B105 - Kane, Aaron

Throughout V4, several characters were withdrawn or else failed to be confirmed for the roll-call. This board includes withdrawn characters who were at one point approved, as well as all characters who were assigned a number and weapon but did not actually enter the game (some of these double-up from the Pregame roster). By and large, unless these characters had appearances in Pregame, they should be considered non-canon.
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:37 am

B105 - Kane, Aaron


Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Name: Aaron C. Kane
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School:  Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: music, hunting (but only with his older brother)

Appearance: Aaron has a rather pale complexion. His hair is straight and orange, and is somewhat short, his bangs only going down about one-third of the way down his forehead. He has large, blue eyes, much like those of his father. His nose is small, but pointed. Aaron has very thin lips. He stands at about 5' 10'' and weights around 160 lbs.

In terms of clothing, he has no real preference, often just throwing on the nearest clean outfit and calling it a day. However, he hates to dress up, and only does so when truly necessary (marriages, funerals, ect.). Most of his clothes have logos or associated images of bands and musicians (AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne, and The Beetles) on them.  

Biography: Aaron Kane was born on May 12, at approximately 7:21 pm. His parents were Cornelius and Mary Kane, and had an older brother named Tim (who was 6 years old at his birth, currently 23.). After he was born, his family moved from Laois, Ireland to the United States, because his father had recently lost his job at the bank. While born in Ireland, Aaron remembers nothing of the few days he lived there, and took immediately to American culture.  

When he was 7, he began taking drum lessons after showing a strong interest in music. He preferred rock over other genres, but would listen to anything that's good. In the 4th grade, he won 1st place in a talent show for his excellent playing. Later in elementary school, around 5th grade, his mother quit her then current job as a waitress to go back to college and get a teaching license. This put a dent in the fund, but his father's job as a banker and his brother's part-time job at a McDonald's kept them living comfortably.

In middle school, he excelled in chemistry and biology, but still aspired to be a musician. It was around his second year of middle school that his brother started to take him hunting. He chose to do this because he and his brother had always had a rather distant relationship, due to the age gap, and hunting was how Tim and his father bonded when he was younger.

He quickly became quite the hunter. His brother only had to show him once the proper way to use a hunting rifle, pistol, and even shotgun before he caught on. Despite his skill, Aaron never really had a heart for killing, and only agreed to go because he genuinely cared about his brother and enjoyed the time they spent together. In his last year of middle school,because of his brother going off to college, Aaron almost entirely stopped hunting.

His high school life has been fairly uneventful, with few noteworthy events. One of those few being his mother's graduation. She is currently working as a substitute teacher for the elementary schools in their district. He is not currently dating anyone, and he has a few people that, while he would not exactly call "friends", does spent time with from time to time. while he would He maintains a B-C grade in most of his classes. Recently, he has been looking forward to try-outs for a band that's looking for a drummer.  

Advantages: As stated above, Aaron is surprisingly skilled with a gun. He can keep a level head in almost any situation, and usually meditates arguments in his circle of friends.  
Disadvantages: He doesn't really have the nerve to kill on his own. He will if he has to, but would prefer not to. While he definitely isn't "unhealthy", he is not the peak of physical perfection either.

Designated Number: Male student no. 105


Designated Weapon: Caltrops
Conclusion: Mr. Kane could have been a threat—if he'd pulled a gun. As it is, he's got to hope someone else makes a misstep before he does. I don't see it happening. I don't think B105 will be long for our game... or this world.
I bid you all dark greetings!
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