Made My Decision to Test My Limits

Day 6, a bit after noon. PM for entry.

The bay is where boats would have come in to dock when they arrived at the island. The first thing they would have seen is a large ‘Welcome’ sign painted in rainbow colours. There is a thin strip of seaweed-covered sand running the length of the bay that acts as as the ‘beach’ area, although it was rarely used when compared to the larger beach on the island.
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Made My Decision to Test My Limits


Post by Laurels »

((Katrina Lavell continued from Beat the Devil Out of It))

Katrina stepped ahead of the girls and surveyed the area. She held one hand over her eyebrows to block the sunlight, and gazed out into the expanse. They were back at the bay area, only it was now warmer and brighter than before. It was weird to think their group was back near the lighthouse, but Katrina didn't mind. They had spent the night around the art exhibition and decided to check the bay area out now that it was cleared. It had taken a few hours to walk over here, but here they were.

Katrina lowered her hand and turned back around to the group.

"Everyone still here?" she asked.

It had been a long trek, and Katrina had constantly wondered if anyone got lost. Loss was definitely on Katrina's mind that morning. The announcements weighed heavily on her mind. Erika Stiglitz had taken out two of the people Katrina was familiar with and hoping to find. The first was Demetri, who may not have been the best traveling companion, but he was someone who mattered to Katrina while she was here. Now it was just her and Charelle left from the house attack, at least from the group not being attacked by Tyrell.

Worse, Yuki Hayashibara was dead. Now Yuka was the only one of Yuko's sisters left. The chances of explaining Yuko's murder to her kin were dwindling faster and faster. Katrina wasn't sure if she was going to find Yuka, but she had to at least find a way.

Katrina turned back to the sea, clutching the nodachi. She wasn't sure where she and the girls were going today, but she knew this had to be the time to act. Yuka had to be found, and Willow and her baby had to be protected. If Katrina was going to be a boss-ass bitch, she had to at least start acting like it instead of just sitting around chatting about being one.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

((Sierra Cook continued from Beat the Devil Out of It))

So once again Sierra found herself doubling back to places she had already been. Or at least, close enough. The lighthouse was practically spitting distance from them. At this point she felt like she was spinning her wheels as they wandered back and forth between the same locations. if they returned to the east part of the village she felt like she might lose it. It was really bright out, making Sierra squint practically the whole time they were out in the open. She mentally kicked herself for not thinking of bringing a pair of sunglasses with her on the trip.

At least she was dressed for the warm weather as she worse a black tank top and a pair of jeans. Well, jeans weren't exactly doing her any favors with how hot it was, but she was never a skirt or shorts kind of girl as she never liked exposing her legs when dressed casually. Plus, it would be a waste of a perfectly good pair of pants.

"Dead girl still walking." She snarked in response to Kat's question, raising a hand.

Announcements had come and gone. Yuki was announced dead and that bit of news put Sierra back into a somber, if rather foul mood. It was like a consent cycle at this point with her feelings regarding the situation. If there was any consolation, the announcements at least gave her the names of the fuckers who hurt the people she cared about. That would make it easier for her to shoot them on sight.

She tried at least not to lash out at anyone despite her feelings. She had only a handful of allies with her at the moment and alienating them because she was feeling bitchy, she realized, was not a good idea. Although her patience remained rather strained as her mood worsened the more she lingered on the news. And with the unexpected news regarding Willow's condition, found herself feeling more protective of the other girl. She wasn't sure why. It wasn't like she gave more of a shit about her because she learned she was knocked up. She could care less about that honestly.

Maybe she had just grown more attached to her over the last few days. They've stuck together since day one and haven't really parted. And what did Willow get in return? Just usually abrasive Sierra. Thinking about it made her feel oddly guilty and she wasn't sure as to why.

It was all just things that made her feel more temperamental if anything. She wanted to lash out at something or someone, just to help relieve herself of these negative emotions that were welling up inside of her.

She looked off into the sea, stepping onto the seaweed covered beach. Scanning the horizon as if she'd spot something to give her some sort of answer to all her problems.
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Post by Melusine »

For six days, she had bathed in her own sweat.

Scratch that: she marinated.

"Yeah and I need a fucking shower."

((Willow continued here.))

Tragically, it was the least of her trouble.

First of all, Yuki had fucking died like a bitch. She died like a bear during the cold season when a hunter that's bored decide to go hunting. Of all ways to die, getting shot by Erika was one way to go out. Willow mentally sighed as she remembered putting her black nail polish on the girl's hands. Did she die with that on? Fucking tragic waste of perfectly fine nail polish.

She eyed Sierra. She was the next one to get it.

But really, Yuki died and Willow had a tinged of sadness going through her. Willow had never lost a friend before and it was strange because technically she had been around five announcements. Or maybe she lost a friend and she forgot about it. It was in character, technically.

Willow made a mental note about Erika. Not that she didn't already have one as 'the bitch with a gun' but a note on what to do to her after she gets her hands on the girl. Willow didn't know what she would do yet, but maybe it would be like pulling her teeth or forcing her to eat her ear. But it would be something that sucks because Yuki deserved better than getting shot like a bitch in heat.

The second problem was Nathan and the fact that he had died without getting his skittles. Willow felt bad. She had saved up candies for him and now he's fucking dead. Madison, if you're reading this... your mom's a slut. Willow popped a yellow colored candy in her mouth. It tasted like shit, but good shit, shit that's refined for days in a bag waiting to be picked up.

Also, third problem: she was more a salty-than-sugary-type of girl.

"Hey Roxie, want a bag of skittles?" She turned toward the girl who apparently lacked a leg. Willow never knew. Good, a new disabled person to give candy to. "I'mma get naked and take a bath and I don't want the ocean to steal 'em."
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Roxanne Borowski continued from Beat the Devil Out of It))

You know something? Saying you weren’t going to be changed by the game was easier said than done.

She knew Katrina had accidentally killed someone. She knew Willow was fully capable of robbing someone.

So why did she go with them?

Roxie thought about it. Dwelled on it. Was it because Willow was technically in a vulnerable position? Was it because she needed something to do?

But she realized. It was simpler.

It sounded pathetic, but she was lonely.

Really, think about it. She’d spent the past few days doing… what was she even doing? It was at the lake, and she had stayed there. Megan was the last person she talked to. Then, it was silent. Only the birds, and the rain, and chattering and shouting that would occasionally fill the air.

Willow and Sierra and Katrina, they were the few people she actually had a conversation with in days. Roxie typically wasn’t one for sitting around, so actually talking to people, getting some closure on what happened to someone she knew? It was something.

She wondered about ways the terrorists could manipulate that whole feeling of “alone.” Or, did they not need to and just let human nature do the talking?


Roxie lifted a hand and waved in response to Katrina’s question. But, she was focused elsewhere.

Yuki, too, was gone.

Roxie hadn’t thought much about the deaths, she realized. That sounded callous out of context, but like, it was easy to push it aside, not think about it much. Richard had died some time ago too, she remembered.

But she wondered, was Yuka feeling alone, too?

Either way, Roxie fiddled with her jacket. No longer on her shoulders, but instead around her waist. It was a nice fabric, but well, it was getting hot out. It wasn’t good to wear a motorcycle jacket in this heat. Or black. That was the downside of her whole get-up, unfortunately. But it wasn’t a huge focus right now, but more that it felt nice to touch it when she was stressed. A sense of normality. Maybe.

Willow snapped her out of her thoughts, and in turn Roxie snapped her head up.

“Oh, uh, sure. I won’t eat all at once, I promise," she replied, lifting a hand.

A bath. That sounded good, actually. Roxie had made sure to keep her prosthesis and stuff as clean as humanly possible, in this situation. She knew what it was like to get blisters. Getting blisters was the devil in human skin conditions.

Though, it occurred to her. A few days ago she’d been miffed about whether the Pocky or rations were kosher. Right now, the thought was only a faint echo.

She tried not to think about that too much. It might be another sign of changing.
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Post by Laurels »

Willow was going to take a bath in the ocean? That surprised Katrina a bit. Katrina had sort of accepted that she wouldn't get a real shower here, and she knew for a fact that she smelled horribly. But even she was a bit worried about getting down to her birthday suit and jumping in the sea. Plus, the salt would stay in her hair and skin afterwards which would be really irritating.

Still, Willow needed to take care of herself now, and if cleaning herself in the ocean would do it, Katrina could let her.

"Well, if you really want to, let's find somewhere a bit hidden," Katrina said. "At the very least, somewhere where one of us can protect you."

She looked over to Sierra and Roxie.

"Sound good?"
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Willow wanted to take a bath? In the ocean? While Sierra could understand the need for a bath, as she was desperately needing one herself, she questioned why the ocean when there was a perfectly good lake on this island? Seems like a dip in the sea would just replace the grungy smell of a filthy body with the smell of the ocean.

But she wasn't going to stop Willow if that's what she really wanted to do.

"Yeah, sure, that's fine." she shrugged. "We'll just keep an eye out then?"

She looked over to Willow, eyeing her curiously.

Did she have a swimsuit or something or was she just going to get naked and go into the ocean? She knew some people brought swimsuits to the trip since the hotel had a pool. She had brought one herself, but she never really used it the whole trip. She was more interested in checking out the gardens and the museums. And getting that cute little teddy bear.

...She suppose she could also join Willow. She was in need of a bath as well, even if the ocean wasn't the best option. Then again, a trek to the lake would take at least a few hours and it wasn't like this place had any running water, so actual showers were out of the question. Besides, it would probably help to have someone out in the water with her in case of an emergency.
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Post by Melusine »

"Aw, you can eat them all," she said with a smile, "I don't like sugary things, anyways."

She looked at Katrina.

"Or, you can share them with Kat and Siri." Skittles weren't an important ressource, anyways, "But you know, it's your happy day, fellow Horsewomen of the Island-pocalypse, Famine."

Roxie ate all the crackers.

All of them.

Willow was vaguely mad at her, but they were crackers, and crackers didn't make the world run. It gave them constipation, but that was something else that Willow purposefully kept out of her mind. She crossed her arms over her chest, smiling.

"Oh Sierra," she was almost nagging. "Don't you remember? I need your help to take my shirt off."

She pointed her boob. The injury had gotten better, but it still fucking hurt. Willow didn't want to look at it because she feared she would just pick at it. She needed someone to watch her, to make sure she doesn't stick her finger in her chest to gauge her torn muscles. Also, on a practical note, her right side of her body was weak, raising her right arm above her body just sent a wave of pain through her. Sierra was never shy to touch Willow, so she was the perfect choice for an outfit change.

Actually, what was Sierra's job? Being the one with a gun? Yeah, that was actually her job. Willow grinned. Sierra was legally obliged to have a fifteen minutes break. This was going to be fun.

"Come on, I won't take long."
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Post by KamiKaze »

Roxie’s face tensed up for a moment when Katrina brought up giving Willow some protection.

She remembered Kayla saying she was going to go out for some fresh air. She remembered the tension when she didn’t come back. She remembered the emotions that came when she finally opened the door, only to see Kayla’s mangled body. She remembered realizing that she should have gone out with her just in case something bad happened.

Roxie felt her version blur for a moment, her body feeling limp for a second. Then, she snapped back just as quickly. She rubbed her forehead for a moment, took a huff of air. Another, another.

Right, yeah. Staying with Willow was a good idea.

She smiled as Willow brought up the crackers incident, though a hesitant one.

That little snafu… it was still in fresh memory. She really was making a good impression on the group, wasn’t she? She absolutely had to share the Skittles.

“If you want, I could eat all the grape ones and leave you guys the rest? Like… grape candy doesn’t taste like grape, it doesn’t even taste like anything except something vaguely weird and fruity. Soo… like, I’m willing to suffer, and take one for the team. But yeah! We'll keep watch.”

Her voice was a little fast.

It was true. Who does like grape candy? No one, but at least the Skittles one was reasonably okay from what she kinda remembered. Other times with candy, it was just… there, or barely tolerable.

She looked away, not just because Willow alluded to getting undressed with… Sierra’s help? Yeah. But she just had to think about her breathing for a few moments. Just keep smiling for a bit. Just remember Katrina had the right idea. Take care of Willow and everyone, and it’ll be fine.

Hmm. Actually. A bath didn’t sound that bad? Even like, in the ocean. Maybe once Willow and Sierra are done, or something.
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina stepped to the shoreline as the rest of the girls talked about Skittles and bathing. She stared out into the sea. When was the last time she went to the beach? Before this nightmare, that is? There was that trip to Key West during her sophomore year of high school. That was pretty fun. She figured it was the sort of place she should go back to when she was an adult and could actually stay out late.

It looked like the most wild and fun things she'd get to do is bathe in the ocean with a bunch of her high school classmates. She sighed a bit. So this is where her life was now? Her potential music career was ruined now that she was a murderer, and she probably wouldn't be able to go anywhere without security.

Well, not much to do but try to enjoy it. She was committing to dying a better person than she was, so being a guard like in those old Japanese movies would probably help.

"Yeah, if you're gonna get undressed, how about over there?" Katrina said, pointing to a collection of rocks in the distance.
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Since when did she have a nickname? She wasn't going to tell Willow she can't give her a nickname, but this was the first she was hearing about it. Also, Horsewomen of the Island-pocalypse? What? Where did that come from? Did Willow just decide today was weird nickname day? At least she was having fun.

And Willow asked her to help with taking off her shirt, pointing to her injured breast. At first she was taken aback, but remembered that despite it being healed up over the past five days, it probably still hurt like hell. Even though Willow retained a full range of motion, it would still hurt. So it made sense for someone to help her out, even if it was just to make sure she didn't reopen the wound on accident. But why Sierra herself?

"Yeah, sure, I can lend a hand." She shrugged. She looked over to the rocks that Kat had pointed out and nodded to her. "Looks like a good spot. You guys holler if you see any sign of trouble."

She looked over to Willow, smiled and motioned towards the rocks.

"Lead the way, Will."
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Post by Melusine »

"Thanks Kat," she smiled with a wink.

Turning back to Sierra. Big scary Sierra Cook with a big scary gun. Willow grinned. She licked her lips, her teeth nipping at them. She tasted salty. A part of her found it disgusting but another part of her was really into it.

She assumed it was the island that messed up her brain chemistry or something. It was certainly about something about like processing trauma. Willow hadn't broken down yet so she assumed it would be coming up in a near future. The thing is, Willow took extra time to go from Point A to Point B. She would go through Point C and Point D and Point F first simply because they felt like the nearest beacons she could reach.

She had always been a completionist at heart, really.

Anyways, so she leaned forward to whisper something dirty into Sierra's ear. She could totally bite it off. Willow licked her lips again. They were both really gross, but Sierra was worse. Or maybe Willow was worse but she didn't have a mirror, but she preferred to think that Sierra was worst off. It made her feel better.

"Hey, Siriiiii," she whispered with a low growl, "I'm not wearing a bra."
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Post by KamiKaze »

So, uh, right. Okay.

Sierra was helping Willow. Roxie never got the specifics, but apparently Willow was injured some time ago? On top of the pregnancy thing. Maybe it was during the whole robbery situation she mentioned.

Roxie moved, sitting on a rock of her own nearby. The ocean nearby seethed and sighed, like a person’s dying breaths. She made sure to give Willow her privacy, but she did see her lean in towards Sierra, as if whispering. For a moment, Roxie wondered what was happening, but she brushed it aside. At least the spot she was sitting was in view of the bunch of rocks Kat had pointed out.

It was like a scene from a movie again, wasn’t it? Maybe an apocalyptic thriller, where they, as far as they knew, were the last people on Earth. Maybe the part before the killer comes in and mows them down. Or maybe that was the trip. Who knew?

Roxie leaned forward, resting her face on her palm. She closed her eyes. Breathed. Smiled.

She promised herself she wouldn’t die all miserable, right?

Maybe make small talk.

“So… uh. Been to the beach before?”
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Post by Laurels »

The girls were going off to bathe. Sierra could help Willow with her clothes. Katrina simply stayed somewhat nearby, her back turned away from them. She sat on the sand, crossing her legs so she could lay the nodachi across her lap.

She stared back into the forest they emerged from. Would anyone come out while they were here? Would it be someone threatening? It had been a few days since they had seen anyone dangerous. But they could come out at any moment, and Katrina was one of the few people who could defend the group. Maybe they were horse people now or whatever Willow said they were, but Katrina had to be the lead horse or the kind that defends the pack. Was that what groups of wild horses were called?

Yeah, that's getting away from me. Oh well.

Katrina began to hum "Wild Horses" to herself when she heard Roxie ask her a question.

"Oh, yeah," Katrina said, quickly ending her humming. "I've been with my family a few times. Usually it's Miami or Ft. Lauderdale. Primarily Florida. How about you?"
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Sierra was aware of Willow leaning in close to her ear. Figuring she had something to say she slowed her pace to allow Willow get in close as they walked towards the rocks.

Then whispered into her ear.

For a moment, Sierra's train of though ground to a complete halt as she tried to process the words. She stared off into the distance, slowly contemplating what was said to her. Once realization had dawned on her she kept looking forward, a light blush forming on her face. She had honestly not expected Willow to just say that. What possessed to whisper that to her in the first place?

"I... Uh... Hmm..." she muttered, trying to think of a response. "Y-Yeah, it is because you got shot, right? Don't you have another one?"

Unconsciously, Sierra found herself moving a little closer to Willow as they approached the rocks.

"Not that it is a problem or anything..."
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Post by Melusine »

"What? You really think I only packed one bra?" She only had packed one bra.

Willow shook her head. This was getting too much. Her emotional sensory suddenly spiked, her unused nerves flaring up. She hadn't misread the feelings and the stares. She would pay to see her in her car with the sun on her shoulders, quietly driving. Alone with her, perched on the passenger's seat. With the taste of her bubbling inside of her, reminding her of things she was craving. She wanted to see her in a natural state, weak, soft, vulnerable.

There were more than lying pinky promises in her life but Marianne had never lied to her. But Willow, she was a liar. One that lied to everyone, to herself, to the world, to her mind and to her body. She didn't know what she expected.

"I'm, uh," Willow shook her head, "sorry, uh, I-"

This wasn't supposed to happen. She still did it anyways. Willow had forgotten one thing about her existence.

She was a flower and even the prettiest flowers would rot. She knew this and she acted as if she didn't know. Willow knew she wasn't potpourri material, she was more like compost. Something that people used to grow stronger, Willow wasn't born to be one. She was a coward at her core.

There was nothing she could do about it. She had to spectate. It was her fate. To watch from afar the happiness of others without quite being able to grasp or touch or feel it. Willow wanted to scream her own name. To wake up, maybe, to take it. Sierra was too close. She didn't misconstrue her intentions. Sierra was right here, Willow wanted to strangle her, to hear her death chortles until it was nothing, she-

Was she panicking? Willow quietly mused on it. Had she finally got what she wanted? It was something enough to stir the stagnated water inside of her. She didn't know if she felt good about that. It felt like that one time she had swallowed a razor blade.

It reminded her of the hospital. The clinical and antiseptic personnel too close for comfort, one hand on her throat and the other on the back of her head. How many people did it take to hold her down? Three? Four? It's not like she counted. No, she did count. She always counted things. There were two. Not counting the nurse. Well, there were all nurses. Right? They should have been.

Was she panicking? No, she was choking. Willow enjoyed hurting herself. It was a fun game to see how much she could withstand until she couldn't. She wasn't sure if doing this was part of the game, but it sure felt like a victory. It was comforting to know she was still winning, afterall.

"Nevermind," she shouldn't feel this hurt, but she did. "I just realized it's salt water."

Willow looked at the horizon.

"I'm already salty enough so," she wasn't crying but she did tear up a bit, "yeah."

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