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B002 - Boismier, Aaron

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:40 am
by Ares
Name: Aaron Boismier
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Karate, Singing, Playing Piano/Guitar, Orchestra, Human Anatomy, First Aid, Creative Writing, DDR, Video Games.

Appearance: Aaron stands at 5'10" and weighs 156 lbs, lightly toned muscle (mainly on his legs) accounting for more than body fat. He is rather plain, which fits his characteristically quiet nature. His oval-shaped head is topped with a thick mess of chestnut brown hair, which he usually combs through two or three times before school in the morning so that his short bangs hang loosely over his forehead. His sharp, rimmed nose meets the northern border of a full pair of crimson lips, which, while being a somewhat effeminate feature, have been the envy of quite a few of his female friends. His skin is pale, but not ghost-like, and is prone to scattered pock marks and minor acne. His most flattering features are his pale, watery blue eyes, which softly accent the rest of his face.

Aaron's fashion sense - or lack thereof - reflects his meek and modest nature. During the winter his entire wardrobe consists of jeans and hoodies of various colours, and in the summer he replaces them with various brandless pairs of loose shorts and t-shirts. Combined with his personality, his clothes help ensure that he does not stand out in a crowd.
Biography: Aaron's childhood has had a strong influence on his present character. Growing up with a working mother (Ann) on steady afternoon shifts at the local post office, and as a result not very present during his youth, and an alcoholic carpenter (Glenn) for a father, Aaron became adjusted to independence at a very early age. He contributed largely to the raising of his younger brother, Luke, who holds him in the absolute highest regard, even though he doesn't always show it. Because of the nature of his life, Aaron tends to be very socially awkward and shy, and very careful of who he trusts. Though his emotions strongly influence his thoughts and judgements, he is very careful of what he shows.

Due to his awkwardness, Aaron was easy prey for the socially dominant figures both in elementary and secondary school. As a result of both this and his father, Aaron enrolled in the art of Isshinryu Karate at the local dojo, both as a method of self-defense and self-control. His ardent desire to rise above his expectations of himself and exceed the dismal existence of his parents were both tamed and manifested by Karate, which both taught him physical prowess and provided an emotional sense of stability. Upon attaining his first degree black belt, and more importantly owing to the process of constant work and effort in which he attained it, Aaron developed a strong emotional constitution, without which he would not have been able to endure the constantly demanding situations life seemed to propel him towards. Aaron keeps his martial arts training a secret, however, both out of modesty and respect towards his achievement. Only his family and his close friend Jeanie are aware of his accomplishments.

Aaron, in all common definitions of the stereotype (save for the physical), is a nerd. He spends whatever free time he has playing video games and Dance Dance Revolution (which he is particularly fond of), especially RPGs, and studying in an attempt to attain good enough grades to earn him a college scholarship. In the school environment he is often the focus of attention from his teachers, owing to his intelligence, but not the focus of other students. In the majority of his classes, Aaron seems to be the student who can never keep his hand down. His favourite subjects are Biology and English, and while he excels in all of his classes, he shows a particular aptitude for the two of them. His interest in the subjects are what prompted him to study further into both writing and the human anatomy, and he spends countless nights watching body-related television shows and hospital dramas, reading anatomical articles, and writing random stories to pass the time.

Being a closeted homosexual, Aaron has a hard time living at home. Only Luke, Ann, and his close friend Jeanie are aware of his sexual orientation, and he does a good job hiding it from his father and the rest of the world. He isn't ashamed of himself, but rather he finds that his sexuality is only a minor part of his personality and isn't something to brag about. He believes that since straight people don't brag about being straight (the majority of the time), he shouldn't have to advertise his sexuality either. Aaron is anything but a flamer, and as a result people rarely suspect him of being gay. He is in fact annoyed and turned off by blatant flamboyancy. He doesn't hide his orientation from the rare person who asks, save for his father, who is a homophobe.

Despite the tension as a result of his father's alcoholism and homophobia, Aaron's family life actually got progressively better as he advanced into high school. His father's best friend died in a car accident when Aaron was in the 8th grade, and shortly afterwards his uncle (his father's brother) killed himself in the 10th grade. As a result, however, his father quit drinking and began taking anti-depressants, which resulted in him developing a sense of patience and a considerably more pleasant demeanour. The strength of Glenn and Ann's relationship also increased, and the atmosphere around the house became infinitely more tolerable. Money was tight, since his father lost his job soon afterwards, but the struggles the family met from then on seemed considerably easier as a result of their ever-changing dynamic.

Music has always been an important part of Aaron's life. His late uncle was an accomplished Jazz and Blues organist, and from an early age he imparted numerous wisdoms onto his nephew. Soon afterwards Aaron was enrolled in piano at the age of nine, which he continues to study to this day. His musical aptitude was enhanced in late elementary school when he discovered the clarinet and the guitar, and he continued to play all three instruments through high school. He joined the school band as a first chair clarinetist in the ninth grade, and has continued to excel musically ever since. His favourite of the four disciplines he participates in his singing, which he also considers to be his best one.

Around Bayview, Aaron is well received by the majority of his peers. He's very intelligent and not opposed to helping his classmates with their work, which has earned him a favourable reputation, especially with the jocks and other students who have a hard time academically. He also has a friendly and respectful demeanour as a result of his meekness and his self-discipline attained via Karate, and it has earned him a good deal of friends. His closest friend is Jeanie, who he befriended when he was a child after giving her a talking stuffed frog that he won at the state fair a few months after they'd met. He also volunteers at the school nurse's office as a trained first aider, and has found himself taking care of many of his peers over the course of his four years at Bayview. Aaron currently holds a 94% average in his classes and has received a generous scholarship to study Nursing at Mancaster University in the coming year.

Advantages: Aaron is a trained martial artist with good profiency. He's well co-ordinated and used to handling various types of opponents in many situations, including knife and gun defense. He's trained in First Aid, CPR and Defibrillation, and is knowledgeable of the human body. His positive attitude and friendly personality has garnered him many friends and few enemies. His intelligence and aptitude for problem solving is also an asset, and his many hours spent playing DDR along with his Karate training have given him good endurance and stamina. His meek nature and the fact that his training has been kept a secret means that he will be readily underestimated.
Disadvantages: As a side effect of his martial arts training he has suffered several injuries which have weakened various parts of his body, particularly his wrists and ankles. He invests himself emotionally into everything he does, which may be taxing in an environment like SOTF. Aaron is also a bit of a pushover, and finds himself in uncomfortable situations (much to his dismay) quite often. He's harmless by nature, and would have a natural aversion to harming his classmates and friends. His innate desire to help people may wind up being his downfall.

Designated Number: Male student no. 2


Designated Weapon: A Handheld Mirror
Conclusion: Well it looks like this weapon will come in handy for Boy #2. Maybe he can use it to watch himself die as one of his friends finally snaps.