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V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:00 pm
by SOTF_Help
Hey everybody! The moment we've all been waiting for! The following characters are slated for death:

1. Christina “Renz” Rennes (decoy73)
2. Marco Hart (Emprexx Plush) Blaise d'Aramitz (Emprexx Plush, Swap Card used)
3. Diego Larrosa (Maraoone)
4. Dhairyalakshmi “Daria” Bhatia (Grim Wolf)
5. Erika P. Stieglitz (Shiola)
6. Ace “Beats” Ortega (Buko)
[+] log
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:03 PM
spins around ominously in chair
VoltTurtleToday at 4:03 PM
it is time for the final rolls...
RuggahissyToday at 4:03 PM
The hour is upon us.
DeamonToday at 4:04 PM
Oh baby
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:04 PM
Dea, give me a test roll
DeamonToday at 4:04 PM
/roll 1d69
Today at 4:04 PM
@Deamon: 1d69 = (45) = 45
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:04 PM
and another
RuggahissyToday at 4:04 PM
DeamonToday at 4:04 PM
/roll 1d69
Today at 4:04 PM
@Deamon: 1d69 = (36) = 36
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:05 PM
rolling 6 from 10, no opt outs
whenever you all are ready
RuggahissyToday at 4:05 PM
VoltTurtleToday at 4:05 PM
I'm ready to go
DeamonToday at 4:05 PM
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:05 PM
Roll #1
DeamonToday at 4:06 PM
/roll 1d10
Today at 4:06 PM
@Deamon: 1d10 = (6) = 6
RuggahissyToday at 4:06 PM
6. Christina “Renz” Rennes (decoy73)
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:06 PM
RuggahissyToday at 4:07 PM
2. Garnet Barnes (Namira)
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:07 PM
that wasn't the roll
Latin For DragulaToday at 4:07 PM
rugga no
RuggahissyToday at 4:07 PM
oh sorry
ok roll it
DeamonToday at 4:07 PM
Give me the number again please Zee XD
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:07 PM
Roll #2
DeamonToday at 4:07 PM
/roll 1d10
Today at 4:07 PM
@Deamon: 1d10 = (7) = 7
RuggahissyToday at 4:07 PM
7. Marco Hart (Emprexx Plush)
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:08 PM
Roll #3
DeamonToday at 4:08 PM
/roll 1d10
Today at 4:08 PM
@Deamon: 1d10 = (3) = 3
RuggahissyToday at 4:08 PM
3. Diego Larrosa (Maraoone)
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:08 PM
Roll #4
DeamonToday at 4:08 PM
/roll 1d10
Today at 4:08 PM
@Deamon: 1d10 = (7) = 7
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:08 PM
DeamonToday at 4:09 PM
/roll 1d10
Today at 4:09 PM
@Deamon: 1d10 = (9) = 9
RuggahissyToday at 4:09 PM
9. Dhairyalakshmi “Daria” Bhatia (Grim Wolf)
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:09 PM
Roll #5
DeamonToday at 4:09 PM
/roll 1d10
Today at 4:09 PM
@Deamon: 1d10 = (4) = 4
RuggahissyToday at 4:09 PM
4. Erika P. Stieglitz (Shiola)
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:09 PM
Roll #6
DeamonToday at 4:10 PM
/roll 1d20
Today at 4:10 PM
@Deamon: 1d20 = (12) = 12
Latin For DragulaToday at 4:10 PM
wrong dice mate
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:10 PM
reroll again
DeamonToday at 4:10 PM
finger slipped sorry
/roll 1d10
Today at 4:10 PM
@Deamon: 1d10 = (1) = 1
RuggahissyToday at 4:10 PM
1. Ace “Beats” Ortega (Buko)
VoltTurtleToday at 4:10 PM
that's a wrap
Antipope ZeeToday at 4:11 PM
A few reminders from your Final 10 PMs and the message pinned in the chat: Hero and Swap Cards may still be played this roll cycle, but any cards not used now will become null and void once card time passes. They do not carry over to future versions. Cards are not usable in endgame.

Like V5 and V6, we're keeping this a secret to add to the suspense and increase the engagement of the site as a whole. If you want to talk about your own character's status as rolled/unrolled, it's your choice, but we think it would be more fun and engaging for everyone to keep things a secret until the endgamers are revealed.

You have until Tuesday, August 18 to play cards and then until Friday, September 18 to get deaths done. As in past versions, this is a hard deadline. No extensions will be granted for this period.

Soon after card time has passed, we will open a board for the Endgamers to discuss winner selection and Endgame planning.

A timer with the time remaining for cards can be found here, and one with the time left in the death period can be found here.

As always, remember to be courteous to others and refrain from gloating about not being rolled, sending unsolicited kill offers, excessive hero begging, and the like. This thread will be made public at the conclusion of the Final 10 death period, so don't say anything in here that you wouldn't be okay with people seeing later.

Let's finish strong!

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:16 pm
by Latin For Dragula
Swapping Blaise for Marco, no death ideas needed!

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:40 pm
by Buko
It's been real but all good things must come to an end! Looking to end as well as I can! Please send me pitches or just feelers if you're seeking to collaborate in Ace's death! I do have sorta a thematic vision that I want to hit with him and his ending but otherwise am very open to pitches and ideas!

EDIT: Good on death ideas!

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:00 pm
by Grim Wolf
Listen up motherfuckers, you will give me your Hero Card and you will thank me for the privilege, I am a god damn delight and you should welcome the chance to sacrifice yourselves on the altar of my talent

I would genuinely appreciate a hero if anyone has one to give, as I think the best version of Daria's story involves her making it to endgame. That said, this has been an extremely fun version with some extremely fun threads, and almost every handler we've got in the Final 10 (much less V7 as a whole) has given me at least one good memory from this version, and with the talent involved, I'm sure I can give her a fitting send-off.

Failing a hero, I've got some tentative ideas in the works for Daria's death, but would welcome any pitches (as one of the best ideas I've heard so far was an off-the-cuff pitch from EP). I'm going to drop a few lines myself once I know where everyone stands.

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:09 pm
by decoy73
I am going to ask for a hero. I'm really hoping for Christina to make the endgame, at least.

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:53 am
by Shiola
I'm good to go as far as closing my time in the version out, I don't require any death ideas.

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:00 am
by Maraoone

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:28 pm
by Buko

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:20 am
by decoy73

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:30 am
by Grim Wolf

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:23 pm
by SOTF_Help
Attention, handlers.

We have noticed that a few characters have run over the final 10 death deadline. As a warning, any characters who have been rolled that are not dead must be dead by 8:00 AM on Friday, September 25th (one week after the original deadline). If any rolled characters are not dead by this time, SOTF_Help will step in to handle their deaths, as if they had gone terminally inactive or an entire death period overdue.

-The SOTF Staff Team

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:45 am
by SOTF_Help
Attention, handlers:

As we approach our Final 10 deaths deadline, it should be clarified that the time set is 8:00 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) Friday, September 25th. Any rolled characters not dead at this time will have SOTF_Help step in to handle their deaths as if they had gone terminally inactive or an entire death period overdue.

-The SOTF Staff Team

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:03 pm
by Shiola

Re: V7 Final 10 Rolls

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 4:55 am
by Latin For Dragula