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G055 - Rodriguez, Ameena

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:32 am
by Ares
Name: Ameena Rodriguez
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayveiw Secondary School
Hobbies and interests: Optimist Club, Pep Rally, Student Government, Swim Team

Appearance: Ameena is a lovely girl who has many things going for her in respect to her appearance. She has a very petite stature, only mesuring up to 5'2, 5'5 in heels, and weighing in at 100 to 105 pounds depending on the day. Her entire body has cute writtin all over it. Her aqua eyes sparkle with the light of innocence and her full lips can always be seen smiling. She has full lashes, and a button nose that just makes her all the more huggable. She keeps her hair long and straight, letting it's many hues of brown cascade over her shoulders and down to her chest. Her ears are average size,  and usually have fashionable dangling earrings hanging from their lobes. Her skin is a dark peach color due to her mixzed german and puerto-rican heritage, and it compliments her personality beauteously. Her breasts are on the smaller size, only mesuring a B-Cup, but she has no problems wth it, her self image not weakened. On the day of the abduction, she has on a pair of brown knee-high boots with a pair of dark blue jeans underneath, held up by a sparkling white belt wrapped securly around her slim waist. Covering her torso is a loose and flowing white shirt with an artsy design on it, covered by a brown long sweater that she keeps unbuttoned. her make-up is scarse, and skin is blemish-free.

Biography: Ameena was born on April 27th to Nicole and Javier Rodriguez in Chicago, Illinois. She grew up in the city, becoming rather accustomed to the hustle and bustle for the first twelve years of her life. Her father worked as an assistant to a major marketing corperation's CEO, and her mother worked as a Family Court attorney, so Ameena and her family never had problems with money for quite a while. However, all good things must come to an end, and her father's corperation was bought out and he was fired. After his unemployment, the family decided to move to Minesssota so Nicole could be closer to her family and her husband could work for her father. The family moved to St. Paul, and a few years later Ameena started her high school career. She began to love her life in St. Paul, and was glad that her family moved there.

Ameena was always a hard worker, her dream college being NYU, so high schoiol was easy for her to work through. She wanted her college applications to look incredible, so from her freshman year she she became as involved as possible in the school. She joined both the optimist club and the Student government, making sure to have a notable spot in each by her senior year.  Her profession of choice being something political, she thought being in student government would look very good on her resume. She also became a member of the swim team, wanting a way to make sure she stayed in shape. Though not the best on the team by any mean, she still did very well in the sport, the tem doing quite well each year. In her Junior year she was asked to help run the pep rally for the school, and she retained that position for the following year. Her pep rally for junior year was a blast, and many students and faculty told her what an amazing job she did with it. She also held down a job from her sophomore to senior year to help with her parent's financial issues, Ameena loves and respects her parents, and would do anything for them. Ameena was a very driven person in high school who set goals for herself, and she never faltered.

She never had problems getting people to like or admire her. She is very personable, and has almost a constant cheeriness about her. Her friends usually come to her for advice which she administers quite bluntly, but her personality makes it hard to stay mad at her for long, even when what she says feel like a slap to the face, she means nothing by it, it';s just in her personality to be bluntly honest. She did not date in High school, knowing that she had far more important things to do than party it up or have herself in a relationship. She is no prude by any means, she just hasn't had the time, in her own mind, to take on a commitment like that. She has a set plan for her life, and she intends to stay true to it.

Sadly, that plan is about to be taken on a detour.

Advantages: Ameena has no enimies to speak of, sans the few who take her for a stuck-up snob, and is very controlled emotionally, not one to let her emotions get in the way of what she has to do. She is a small target, and being an athlete, has very good stamina.
Disadvantages: Ameena is by far not the toughest girl in the world, and has really no idea what people are capable of, herself included. Her optimism may just be her downfall.

Designated Number: Female student no. 55


Designated Weapon: UZI (x3 clips [capacity 25 9mm rounds])
Conclusion: G055 is exactly what we are looking for. She has the focus and drive to understand what she must do to survive and with a weapon like she has, she could win it all.