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Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:50 pm
by riserugu*
((Continued from: '99'))

Breathes came at a rapid rate as Glenn made his way up the hill toward the lookout point, his head and body pounded with pain as finally the sight of the top came into view. And the younger Hughes twin let out a sigh, as he pushed forward hand still holding onto Mallory’s own since they had left the schoolhouse. Only letting it go when they came to the top and Glenn took a few steps forward, breathing in deeply and glancing around. The point gave a good view of the whole island, the ocean surrounding them clear in the distance. The setting sun casting an orange glow against it, making it and the island almost seem as if it was on fire.

Glenn tilted his head a bit, looking over the scene before turning a bit, smiling at Mallory. “How are you doing, your leg still doing okay?”

He blinked a little though, his mind reeling back to what was had happened at the hospital. The sudden bouts of pain, sickness, and the sad feeling all over, sighing a little again he rubbed a spot along the back of his neck. Frowning some, ‘Something inside me is trying to tell me something… and whatever that something is… it’s making me so sad.’ Glenn thought rubbing his neck still, before glancing about some. In hopes of seeing Jeremy or Heather coming, though seeing nothing he settled himself down into a sitting position against the ground.

Placing a hand against the bullet wound in his side, pain shooting through at the touch and he bowing his head a bit as he gulped it back, and looked back up toward Mallory with a small smile. “I guess we wait until Jeremy and Heather get here.”

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:51 pm
by Swoosh*
((coming from, um, the School Building. Topic with the Korean stuff))

Mallory nodded numbly. "Uhh... I guess so." She gave Glenn a small smile.

She was far from OK. Her leg was in agony, and being forced to run on a wounded leg was one of the most painful things she'd ever experienced. Not to mention all the bullets that had been flying around back there. A few of them had come dangerously close to hitting her fatally; one of them had hit her in the arm which was now bleeding heavily, but in retrospect she had been quite lucky, given the sheer amount of bullets flying around, she could very well have been a bloody mess on the floor right now.

But she wasn't OK. She still couldn't believe her former classmates were willing to get so involved in the game. She barely got to know any of them while in school, but she would have never of thought that some of them were willing to kill.

I guess I can't trust anyone. I was right before... but Glenn...

The journey from the school building had been a quiet one. Neither of them had said anything, Mallory had assumed Glenn was concentrating on getting the hell out of there. It hadn't been scary for her; running away from a group of killer kids with guns, in comparison to everything else that had happened to her on the island, was relatively tame. Perhaps she had become desensitivised to fear, or perhaps she was finally understanding the ways of the game. The pain was making her feel dizzy and nauseous, but the last thing she wanted was to throw up in front of Glenn... she closed her eyes tightly, willing the feeling to cease. She wasn't OK, and neither was he.

"You're hurt," she said simply.

Duh. That's like the SOTF motto.

Wobbling slightly from her injured leg and feeling sick, she looked down at Glenn.

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:51 pm
by riserugu*
Glenn sighing some as he went about removing the bag from about his form, frowning a little. He had lost two of his weapons, and only had the 2x4 that he had been given at the start and the knife he had taken from the murderess back at the hospital before she had been killed. Then Fred had left, and then everything seemed to go down from there when they got to the school, and now their group of six had become one of two.

Looking up when Mallory had spoke, he continued to smile, shrugging his shoulders in an uncaring manner. Hand still pressing against the new wound, the blood not stopping none the less. “It’s alright, it’s not that bad anyway.” He muttered, breathing in again, closing his eyes briefly before reopening them a moment later. “And anyway, You’re hurt yourself.” He said, glancing to her arm.

Patting a piece of ground before him, “Here, sit and I’ll clean and fix up your wound for you and then you can help me out with mine, okay?”

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:51 pm
by Swoosh*
Mallory smiled- it was a more genuine smile than the one she had given him before. It was also one of the few genuine smiles she had ever given in her life. Rather haphazardly, she managed to manuever herself into a sitting position, considering she had a wounded arm and a injured leg it was no mean feat.

True, they weren't in the most promising of situations. Their future (or what was left of it) looked pretty bleak. But as long as she had Glenn with her, she didn't really care what came their way, because she knew they'd get through it together. Holding out her arm slightly so that Glenn could tend to it, she looked at him directly, a serious but smiling expression on her face.

"Um, Glenn, I, uh..." What was it she was trying to say? Why was she finding it so hard? "Uh, do you have anything I can wrap yours up with?" She finished lamely.

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:51 pm
by riserugu*
Pulling his bag toward him he unzipped it, going through and removing one of the first aid kits he had in there, the two having been gained from Eddie and Miranda’s bags way back at the hospital. Opening and bringing out one the roll of bandages, and rubbing alcohol. Removing the cap, as a thoughtful look pondered over his face at Mallory’s question, pursing his lips before smiling again. “I’m sure we have enough bandages here.” He said, using a free hand to rub the back of his head. “Least I hope so…”

Smiling none the less, he took a hold of her arm, glancing to her with a sudden frown. “Ummm… This is probably going to sting, so I’m sorry ahead of time, hurts to punch you can punch me when where done if you want.” He mused, pouring a decent amount the liquid on the wound before waiting a minute and starting to wrap it. Trying to remember what he was supposed to have learned back in his health class at school, of course it didn’t help he had barely passed that class but really… wrapping shouldn’t be that hard, least he wasn’t having to sew or remove anything.

“How’s your leg holding up?” He muttered faintly, glancing to it, he hadn’t bothered cleaning it when he had wrapped it before. So he wasn’t sure if it was holding up as well as it might should, all the running from the school probably didn’t help at all.

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:51 pm
by Swoosh*
The liquid on her arm stung like a bitch, but the last thing Mallory wanted to do was to hurt Glenn; she winced and bit her lip until the pain subsided somewhat. She had grown almost accustomed to pain now; perhaps it was through her hellish experience on the island, or perhaps she was just stronger as a person. Either way, she kept quiet throughout it all, only hissing slightly.

As Glenn applied the dressing, she brushed her hair out of her face almost absent mindedly, looking at him the whole time. He really was something else. She didn't like to think what sort of state she'd be in if she hadn't of found him; smiling, she reached into her pocket, touching the packet of tissues he had given her when they first met. She squeezed them tightly as Glenn finished with her arm.

"Well, it's not bad, but it's far from good. Your bandage seems to be doing a pretty good job if keeping it together," she laughed weakly. True, it also hurt like hell- the pain searing through her leg many would have classed as unbearable- but Mallory tried to ignore it as she reached for bandages for Glenn.

"Do you, uh, I mean..." she suddenly found herself blushing. Unable to find the appropriate words, she jerked her head upwards while looking at his side, gesturing for him to remove his t-shirt.

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:51 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
((Coming from: '99'))

Antonio was most likely dead or wishing that he was by now and one more person had been taken out of the running or maybe if Peri had really struck lucky Eh-Sun would have delivered a fatal blow to antonio and then to Stevan or maybe it was the reverse.It would truly be a piece of luck if all three had been wiped out of the game,Eh-Sun truly looked like a player and she was armed just as well as you would expect a killer to be and Stevan it was not even worth questioning where he stood in this sick childrens game.

A shady seat underneath a tree would be found on his way on the trail of the escapee`s and that Ingram oncemore would be filled with those small 9mm rounds. He had simply been following where he had seen two of the wounded students flee and so this should be an easy kill well thats if the shotgun wielding female wasnt watching over them like some sort of a bloodied guardian angel.

If he found the two or not he had to leave there was far to many firearms for him to feel safe.One accidental shot and everyone would begin firing him included until nobody was left standing.

Emerging through the trees he could just about make out the shape of the lookout point in the distance, that lucious red grinn would oncemore be worn as his steps faded out and he stood silently listening for something.Anything.

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:52 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
((Continued from: '99'))

Stevan had decided to follow peri this time, make sure he didnt get a bullet between the eyes.
he saw him there standing in the bushes and trees. what was he waiting for now a pincic?

He casually but slowly walked up beside and and whispered "Hey buddy"

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:52 pm
by riserugu*
Glenn watched lightly as Mallory reacted to the pain from the rubbing alcohol cleaning her wound, frowning a bit he returned to wrapping that the pain would reside in do time. He really didn’t want to hurt her in any way, but this was needed to prevent infection from setting in. Which in the end could be worse than the pain from the wound itself, but pressing thoughts back he continued wrapping. Once finishing, looking it over lightly to make sure that he had done it tight enough before letting his hands fall back into his lap.

Listening to her words lightly brought him smiling again. “I’m glad to hear that, personally I thought it was a rather horrid job, being in the rush and all. But really, we’ll most likely have to re bandage it as well sooner or later.” He said lightly, rubbing his hand along his chin a bit before looking back toward Mallory as she spoke again, starting to make gestures about something. Glenn blinking some and tilting his head at the sight before he found himself making an ‘Oh…’ sound, and looking down at his Muse shirt.

Shrugging some and gripping at the sides he pulled it up and over his head, shaking his head some as he tossed the shirt down at his side. Looking down at the wound itself, and wincing a bit, damn thing looked worse than it felt at the moment, “They making a bloody mess out of me.” Glenn muttered, taking the shirt back into his hand and using one of the ends to clean away some of the blood around the wound.

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:52 pm
by Swoosh*
Mallory's mouth formed an 'o' as Glenn took his top off.

Not too obvious... idiot!

She suddenly found herself wanting to look away from mild embarrassment, but instead ficed her sights on his injuries.

Smiling, but desperately avoiding his eyes, she tried to imitate what she had watched Glenn to do her before. Rather clumsily, she wiped his wound with the alcohol.

"Yeah. I know it stings, if I'm making it any worse I'm sorry... I've never really done this before. Kinda makes me wish I'd paid attention in Health class," she said with an apologetic shrug of her shoulders.

Also, it's kinda hard to concentrate because you're TOPLESS... way to keep on task, Mal, seriously...

More or less satisfied it was clean, she began to carefully wrap the bandage around his waist, her fingers brushing lightly against his chest as she did so. She blushed even deeper. In contrast to her pale complexion the affect was quite alarming.

"Please, tell me if I'm doing this wrong," she said. "You seem to be the medical expert here..." she laughed lightly. As she tied it up, she felt her face cool down slightly. Good... now I won't look like I total idiot... Relieved, she made to sit up and found her face inches away from Glenn's. Her eyes widened as she jerked her head away from his.

"I... uh, I mean... um.."

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:53 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
( Sorry to ruin the party Ladies )

That Ingram would be spun around to aim at chest level at the approaching student only to be lowered and replaced with annoyed look as he saw it was stevan, had he killed Antonio as told? Hopefully. The look of that greaseball was certainly a determined one that was for sure.

A Wave of two fingers would be given to motion for Stevan to follow him as he moved in that crouching run he had taken to for much of this game.Two wounded students without any weapons and they were speaking somewhat loudly? they deserved everything they got or so he would force himself to belive. He was doing them a favour in freeing them from this game.

The Jeremy boy had a firearm and the girl had a shotgun but neither were to be seen but still he would keep his weapon raised infront of him with white hands holding the Ingram tightly as he navigated his way through the trees and bushes.

Occasionally he could make out the two figures in the distance and would alter his course as to avoid coming face to face with the two. A couple of degrees changed would make the diffrence of walking upto their faces or placing a round into the back of their heads.

Course altered numerous times, he would finally arrive where he had intended to end up and there stood a bad omen of this game. Weapon raised at head level at the topless male, he stood around five foot from them and sure they could try running but could they outrun a bullet?

With a small smirk playing on those pale features of his he would give off a barely audible "Boo" and his grip would be adjusted his weapon giving off the sound of a heavy metallic weapon being brought to firing position.

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:53 pm
by riserugu*
He had found interest in looking off beyond the lookout point as Mallory went about trying to bandage his wound, eyeing their surrounding, though mainly the water that he found was keeping them to any from of freedom. Course the damn loonies that ran the game, not to mention the idiots that where playing… to which Glenn could only hope justice was swift upon if they win or lose.

Then again if they did when, it wouldn’t be to much different from being dead already… once they had killed someone that had pretty much signed their souls and humanity away. Yes, these people where quite far from human now…

Glenn’s thoughts stopped for a moment as the stinging from the alcohol washed over, he closing one eye with a light flinch before trying to softly laugh it off. “It’s nothing… really… doesn’t hurt that bad.” He mused softly as well, no use giving away their spot before they could move again.

Glancing off once more, he only turned back once he felt her tie the bandage off looking back to see the work, though in the end found himself simply blinking as he noted the small amount of distance that Mallory and his own face had become. A shade of red flashing over his cheeks, as she leaned back and he went about grabbing and pulling his shirt back on.

“It’s nothing… I un… nice job with the bandaging, lot better than I could have done.” Glenn mumbled, working the shirt back on his over his head.

Though pausing his blinked as something odd caught his ears… something that sounded like someone was moving, or messing around with metal. Blinking he glanced about the area in general… trying to pick up on anything out of place.

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:53 pm
by Swoosh*
Mallory smiled and giggled a little nervously.

"Uhh, thanks." she said quickly as Glenn hurriedly put his shirt back on. "Like I said, first time, so really not a pro or anything..."

She felt her face go red once more as she looked away, desperate for something to do or say to break the awkward silence that was no doubt going to break out between the pair. Her prayers were answered in the form of a voice coming from somewhere nearby. Sitting up, she looked around wildly.

"What was that?" she said, a panicked note in her voice. "There's someone here..."

How could they have been so stupid not to keep a lookout? They had been so wrapped up in each other that they hadn't been paying proper attention, and being out in the open like they were, they were sitting ducks. She made to stand up but her arm, even though it was masterfully patched up by Glenn, couldn't handle being used as leverage and she collapsed back into a sitting position. Escape wasn't an option for her anymore, and she couldn't defend herself with her pitful weapon.

Shooting Glenn an alarmed expression, she spoke to him in a frenzied whisper.

"What are we gonna do??"

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:54 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
He couldnt help but give off a laugh at his single word and the tugg on the metal as some sort of warning to the pair but both of them seemed to mostly ignore his warning although the girl did seem to be getting the right idea as she rose to her feet.

Oh no what would the couple do? They did make such a sweet couple and it seemed such a waste for him to ruin their little moment but it seemed to be so easy. He could have drawn the Saber and sank it into the jugular of one and delivered a headshot to the other. The wounded lovers were easy targets that was for sure.

They had a warning but they hadnt tried to run...they were either to weak or tired or brave to run and so gentle laughter would flow from his lips as he would fire off a couple rounds into the ground between them.

When the gunfire finally faded out only to be replaced with his laughter and when that died out three words were given to them "Break it up".

Re: Sunshower

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:54 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevan just walked up to the lookout, not following peris stealth lead. He had already gained domiance over the group and so stevan would not have to even try with this one.
He stood over them opposite to peri with his shotgun held loosely in one hand aimed to the floor, He stood and watched as peri did his psycho thing whoch he loved to do so much.