, hoo, heh, hrm. Jeez."

Lucas Diaz: "Isn't he that kid who spends time in abandoned buildings? I think I ran into him once while picking flowers for an herbal remedy. He seems...nice, though weird."

Lukas Nielson: "I already told you how I- oh, that Lukas. I mean, he's nice enough but, with his mother, and, that thing, that people, ah, erm..."

Stepney Cruz: "I don't know how to play poker. Is it poker? I can't remember."

Connor Lorenzen: "Eh? Eh. Eh! Eh..."

Estela Cardoso: "I wish she kept her liberalism a little quieter, but only because when people disagree, things get loud, and I don't much like loud."

Scott Fischer: "I...think I'll stay away from this guy."

Alexandei Alistratov: "Ugh. I don't think I'll be seen with this guy either. I can't tell if he's neato, or if he's not neato."

Alaina Laurens: "I'm trying my best to understand..."

Nia Karahalios: "You can't just charge people for this stuff! She probably doesn't even believe in what she's reading, anyway. I'll set up my own booth, for FREE! Let's see what she has to say - oh, er, write, sorry, sorry - to that!"

Demetri Futscher: "Some people make me uncomfortable when they touch me. This guy makes me uncomfortable when he's in the same room as me. I wish I could feel sorry for him, but I just...can't."

Garren Mortimer: "I'll just... not, thanks."

Mikki Swift: "I don't blame her for what happened..."

Max Rudolph: "He has a way with words, but he uses them for all the wrong, icky reasons. He pushed by me to get through a crowd once, so I feel a bit...uneasy around him. And other athletes, for that matter."

Nick Ogilvie: "I cast hexes every day on this fool. Maybe once he wise's up he'll take his party tricks out of town."
[+] The Bard
Lucas Diaz isn't quite as tall, but even if he was you'd have trouble noticing him, as he prefers to stay alone and get away from social confrontations. Despite this, it's entirely likely and possible that he'd have a few friends that would be willing to support this. As well as this, if you read further into the profile, you'll see that there's a role that needs to be filled as far as past romantic interests go. Lucas likes to read, write, draw, take photographs, and visit museums of both the official and unofficial variety - that is to say, he explores abandoned buildings. He is also well attuned to the sciences, and leans generally left-wing politically. liquid sorrow.


Ji-Hyun Christenson: "She was my first girlfriend...and my second girlfriend...and now I just don't know what she is to me."

Charelle Chernyshyova: "I just wish that we'd stop running into each other...I can't take how she makes me feel, and the awkward way that we can't articulate that to each other is so awkward that its better off staying in the sappy Young Adult Fiction book it dragged itself out of."

Heather Klein: "She's a wonderful person! Why is she so nice to me? Usually I don't get along well with people taller than me, especially girls, and her taking an interest in urbex is kinda weird too - what does this mean? Does she like me or something? I have to play it cool...can't mess this one up too."

Ophelia Mackenzie-Mitchell: "She's smart. Good head on her shoulders, or something. I don't really know what to make of her. I think she has a crush on me? But I've never been good at reading signals like that."

Yuki Hayashibara: "Oh yeah, her! She's a great person, and I find it really easy to talk to her about things. Like, death and stuff. Easy to talk about. That isn't weird, is it? Am I being weird? I hope this isn't going to be like what happened with her sister."

Meka Gibson: "This guy can write, and he can speak. Whenever he talks to me about BLM though, I feel a vague sense of...wanting to apologize."

Lukas Nielson: "I guess us poking fun at our names blossomed, in a sense, into a friendship. He's willing to listen to my relationship problems, and we share writing tips often."

Catherine Zier: "Yeah, I think she's alright...might tell her about...just because she doesn't seem too...judgey."

Oliver Lacroix: "He does all this fast and loud stuff! Why does he bother with me...?"

Michael Froese: "What a card, that Michael guy! I dig his weirdness thing."

Beryl Mahelona: "Her, too. Man, Michael and Beryl would be pretty good together."

Abe Watanabe: "It wouldn't kill him to try something serious. Or, wait, has he been serious this whole time? Irony is confusing."

Alexandei Alistratov: "I feel comfortable talking about my sexuality around him. Did that sound a little too clinical? I can't tell anymore. He's not, like, a confidant or anything, just a friend, but still relaxing to be around. Maybe a little too... hands-on, sometimes, though."

Phillip Olivares: "Fucking clown fans, man. How do they fucking work? Miracles, man, that's how."

Jeremiah Rumple: "Urban exploration friend o' mine. I worry about him sometimes - he doesn't come from the best upbringing, and he always seems vaguely sad - but I think he'll turn out alright. I just need to have a little faith, that's all."

Osiris Wesley: "I like his food reviews, those are always fun to read. I'm not the best at keeping up to date, but I try my hardest, okay?"

Ned Harrison: "We checked out a hospital or something once. He's a bit too much of an anarchist, but I can see where he's coming from. I'd like being able to explore abandoned buildings in a world where nobody could lay claim to anything."

Nate Malaqui: "He's nice to me and all, and we know each other's drawings and trust in each other's opinions, but I can't help the feeling that there's something I don't know about him...something, well, big."

Lizzy Wilson: "Good eye...wait, don't tell her I said that."

Estela Cardoso: "Good eye. You can tell her I said that, this time."

Dean Puchero: "Guess the world's come a long way in fake arm technology."

Bert Wren: "Popular, popular, popular, yup. Never seen her skate."

Leslie Smith: "We're on good terms. Played soccer, once. That was nice."

Bryan Merryweather: "...He's nice to talk to. Respects my space."

Abaynesh Dula: "She knows her stuff...a little too well?"

Bill Dover: "Oh yeah, him. He's pretty nice. Yeah"

Billy Trevino: "Uhm...I can't put a face to the name."

Sal Bonaventura: "He also exists too. Video games...?"

Astor Maradona: "He knows some of my hangout spots. I wish he'd leave things as he found them, but I don't have the right to interfere."

Violet Schmidt: "She's got a lot of friends, doesn't she? Lucky..."

Lyra Doyle: "Yeah, and this girl, too. She exists. She's decent, sure, but, eh."

Mikki Swift: "I almost made the mistake of going to one of her 'parties,' and I made it as close as the next block before I heard the nauseating music and decided to go home. Where's the art in this? Doesn't help that she's a bothersome person, too."

Axel Fontaine: "Again with music! Cool guy, sure, but how does that shit he plays pass as music? More power to him, I guess, but I just don't understand."

Altan Ochir: "He draws pretty well. I think we do okay together."

Alaina Laurens: "I can't understand people in the hallway. Sometimes, they just look at me and don't say anything, which is strange because they're looking right directly at me. Are they looking through me? Is there something I'm missing here? Something on my face? Worse still are people who DO say hello, because then I don't know the tone of voice to use when I say hello back to them. So many people just walk right by that when someone does decide to be nice, I don't know what to do! Oy gevalt."

Jordan Brankovich: "I'd like to agree with her views, really, I would! But...I don't agree with her character."

Nick Ogilvie: "He's funny, and cool, and his tricks are pretty neat, but I can't help but feel bad for him...even if he doesn't necessarily want me to..."

Katie Augustien: "Well, she looks like she'll explode at any moment. Can I move over here, thanks? Away from her?"

Nia Karahalios: "I can't help but feel bad for her, either! It's like, it's like, I can see her pain when she has to write all the time just to talk, and having to carry around everyone's vents without being able to really say anything must...must suck. I'm sure I don't help with that."

Brock Tuel: "You said he's into art, right? Well, maybe he'll stop by the art club if he's so inclined. I doubt it, though."

Scott Fischer: "...who?"

Skinny Trevor: "I'd be lying if I said he didn't freak me out a little. Maybe a little more than a little."

Jamie Goodman: "...why?"

Stepney Cruz: "Not falling for it."

Lavender Ripley: "It's like I can tell what kind of person she is from the name alone."

Malik Jameson: "A little too high-energy. He's nice, until he goes a bit... crazy."

Ross Laguna: "He's a real social chameleon, that one. Probably from up north or something, where all the people are from all everywhere and you get to know every kind of person there is. I wish I lived up North."

Cedric Kanagagota: "I saw him try to pet someone's dog once. You never know who has a secret heart of gold around here...even if they never show me their true colors, y'know, directly."

Morgan Dragosavitch: "I don't like pranks, so I'll stay on this guy's good side, outwardly. At least, for the time being. Just how it is."

Richard Smith: "Contrary to popular belief, depressed people don't like each other most of the time. At least he mostly leaves me alone."

Angie Cortez: "I'm going to go out on a limb and say we don't like each other. No reason. Just a hunch."

Tony Spicolli: "I don't trust this guy..."

Juliette Sargent: "I don't trust this girl..."

Gaelan Meloy: "I don't understand why I can't keep up with him. He's just so much...more."

Ivy Langley: "She's just some...fake...weird...thing. Guess there's always gotta be one of these, all the time."

Kayden Brockman: "Why won't you quiet down? Just...if the most interesting thing about you is your sexuality, then...I really don't know what to say...why does he get so much attention?"

Bret Carter: "I'm glad he leaves me alone now...for the most part, at least..."

Connor Lorenzen: "No thanks, I'm not into meatheads."

Yuko Hayashibara: "She might forget, but I won't. I don't forget these things. I can't let myself... no matter how hard I try, sometimes."

Blake Colvine: "She's so smart, but it's all just so... misguided! ...Urgh!"

Demetri Futscher: "Fuck this guy. Fuck this guy, right here, in particular."

Garren Mortimer: "Ha. Ha. Say it to my fucking face, you piece of shit."

Max Rudolph: "Don't. Even. Start."
[+] The Knight
Max Rudolph carries himself with the posture of a man who knows what he wants out of life, and as such his height is probably irrelevant to the previously established arbitrary height related character introductions. He keeps to himself, entertains most people's thoughts at first, but has somewhat close minded ideals if you offend him. He's involved heavily with the school debate team and baseball team, and comes from a well off family that (probably, haven't set in stone yet) lives outside the gated community that the school gets most of its students from. He might have several friends he discusses politics with, of which one or two might be as right wing as he is, but other friends from the athletics department are also welcome. noble heart.


Alison Bernhiesel: "I feel like she's the only one who can know about some of the...stuff...that I read. She's the only person close enough to possibly ever know."

Blake Colvine: "She's sort of like Alison, but I get the feeling that she'd be slightly less open to the reading that I'd be doing. Gets me outside to rallies more, which is nice."

Ivy Langley: "She seems pretty tongue-tied at school, but at the country club and outside of school? Fast friends. Really, I don't care for the way she gossips about people, but at the very least she seems to understand that I'm really not a bad person."

Andy Silverman: "He plays basketball, right? A fist bump will do, and then we're on our separate ways."

Lavender Ripley: "A liberal, sure, but she shows promise as far as possibly being enlightened to, well, for lack of a better phrase the right side of history. Can't judge every book by its cover, you see."

Scott Fischer: "Sure, he's a bit of a dick, but he's not awful. He has some sense at least."

Garren Mortimer: "Maybe a bit crude, but he has some sense. Even if it is slightly for...attention's sake."

Keith Rogers:"Edgy? A bit. But he has a heart for those close to him, and I can totally respect that. We get along decently well...just have to make sure I don't drink too much of the flavor aid."

Joey Quintero: "I won't act like I don't see what he's doing, but what I can do is make sure I stay on his good side. Might as well play the game, right? Besides, we're somewhat friendly. I doubt he could do anything in the first place."

Aleksandra Pruidius: "Though she has not focus, she still does well at what she chooses to spend her time with. Not the most feminine, but still an admirable athlete, and it seems to me that she does what she does not out of attention seeking, but genuine enjoyment. A rare case, in the fairer sex. A shame, then, that our conversations did not get off the ground."

Brock Tuel: "Such a follower! There are bound to be people like this in the world, but I didn't think I'd run into someone so willing to subscribe to my ways of thinking in High School, of all places! Well, to be entirely fair, I'm not the most sure that he agrees with me more than I'm sure that he just looks for the most convincing voice in the room, but, oh well, dumb muscle is dumb muscle."

Cedric Kanagagota: "Such a great athlete! Admirable for that alone, like a true spartan. What makes him tick, though?"

Ashlynn Martinek: "Did you say Ash? Like, Ashlynn? Martinek? Because let me tell you a thing or two, about why Ashlynn Martinek is my least favorite human being."

Lizzy Wilson: "The eye thing freaks me out, but she's a god fearing woman with strength in her heart. Nothing else much to say there."

Akiem Hampton: "It's like trying to make out what makes a digital clock tick as if it's a finely tuned watch. I don't care to see what ever's in here, even if it's nice and good and handy, because it doesn't have the same delicacy to how it operates. It's still a watch, but there's no craftsmanship to it. Does that make sense?"

Violet Schmidt: "Doofy, awkward dork. Hidden depths? I don't care enough to find out."

Hyacinth Eickenhorst: "Put down the phone and pick up an audio book or two. Good ideals, but if she just thought a little more..."

Bill Dover: "He's alright. Stands out from the rest of his race, too. Not as necessarily violent. Always exceptions to rules."

Ross Laguna: "He's not even really worth thinking about, I think. Can't commit to one thing to be good at, so he's not good at much of anything. An epidemic, in today's world."

Bret Carter: "I like him better than the other one. 'Nuff said."

Kelly Ngyuen: "Is she scared of me or something?"

Dean Puchero: "Though I wish he would possibly take a rest, I admire deeply his effort to stay in the best of shapes."

Lukas Nielson: "A literal son of a...fill in the blank."

Nia Karahalios: "Annoying girl who can't talk. Next?"

Altan Ochir: "Frail, harmless, borderline effeminate. Not worth wasting my time with."

Osiris Wesley: "Likewise. The bastardization of Ancient Egyptian culture is disgusting in its own right, but still not worth wasting my time with in a larger sense."

Bryan Merryweather: "Straight down the middle. Inoffensive to the point of being grating."

Dane Lennox: "He should get his own house in order before he looks down on those of others. Something's not right under the surface. As of us? Eh. Better than most is still not very good."

Stepney Cruz: "There will always be money changers in the temple. He'll have his table overturned one day. I wonder if the one to do it will be me."

Lyra Doyle: "Let's not start, here, shall we?"

Leslie Smith: "We could probably avoid this one, too, right?"

Phillip Olivares: "Liar."

Wyatt Carter: "A typical well established male. His habits and demeanor can be somewhat distasteful, but he doesn't bother me. Harmless. Unthinking."

Juliette Sargent: "Crook."

Axel Fontaine: "Disagreeable person on so, so many levels. Where's the pride in this guy's heart, eh? He ain't afraid to degrade himself just for other's enjoyment, and that should be downright shameful."

Alton Gerow: "Fool."

Cammy Walker-Grimsley: "A showy bard kind of character. Queer, in both senses of the word."

Skinny Trevor: "Filth."

Malik Jameson: "The court-jester, of course. I don't have much to say to this man. Bad form. Next?"

Connor Lorenzen: "Soon enough, it'll come to blows."

Morgan Dragosavitch: "It's already come to blows with this self-styled trickster. Meaningless. Weak."

Sal Bonaventura: "Yeah, no. Basic courtesy left you in the dumpster fire when it was cleaning out its apartment."

Valerija Bogdanovic: "Please stop talking. Just...please, stop talking. You're almost worse than Meka."

Meka Gibson: "A barometer for incorrect around here. Like, holy cow, where do I start?"

Piet Lick: "What a waste..."

Bert Wren: "She has the potential to be good at what she does. She just doesn't care enough."

Nick Ogilvie: "There's a home shopping network clip, where this guy comes on with cups that aren't supposed to fall over, and this one host keeps pushing them over really hard, like it's nothing, right? I am that woman. He is that cup salesman."

Lucas Diaz: "He makes me laugh. He really, really makes me laugh. How can someone be so wrong and yet so genuinely unaware of it?"

Angie Cortez: "As far as I'm concerned, she doesn't really exist. What better way to treat someone who seeks attention than to starve them of it? Don't act like it's a smart idea or anything, because as far as I'm concerned, it isn't. It's just what everyone ought to have been doing from the start. "

Jamie Goodman: "He'll get what's coming to him, regardless if I have to give it to him."

Oliver Lacroix: "Street racer? Gambler? No thanks. Appealing to that part of the brain in such an overblown way is the sign of an attention hog."

Billy Trevino: "Quitter. Product of our times. Dances with the devil. Useless. Worthless."

Ophelia Mackenzie-Mitchell: "Guess acting like a real woman was a little too hard, yeah? Garbage."

Katie Augustien: "Just try it. Go ahead."

Estela Cardoso: "I swear, with people like this infesting the debate club, it's almost like I have to police it or something. I'd prefer if she didn't exist."

Jordan Brankovich: "As much as I mess with her, I feel like she must be messing with me too; there's no way you could be this awful with sincerity."

Alaina Laurens:"Freak of nature. I can tell that I get under his skin, his thin, thin skin. Maybe he isn't too far gone. Is it worth it to try and save him, though?"

Alexandei Alistratov: "One of these days, Alex. One of these days."

Keisha Higgins-Bell: "I don't know why I expected a civil conversation with one of...well, let's just say that people like this make what I'm reading all the more believable. Civil discussion? Give me a fucking break."

Chris Bright: "The kind to whine about cultural appropriation without seeing her own hypocrisy. I've already informed her a number of times about her lack of historical accuracy, and I try to get several decently well worded arguments in, but all I get back is something to the tune of a 'Fuck you.' Some people will never see the error of their ways."
[+] The Rogue
Liberty "Bert" Wren has no insecurities about her height at all, no thanks. She's much too busy to have any sort of insecurities, even if that doesn't really stop anyone. She's into cartoons and anime, figure skates at a decently competitive level, is involved in the student council, and is renowned for her ability to completely drop whatever she's doing when more than two people approach her at any given time. The life of the party, at her own detriment. Oh, and she also likes buildings, but that's something she focuses on as a career, which is, ah, boring, so why don't we talk about something else, okay? unfocused lens

Violet Schmidt: "I wish I could give her a hug. She needs a hug."

Ned Jackson: "Talkin' shop is always good. Wait, talking ship? Anachronisms, I swear."

Siyanda Nagi: "I like talking shop slash ship with zem, in a different, more professional way, too."

Lucas Diaz: "Get outside more! And I don't mean just getting outside so that you can go inside, either. For your health, dude!"

Max Rudolph: "Fuck. That. Guy."

Re: Creating Bountiful Partnerships

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:20 pm
by Super Weegee
Violet: Matthew would certainly get along with her over video games and webcomics. He could be willing to go along with some of the tricks she pulls, as well as respect her personal space. He's not really into the Occult, though, thinking that everything has a scientific explanation. I'm thinking that the relationship will depend on whether or not they actually discuss it, though.

Lucas Diaz: "Who?"

Max Rudolph: Matthew generally tries to stay clear of politics, though he'll generally lean left (except for gun rights) if he's forced to answer. They can both agree on avoiding drugs and alcohol, though. What do you think about how their relationship will go?

Liberty "Bert" Wren: I can see them talking about cartoons, anime, and animation. Matthew will think of Bert as a nice and carefree girl, but I doubt that he'll see her other side. They can also get along better if Bert is into Matthew's sense of humor in sarcasm, as long as it doesn't hit too close to home.

Re: Creating Bountiful Partnerships

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 12:16 pm
by Frozen Smoke
Hey CharacterBringerPerson! I am here to scattergun relationship ideas at you, feel free to tweak/twist/nix things to your hearts content :)

Violet Schmidt

Faith seems to have a lot of tangential relationships to Violet, though I imagine they aren't going to be the closest of buds. Perhaps friends of friends? Enough to know each other's names, and vaguely what they're about, but not much more.

Parker would find the occult stuff fascinating from a "Wow people still believe in this in TYOOL 2018, how the fuck do you make that work?" kind of perspective, but I don't imagine he'd interact much with her to begin with. So, probably a solid "Who?"

Luca would probably get along fairly well with her, but they sadly don't share much in the way of hobbies, unless Violet has tried her hand at doing some photography for the school paper or something similar.

Lucas Diaz

Faith - "Hey, it's the literal bleedin' heart lib!" - I imagine they don't along well, as Faith would definitely see him shying away from social interactions as him making himself an easy target for a few jokes at his expense, as she doesn't think he'll respond to them.

Parker and Luca probably both don't know him very well.

Max Rudolph

Faith and Max have been established to be sorta buddies in the Facebook Thread, and I'd like to very much set that in stone! From what I see, I think they realise they aren't quite the same 'type' of right-winger, but Faith absolutely sees it as "Us v Them". Max is an ally, and a friend, and occasionally a source of advice.

Parker is an interesting case, as they both share the demeanour of being faux-mature, and have an interest in debate - although Parker doesn't express it nearly as much. However, Parker has a distinctly anarchistic bent to his personal politics, but he's also very willing to consider 'dangerous' ideas much as Max is, and well read up enough on books such as Meditations and The Prince to carry a solid authoritarian philosophical debate. I can see the two of them enjoying the other's company due to that, despite them being on 'opposite sides'. Worthy adversaries, perhaps?

Luca thinks Max is an uptight prick.

Liberty "Bert" Wren

Faith and Bert are both involved in the council, and love to party! It's a match made in heaven! She also ABSOLUTELY DOESN'T watch ANY anime, AT ALL. EVER. That would be LAME. Especially not those big, flashy action ones.

Parker doesn't know Bert, probably.

Luca would probably go out of her way to get to know Bert, even if only to write a piece on her figure skating exploits, because she thinks that's awesome! She's a lot less of a party girl, but I imagine that wouldn't be a friendship killer.