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Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:18 pm
by Pippi
hello! it's me again. I got left in charge of the songtest once again, for some reason! This was probably a terrible idea. too bad! I'm in the driver's seat now and I'm not getting out.

So! Ages ago, in chat, I said that if I ever won the songtest I would just make a round of nothing but Pokemon music. Well! I haven't won yet but I'm still in charge of what music you fling directly into my face, so guess what? it's time
for the SOTF Poke-songtest

... sort of.

See, while my original idea was (mostly) just a joke, I figured there would be a few ways I could make something like this work. I'm a big fan of more open-ended themes, as evidenced by the Tarot Test, so I wanted to do something similar with this one! I want you to submit songs that relate to one of the 18 different Pokemon types. Enjoyed the oceantest and want to submit something for Water? Awesome. Got a song about backstabbing and treachery that fits the Dark type? Perfect! Just wanna throw me song about big ol Bugs? Lemme have it.

First! A reminder of the 18 different types you can choose from.
[+] Here be types
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Second! A few more specific rules;

- Many Pokemon are duel-typed, so if you've got a song that you think fits, say, Flying/Electric, that's totally cool as well!
- Lemme know which type/s your song represents when you submit it to me!
- Send me your songs and votes either via Discord DM or via Board PM!
- just to reiterate, you can submit ANY song, it does NOT have to be a Pokemon song, but if you do send a Pokemon song i will NOT be complaining

And third! The rules which we all definitely read every single time
- Send in your songs via board PM or Discord

- Songs will be divided into 1-3 semifinals, probably 2, if you can't be here for the first semifinal please contact me and I will put your song in the next round!

- Listen to every song in your round and give them votes, 12 for your favourite, 10 for your next favourite, then 8 for the third, 7 for the fourth, and so until you give 1 point to your tenth favourite. Not voting will result in your song getting DQ'd! Rounds last for 3 or more days.

- You can still vote if you're not in a round, as a public vote, which counts for half the points.

- The top songs move onto the finals, with the number depending on the number of songs in a round.

- Repeat the voting process with the finals, and that's how we'll determine the ultimate winner of the tournament arc.

- Submit your songs before the first round starts, not gonna let people jump in after the first round starts, etc.

- Whoever gets the most points will get to host the next contest. If they pass, it goes to second place, then third, and so on.

- Bullying Pip is evidently not against the rules, but it WILL make me SAD

- General songtest rules:
- Nothing from Eurovision, no reality show covers (other covers are fine), nothing that has been submitted before. If your song is over ten minutes people only have to listen to the first ten minutes.
- Please be nice in chat.

I'll be doing my own votes before the round starts. I'll be giving reminders about every day whenever I remember. Extensions are probably not a thing unless you suffer severe RL stuff, like health issues, or being swamped with work and only getting a chance to listen an hour or so before deadline. Or being taken away into the forest by the fair folk. Any of the above.

I reserve the right to add anything blazingly obvious that I forgot.
I think that's it? Probably? Sign-ups will run for 3 or so days, until around this same time on Friday the 6th of March 2020. Now go, bring me songs in your finest Luxury Balls, and Obligatory Catch 'Em All reference!

1) Pippi (me!!!)
2) Ricky
3) Fen
4) MW
5) Shiola *
6) Slam
7) Chad
8) Boogie
9) Dodd *
10) Paige
11) Zee
12) Irene
13) Laurels
14) MS
15) Brackie
16) Jace
17) Jilly
18) LoA
19) Kami
20) Yugi
21) Maraoone
22) Ohm

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:21 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
I'm in and I'm bullying the shit out of you.

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:21 pm
by Fenris

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:22 pm
by Grand Moff Hissa
I'll play!

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:26 pm
by Slam

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:36 pm
by Cactus
Yeah I'll bite with my overwhelmingly massive Pokemon knowledge

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:37 pm
by Latin For Dragula
Yoooooooo leeeeeees goooooooo

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:43 pm
by backslash
I am IN

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:25 am
by Spindarene

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:12 am
by Laurels

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:20 am
by MethodicalSlacker
Yeah I'm down for this

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:25 am
by Jace

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:39 am
by Yugikun

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:58 pm
by Pippi



Oh! Oh, shit, right, yes, the songtest! Hello! Sorry! I was all ready to set this thing up and get it rolling but all of a sudden I was asleep? At my desk? Also there was a whole bunch of marker on my face for some reason? Very strange! But, anyway, let's actually get this show on the road!

Your gym challengers tonight;
Emprexx Plush

Now, let's see the teams they're bringing to battle this gym!
1) Plug In Baby (Live) - Muse - Image

2) Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr. - Image

3) Werewolf Gimmick - The Mountain Goats - Image Image

4) Sky Full Of Song - Florence + The Machine - Image Image

5) Empire State Human - The Human League - Image

6) Anything Like Me - Poppy - Image

7) America's Sweetheart - Elle King - Image

8) Big Shot! 'Theme of Terry Bogard - Fatal Fury 3 OST - Image

9) Doctor - Truslow - Image Image

10) Super Scooter Happy - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Image Image

11) Earth - Third Ear Band - Image

Please vote for your 10 favourite songs from this round! Favourite song gets 12 points, second favourite gets 10, third favourite 8, fourth gets 7, etc.! The top 8 songs will move on to the final!

DEADLINE IS well technically it should be midnight three days from now but i'll be asleep hopefully by then so it will OFFICIALLY be closed on TUESDAY 10TH OF MARCH, 3AM EST/8AM GMT

Have fun!

Re: Songtest #54 - Playing to Type

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:57 am
by Pippi

The evil has been defeated. For now. Unfortunately, a few of our gym challengers have been sent to eternal slumber....... or, y'know, at least until she uses DoubleSlap on them.
[+] Its not very effective...
Image 11th: Plug In Baby (Live) - Muse, submitted by Jace. It received 33.5 points.
Image 10th: Big Shot! 'Theme of Terry Bogard' - Fatal Fury 3 OST, submitted by Ohm. It received 37.5 points, including one 10.
Image 9th: Super Scooter Happy - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, submitted by Jilly. It received 48.5 points.
Which of course means the following songs move on:
[+] Its Super Effective
Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.
Werewolf Gimmick - The Mountain Goats
Sky Full of Song - Florence + The Machine
Empire State Human - The Human League
Anything Like Me - Poppy
America's Sweetheart - Elle King
Doctor - Truslow
Earth - Third Ear Band
Next round will be up........