The V6 Read-A-Thon
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:02 am
hi hello
We are almost at the one-third mark for V7 as of the date of posting, the V8 concepts thread is up and roaring already, aaaaand we have a bunch of handlers who weren't around for V6, so I figured there was no better time than now to get this started! I think it'd be fun for us, as a site, to come together and read the smolbean version.
So, rules!
1.) Don't be an asshole. Constructive criticism is fine and all since we are, allegedly, a writing site, and perhaps even a reading site, but try not to rag too much on the handlers/characters and all, and try to put an earnest effort into your reviews, no one-liners if possible.
2.) State whether you'd recommend this kid or not, I'll try to put together a list of recommendations at the bottom of this post.
3.) If you do not want your kid, or a part of your kid, to be part of the reading list, let me know! I'll remove them from the list as soon as I can.
4.) I won't be enforcing this On The Dot, but if you've had your kid for at least a month, I'll ping you and ask you if you still want the kid. If you do, I'll give you another 2 weeks, at the end of which, if you still haven't finished, the kid is forfeited and sent back to the list. If you don't want the kid, they also go back to the list.
5.) For this RAT, you have the option of rolling for pregame-only kids if you so wish. This is opt-in, meaning that, when you ask for a kid, you have to specifically tell me that you're open to the possibility of getting one.
Also a humble request from your local train community: please update the wiki links so that you may save future time travelers from the tapatalk wastelands.
And that's it! Just post below, and I'll consult with my friend and link you to a random kid's wiki page.
We are almost at the one-third mark for V7 as of the date of posting, the V8 concepts thread is up and roaring already, aaaaand we have a bunch of handlers who weren't around for V6, so I figured there was no better time than now to get this started! I think it'd be fun for us, as a site, to come together and read the smolbean version.
So, rules!
1.) Don't be an asshole. Constructive criticism is fine and all since we are, allegedly, a writing site, and perhaps even a reading site, but try not to rag too much on the handlers/characters and all, and try to put an earnest effort into your reviews, no one-liners if possible.
2.) State whether you'd recommend this kid or not, I'll try to put together a list of recommendations at the bottom of this post.
3.) If you do not want your kid, or a part of your kid, to be part of the reading list, let me know! I'll remove them from the list as soon as I can.
4.) I won't be enforcing this On The Dot, but if you've had your kid for at least a month, I'll ping you and ask you if you still want the kid. If you do, I'll give you another 2 weeks, at the end of which, if you still haven't finished, the kid is forfeited and sent back to the list. If you don't want the kid, they also go back to the list.
5.) For this RAT, you have the option of rolling for pregame-only kids if you so wish. This is opt-in, meaning that, when you ask for a kid, you have to specifically tell me that you're open to the possibility of getting one.
Also a humble request from your local train community: please update the wiki links so that you may save future time travelers from the tapatalk wastelands.
And that's it! Just post below, and I'll consult with my friend and link you to a random kid's wiki page.