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SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [V1-7 Complete]

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:32 pm
by RC~
A project that very near and dear to my heart since I joined this site in 2013 was shaping SOTF into a story you could read in one go just like MurderWeasel did it for Evo, because I guess I was too stubborn to adapt to the new reading style of reading one character at a time and I guess because of FOMO by just reading one character instead of the version.

I started back in 2013 to then read SOTF chronologically, starting with V1, ordering the threads chronologically and then copypasting every post into a Google doc file, treating every thread as a Chapter and every Day as a Volume. Then I did the same with the whole of V2, and eventually also did it for the first couple of days in V3 before taking a break and not returning to V3 for a long while, sporadically also doing the same with some Mini versions, but not really finishing anything. I published the V1 and V2 docs in chats like mibbit or in our Skype chats to people who showed interest in rediscovering the earlier versions. And now I am announcing to officially cancel that project.

And announce a new project that is way more efficient than copypasting every post into a Google docs, reformating it, fixing any typos or spelling errors the original authors had made and then collect it in a collection of Google Doc files that I would publish via link. I'll just link the threads so you can read them for yourselves. Mind blowing.

So yeah, in the following posts I'll post a chronological guide in which order to read all SOTF threads avoiding overlaps. This WIP project will take some time to finish though, as I have to convert every thread link to the new board, but I hope some of you who are interested in reading SOTF in one go/chronologically. It takes time, but I confirm that it's fun. I also hope this new project will motivate me to finally finish v3 after 5 years and read the other versions completely as well.

Speedy Index

Guides on Mini:

Additional notes:
-it's not chronological in the sense of me having calculated the IC clock time for every thread, but rather it's ordered in a way so you can read all of it in one swift without having to backtrack any thread. It's mostly based on which thread has been posted first and there have been order adjustments made for the death order to add up if possible.
-How to use the sidenotes: Sometimes I split a thread in two, so you can read the day 3 part and the day 4 part, for example, seperately. So if you see for example that Part 1 of the thread is Post 1-22, you can stop after post 22 and read Part 2 when you reach Day 4, then the characters will have reacted to the Third Announcements. I also have all characters in the threads marked as a side note so if you want to read multiple characters at once in a version but don't want to use the wiki to calculate your own list on which threads to read in what order, you can always look out for the names of the characters you want to read or simply ctrl+f them
-about splitting, merging and moving: My proto version split every thread whenever an announcement happened. However, I realised that most of the time that interrupts the flow of the reading of the thread if you pick it up later. This is why I decided to mostly move the threads to a later day so the flow is not interrupted when you reach that thread. If a 4-page thread takes place in day 3 and day 4 for example and 2 pages are in day 3 and 2 pages take place on day 4, the thread is likely to simply be at the start of the day 4 thread list, so you basically catch up on the day 3 events in that thread when you're on day 4. However, there are some cases where there's no way around splitting a thread: If a character dies on day 3 and people react to the Day 3 Announcements there is no way around it. Also if a character leaves during the day 3 phase to visit another day 3 thread. Also whenever a character revisits a thread a split is inevitable.
-about adjustments: If you find errors or have suggestions for improvement, I'm open to edit this guide to make it more reader-friendly

Have fun!

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:32 pm
by RC~
SOTF Version I (2005)
[+] Day I
1. The Story viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7665
2. Starting Point for Girl 07 I (Posts 1-2) ... =97&t=1085 (Anya)
3. Starting Point for Girl #4 I (Posts 1-26) ... f=93&t=586 (Xian, Sydney, Tayli, Niniko, Selene Acton)
4. Starting Point for Boy #10 ... =108&t=637 (Minase)
5. Boy#22 (Hawley, Helena)
6. The Threesome on the Move (I) (Posts 1-53) (Xian, Sydney, Tayli, Anya, Minase)
7. Starting Point: G02 (I) (Post 1) (Umi)
8. Starting Point for Boy#16 (Daisuke, Aiden, Umi)
9. Start for Boy#14 (Jacob)
10. Starting Point for B06 (Uriel, Jacob)
11. Starting Place for G13 (Devi)
12. On Their Way (I) (Posts 1-18) (Umi, Daisuke, Aiden)
13. Starting Place for Boy 09 (I) (Posts 1-77) (Terry, August, Hawley)
[+] Day II
1. Mr. Danya's First Announcement
2. Starting Point for Girl #4 (II) (Post 27) (Tayli)
3. The Threesome on the Move (II) (Post 54) (Niniko)
4. On Their Way (II) (Post 19-End) (Umi, Daisuke, Aiden)
5. Starting Point for Boy #77 (Adam, Alan, Edward)
6. Lasting (Hawley)
7. Starting Point: G02 (II) (Posts 2-3) (Kiyoko)
8. Starting Place for Boy 09 (II) (Posts 78-End) (Terry, August, Kichiro, Kiyoko)
9. Selene Arrives (I) (Post 1-38) (Selene, Garrett, Jacob, Uriel, River)
10. At the Entrance (Umi, Daisuke, Aiden, Hawley)
11. Starting Place for Boy #33 (Cole)
12. Run, Xian Run (Xian, Cole, Cassandra, Andrew)
13. Towards the River (Kichiro, Kiyoki)
14. Hospital Encounter (Adam, Alan, Hawley)
15. Sitting Here (Devi)
16. Chillin' at the waterfall (I) (Posts 1-96) (Umi, Daisuke, Aiden, Edward, Minase, Garrett)
17. A Place to Hide (Kichiro, Kiyoko, Cassandra)
18. Moving (Adam, Alan, Hawley)
19. Lighthouse Ambush (I) (Posts 1-80) (Jacob, Hawley, Alan, Adam, Uriel)
20. Down By The River (I) (Posts 1-10) (Edward, Garrett, Uriel)
21. Starting Point for Girl 07 (II) (Post 3-17) (Anya, Jacob, Uriel)
22. Lighthouse Ambush (II) (Posts 81-166) (Hawley, Alan, Adam, Terry, August)
23. LookOUT (I) (Posts 1-51) (Umi, Aiden, Daisuke, Lipson)
24. Moving On (Devi)
[+] Day III
1. The Second Announcement
2. Selene Arrives (II) (Post 39-End) (River, Selene)
3. Chillin' at the waterfall II ... 6874#p6874 (Post 97-End) (Kiyoko, Cassandra, Kichiro)
4. Starting Point for Girl 07 III (Post 18-End) ... 9015#p9015 (Jacob, Uriel)
5. Lighthouse Ambush III (Posts 167-End) ... 5514#p5514 (Hawley, Alan, Adam)
6. Bruised and bleeding... ... f=96&t=659 (Cole, Xian)
7. Down By the River II ... 9099#p9099 (Posts 11-End) (Edward, Jacob, Uriel)
8. Chi Masumi, G12, Begins ... =108&t=639 (Chi, Jimmy, Andrew, Heather)
9. Resting & Suffering ... f=93&t=587 (Adam, Hawley, Alan, Garrett, Edward, Uriel, Jacob, Venka)
10. LookOUT II (Post 52-112) ... 4988#p4988 (Umi, Aiden, Daisuke, Lipson, Kichiro, Kiyoko, Cassandra)
11. Girl #4 On the Move ... f=94&t=556 (Xian)
12. Arriving at the Hospital ... f=90&t=547 (Devi, Xian)
13. On the Run ... 105&t=1038 (River, Hawley, Adam, Jacob, Uriel)
14. Girl #21 GAME START ... =108&t=640 (Madelaine)
15. Start for Girl #5 ... f=91&t=570 (Amanda, David, Madelaine, Andrew, Heather)
16. Cillian - It's My Birthday ... f=91&t=571 (Cillian, Mason)
17. Searching through the Flames ... f=93&t=588 (Kichiro)
18. Hiding I (Post 1-72) ... =92&t=1067 (River, Adam, Hawley, Marcus, Amanda, Madelaine, David)
19. Breakdown ... =108&t=641 (Garrett, Edward)
20. Starting Point: G02 III (Post 4-5) ... 3070#p3070 (Heather)
21. Boy 20 - GAME START I (Post 1-14) ... f=96&t=660 (Ash, Xian, Cillian, Jon)
22. The Smell of Blood I (Post 1-22) ... 105&t=4117 (Mason, Heather)
23. Starting Place for B29 ... f=94&t=572 (Blaine, Jacob, Uriel)
24. Cleaning Wounds ... =97&t=1093 (Blaine)
[+] Day IV
1. The Third Announcement ... f=89&t=530
2. Jimmy and Chi ... =97&t=1092 (Jimmy, Chi)
3. START GAME: Clemence ... =107&t=557 (Clemence)
4. LookOUT III (Post 113-End) ... 5049#p5049 (Umi, Aiden, Daisuke, Lipson, Kiyoko, Cassandra, Chi)
5. Starting Place for B#54 I (Post 1-36) ... 103&t=1080 (Jeremy, Fred)
6. Curiouser and curiouser ... =104&t=614 (Clemence)
7. B35 - Starting Point ... =104&t=613 (Glenn, Chi, Clemence, Devi)
8. Hiding II (Post 73-End) ... 7826#p7826 (River, Adam, Hawley, Marcus, Amanda, Madelaine, David, Devi)
9. Fifty-thousand Names All Engraved Upon a Stone ... f=93&t=589 (Adam)
10. The Smell of Blood II (Post 23-End) ... 308#p41308 (Heather, Jacob, Uriel)
11. Start for Boy #23 ... =102&t=692 (Rais)
12. First patient of the day... ... f=90&t=548 (Clemence, James C)
13. Attack at the river ... =97&t=1094 (Jacob, Rais)
14. Birthday games and homicide at the Gazebo ... f=98&t=608 (Dahlia, Cillian)
15. Strolling down the beach ... =101&t=619 (Wednesday)
16. Shelter from the Rain I (Post 1-55) ... 106&t=4118 (Blaine, Wednesday, Jimmy, David, Madelaine, Hawley, Marcus, Amanda)
17. Starting Place for B#54 II (Post 37-110) ... 8446#p8446 (Jeremy, Fred, Heather, Garrett, Devi, Aiden, Daisuke, Umi, Kiyoki, Cassandra)
18. Give 'Em Hell Kid ... =101&t=620 (Marie)
19. B35 G12 continued I (Post 1-4) ... =94&t=4121 (Chi, Glenn, Marie)
20. Dead Man's Party ... =104&t=615 (Cillian, Art, Devi)
21. I've Been Wandering Sideways ... =107&t=558 (Adam, Marie)
22. B35 G12 continued II (Post 5-End) ... 467#p41467 (Chi, Glenn, Marie, Eddie)
23. I've Stared Straight Into the Sun ... =101&t=621 (Adam)
24. Starting Point for student No38 ... =99&t=1024 (Peri, Elise)
25. Coppice Land of Waste ... f=93&t=590 (Clemence)
26. The Home Away From Home ... =92&t=1068 (Katherine, Jacob, Cillian)
27. The Arrival ... =100&t=671 (Elise, Peri, Stevan, Cillian)
28. Still I Don't Know Why You're Dying I (Post 1-16) ... =102&t=693 (Adam, Heather, Jeremy, Fred)
29. Travelling Circus I (Post 1-7) ... =92&t=1069 (Peri, Stevan, Elise)
30. Drag the Sunrise down ... =101&t=623 (Elise, Peri)
31. Travelling Circus II (Post 8-End) ... 7915#p7915 (Stevan, Jacob, Peri)
32. Starting point for Males#52 ... =104&t=616 (Shinya)
33. Stings like a bitch ... f=90&t=549 (Elise, Madelaine, Amanda, Hawley, David, Marcus, Peri, Jacob, Stevan)
34. Though we may not survive it I (Post 1-21) ... =97&t=1095 (Madelaine, Jacob, David, Amanda, Hawley)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:32 pm
by RC~
[+] Day V
1. The Fourth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=89&t=531
2. Boys 20-GAME START II (Post 15) viewtopic.php?p=4594#p4594 (Ash)
3. Shelter from the Rain II (Post 56-End) viewtopic.php?p=41388#p41388 (Blaine, Wednesday)
4. Where'd you go Psycho Boy viewtopic.php?f=106&t=680 (Stevan)
5. Murder 101 viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1039 (Clemence, James K, Naoji)
6. Starting: B27 viewtopic.php?f=93&t=591 (Callum)
7. Girls#15-GAME START viewtopic.php?f=99&t=1025 (Daphne, Callum)
8. Girl #30: Awakening viewtopic.php?f=90&t=665 (Jayne, Peri, Callum, Angharad, Stevan)
9. Blood at the Warehouse viewtopic.php?f=103&t=1081 (Aaron R, Katherine, Chi)
10. "Sadako" hits the John viewtopic.php?f=107&t=559 (Shinya, Sven)
11. Walking into the house of Blood viewtopic.php?f=98&t=609 (Eddie, Marie, Glenn, Jacob, Sven, Shinya)
12. Still I Don't Know Why You're Dying II (Post 17-End) viewtopic.php?p=5669#p5669 (Adam, Heather, Jeremy, Fred, Marie, Glenn)
13. Starting Place for B#100 I (Post 1-2) viewtopic.php?f=102&t=694 (Max)
14. Cody's Arrival viewtopic.php?f=108&t=642 (Cody, Marcus)
15. long before your time has come viewtopic.php?f=95&t=578 (Adam)
16. Though we may not survive it II (Post 22-60) viewtopic.php?p=9158#p9158 (Madelaine, David, Amanda, Hawley, Marcus, Blaine, Adam)
17. starting place kaleigh viewtopic.php?f=107&t=560 (Kaleigh)
18. carly arrives viewtopic.php?f=97&t=1106 (Kaleigh)
19. A Well Deserved Shower viewtopic.php?f=107&t=561 (Wednesday, Jason)
20. Starting Point for G#18 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=624 (Sophie, Ash, Cillian)
21. Jason's Choice viewtopic.php?f=101&t=626 (Jason, Stevan, Jayne)
22. Start place for Boy 26 viewtopic.php?f=108&t=643 (Dorian, Vince N, Cydni)
23. Starting place for B#54 III (Post 111-246) viewtopic.php?p=8520#p8520 (Aiden, Daisuke, Umi, Cassandra, Kiyoko, Garrett, Peri, Max, Stevan)
24. On My Own viewtopic.php?f=100&t=672 (Angharad, David, Hawley, Dorian)
25. On the Run viewtopic.php?f=95&t=580 (Dorian, Jacob)
26. Hellhouse Rock viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1040 (Miranda, Eddie)
27. Advent viewtopic.php?f=99&t=1026 (Marie, Jeremy, Heather, Fred, Glenn, Daphne)
28. Stand up, Boy #53 viewtopic.php?f=91&t=597 (Duncan, Angharad)
29. Starting Place for B#100 II (Post 3-End) viewtopic.php?p=5705#p5705 (Max, Cody, Shinya)
30. Girls #26-GAME START viewtopic.php?f=95&t=579 (Nanami)
31. A planning of a strategy viewtopic.php?f=106&t=683 (Angharad, Duncan)
32. Dude! FORTIFIED!!! viewtopic.php?f=100&t=674 (Thom, Waldo)
33. Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2 viewtopic.php?f=100&t=675 (Thom, Waldo, Shinya, Stevan, Peri, Jayne, Jason, Angharad)
34. Though we may not survive it III (Post 61-End) viewtopic.php?p=9214#p9214 (Madelaine, Amanda, Marcus, Adam, Hawley, Callum, David, Nanami, Jeremy, Fred, Glenn, Heather, Jayne, Jason)
35. B46 - Start viewtopic.php?f=107&t=562 (Martyn)
36. Girl #50 Let It Bleed I (Post 1-24) viewtopic.php?f=93&t=592 (Mallory, Cillian, Cody, Callum)
37. Big open spaces viewtopic.php?f=91&t=598 (Sven, Martyn)
38. Betrayal viewtopic.php?f=95&t=581 (Jason, Jayne)
39. A moment's pause viewtopic.php?f=92&t=1070 (Jacob, Dorian, Garrett, Angharad)
40. Cody finds Loretta viewtopic.php?f=92&t=1071 (Cody)
41. Girl #34 - Into the Fire viewtopic.php?f=104&t=628 (Jill)
42. Starting place for B#54 IV (Post 252-356) viewtopic.php?p=8662#p8662 (Dorian, Jacob, Angharad, Cody, Amanda, Madelaine, David, Adam, Martyn, Jill)
43. Starting point for B66 viewtopic.php?f=93&t=593 (Dread)
44. Optimism killed the cat viewtopic.php?f=106&t=684 (Duncan, Angharad)
45. Arrival I (Post 1-104) viewtopic.php?f=90&t=666 (Daisuke, Aiden, Heather, Fred, Glenn, Jeremy, Mallory, Miranda, Eddie, Daphne, Jason)
46. Boy 121-START viewtopic.php?f=97&t=1107 (Toby, Chance, Sidney, Takara)
47. Starting point for B69 viewtopic.php?f=92&t=1072 (Andrew M)
48. The Morning After The Night Before I (Post 1-29) viewtopic.php?f=107&t=563 (Angharad, Xian, Vince N, Andrew M)
49. Boy 103 Start viewtopic.php?f=101&t=627 (Neville)
50. Starting Place for Girl no.38 viewtopic.php?f=108&t=644 (Clare, Ryan T, Neville)
51. Clemence viewtopic.php?f=102&t=696 (Clemence)
52. Darkness Falls viewtopic.php?f=99&t=1027 (Kousaka)
53. Girl #41 - The Beginning of the End viewtopic.php?f=98&t=610 (Lyndi)
[+] Day VI
1. The Fifth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=89&t=533
2. Arrival II (Post 105-114) viewtopic.php?p=4837#p4837 (Daisuke, Aiden, Heather, Glenn, Jeremy, Mallory, Jason)
3. Starting place for B#54 V (Post 357-End) viewtopic.php?p=8768#p8768 (Dorian, Cody, Amanda, Madelaine, David, Adam, Martyn, Jill)
4. Back to the scene of the crime I (Post 1-8) viewtopic.php?f=97&t=1109 (Adam, Amanda, Madelaine, Jill, Martyn, Toby, Takara, Chance, Sidney, Cody)
5. Showdown at the Woods viewtopic.php?f=108&t=652 (Jacob, David, Cody)
6. Drifting viewtopic.php?f=95&t=582 (Lyndi, Callum, Fred, Shinya, Cody, Elsie)
7. Survival of the Fittest I (Post 1-3) viewtopic.php?f=108&t=651 (Heather, Aiden)
8. Kousaka Troubled viewtopic.php?f=100&t=673 (Kousaka)
9. Arrival III (Post 115-End) viewtopic.php?p=4847#p4847 (Daisuke, Aiden, Glenn, Jeremy, Mallory)
10. Truth Be Told, The Child Was Borne viewtopic.php?f=94&t=4123 (Cleo, Shinya, Peri)
11. Survival of the Fittest II (Post 4-End) viewtopic.php?p=4471#p4471 (Heather, Aiden, Daisuke, Jeremy, Glenn, Mallory)
12. Boy#79 - On A Memory viewtopic.php?f=91&t=599 (Ryan A)
13. Like Lambs to the Slaughter viewtopic.php?f=104&t=617 (Vince N, Andrew M, Angharad, Xian, Peri)
14. Back to the scene of the crime II (Post 9-53) viewtopic.php?p=9532#p9532 (Adam, Amanda, Madelaine, Jill, Martyn, Toby, Takara, Chance, Sidney, Cody)
15. Remembering Rendou viewtopic.php?f=97&t=1110 (Kousaka)
16. It is game time! Biatches! viewtopic.php?f=99&t=1028 (Vince S)
17. Requiem viewtopic.php?f=101&t=629 (Cody, Vince S)
18. Ken's Start...and End viewtopic.php?f=101&t=630 (Ken)
19. Earned in Blood viewtopic.php?f=106&t=686 (Elsie, Lyndi, Callum, Fred, Vince S, Cody)
20. Can't Save Them All viewtopic.php?f=108&t=653 (Callum, Dread)
21. The Morning After The Night Before II (Post 30-End) viewtopic.php?p=2680#p2680 (Angharad, Peri, Cydni)
22. Mortal Combat at the Gazebo viewtopic.php?f=98&t=611 (Jacob, Adam)
23. 99 I (Post 1-28) viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1041 (Eh-Sun, Heather, Jeremy, Aiden, Daisuke, Mallory, Glenn, Stevan)
24. Starin' Down The Barrel of a .45 viewtopic.php?f=92&t=1073 (Ryan A, Jason, Madison)
25. Today's the Day, I Pray That We Make It Through viewtopic.php?f=91&t=600 (Martyn, Jill, Jack)
26. The Innocent Ones viewtopic.php?f=101&t=631 (Cassie, Ryan A)
27. Wandering viewtopic.php?f=108&t=654 (Kouji)
28. Waterfall found viewtopic.php?f=99&t=1030 (Kouji)
29. Aaron Bourdon I (Post 1-43) viewtopic.php?f=99&t=1029 (Eh-Sun, Aaron B, Jack, Martyn, Jill, Kouji, Michael)
30. The End of an Act I (Post 1-13) viewtopic.php?f=107&t=4120 (Angharad, Cassie, Ryan A)
31. Korean Letters viewtopic.php?f=93&t=594 (Jake, Eh-Sun, Shinya, Kouji)
32. Wake Up Antonio viewtopic.php?f=100&t=676 (Antonio)
33. The Adventure of Meatboy viewtopic.php?f=95&t=583 (Ian, Peri, Antonio)
34. Game Start: Boy #76 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=632 (Gilbert, Shoar, Adam)
35. 99 II (Post 29-End) viewtopic.php?p=7213#p7213 (Glenn, Mallory, Peri, Daisuke, Stevan, Antonio, Jeremy, Heather, Aiden, Eh-Sun)
36. Back to the scene of the crime III (Post 54-86) viewtopic.php?p=9585#p9585 (Toby, Takara, Chance, Sidney, Kousaka, Vince S)
37. Hannah Juett viewtopic.php?f=93&t=595 (Hannah, Adib)
38. G56 - Start viewtopic.php?f=95&t=584 (Sven, Lucinda, Hannah)
39. Beginning of the End viewtopic.php?f=101&t=633 (Scott)
40. Girl 70 START I (Post 1-143) viewtopic.php?f=92&t=1074 (Nevera, Kouji, Jeremy, Scott, Antonio)
41. The Return I (Post 1) viewtopic.php?f=106&t=687 (Vince S)
42. Sunshower I (Post 1-45) viewtopic.php?f=100&t=677 (Glenn, Mallory, Stevan, Peri, Kousaka, Eh-Sun)
43. And so it begins viewtopic.php?f=108&t=650 (Arsenio, Drew, Cassie, Ryan A, Cody, Lyndi)
44. Taking Stock I (Post 1-57) viewtopic.php?f=96&t=661 (Ryan T, Clare, Neville, Dorian, Vince S, Jason, Eh-Sun, Stevan, Peri)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:32 pm
by RC~
[+] Day VII
1. The Sixth Announcement ... f=89&t=535
2. Prelude ... f=91&t=601 (Amber, Kaige, Rice, McLocke)
3. Danya's Offer viewtopic.php?f=89&t=535#p85619
4. Aaron Bourdon II (Post 44-End) ... 6990#p6990 (Jill, Martyn, Jack, Michael)
5. Taking Stock II (Post 58-End) ... 4657#p4657 (Jason, Ryan T, Clare, Neville, Stevan, Peri, Dorian, Eh-Sun)
6. Revisiting the Past... ... f=93&t=596 (Adam, Lucinda, Hannah)
7. Sweet Dreams at the Ravine ... =102&t=695 (Wednesday, Chi, Clemence, Rice)
8. Inhale...Exhale... ... f=96&t=662 (Adam, Stevan)
9. Girl 70 START II (Post 144-170) ... 8175#p8175 (Antonio, Ryan T, Clare, Neville, Stevan, Kouji)
10. Sunshower II (Post 46-End) ... 5300#p5300 (Jeremy, Scott, Nevera)
11. I Can't Do This Alone ... =94&t=4124 (Mallory, Jeremy)
12. Finally some peace and quiet ... =99&t=1031 (Scott, Nevera)
13. Back to the scene of crime IV (Post 87-End) ... 9618#p9618 (Sidney, Chance, Toby, Takara)
14. Cat and Mouse ... =98&t=4119 (Mallory, Jeremy, Jason)
15. Sing of Tomorrow ... f=95&t=585 (Ai, McLocke)
16. The (Untimely) End ... f=91&t=602 (Adam, Dread)
17. I Am Legend/Out For Blood ... 105&t=1043 (Stevan, Daisuke)
18. Let It Bleed II (Post 25-End) ... 3335#p3335 (Cillian, Peri)
19. The Return II (Post 4-End) ... 5628#p5628 (Dorian, Elsie)
20. Enter the Hero ... =94&t=4126 (Stevan, McLocke, Peri, Eh-Sun)
21. Miles to Go ... 100&t=3932 (Mallory)
22. Onslaught Redux I (Post 1-27) ... 103&t=1083 (Martyn, Jill, Luca, Gilbert, Jack, Jason, Adam)
[+] Day VIII
1. The Seventh Announcement ... f=89&t=537
2. Girl 70 START III (Post 171-End) ... 8200#p8200 (Jeremy, Clare, Ryan T, Heather)
3. There's Always Hope ... =104&t=618 (Drew, Cassie, Nevera, Scott)
5. Onslaught Redux II (Post 28-55) ... 8835#p8835 (Adam, Jill, Martyn, Jack)
6. I'm gonna break my rusty Kaige ... =99&t=1032 (Kaige)
7. Swing Life Away ... f=96&t=663 (Lucinda)
8. You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best ... 105&t=1044 (Adam, Jamie)
9. Memory Lane ... =101&t=634 (Nevera, Scott, Drew, Cassie)
10. The Place Where It All Began ... =106&t=688 (Lyndi)
11. Rediscovering Andrew Lipson ... =101&t=635 (Adam, Kaleigh)
12. To Sleep, Perchance To Dream ... 105&t=1045 (Lyndi, Elsie, Michael)
13. In Sight of a Sanctuary I (Post 1-30) ... f=90&t=667 (Sidney, Chance, Toby, Takara, Kaige)
14. Clockworks I (Post 1-30) ... f=91&t=603 (Scott, Drew, Nevera, Cassie)
15. You can't turn back the hands of time I (Post 1-24) ... =108&t=655 (Adam, Cody, Lucinda)
16. Onslaught Redux III (Post 56-97) ... 8863#p8863 (Jill, Martyn, Jack, Lucinda, Sidney, Hannah)
17. The End of an Act II (Post 14-End) ... 423#p41423 (Angharad, Vince N, Xian, Kaige)
18. Violence Fetish ... =106&t=689 (Stevan, Peri, Dorian)
19. You'll never change what's been and gone ... =101&t=636 (Aiden, Kaige)
20. Nothing Lasts Forever ... =94&t=4125 (Lyndi, Kaige)
[+] Day IX
1. Announcement No. 8 viewtopic.php?f=89&t=540
2. You can't turn back the hands of time II (Post 25-End) ... 4535#p4535 (Adam, Cody, Elsie)
3. Clockworks II (Post 31) ... 3433#p3433 (Scott, Nevera)
4. Clockwork Little Happiness ... =99&t=1033 (Lucinda, Scott, Nevera)
5. In Sight of a Sanctuary II (Post 31-End) ... 4886#p4886 (Takara, Rice, Clemence, Drew, Toby)
6. Onslaught Redux IV (Post 98-164) ... 8916#p8916 (Jill, Martyn, Jack, Sidney, Hannah, Jeremy, Ryan T, Clare, Nevera, Eh-Sun, Kaige, Clemence)
7. Home ... =92&t=1075 (Peri, Dorian)
8. Emotional Catalyst ... =102&t=697 (Peri, Dorian)
9. You Better Shape Up ... =107&t=564 (Peri, Dorian, Kaige)
10. Reflection ... =102&t=698 (Cody)
11. A Link to the Past ... =106&t=690 (Peri, Adam)
12. Along the Path to Destiny ... f=91&t=604 (Elsie, Cody)
13. Cause I fell on black days ... =106&t=691 (Kaige, Scott, Michael)
14. Friendly Reunion? ... =94&t=4127 (Drew, Toby)
15. The Casualties of War ... =94&t=4128 (Cody)
16. I swear it's everywhere ... =108&t=656 (Adam, Sidney, Kaige, Rice)
[+] Day X
1. Announcement No. 9 ... f=89&t=541
2. Hurts like a bitch ... f=90&t=668 (Clemence, Jeremy)
3. Sinners Inc. ... =92&t=1076 (Stevan, Lucinda, Jeremy)
4. Onslaught Redux V (Post 168) ... 8986#p8986 (Jack)
5. I Love Rock 'n' Roll ... f=91&t=605 (Jeremy, Lucinda)
6. Major Tom ... =99&t=1034 (Drew, Adam)
7. Under Pressure ... =94&t=4129 (Jeremy, Lucinda)
8. The Brink of Insanity ... =102&t=699 (Cody)
9. Don't Dream It's Over ... 103&t=1084 (Jeremy, Lucinda)
10. The Tangled Web We Weave ... =102&t=700 (Clemence, Cody)
11. The Original Fire has died and gone ... =94&t=4130 (Adam)
12. Gonna Stand our Ground I (Post 1-22) ... f=91&t=606 (Jack, Kaige, Drew)
13. Announcement #10 ... f=89&t=543
14. I can't wash you off my skin ... =108&t=657 (Sidney)
15. Revelations ... =99&t=1035 (Adam)
16. Preparing for War ... =102&t=701 (Cody)
17. Gonna Stand our Ground II (Post 23) ... 3461#p3461 (Jack)
18. Endgame ... =97&t=1111
19. Out of Exile ... f=89&t=612

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:33 pm
by RC~
SOTF Version II (2006)
[+] Day I
1. P.J. Gilroy Academy Prologue viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5225
2. Franklyn Senior High School Prologue viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5224
3. Bathurst High School Prologue viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5223
4. Hobbsborough High School Prologue viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5222
5. Lost viewtopic.php?f=378&t=2916 (Lance)
6. Fighting for something you already lost I (Post 1-26) viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3021 (Jonathan, Chad, An Linh, Sarah, Alexander, Lance)
7. Why good girls don't win viewtopic.php?f=384&t=3143 (Mariavel)
8. The Sun Rises in the East viewtopic.php?f=380&t=3008 (Ricky)
9. Those who would hurt you viewtopic.php?f=393&t=5053 (Melanie)
10. Part of Your World I (Post 1-16) viewtopic.php?f=386&t=3205 (Marimar, Kayla, Lavender)
11. Scrounging for gear viewtopic.php?f=390&t=3995 (Blake, Walter)
12. Wakin' up Dead. viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5065 (Sam)
13. Ghostworld viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3683 (Ernest)
14. Lost Children I (Post 1-7) viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5078 (Mitch, Cathalie, Ernest)
15. Hello... viewtopic.php?f=390&t=3923 (Gregory)
16. The Time of my life. viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3270 (Harry)
17. Ascent Into Madness viewtopic.php?f=398&t=4983 (Damien, Marvin)
18. Dam Rivers. viewtopic.php?f=379&t=2921 (Satoru)
19. Do Not Disturb viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5038 (Paris, Franco, Anna, Marvin)
20. Built to Survive viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4989 (Bryan)
21. Who can say what the day will bring? viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5075 (Jaime, Mariavel)
22. footsteps viewtopic.php?f=379&t=2922 (Tori)
23. The Heat of the Moment viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5076 (Sam)
24. Ready Yourself viewtopic.php?f=395&t=5015 (Debrah)
25. It's a long and winding road I (Post 1-11) viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4994 (Pants, Carmen)
26. Karma is a Bitch viewtopic.php?f=385&t=3177 (John M)
27. Empathies and Desperation viewtopic.php?f=378&t=2915 (Jackie, Gail, Ricky, John M, Gregory)
28. G-11 Start viewtopic.php?f=396&t=5006 (Stacy)
29. B-24 Start viewtopic.php?f=390&t=3929 (Russ)
30. B 35 Start viewtopic.php?f=396&t=5007 (Anthony, Stacy)
31. International Incident viewtopic.php?f=385&t=3178 (Vesa)
32. Don't Panic I (Post 1) viewtopic.php?f=398&t=4984 (Andrew)
33. Live for him viewtopic.php?f=383&t=3085 (Andi, Vesa)
34. The very basic will to live viewtopic.php?f=395&t=5016 (Felix, Andrew, Bryan, Harry)
35. Nothing at the cost of everything viewtopic.php?f=385&t=3180 (Darren)
36. This is Your Wake-Up Call viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5039 (Brittany, Paris, Franco, Russ, Marvin, Anna)
37. Bullseye viewtopic.php?f=379&t=2923 (Seth Mal, Jenna, Tori, Darren)
38. I flow wherever the wind takes me viewtopic.php?f=390&t=3985 (Mariavel, Li-Jen)
39. Ghost Tigers Rise viewtopic.php?f=384&t=3144 (Nich)
40. Memories and Revelations viewtopic.php?f=382&t=3069 (Whitney, Tanesha, Matthias, Mariavel, Huy)
41. Welcome To The Jungle viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3015 (Zed, Venus, Satoru, Nich)
42. Fucking Ginsberg viewtopic.php?f=393&t=5054 (Mai)
43. Such Sweet Sorrow viewtopic.php?f=385&t=3179 (Lee-Ann)
44. Origins viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3283 (Eric)
45. Running Start. viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4990 (Mary-Anne)
46. Jeux sans frontieres viewtopic.php?f=380&t=3009 (Jonathan, Brad)
47. If Words Could Kill They Probably Will. viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3715 (Jack, Mai, Tanesha)
48. I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4992 (John M, Jackie, Gail, Ricky)
49. Rebirth viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3310 (Jonathan, Ernest, Whitney, Matthias, Vesa, Andi, Debrah)
50. The Sands of Time I (Post 1-28) viewtopic.php?f=384&t=3145 (Ali, Edgar, Adam, Kasumi, Mariavel, Roland, Debrah)
51. Dan Birch viewtopic.php?f=390&t=3986 (Dan B, Bryan)
52. Outside the school. viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5077 (Mary-Anne, Jenna, Stacy)
53. When I Get Home... viewtopic.php?f=385&t=3183 (Gregg, Tori)
54. Barbie Girl viewtopic.php?f=379&t=2936 (Venus, Darren)
55. Completely and utterly viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3309 (Jameson, Ali)
56. Nessy Guthrie viewtopic.php?f=390&t=3992 (Nessy)
57. Hiding in the Barn I (Post 1-23) viewtopic.php?f=378&t=2917 (Gregory, Blake, Jordan, Stacy, Tori, Bryan)
58. Friends? What are friends? viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5066 (Melanie, Preston, Deliah, Anna, Paris)
59. The Field of Dreams viewtopic.php?f=382&t=3070 (Sam)
60. This is SO not what I had in mind viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3017 (Matthew, Alice)
61. It's not Sane. viewtopic.php?f=382&t=3071 (Jonathan, Rupert)
62. Ready for Round Two. viewtopic.php?f=390&t=3996 (Russ, Franco)
63. Improvising viewtopic.php?f=379&t=2928 (Zed, Nich)
64. Of Rats and boys viewtopic.php?f=398&t=4985 (Adrian, Joshua)
65. Of Sex and Full Frontal Nudity viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5040 (Sam)
66. Genocide in our fucking minds. viewtopic.php?f=380&t=3010 (Caitlin, Kayla, Harry)
67. Well...isn't this fucking great?! I (Post 1-56) viewtopic.php?f=388&t=3677 (Kristey, Damien, Peter, Sam, Tori, Bryan)
68. Stopping for the night I (Post 1) viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5047 (Walter, Li-Jen)
69. Running Water viewtopic.php?f=379&t=2930 (Lee-Ann, Sam)
70. Shocked but ready viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3311 (Randy)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:33 pm
by RC~
[+] Day II
1. The First Announcement viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5227
2. Lost Children II (Post 8-End) viewtopic.php?p=51801#p51801 (Mitch, Cathalie, Venus)
3. Tom and Becky viewtopic.php?f=386&t=3221 (Bryan, Tori, Alexander)
4. This Old House viewtopic.php?f=383&t=3086 (Huy)
5. Shades of Gray, Redux viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5067 (Ali, Tanesha, Lavender)
6. Well...isn't this fucking great?! II (Post 57-End) viewtopic.php?p=36563#p36563 (Kristey, Peter)
7. What do you...? I (Post 1-59) viewtopic.php?f=396&t=5008 (Felix, Alex, Ernest, Vesa, Andi)
8. My Final Sanctuary viewtopic.php?f=388&t=3678 (Tanesha)
9. Headhunter viewtopic.php?f=393&t=5055 (Eric, Eli, Whitney, Matthias, Damien, Kristey, Peter)
10. The Sands of Time II (Post 29-End) viewtopic.php?p=31405#p31405 (Mariavel, Debrah, Roland, Edgar, Adam, Kasumi)
11. Don't Panic II (Post 2-End) viewtopic.php?p=50765#p50765 (Andrew, Zed, Nich)
12. Part of Your World II (Post 17) viewtopic.php?p=31970#p31970 (Marimar)
13. Start for G5 viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5210 (Annabelle, Gigi, Laura)
14. Left in a tree viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4993 (Garry, Sylvea, Lester)
15. Stopping for the Night II (Post 2-14) viewtopic.php?p=51404#p51404 (Walter, Mariavel, Seth Mat)
16. Sleepy Head on a mission viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5079 (Randy)
17. the remake viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3738 (Tori, Bryan, Jordan)
18. When the silence remains... viewtopic.php?f=395&t=5017 (Seth Mal, Gregg)
19. Pale Shelter viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5044 (Andrew, Nich, Zed)
20. Hiding in the Barn II (Post 24-End) viewtopic.php?p=29000#p29000 (Blake, Stacy)
21. You can feel what you don't see I (Post 1-30) viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5211 (Kayla, Jackie, Gail, John, Ricky, Felix)
22. Treskinton's End viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4991 (Garry, Lester)
23. Fighting for something you already lost II (Post 27-End) viewtopic.php?p=29933#p29933 (Brandon, Lance, Matthew, Marimar, Sarah, An-Linh)
24. Free-fall. viewtopic.php?f=390&t=3997 (Derrin)
25. Karma viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3018 (Christian, Jonathan)
26. Nightfall and the river. viewtopic.php?f=379&t=3003 (Mary-Anne, Harry)
27. The Dead Ought Sleep Forever viewtopic.php?f=383&t=3087 (Sera, Wanda)
28. Tree Top Casino viewtopic.php?f=395&t=5018 (Stephanie)
29. Natural Disaster viewtopic.php?f=390&t=4002 (Paris, Nessy, Darren, Garry, Derrin)
30. What do you...? II (Post 60-81) viewtopic.php?p=50949#p50949 (Matthew, Ernest, Andi, Kristey, Peter, Vesa)
31. And they say that a hero can save us viewtopic.php?f=390&t=4001 (Eric, Whitney, Ricky)
32. The Beast and the Harlot viewtopic.php?f=379&t=3004 (Steven, Nessy)
33. Oh, Xian... viewtopic.php?f=378&t=2918 (Dan J)
34. It's a long and winding road II (Post 12) viewtopic.php?p=50833#p50833 (Derrin)
35. Where Rational means Little and Life means A lot. viewtopic.php?f=395&t=5020 (Brandon, Christian, Jonathan)
36. A scientist at heart. viewtopic.php?f=395&t=5019 (Garry, Seth Mal)
37. End of the Line viewtopic.php?f=380&t=3011 (Melanie, Debrah)
38. Method Air viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3665 (Rob, Matt)
39. Weapons drop viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3671 (Russ, Franco, Blake)
40. Kill me softly viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5041 (Mariavel, Nich)
41. Bloody Roses I (Post 1-10) viewtopic.php?f=393&t=5057 (Venus, Rob, Matt)
42. I do not like thee, Mr. Danya! viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3020 (Sylvea, Vesa)
43. In the ruins viewtopic.php?f=383&t=3088 (Horace)
[+] Day III
1. The Second Announcement viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5230
2. Don't wait up on me viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5045 (Garry, Seth Mal)
3. B51 Start viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4995 (Shae)
4. What do you...? III (Post 82-End) viewtopic.php?p=50971#p50971 (Andi, Peter, Kristey, Ernest)
5. A change of heart. viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4996 (Garry, Derrin, Chiaki)
6. Checking In viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5046 (Bryan, Tori, Mariavel)
7. Shattered Portraits viewtopic.php?f=385&t=3189 (Ali, Gregg)
8. Stopping for the night III (Post 15-) viewtopic.php?p=51417#p51417 (Walter, Seth Mat, Bryan, Zed, Andrew)
9. Relative Safety. viewtopic.php?f=388&t=3680 (Licinia)
10. G28 - start viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3023 (Lani, Harry)
11. Please Don't Make Me Cry, I'm Just Like You-Pt. 1 viewtopic.php?f=393&t=5056 (Mai, Jack)
12. You can feel what you don't see II (Post 31-End) viewtopic.php?p=52141#p52141 (Jackie, Ricky, Whitney, Gail, Shae, Kayla)
13. Walking to School viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4997 (Bryan)
14. White and Nerdy viewtopic.php?f=398&t=4986 (Justin)
15. Without You I (Post 1-20) viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5213 (Anna, Huy)
16. The Wolf viewtopic.php?f=398&t=4987 (Kevin, Stephanie)
17. I like shopping! I (Post 1-42) viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3911 (Rob, Matt, Annabelle, Russ, Franco, Stacy, Nathan)
18. Sole Survivor viewtopic.php?f=382&t=3072 (Andrew)
19. I'm Alive viewtopic.php?f=379&t=3006 (Adrian, Dan J, Lavender, Marimar, Ernest)
20. A Withering Flower viewtopic.php?f=380&t=3013 (Penelope)
21. Prophetic Counterfeit viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3908 (Anthony, Michael, Alexander, Edgar, Penelope)
22. Peace at any Cost viewtopic.php?f=380&t=3012 (Gigi, Satoru, Alexander)
23. Please Don't Make Me Cry...Part 2 viewtopic.php?f=379&t=3005 (Mai, Jack)
24. The Wicked Game I (Post 1-24) viewtopic.php?f=395&t=5022 (Kyle, Annabelle, Matt, Rob, Bryan)
25. Gentle Times in Not So Gentle Places viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5068 (Sam, Lee-Ann, Lavender, Stephanie)
26. Please Don't Make Me Cry - Finale viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5212 (Mai, Jack)
27. Bloody Roses II (Post 11-End) viewtopic.php?p=51598#p51598 (Venus, Felix)
28. We survive by friendship I (Post 1-28) viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5082 (Tori, Mariavel, Chiaki, Kristey, Lavender)
[+] Day IV
1. The Third Announcement viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5231
2. I like shopping! II (Post 43-End) viewtopic.php?p=39022#p39022 (Franco, Russ, Nathan)
3. Storm A-Comin' viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5069 (Dan J)
4. Without You II (Post 21-End) viewtopic.php?p=52173#p52173 (Anna, Huy, Zilya)
5. The Wicked Game II (Post 25-28) viewtopic.php?p=51190#p51190 (Bryan, Rob, Matt, Annabelle)
6. "Your luck has reached its end." viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3913 (Franco, Russ, Nathan)
7. Shoot to Thrill viewtopic.php?f=396&t=5009 (Steven, Kevin)
8. Silence and Solitude viewtopic.php?f=378&t=2919 (Sera, Adam, Brandon)
9. To Be The Strongest viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4998 (Pants, Carmen, Penelope)
10. Cold Cash and Colder Hearts I (Post 1-55) viewtopic.php?f=396&t=5010 (Bryan, Matt, Rob, Steven, Horace, Carmen)
11. We survive by friendship II (Post 29-59) viewtopic.php?p=51837#p51837 (Tori, Mariavel, Chiaki, Bryan, Shae)
12. A Brewing Storm I (Post 1-12) viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3673 (Gail, Kayla, Whitney, Ricky, Vesa)
13. My Sweetest Friend viewtopic.php?f=382&t=3083 (Stephanie)
14. God Almighty viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5080 (Dan J, Edgar)
15. La De Da viewtopic.php?f=397&t=4999 (Paris, Licinia)
16. Sweet Serenity I (Post 1-25) viewtopic.php?f=386&t=3269 (Maggie, Blake, Garry, Harry, Zilya)
17. A treehouse of luck. viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3024 (Mihiro)
18. Life, Liberty, and Death viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5048 (Mariavel, Alex, Rupert)
19. Station of the Cross viewtopic.php?f=395&t=5021 (Roland, Alice)
20. In Order to Survive viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3672 (Mariavel, Franco, Nathan)
21. Um Gottes Willen viewtopic.php?f=384&t=3176 (Andi, Peter, Andrew)
22. Damien Broke In viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5081 (Damien, Eli)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:33 pm
by RC~
[+] Day V
1. The Fourth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5233
2. The Greatest Weight viewtopic.php?f=378&t=2920 (Jana, Sera)
3. A Brewing Storm II (Post 13-End) viewtopic.php?p=36440#p36440 (Ricky, Whitney, Vesa, Gail, Kayla)
4. To figure things out. viewtopic.php?f=388&t=3681 (John D, Kristey)
5. Putting on the Ritz viewtopic.php?f=383&t=3090 (Justin)
6. Blood Sport viewtopic.php?f=385&t=3204 (Matthias)
7. Sweet Serenity II (Post 26-End) viewtopic.php?p=32837#p32837 (Maggie, Zilya, Garry)
8. Cold Cash and Colder Hearts (Post 56-End) viewtopic.php?p=51041#p51041 (Rob, Matt, Horace, Carmen)
9. Restraining Order: Part One viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5214 (Blake, An Linh)
10. We survive by friendship III (Post 60-End) viewtopic.php?p=51868#p51868 (Bryan, Tori)
11. To See With Thine Eyes I (Post 1-13) viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3028 (Sam, Lee-Ann, Anna, Huy)
12. Rain on Me viewtopic.php?f=382&t=3084 (Debrah, Deliah)
13. The Wicked Game III (Post 29-End) viewtopic.php?p=51194#p51194 (Rob, Matt, Sarah)
14. Revenge Is A Dish Better Served Cold viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3914 (Seth Mal, Walter, Mariavel)
15. Das Ende viewtopic.php?f=383&t=3091 (Burton, Chiaki)
16. To Awake And Avenge The Dead I (Post 1-35) viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5070 (Kevin, Jana, Sera, Zilya, John D)
17. Restraining Order Part Two I (Post 1-4) viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3918 (Blake, An Linh, Franco, Zilya)
18. Rage against the Machine viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3025 (John M, Felix)
19. In The Darkest of Times viewtopic.php?f=379&t=3007 (Penelope, Stephanie, Matthias, Matt, Rob, Debrah, Jenna)
20. Salvation for the Untainted viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5215 (Maggie)
21. Humanity. viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3026 (Mitch, Cathalie, Franco)
22. from dust till dawn viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3920 (Matt, Rob, Stephanie, Jenna)
23. Sacrilege viewtopic.php?f=388&t=3682 (Roland, Mihiro)
24. Beauty and The Beast viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3027 (Damien, Kristey)
[+] Day VI
1. The Fifth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5235
2. Under the Summer Rain viewtopic.php?f=393&t=5058 (Ali, Gregg, Mariavel)
3. Living A Dream viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5049 (Beth)
4. Bodom Beach Terror viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3675 (Bryan, Tori, Harry)
5. The greed of man viewtopic.php?f=396&t=5012 (John D, Venus)
6. To See With Thine Eyes II (Post 14-End) viewtopic.php?p=30018#p30018 (Huy, Anna)
7. Restraining Order Part Two II (Post 5-End) viewtopic.php?p=39067#p39067 (Blake, Zilya)
8. Poor Unfortunate Souls viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5050 (Carmen, Ernest, Marimar, Mariavel, Michael)
9. Trying Hard to Breathe viewtopic.php?f=397&t=5000 (Matthias)
10. A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5216 (Franco, Nathan)
11. Goodbye Love viewtopic.php?f=393&t=5059 (Venus)
12. Fruits of Thine Labor viewtopic.php?f=387&t=3676 (Damien, Anna, Huy)
13. Forever Falling: Part I viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5218 (Paris, Licinia, Garry, Damien)
14. Maison d'abattage I (Post 1-2) viewtopic.php?f=395&t=5023 (Franco, Nathan, Chiaki)
15. I've got survivalism. viewtopic.php?f=381&t=3068 (Blake)
16. Little Known Facts viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3921 (Beth, Penelope)
17. No Rest for the Weary I (Post 1-41) viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5052 (Ricky, Whitney, Vesa, Gail, Matthias, Mariavel, Debrah)
18. Dr. Dan the Medicine Man viewtopic.php?f=396&t=5011 (Dan J, Roland)
19. To Awake And Avenge The Dead II (Post 36-59) viewtopic.php?p=51731#p51731 (Sera, Kevin, Matt, Rob, Jana)
[+] Day VII
1. The Sixth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5237
2. Pretty Vacant viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5217 (Justin)
3. Forever Falling: Part II viewtopic.php?f=396&t=5013 (Paris, Damien, Garry)
4. To Awake And Avenge The Dead III (Post 60-End) viewtopic.php?p=51755#p51755 (Sera, Matt, Rob, Jana, Felix)
5. A Remarkable End viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5083 (Zilya, John D)
6. Knee Deep viewtopic.php?f=398&t=4988 (Horace)
7. Anticlimax viewtopic.php?f=397&t=5001 (Garry, Damien)
8. Empty Promises and Broken Dreams viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5084 (Ali, Gregg, Beth)
9. No Rest for the Weary II (Post 42-57) viewtopic.php?p=51534#p51534 (Ricky, Whitney, Vesa, Mariavel)
10. A Honeymoon Gone Wrong viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5219 (Andi, Peter, Roland)
11. Salvage is my Middle Name viewtopic.php?f=393&t=5060 (Justin, Blake)
12. This could be anywhere in the world viewtopic.php?f=394&t=5051 (Bryan, Tori, Felix, Rob, Seth Mat)
13. An Inglorious End viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5220 (Gail)
14. Schoolhouse Rock viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5085 (Sera, Jana, Matt, Kayla)
15. Lonely Street of Dreams viewtopic.php?f=397&t=5002 (Roland)
16. Unanswered Prayers I (Post 1-34) viewtopic.php?f=390&t=5221 (Ricky, Whitney, Huy, Anna)
17. Carry Stress In the Jaw I (Post 1-5) viewtopic.php?f=396&t=5014 (Bryan, Tori, Rob)
18. Sorrow So Deep viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5086 (Gail, Sera)
19. This is the End viewtopic.php?f=397&t=5003 (Justin)
20. A Fallen Comrade viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5087 (Rob)
21. Maison d'abattage II (Post 3-End) viewtopic.php?p=51213#p51213 (Franco, Damien, Blake, Horace)
[+] Day VIII
1. The Seventh Announcement viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5240
2. Land of Make Believe viewtopic.php?f=393&t=5061 (Roland, Damien)
3. Never In Anger viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5071 (Jana)
4. No Rest for the Weary III (Post 58) viewtopic.php?p=51550#p51550 (Vesa)
5. Heart Of A Devil viewtopic.php?f=389&t=3922 (Mariavel)
6. Unanswered Prayers II (Post 35) viewtopic.php?p=52253#p52253 (Ricky, Whitney)
7. Carry Stress In The Jaw II (Post 6-25) viewtopic.php?p=51082#p51082 (Bryan, Tori, Vesa)
8. Born as Ghosts viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5072 (Rob, Mariavel, Jana, Beth)
9. Poet of the Fall viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5088 (Vesa, Damien)
10. The Will to Live viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5089 (Ricky, Whitney)
11. The Field of Dreams viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5090 (Damien, Mariavel)
12. Sin viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5073 (Ricky, Whitney)
13. The Last Gilroyal viewtopic.php?f=392&t=5074 (Damien)
14. The Eighth Announcement viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5242
15. Carry Stress In The Jaw III (Post 26-End) viewtopic.php?p=51102#p51102 (Bryan, Tori, Mariavel)
16. Redemption viewtopic.php?f=391&t=5091
17. Epilogue viewtopic.php?f=377&t=5243

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:33 pm
by RC~
SOTF V3 (2007)
[+] Day I
1. V3 Prologue viewtopic.php?f=446&t=3616
2. Everybody Wants To Rule The World viewtopic.php?f=467&t=3207 (Eduardo, Ivye)
3. Blood and Thunder viewtopic.php?f=452&t=3357 (Josh, Blood Boy, Renee, Tanya, Eduardo)
4. The Cursed and the Damned viewtopic.php?f=448&t=3258 (Heather, Lance, Melina, Paul)
5. This Is What We Aim For viewtopic.php?f=460&t=3628 (Izzy)
6. Violence viewtopic.php?f=466&t=3190 (Christian, Will, Jason, Gabriel)
7. Just a Mirage viewtopic.php?f=461&t=3609 (Madison, Izzy, Paul, Serenity)
8. Start - G07 viewtopic.php?f=449&t=3550 (Kallie, Matt, Darnell, Ken, Guy, Kristin)
9. Nothing Left to Say But Goodbye viewtopic.php?f=454&t=3245 (Dodd, Simon)
10. In the Wake of the Bunt viewtopic.php?f=450&t=3234 (James B, Jessa)
11. Fragmentation viewtopic.php?f=458&t=3281 (Bobby, Tyson)
12. I'll Follow You Into The Dark I (Post 1-6) viewtopic.php?f=464&t=3330 (Lenny, Liz, Owen)
13. I got soul but I'm not a soldier viewtopic.php?f=462&t=3226 (Corbin)
14. Pomme de Terre viewtopic.php?f=465&t=3341 (Dodd, Paul, Daniel, Owen)
15. Flowers Amongst Flowers. viewtopic.php?f=460&t=3629 (Andy)
16. Jungle Fever viewtopic.php?f=469&t=3290 (Ivye)
17. Perception is Everything viewtopic.php?f=455&t=3214 (Khrysta, Melina, Evelyn)
18. Archangel viewtopic.php?f=463&t=3346 (Gabriel, Brad, Terrie, Simon, Dodd)
19. Whom Shall We Blame? viewtopic.php?f=459&t=3366 (Ianto, Viki, Gabe, Serenity)
20. House of Boo viewtopic.php?f=462&t=3227 (James B)
21. Those Who Stray I (Post 1-15) viewtopic.php?f=467&t=3208 (Khrysta, Corbin, Randy)
22. From Serenity To Shame I (Post 1-57) viewtopic.php?f=457&t=3384 (Izzy, Keith, Trey, Madison, Bobby, Charlie, Ivye, Khrysta, Corbin, Eduardo)
23. The Thing About Life Is viewtopic.php?f=454&t=3246 (Tegan)
24. The Sparks of Madness viewtopic.php?f=451&t=3312 (Alex S, Guy, Alice, Gabriel)
25. How the Stars Have Fallen viewtopic.php?f=458&t=3282 (Terrie, Brad, Simon, Will, Christian)
26. If there's no one beside you viewtopic.php?f=453&t=3491 (Neil, Ric, Evan A)
27. The Kids Aren't Alright viewtopic.php?f=450&t=3235 (Courtney, Steve)
28. Beyond the Horizon viewtopic.php?f=469&t=3291 (Kallie)
29. Born Of A Broken Man viewtopic.php?f=466&t=3191 (Brenden)
[+] Day II
1. The First Announcement viewtopic.php?f=446&t=3641
2. Rise viewtopic.php?f=455&t=3215 (Julie)
3. In God's House viewtopic.php?f=462&t=3228 (Kallie, Matt, Andy, Dodd, Sean, Madison)
4. Dropping The Soap viewtopic.php?f=468&t=3319 (Troy, Karl, Jessa, Gabriel)
5. From Serenity To Shame II (Post 58-End) viewtopic.php?p=35017#p35017 (Eduardo, Bobby, Ivye)
6. Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures viewtopic.php?f=456&t=3619 (Monique, Melina, Renee)
7. Fuck the Game viewtopic.php?f=459&t=3367 (Nigel, Braden, Neil, Evan A, Ric)
8. Discord viewtopic.php?f=458&t=3284 (Kallie, Matt)
9. Walk Amongst the Dead viewtopic.php?f=466&t=3192 (Alice, Guy, Ken, Kallie, Matt)
10. Motion Isn't Meaning viewtopic.php?f=470&t=3268 (Dan, Harry, Mary, Khrysta, Corbin, Paul, Adwin, Matt)
11. Yes It Is viewtopic.php?f=463&t=3347 (Harry, Owen, Dodd, Julie, Sean)
12. Carnage viewtopic.php?f=448&t=3259 (Viki, Serenity, Brenden, Evelyn, Ianto, Gabe, Dan, Bobby)
13. Not Fade Away viewtopic.php?f=462&t=3229 (Clive)
14. The Legend of the Flower of Woe I (Post 1-29) viewtopic.php?f=460&t=3632 (James B, Nadine, Brenden, Luis, Trish)
15. Lost I (Post 1-24) viewtopic.php?f=461&t=3610 (Brad, Terrie, Simon, Will, Christian, Blood Boy, Ianto)
16. Best Served Cold viewtopic.php?f=451&t=3313 (Eduardo, Darnell, Boxer)
17. Fade Into You viewtopic.php?f=449&t=3551 (Neil, Nadine, Evan A, Nigel, Ric)
18. War is an Ugly Thing viewtopic.php?f=455&t=3216 (Dominica)
19. Ten Speed viewtopic.php?f=454&t=3247 (Blood Boy, Kara, Serenity, Rebbecca, Katherine, Nigel, Dominica)
20. I'll Follow You Into The Dark II (Post 7-End) viewtopic.php?p=33946#p33946 (Lenny, Liz, Clive)
21. Those Who Stray II (Post 16-End) viewtopic.php?p=31849#p31849 (Steve, Randy)
22. What did I do last night? viewtopic.php?f=463&t=3348 (Nick)
23. Mending I (Post 1-35) viewtopic.php?f=469&t=3292 (Izzy, Keith, Trey, Galen, Randy, Nick, Neil)
24. Lost II (Post 25-End) viewtopic.php?p=35866#p35866 (Serenity, Terrie, Will, Christian, Ianto, Kristin, Viktor, Brad)
25. Misery's end viewtopic.php?f=450&t=3236 (Ric, Bobby)
26. Drag You Down viewtopic.php?f=466&t=3193 (Ken)
27. Lithium Flower viewtopic.php?f=454&t=3248 (Nadine, Galen, Dominica)
28. To Every Season viewtopic.php?f=459&t=3368 (Julia)
29. Say Goodbye, Hollywood viewtopic.php?f=465&t=3342 (Troy, Gabriel, Sean, Dominica)
30. Slouching Towards Bethlehem viewtopic.php?f=466&t=3195 (Clive, Lilah)
[+] Day III
1. The Second Announcement viewtopic.php?f=446&t=3643
2. Lady So Divine viewtopic.php?f=453&t=3492 (Madison, Daniel B, Simon, Lenny, Liz, Melina, Renee, Monique, Bobby)
3. You Can Run I (Post 1-20) viewtopic.php?f=455&t=3217 (Gabe, Viki, Blood Boy, Evan A)
4. Jah, Deliver Us I (Post 1-11) viewtopic.php?f=462&t=3230 (Adonis, Bobby)
5. Fall Into Neverland viewtopic.php?f=456&t=3620 (Andy)
6. Mending II (Post 36-End) viewtopic.php?p=33268#p33268 (Izzy, Keith, Trey, Nick, Neil, Matt, Ivye, Blood Boy)
7. Them vs. You vs. Me I (Post 1-18) viewtopic.php?f=452&t=3360 (Dodd, Julie, Ivye, Gabriel)
8. Where was life when it had a... viewtopic.php?f=463&t=3349 (Julie)
9. Three Panel Soul I (Post 1-15) viewtopic.php?f=464&t=3332 (Braden, Quale, Julia, Lenny, Liz)
10. She Bop I (Post 1-14) viewtopic.php?f=449&t=3552 (Jessa, Melina)
11. Der Metzgermeister viewtopic.php?f=468&t=3320 (Viktor, Will, Christian, Julie)
12. Them vs. You vs. Me II (Post 19-32) viewtopic.php?p=34480#p34480 (Dodd, Julie, Sean, Kyrie)
13. Clock Tower viewtopic.php?f=457&t=3385 (Dominica, Will, Christian, Steve)
14. Dead Man Wade viewtopic.php?f=456&t=3621 (Wade)
15. The Piano Has Been Drinking viewtopic.php?f=468&t=3321 (Blood Boy)
16. Summer Can't Last Too Long viewtopic.php?f=461&t=3611 (Eduardo, Boxer)
17. Dorian Side Story viewtopic.php?f=446&t=3644
18. Getcher Head in the Game viewtopic.php?f=450&t=3237 (Harry, Blood Boy)
19. The Legend of the Flower of Woe II (Post 30-End) viewtopic.php?p=36108#p36108 (James B, Trish, Steve)
20. Those Who Can't viewtopic.php?f=456&t=3622 (Melissa)
21. Soulless viewtopic.php?f=466&t=3194 (Bobby, Quale)
22. Day By Day I (Post 1-13) viewtopic.php?f=470&t=3271 (Simon, Madison, Darnell)
23. Lost viewtopic.php?f=469&t=3293 (Jodene)
24. Everything's Just Wonderful viewtopic.php?f=469&t=3294 (Bradley)
25. The Earth Isn't Humming For You I (Post 1-5) viewtopic.php?f=463&t=3350 (Courtney, Harry)
26. All Hope is not Lost viewtopic.php?f=452&t=3358 (Anna V)
[+] Day IV
1. The Third Announcement viewtopic.php?f=446&t=3645
2. Alive Out of Habit viewtopic.php?f=448&t=3260 (Kallie, Alice, Maxie, Guy, Keith, Neil, Matt, Lilah)
3. Three Panel Soul II (Post 16) viewtopic.php?p=33975#p33975 (Julia)
4. 18 and Life viewtopic.php?f=467&t=3209 (Brad, Terrie, Serenity, Ianto)
5. Them vs. You vs. Me III (Post 33-45) viewtopic.php?p=34494#p34494 (Dodd, Julie, Sean, Kyrie, Joey)
6. Point of Collapse viewtopic.php?f=465&t=3343 (Bobby, Bill, Will, Christian, Bradley)
7. You Can Run II (Post 21-End) viewtopic.php?p=32007#p32007 (Gabe, Viki, Evan A, Steve)
8. I Wanna Be The Guy! viewtopic.php?f=456&t=3623 (Quincy)
9. Day By Day II (Post 14-End) viewtopic.php?p=32859#p32859 (Darnell, Daniel B, Eduardo, Boxer)
10. Sadist I (Post 1-12) viewtopic.php?f=451&t=3315 (Brad, Terrie, Quincy, Bobby, Ianto, Serenity)
11. She Bop II (Post 15-43) viewtopic.php?p=35591#p35591 (Jessa, Melina, Madison, Wade, Renee, Monique, Maxie)
12. One by One, We All Fall Down viewtopic.php?f=457&t=3386 (Jazz, Blood Boy, Dominica)
13. One Man Revolution viewtopic.php?f=451&t=3314 (Dodd)
14. Lilacs and Lolita I (Post 1-29) viewtopic.php?f=454&t=3249 (Khrysta, Corbin, Paul, Mary, Neil, Matt, Jodene)
15. The Earth Isn't Humming For You II (Post 6-End) viewtopic.php?p=34329#p34329 (Harry, Paul, Bradley)
16. Jah, Deliver Us II (Post 13) viewtopic.php?p=32169#p32169 (Adonis)
17. It's On I (Post 1-14) viewtopic.php?f=450&t=3238 (Guy, Alice, Clive, Lilah)
18. Betrayal is a Symptom viewtopic.php?f=466&t=3196 (Riz)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:32 am
by RC~
[+] Day V
1. The Fourth Announcement ... 446&t=3646
2. Torpor ... 458&t=3285 (Izzy, Luke, Lenny, Liz, Nick, Jeff M)
3. Searching for a Fire to Light the Way ... 453&t=3493 (Trinity, Keiji, Lex)
4. Stalwart ... 468&t=3322 (Izzy, Dodd, Bill)
5. Them vs. You vs. Me IV (Post 46-End) ... 507#p34507 (Julie, Sean, Kyrie, Joey)
6. SOS ... 464&t=3333 (Clive, Lilah)
7. Lilacs and Lolita II (Post 30-End) ... 484#p32484 (Corbin, Mary, Neil, Matt)
8. The Only Way Out ... 459&t=3369 (Anna V, Lenny, Liz, Will, Christian)
9. Paint it Red ... 455&t=3218 (Jordan, Mortimer, Bradley, Dominica)
10. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Robson ... 461&t=3612 (Reg, Dorian I, Dane, Dennis M)
11. Blood, Sweat, and Tears I (Post 1-17) ... 465&t=3344 (Viki, Steve, Evan A, Gabe, Quincy, James M)
12. Wash Away My Pain ... 464&t=3334 (Kyrie, Joey, Lex, Vera)
13. Side-Story ... 446&t=3647
14. The Coming Storm ... 469&t=3295 (Julia, Jordan)
15. There's Only So Much I (Post 1-18) ... 448&t=3261 (Benni, Lenny, Liz, Warren, Sharon)
16. Dark of the Matinee ... 466&t=3197 (Quincy)
17. But I'm a creep ... 470&t=3272 (Lenny, Liz, Keiji)
18. In Case God Doesn't Show ... 469&t=3296 (Lenny, Liz, Denise, Quincy, Margaret)
19. It's My Life ... 463&t=3351 (Marnie)
20. The Pretender ... 455&t=3219 (Kode, Joe, Braden, Mortimer, Jodene, Wade)
21. Don't Panic ... 459&t=3370 (Madison, Sharon, Maxie, Paul)
22. Dork of the Manatee I (Post 1-15) ... 470&t=3273 (Harry, Lenny, Liz, Denise)
23. High Voltage I (Post 1-7) ... 467&t=3210 (Keith, Kallie, Riz, Boxer)
24. First, Do No Harm ... 454&t=3250 (Will, Christian)
25. Weighing In ... 463&t=3352 (Gabe)
26. Thanks, Mom! ... 454&t=3251 (Jake)
27. A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds ... 455&t=3220 (Riz)
28. Finsternis ... 456&t=3624 (Eicca, Nick, Eris, Jake, Leo)
29. Fishing ... 459&t=3371 (Heath)
30. Silent Waters ... 455&t=3222 (Ivan, Jake, Marnie, Dante)
31. Sadist II (Post 13-44) ... 642#p33642 (Brad, Terrie, Bobby, Ianto, Serenity, Steve, Heath)
32. Battle of Epic Proportions ... 460&t=3633 (Liam, Clive, Madison, Bobby, Margaret, Quincy)
33. Laeil the Warrior ... 468&t=3323 (Lyn, Anthony)
34. She Bop III (Post 44-End) ... 620#p35620 (Jessa, Melina, Renee, Jeff M, Will, Francis, Stephanie)
35. It's On II (Post 15-End) ... 324#p32324 (Guy, Alice, Mary, Wade)
[+] Day VI
1. The Fifth Announcement ... 446&t=3648 (Trinity, Melissa, Jazz, Wednesday)
2. The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg ... 469&t=3297 (Reg, Olivia, Lenny, Liz, Denise, Shameeca, Danni, Bobby, Mark)
3. The Stench of Reality ... 462&t=3231 (Trish, Sean, Neil, Corbin, Matt, James B, Dominica, Pascal, Lyn, Antonio, Denise, Will)
4. A View to a Kill ... 457&t=3387 (Dorian I, Neil, Corbin, Matt, Dane, Dennis M, Dominica, Warren, Jake, Ivan, Blood Boy)
5. Sadist III (Post 45-End) ... 674#p33674 (Brad, Terrie, Ianto, Steve, Heath, Margaret)
6. At Dawn ... 466&t=3198 (Emma, Maxie, Riz, Denise, Will)
7. Where Idols Once Stood ... 454&t=3252 (Ryan G, Becky)
8. Punishment ... 466&t=3199 (Eddie)
9. High Voltage II (Post 8-39) ... 210#p31881 (Keith, Kallie, Boxer, Evangelos, John C, Darnell, Alice, Eddie)
10. A Quick Rest ... 469&t=3298 (Michael)
11. Dork of the Manatee II (Post 16-End) ... 898#p32898 (Harry, Sloan, Anna G, Michael)
12. There's Only So Much II (Post 19-End) ... =15#p32712 (Benni, Afra)
13. Long Road to Ruin ... 459&t=3372 (Dodd, Bill, Izzy, Dorian S, Jeff T, Julie, Edgar)
14. At a Loss ... 458&t=3286 (Trish, Jeff T, James B, Jake, Danni, Sloan, Anna G)
15. Thread of the Manatee ... 463&t=3353 (Joey, Cara, Maxie)
16. The Long Walk ... 450&t=3239 (Marnie, Dante)
17. To the Hounds of Hell ... 453&t=3494 (Lyn, Lenny, Liz, Harry)
18. Nervous Solitude ... 464&t=3335 (Raven, Lenny, Liz)
19. What a day, what a day, what a day ... 461&t=3613 (Herman, Jimmy, Melina, Renee, Dacey, Madison, Lyn, Jessa)
20. Manhunt ... 469&t=3299 (Margaret, Anna K)
21. Blood, Sweat and Tears II (Post 18-46) ... 179#p34179 (James M, Branca, Olivia, Afra, Jimmy)
22. Dorian's Error ... 446&t=3649
23. Sound and Fury I (Post 1-125) ... 452&t=3361 (Quincy, Warren, Dennis M, Neil, Dominica, Denise, Shane, Hannah, Bobby, Mark, Jonathan, Ivan, Dorian I, Matt, Dane, Arty, Andy, Nicholas)
24. Til Death Do Us Part ... 463&t=3354 (Aidan)
25. Time and Time Again ... 454&t=3253 (Rick, Jim, Josh, Dacey)
26. Rinse, Repeat ... 468&t=3324 (Lex, Noah, Vera, Kyrie, John S, Dennis B, Lucy A, Harry)
27. Desperation I (Post 1-27) ... 450&t=3240 (Maxie, Kathleen, Leo, Cara, Reeves, James E, Morgan A)
28. The Taste of Blood ... 466&t=3200 (Jordan, Lenny, Liz)
[+] Day VII
1. The Sixth Announcement ... 446&t=3650
2. The Beginning is The End is The Beginning ... 470&t=3274 (Brad, Margaret, Terrie, Ianto, Heath, Petra, Bobby)
3. Sound and Fury II (Post 126-End) ... 636#p34636 (Bobby, Denise, Mark, Johnny, Shane)
4. Playing Macgyver ... 455&t=3223 (Shameeca, Raven, Joseph)
5. Seeking Sanctuary ... 451&t=3316 (Shameeca, James M, Lenny, Liz)
6. Breaking Point ... 461&t=3614 (Lex, Nick)
7. A Matter of Time ... 456&t=3625 (Morgan G)
8. The Science of Selling Yourself I (Post 1-44) ... 462&t=3232 (Riz, Emma, Morgan A, James E, Neil, Hannah, Quincy, Warren, Dominica, Matt, Joseph, Denise)
9. Desperation II (Post 28-End) ... 361#p32361 (Maxie, Kathleen, Leo, Cara, Reeves, Keith, Riz)
10. The Wind Below ... 454&t=3254 (Riz, Cara, Emma, Anton, Noah)
11. Blood, Sweat, and Tears III (Post 47-End) ... =45#p34208 (James M, Jimmy, Lex)
12. High Voltage III (Post 40-End) ... 913#p31913 (Kallie, Boxer, Evangelos, Darnell, Alice, Eddie)
13. Ratio Decidendi ... 464&t=3336 (Kathy, Marnie, Becky, Dante, Ryan G, James M, Lenny, Liz)
14. Amaro ... 449&t=3553 (Leo, Raven, Bobby, Ryan G, Boxer)
15. Smooth ... 461&t=3615 (Bobby)
16. Slow Chemical ... 460&t=3634 (Steve, Dorian S, Viki, Shawn, Stephanie, Liam, Clive)
17. Complicated Questions ... 453&t=3495 (Wade, Will, Margaret, Eicca, Clive)
18. Hatred ... 448&t=3263 (Dominica, Matt, Lyn)
19. Black Math ... 452&t=3362 (Lyn, Margaret, Morgan G)
20. A Moment's Hesitation ... 463&t=3355 (Abel, Evan A, Dawn, Michael, Melina, Madison, Renee, Jessa, Lyn, Margaret, Morgan G)
21. Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater ... 469&t=3300 (Kimmy, Lulu, Amanda, Anna K, Lauren, Carson, Liam, Jim, Eris, Dane)
22. Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer ... 457&t=3388 (Rick, Kimmy, Eddie, Dacey, Amanda, Nicholas, Hayden, Bree, Dorian S, Stephanie)
23. Mano e Mano ... 458&t=3287 (Bobby, Petra, Heath, Shameeca)
24. One By One I (Post 1-46) ... 461&t=3617 (Lenny, Liz, Anna K, James M, Lulu, Liam, Carson, Lauren, Eris)
25. Running Free ... 459&t=3373 (Eddie, James T, Kimmy)
26. In Your Honour ... 466&t=3201 (Dodd, Ryan A, Izzy, Bill, Dorian I, Dennis M)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:34 am
by RC~
[+] Day VIII
1. The Ever-So-Important-and Late Seventh Announcement ... 446&t=3652
2. Cause and Effect I (Post 1-16) ... 451&t=3317 (Trish, Edgar, James B, Danni, Nicole)
3. Night Diving ... 464&t=3337 (Gabe, Eddie, James T, Kimmy)
4. 3's & 7's ... 452&t=3363 (Nicholas, Will, Dawn, Evan A, Gabe)
5. The Best Thing About Me Is You ... 459&t=3374 (Briana)
6. This Fire Burns ... 448&t=3262 (Riz)
7. The Science of Selling Yourself II (Post 45-52) ... 278#p32278 (Morgan A, James E, Hannah, Quincy, Warren, Joseph, Edgar, Riz)
8. Point of No Return ... 449&t=3554 (Lex, Vera, Dane)
9. Kids with Guns ... 449&t=3555 (Noah)
10. One By One II (Post 47-56) ... 984#p35984 (Liam, Carson, Eris, Kimmy)
11. Weird Fishes ... 455&t=3224 (Hannah, Quincy, Warren, Mark, Jordan)
12. When We Die ... 453&t=3496 (Lenny, Liz, Lulu, James M, Anna K, Bobby, Shameeca, Lauren, Heath, Carson)
13. Death and All His Friends I (Post 1-37) ... 465&t=3345 (Madison, Anna G, Dane, Lyn, James T, Anna K, Elizabeth, Lulu)
14. Shiawase Desu ... 469&t=3301 (Leo, Boxer, Terrie, Brad, Shameeca)
15. There's No Home For You Here ... 458&t=3288 (Jimmy, Lyn, Morgan G)
16. Hold Fast Hope I (Post 1-17) ... 456&t=3626 (Steve, Viki, Evan A, Gabe, Lenny)
17. Freiheit unerreichbar I (Post 1-15) ... 460&t=3635 (Kathy, Becky, Reeves, Harry, Dante)
18. Falling Down ... 450&t=3241 (Eddie, Abel, Michael, Jimmy, Lyn, Bobby)
19. No Longer at Ease ... 449&t=3556 (Izzy, Dorian I)
20. Grosse ... 454&t=3255 (Dodd, Ryan A, Keith, Kallie, Wade, John S, Bill)
[+] Day IX
1. The Eighth Announcement ... 446&t=3654
2. These Walls ... 467&t=3211 (Jonathan, Dawn, Noah)
3. This Is How I Disappear ... 468&t=3325 (Rick, Dacey, Will, Amanda)
4. Hold Fast Hope II (Post 18-End) ... =15#p36068 (Steve, Gabe, Viki, Lenny)
5. I Love Death ... 453&t=3497 (Will)
6. Freiheit unerreichbar II (Post 16) ... 209#p36209 (Reeves, Dante)
7. One By One III (Post 57-End) ... 994#p35994 (Liam, Eris, Kimmy, Carson, Morgan G)
8. The Science of Selling Yourself III (Post 53-End) ... =45#p32286 (Morgan A, James E, Daniel C)
9. Recognition ... 466&t=3202 (Lex)
10. One Thing ... 457&t=3389 (Emma)
11. Panic Attack ... 470&t=3275 (Riz, Velvet, Shameeca)
12. Appeal to Reason ... 469&t=3302 (Steve, Gabe)
13. It Hurts I (Post 1-15) ... 463&t=3356 (Nicholas, Trish, James B, Danni, Hayden)
14. Guns For Show, Knives For A Pro I (Post 1-29) ... 454&t=3256 (Dorian S, Jordan, Quincy, Warren, Hannah, Mark)
15. One Step Forward... ... 455&t=3225 (James T, Lyn, Eddie, Harry)
16. Death and All His Friends II (Post 38-57) ... =30#p34247 (Madison, Anna K, Liz, Lulu, Liam, Lyn, Eddie)
17. Whom Gods Destroy ... 469&t=3303 (Eris)
18. Faith in Nothing ... 459&t=3375 (Melina, Jessa, Renee, Margaret)
19. Tempus Fugit ... 460&t=3636 (Shane)
20. The Whole World is Against You ... 456&t=3627 (Sato)
21. The Threepenny Opera ... 469&t=3304 (James E, Lex)
22. Illusions ... 450&t=3242 (Will, Stephanie, Steve, Gabe)
[+] Day X
1. The Ninth Announcement ... 446&t=3656
2. Death and All His Friends III (Post 58-End) ... 267#p34267 (Madison, Anna K, Liz, Lulu)
3. Secret Tunnel ... 464&t=3338 (Amanda)
4. Where The Sinners Gather ... 452&t=3364 (Shameeca, Emma, Renee)
5. Guns For Show, Knives For A Pro II (Post 30-38) ... 582#p32582 (Dorian S, Jordan, Warren, Mark, Dante)
6. Popularity ... 460&t=3637 (Lex)
7. Walking in Circles ... 450&t=3243 (Reeves, Amanda)
8. The Denial Twist ... 457&t=3390 (Lyn, Eddie, Renee)
9. Stranger Than Fiction I (Post 1-3) ... 461&t=3618 (Kathy, Becky, Reeves)
10. A Convoluted Conventicle ... 466&t=3203 (Morgan A, Noah, Velvet, Riz, Dawn, Jonathan)
11. Break Out, Break Out ... 458&t=3289 (Rick, Dacey, Eris, Velvet, Riz)
12. Cause and Effect II (Post 17-End) ... 719#p33719 (Nicole, Eddie, Wade)
13. A Short History of Almost Something ... 468&t=3326 (Emma, Shameeca, Ryan A)
14. Everdreamers ... 453&t=3498 (Johnny, Dawn, Lex, Noah)
15. Running of the Fallen I (Post 1-7) ... 469&t=3305 (Velvet, Riz)
16. It Hurts II (Post 16-End) ... 430#p34430 (Trish, James B, Danni, Steve, Gabe)
17. All Time Low ... 449&t=3557 (Lenny, Bobby, Anna K, Madison, Lulu, Liz, Gabe, Steve)
18. Victory ... 460&t=3638 (Bobby)
19. Degenerates ... 448&t=3264 (Kimmy, Morgan G)
20. What you are, I was. I (Post 1-24) ... 460&t=3639 (Lulu, Dacey, Madison, Dorian S, Rick)
[+] Day XI
1. The Tenth Announcement ... 446&t=3658
2. What you are, I was. II (Post 25-End) ... =15#p36238 (Lulu, Dacey, Rick)
3. Stranger Than Fiction II (Post 4-End) ... 006#p36006 (Reeves, Noah)
4. I Love the Dark...But I Hate Nature ... 470&t=3276 (Eris, Morgan G)
5. Running of the Fallen II (Post 8-End) ... 305#p33497 (Riz, Lyn, Quincy)
6. The One Where Gabe Dies ... 462&t=3233 (Gabe, Steve)
7. Guns For Show, Knives For a Pro III (Post 39) ... 591#p32591 (Dante)
8. Journey Through Pressure ... 467&t=3212 (Jordan, Renee)
9. Hands Up, Guns Out ... 464&t=3339 (Emma, Shameeca, Andrea, Harry, Denise)
10. The Hardest Button to Button ... 468&t=3327 (Lyn, Rick, Dacey)
11. Hell is the impossibility of reason ... 454&t=3257 (Reeves)
12. All Down Hill From Here I (Post 1-16) ... 453&t=3499 (Lenny, Jordan, Shameeca)
13. Demon Days ... 448&t=3265 (Noah, Lex)
14. The Answer I (Post 1-64) ... 470&t=3277 (Quincy, Riz, Emma, Lyn, Eddie, Nicole, Lex)
15. There's A Moral In This Somewhere ... 469&t=3306 (Danni, Morgan G, Trish, James B)
16. Wild International I (Post 1-26) ... 449&t=3558 (Ryan A, Lulu, Steve, Eris, Dacey, Dante)
17. Trashed and Scattered ... 451&t=3318 (Riz)
18. Birds Of a Feather Burn Together ... 448&t=3266 (Danni, Trish, James B)
[+] Day XII
1. The Eleventh Announcement ... 446&t=3660
2. Lock, Step and Gone ... 468&t=3328 (Riz)
3. All Down Hill From Here II (Post 17-End) ... =15#p35469 (Lenny, Jordan)
4. Wild International II (Post 27-End) ... =15#p35768 (Ryan A, Lulu, Steve, Eris)
5. Moment of Clarity I (Post 1-6) ... 448&t=3267 (Steve, Ryan A, Reeves)
6. Walkin' in Circles ... 469&t=3307 (Lulu, Lenny, Harry, Denise)
7. Kotov Syndrome ... 464&t=3340 (Riz, Eddie, Nicole)
8. The Answer II (Post 65-End) ... 045#p33045 (Lex, Reeves)
[+] Day XIII
1. The Twelfth Announcement ... 446&t=3661
2. Moment of Clarity II (Post 7) ... 754#p32754 (Steve, Ryan A)
3. Match Point I (Post 1-36) ... 468&t=3329 (Trish, James B, Lenny, Lulu)
4. Leave Out All The Rest ... 470&t=3278 (Steve, Ryan A)
5. Episode 1087 ... 469&t=3308 (Eddie, Riz)
6. When There's Nothing Left to Burn ... 470&t=3279 (Lex, James B, Trish)
[+] Day XIV
1. The Thirteenth Announcement ... 446&t=3662
2. New Paths ... 474&t=3376
3. In this waking hell I am ... 476&t=3377
4. Students Against Destructive Decisions ... 475&t=3378
5. The smell of napalm in the morning ... 472&t=3379
6. One day at a time ... 474&t=3380
7. Freedom or Bust ... 473&t=3381
8. Bale Out ... 475&t=3382
9. Live and Let Die ... 476&t=3383
10. Match Point II (Post 37-End) ... 938#p33938
11. Denouement ... 470&t=3280
12. We Did It, When We Were Young ... 446&t=3663

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:56 pm
by RC~
Version 4 (2008)
[+] Day I
1. Sneak Preview 1 viewtopic.php?f=298&t=2046
2. Sneak Preview 2 viewtopic.php?f=298&t=2047
3. Sneak Preview 3 viewtopic.php?f=298&t=2049
4. Sneak Preview 4 viewtopic.php?f=298&t=2050
5. Prologue viewtopic.php?f=298&t=2045
6. Misty Mountain Hop viewtopic.php?f=316&t=1748 (Jacob, Ben)
7. Intravenous Nightmare viewtopic.php?f=328&t=1552 (Sarah A, Adrian, Simon F, Ben, Jacob)
8. Dude how come I feel like I'm not in Kansas anymore? viewtopic.php?f=313&t=1211 (Joshua, Remi, Everett, Albert, Dougal)
9. Orientation viewtopic.php?f=306&t=1577 (Darren, Dallas, Dawne, Alice Bl, Roman, Acacia)
10. Wood and Wire viewtopic.php?f=324&t=1460 (Daniel K, Maria G, Paige, Dustin, Cassidy)
11. Ten Shades of Gray I (Post 1-32) viewtopic.php?f=300&t=1378 (Warren, Omar, Jessica, Alex J, Fiona, Nik, Maria G, Dustin, Cassidy, Mizore)
12. Feeling Kind of Anxious I (Post 1-7) viewtopic.php?f=317&t=1776 (Trent H, Sally, Steven, Eric, Alex R, Petrushka)
13. Flicker viewtopic.php?f=325&t=1430 (Kris, Reika, Jackie B, Milo, Etain)
14. Masterpiece viewtopic.php?f=325&t=1427 (Clio)
15. Testing Faith viewtopic.php?f=304&t=1596 (Chris D, Allen, Brendan, Clio)
16. False Awakening viewtopic.php?f=303&t=1120 (Sarah X, Dutchy, Jason C, Roland Hay, Brendan)
17. D-Day viewtopic.php?f=303&t=1122 (Bridget, Kim, Steve, Kris, Sarah X, Chris C, Dutchy, Jason C, Brendan, Roland Hay)
18. This one time I had to use a lamp as a pillow viewtopic.php?f=318&t=1915 (Alex C, Jonathan)
19. We're All Guilty Anyways viewtopic.php?f=320&t=1387 (Hayley, Madelyn)
20. White Knight Nightmare I (Post 1-43) viewtopic.php?f=309&t=1641 (Peter S, Alex C, Jonathan, Charlene, Eiko, Hayley, Madelyn)
21. Mirror Mirror I (Post 1-46) viewtopic.php?f=311&t=1482 (Isabel, Meredith, Roland Har, Dave, Scott, Steve, Jonathan)
22. Waking Up is Hard to do viewtopic.php?f=315&t=1318 (Nick R, Andrea, Alex W)
23. You're Gonna Go Far, Kid viewtopic.php?f=306&t=1567 (Garrett, Jackie M, Rose, Rein)
24. All That I've Ever Known I (Post 1-46) viewtopic.php?f=323&t=1398 (Cisco, George, Ethan, Feo, Joe, Duncan, Garrett, Kevin, Jackie M, Brent)
25. The Worst Gun in the Game viewtopic.php?f=325&t=1429 (Tiffany B)
26. Everybody's Changing viewtopic.php?f=305&t=1295 (Phillip, Dominic, Tiffany B, William H)
27. We Are The Sleepyheads viewtopic.php?f=307&t=1791 (Sierra, Josie)
28. Droplets viewtopic.php?f=312&t=1340 (Ericka, Rena, Alex S)
29. Stay Sane Inside Insanity viewtopic.php?f=329&t=1279 (Jennifer P, Bounce, George, Victoria, Sebastian)
30. Death is not a Game viewtopic.php?f=319&t=1542 (Aaron, Tom, Francine, Lily A, Aileen, Rekka)
31. Falling Sparrow viewtopic.php?f=325&t=1428 (Tabi)
32. The 8-Ball Knows (Saul, Garry, Cyrille, Miranda)
33. Extinguishing the Light of the Future (Peter M, Kaitlin, Maxwell C, Saul, Garry, Cyrille, Miranda)
34. Wake Me Up (Reiko, Remy, Maxwell L, Josee)
35. And So It Begins (JJ, Daniel V, Harold, Isaiah)
36. I'll Need A Saviour (Maria S, Jay, John, Daniel V, Sunil, Joss)
37. The Cult of (Jimmy R, Samantha, Alan)
38. The Right Thing for the Wrong Reasons (Maxwell L, Daniel V, Reiko, Evelyn, Janet C, Samantha, Nick R)
39. A Solitude That Asks Nothing In Return viewtopic.php?f=312&t=1341 (Ivan, Tabi, Etain, Clio)
40. Where Is My Mind I (Post 1-34) (Owen, Robert L, Phillip, Charlotte, Sally, Petrushka, Milo, Clio)
41. Out of the Darkness into the Light (Cyrille, Reiko, Sally, Garry)
42. Unbearable (Megan)
43. The Dilemma (Janet B, Rob, Tobias)
44. Regrets (Everett, Janet B, Kevin)
45. Come & See (Erik, Mike M, Jasper, Liz, Timothy, Max)
46. Resolve (Claire, Nick L, Teo, Julian, Marybeth, Liz)
47. A Light in the Dark (Daisuke, Logan)
48. Don't go breaking my heart I (Post 1-62) (Hermoine, Harun, Rashid, Mia, Logan, Daisuke, Peter S, Eiko, Chris C)
49. Woods of Paranoia (Marty, Jimmy B, Carly, Keith, Philip, Marybeth, Chris C, Maria G, Francine)
50. Haven't You Got Eyes in your Head I (Post 1-15) (Ivan, Tabi, Keith)
51. Conquistador I (Post 1-17) (Ben, Jacob, Paige, Sarah A, Rob, Adrian, Marty, Daniel K)
52. Shelter from the Storm I (Post 1-18) (Allen, Carla, Jennifer P, Mike J, Robert L, Lucy, Bill, Janet V)
53. Break Up and Break Down I (Post 1-43) (Anna, Leila, Kitty, Kyle, Gracie, Roland Har, Dave, Isabel, Alex R, Robert L)
54. Your Own Personal War Room (William S)
55. The One Who Got Us Out (Morgan, Jennifer R)
56. The Final Countdown (Jamie, Zach, Samya)
57. Feeling Kind of Anxious II (Post 8-27) (Owen, Violetta, Trent, Johnathan)
58. We All Start Somwhere (Rizzo, Michelle, Theo, Orpheus)
59. The Start of Something Truly Absurd (Ema, Eve, Ridley, Michelle, Robert H)
60. One Lucky SOB (Simon T)
61. Words Can't Bring Me Down (Brock, Steven, Kayla, Celeste)
62. There is a Light (Katelyn, Marion, Aston)
63. Flowerhead (Brook, Jason H, Nathan, Maf)
64. The Outsider (Kevin, Charlie, David M, David A, Vanessa)
65. Random Spawns are a Bitch (Felicia, Samaya, Jackie B, Aislyn, Melissa)
66. My Kingdom for a Plan! (Aaron, Richard, Lillian, Tom, Aileen, Andrew, Hermoine)
67. Hysteria (Staffan, Brent, Alicia)
68. One of Three (Rosa, Vera, Craig, Trent S, Maria S, Jackie B, Kevin, Jay, John, Joss, Sunil)
69. Two Roads Diverged in a Dark Hellhole (Raidon, Simon G)
70. Under The Sea Where No One Wants To Be (Carol, Kari, Rein, Simon G)
71. A Pit Stop of Sorts (Simon F, RJ, Kris, Zach, Ash, Samya)
72. Tunnel Vision (Timothy, Colin, Tony)
73. Bats & Rats & Blind Cave Salamanders (Charles, Gloria, Quincy, Naoko, Jessie, Helen, Tiffany C)
74. The Only Way Is Up (Leila, Jeremy, Cody, Jimmy, Jason H, Brook, Nathan, Maf)
75. Hungover in Hell (Tyler)
76. Somewhere That's Green (Deidre, Jennifer P, Bill)
77. Obstacles in Our Path (Alice, Tyler)
78. Ishida Hunting (Remy, Josee, Katelyn)
79. Clean and Righteous (Kris, Amber)
80. Stamina (Bounce, Victoria, Garry)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:49 pm
by RC~
[+] Day II
1. The First Announcement
2. Mirror, Mirror II (Post 47) (Meredith)
3. All That I've Ever Known II (Post 47-End) (Duncan, Feo, Cisco, Joe, Ethan)
4. White Knight Nightmare II (Post 44-End) (Charlene, Alex C, Hayley, Madelyn)
5. Shelter from the Storm II (Post 20-End) (Mike, Lucy)
6. Conquistador II (Post 18-End) (Ben, Jacob, Sarah A, Rob, Adrian, Marty, DK)
7. Haven't You Got Eyes II (Post 16-End) (Ivan, Tabi)
8. Bump in the Night (Claire, Julian, David M, Raina, Dawne, Alice B, Alan, Jimmy R)
9. What She Came For (Jamie, Lily, Rekka, Dawne)
10. Where Is My Mind II (Post 35-End) (Clio, Rose, Luke)
11. Wakey Wakey Sunshine (Chris C)
12. Ten Shades of Gray II (Post 33-End) (Dustin, Cassidy, Zach, Samya, Simon F, Ash, Maria G, Chris C)
13. Jack Sparrow Irony viewtopic.php?f=326&t=1783 (Sarah T, Sapphire, Stacy, Morgan, Jennifer R)
14. Twists and Turns (Trevor, Gary, Simon T, Teo, Nick L, Sarah T, Clio, Gracie)
15. Run From Your Troubles (Ridley, Rena)
16. Accidental Acrophobia (Winsome, Ricky, James M, Raine, Thea, Jason C, Ridley, Rena)
17. Rest and Relaxation (Harold, William S, Hilary, Chadd, Eva)
18. When the Bite Just Isn't Sharp Enough (Jackie M, Allie, Tobias, Sofia, Michael, Celeste, Kayla)
19. It's a New Day (Reiko, Tobias, Raina)
20. Mad World (Joshua, RJ, Jessica, Alex J, Eva)
21. No Rest for the Wicked (Dougal, Maxwell L, Harold)
22. Just Like a Hangover (Annaliese, Frankie, Rhory, Ericka)
23. The Prime Time of Your Life (Eve, Sarah A)
24. Break Up & Break Down II (Post 44-78) (Anna, Kitty, Kyle, Roland Har, Alex C, Hayley, Steve, Charlene, Madelyn)
25. Walkabout (Darren, Jamie, Sarah T, Lily A, Nik, Fiona)
26. Filing Prescriptions I (Post 1-49) (Raymond, Brendan, Jaclyn, Neill, Charlotte, Robert B, Sarah T)
27. Take, Eat (Rachel, Daniel B, Mirabelle, Jake, Maddy, Courtney, Garrett, Jackie M)
28. Time is Not on Our Side I (Post 1-26) (Rizzo, Theo, Dave, Isabel, Carla, Orpheus, Charlie)
29. Keeping the Faith (Rachel, Sebastian, Theo)
30. Sometimes Sanctuary Isn't So Far Away (Chadd, Etain, Mary-Ann, Courtney)
31. Wants and Needs (Imraan, Mike M, Violet, Madeleine, Vivien, Edward, Jonathan)
32. Unquestioned Answers (Ilario, Jackson)
33. No News Is Good News (Lily M, Miranda, Sarah A)
34. Pearl and Destiny I (Post 1-29) (Carly, Marion, George, Jasper, Stacy, Kari, Sarah T, Brendan)
35. Can't Fall Down (Andrea, Allen, Julian, Claire, Roland Har, Kitty, JJ, Alice B)
36. Hideaway (Liz, Milo, Alex W)
37. If That Looking Glass Gets Broke (Dominic, Alex S)
38. The Quiet Lives of Baron Saturday (Mizore, Raidon)
39. Some Fantastic (Morgan, Peter M, Maxwell C, Jennifer R, Kaitlin)
40. Spelunking (Jennifer P, Nick R, Phillip, Tom, Aaron)
41. Penny for Your Thoughts (Violetta)
42. Morning Comes Slowly (William H, Trevor, Tiffany B, Jake)
43. Clap For the Killers (Daisuke, Logan, Kris, RJ)
44. No Turning Back (Raidon, Scott M, Julian)
45. Missing Those Lost (Carol, Simon G, Rein, Hermoine, Gary, Kari)
46. Walk the Line (Reiko, Maxwell L, Vera)
47. Reconstitution (Isiah)
48. Milk of Human Kindness (Albert, Isaiah, Adrian, Andrew M, Kevin)
49. Where's There Fire, There's Gasoline (Albert, Kris)
50. The Hills Are Alive (Samaya, Felicia, Aislyn, Melissa)
51. Breathe In, Breathe Out (Violet D, Mike M)
52. Act I: General Anestheic (Jackson, Ilario, Violet D, Mike M)
53. It's hard to walk tall when you're small (Ema, Janet, Josie, Sierra, Steven)
54. Darkness Within (Janet B, Mizore, Lucy, Samantha)
55. Sequoia Throne (Saul, Sapphire)
56. Death at a Funeral (Meredith, Alice B)
57. So What Do We Do Now? I (Post 1-15) (Anna C, Ben, Alex R)
58. Behold This Compost! (Rhory)
59. instinct algorithm (Omar, Charles, Maddy, Clio, Hilary, Kevin, Mirabelle, Jackie M, Mizore)
60. Peacemaker I (Post 1-4) (Ivan, Tabi)
61. Pride and Glory (Ivan)
62. Thanatos (Nick R)
63. This Scene Is About a Hat (Kim, Jeremy)
64. Laurel and Hardy Got Nothin on Us (Craig, Trent S)
65. Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows I (Post 1-7) (Tiffany C, Quincy, Jackie B, Bill)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:22 pm
by RC~
[+] Day III
1. The Second Announcement
2. Don't Go Breaking My Heart II (Post 63-End) (Mia, Peter S, Eiko)
3. Break Up & Break Down III (Post 79-End) (Alex C, Charlene, Madelyn)
4. Filing Prescriptions II (Post 50-End) (Raymond, Neill, Robert B)
5. Pearl and Destiny II (Post 30-End) (Carly, Marion, George, Jasper, Stacy, Sarah T, Brendan)
6. Time Is Not On Our Side II (Post 27-End) (Rizzo, Dave, Isabel, Carla, OC, Charlie)
7. Peacemaker II (Post 5-End) (Tabi, Nick R, Ivan)
8. Youth and Beauty Brigade (Colin, Timothy, Jacob)
9. Watch Your Step (Marco, Roman, Acacia, Simon T, Thea, Autumn, Ricky, Jason C, Raine, Rena, Ridley)
10. The Man-Slut, the Cocktease and the Lover (Ethan, Duncan, Feo, Haruka, Frankie F, Liz)
11. Cold, Wet and Tired (Tyler, Evelyn, Alex J, Jessica)
12. Your Cross to Bear (Imraan, Cody, Janet C, David M, Daniel B, Maxwell L)
13. Searching For Clues (Mike M, Max N, Quincy, Tim S)
14. Hearing Is Believing (Miranda, Sarah A, Lily M)
15. Sorry, Mom. Sorry, God (Hayley, Kyle, Ema, James M)
16. Going Round in Circles (Robert B, Edward, Rachel, Raymond, Neill, Hayley, Kyle, Ema)
17. Fight or Flight (Charles, Maddy, Raidon, Clio)
18. So Strange I Remember You (DK, Claire, JJ)
19. Dirty (Brock, Luke, Alan, Jimmy R, Deidre)
20. Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows II (Post 8-End) (Tiffany C, Jackie B, Bill, Quincy)
21. The Cries of the Voiceless (Mary Ann, RJ)
22. Fountain of Youth I (Post 1-4) (Trent S, Craig, Haruka, Owen)
23. Where Do You Go From Here? (Aaron, Aileen, Bounce, Lillian, Richard, RJ, Mary Ann, David M, Owen)
24. Fucking Compasses (Rob, Milo, Alex J, Jessica, Simon T)
25. Civilization at any Price (Alice B, Victoria, Raidon)
26. They Work Because of Electrons (Nick R, Fiona, Nik, OC, Rizzo)
27. Fountain of Youth II (Post 5-End) (Trent S, Craig, Haruka, Duncan, David M, Nik, Fiona, Owen)
28. The Moon Is Laughing At You (Zach, Dustin, Maria G, Samya, Simon F, Chris C, Ash, Cassidy, Mizore, George, Duncan, Trent S)
29. Measure Once, Cut Twice (Samantha, Simon F, Mirabelle, Kaitlin, Peter M, Jackie M)
30. The Wrong Tool For the Job (Sarah A)
31. Carpe Noctum (Nathan, Jason H, Maf, Leila, Brook, David A, Nick R)
32. Heartbeat Symphony (Alice B, Sarah A, Brock, Alan, Jimmy R, Hilary, Mia, Leila)
33. No Valhalla for Pacifists (Dominic)
34. Goodnight and Go (Clio)
35. Caged Like Animals (Garry, Luke, Marion, Clio)
36. Calculations (Rosa, Madeleine, Harun, Rashid)
37. Just Close Your Eyes (Courtney, Rekka, William S)
38. Too Late (Remy, Katelyn, Josee, Cisco, Joe, Ash)
39. I Got a Hand (Julian)
40. Walk Away (Omar, Julian)
41. Not an Easy Out (Luca, Ericka, Peter S, Eiko)
42. Last Gasp (Robert H)
43. Lean on Me (Reiko, Kris, Etain, Carol, Simon G, Maxwell L, Gary)
44. I Swear I Won't Shoot (Gloria, Michael, Alex W)
45. Life's a Beach (Marty, Joshua, Aston, Michelle, Anna)
46. Project Mayhem (Garrett)
47. God's Unwanted Children (Garrett, Liz)
48. Follow Them Size Fives (Ricky)
49. Cleanliness and Loneliness (Meredith, Thea, Evelyn, Sofia, Jason C, Sebastian, Charlene, Alex C, Madelyn, Ricky)
50. Jesus Loves the Little Children (Jackie M, Allie, Annaliese, Lily M, Kevin, Andrea, Allen)
51. Dimer (Sarah X, Roland Hay, Bridget, Kim, Dutchy)
52. Axes Aren't Efficient For Grinding I (Post 1-7) (Marybeth, Logan, Daisuke)
53. Still Going Strong (Jennifer P, Phillip, Marco, Rhory, Alex S)
54. Downsides of being Paranoid As Balls (Jay, Janet B, Carla, Nick L, Teo, Rekka, Gracie)
55. How to Win Friends and Influence People (Jeremy, Rosa)
56. Fuck. (Mike J, Madeleine)
57. Shore Leave (Roland Har, Kitty, Jackie B)
58. The Worst Bath Ever (Jennifer R, Frankie F, Marion, Morgan)
59. What Are Girls Made Of? (Ethan, Feo)
60. The Mercenary (Maxwell C)
61. Late Dawns and Early Sunsets (Jasper, Isaiah, Jimmy B, Carly, Alex W)
62. Metalcrafting (Liz)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:22 pm
by RC~
[+] Day IV
1. The Third Announcement
2. Day of the Dove (Isabel, Helen, Charlie, Dave, Tyler, Winsome)
3. Living in the Aftermath (Joss, John, Sunil, Celeste, Kayla, Acacia, Roman, Simon T)
4. High Tides and High Hopes (William H, Kari, Tiffany B)
5. Gypsy Rap I (Post 1-37) (Brendan, Stacy, Erik, Sarah T, Harun, Rashid)
6. Cabin Fever (Darren, Jamie)
7. Ghosts (Mizore, Zach, Kari)
8. From White to Grey (Leila, Hilary)
9. A Moment Remembered (Sarah A, Alice B, Chris C)
10. Resistance (Lily A)
11. House of the Rising Sun I (Post 1-8) (Ethan, Feo)
12. Paper Tigers (Ilario)
13. Nothing But Soundwaves (Etain, Kris, Ilario)
14. March to Your Death (Peter S, William H, Tiffany B, Eiko)
15. It's Everything's Nature To Fall (Peter S, Tiffany B, Eiko, William H, Brook, Jason H)
16. These Three Remain (Maddy, Garry)
17. The Lord's Mercy (Raidon, Allie, Maddy)
18. Thank You For Being a Friend (Carol, Reiko, Rizzo)
19. She Bopped (Carly, Sebastian, George, Jasper)
20. Final Third Foul (Phillip, Jennifer P, Alex S, Jimmy B, Marco, Maria G, Duncan, Cassidy)
21. All the Untested Virtue (William S, Nick R)
22. Not What I Was Expecting (Jessica, Alex J, Julian)
23. Instinct I (Post 1-13) (Alex J, Roman, Acacia, Joss)
24. The Gods Hate Us (Celeste, Meredith, Kayla)
25. Can't I Just Die A Disney Death? (Samya, Aislyn, Felicia, Melissa, Johnny, Kayla, Sebastian)
26. Promise (Jessie)
27. On the Road Again (Sofia)
28. Star-Crossed Lover (Janet C)
29. Wind in the Willows I (Post 1-27) (Marty, Joshua, Jake, Aston, Anna, Michelle, Rachel, Ben)
30. The Cloud Minders (Autumn, Ericka)
31. When My Fist Clenches (Aaron, Lillian, Rob, Aileen, Milo, Richard, Jackie B)
32. Faraday's Cages I (Post 1-9) (Liz, Charlie, Dave, Isabel, Winsome, Helen)
33. Liz Polanski's Bounty Announcement
34. Axes Aren't Efficient For Grinding II (Post 8) (Daisuke)
35. Faraday's Cages II (Post 11-End) (Liz, Charlie, Dave, Isabel, Winsome, Helen)
36. It Knows Nothing of Whim (RJ, Rekka, Mary-Ann, Dustin, Ridley, Rena, Raine)
37. Keep Yourself Alive (Ivan, Tabi, RJ, Imraan, Mary-Ann, Kevin)
38. Fabuleux (Vivien, Sofia, John, Janet C)
39. Cool Ranch (Violet, Mike M, Jessie, Courtney, Alan, Madeleine, Jimmy R)
40. Better to have Lived and Lost (Peter M, Kaitlin)
41. Facile Princeps (Mia, Quincy, Tiffany C, Raidon)
42. Empire Ants (Morgan, Jennifer R, Marion, Frankie)
43. The Hardest Part (Reiko)
44. False Hope (Gary, Rachel)
45. Day Four's Third Announcement
46. Burn the Louvre (Garrett, Lucy, Andrea, David M, Allen, Joe)
47. So What Do We Do Now? II (Post 16) (Alex R)
48. Feeling Kind of Anxious III (Post 28) (Trent H)
49. The Girl Who Played With Fire (Liz)
50. Out and In (Clio, Maxwell L, Haruka, Marybeth)
51. Where Was My Brain? (Nathan, Adrian, Andrew, Maf)
52. Selfish (Sunil, Jake, Garry, Rena)
53. The Magi (Raymond, Neill, Bobby, Alex W)
54. They're Made Out of Meat (RJ, Mary-Ann)
55. Stay Frosty (Bounce, Colin, Alice Bl, Jacob, Tim Q, Victoria)
56. Revenge Is Served Best Cold (Thea, Evelyn, Alex C, Jason C, Charlene, Jasper)
57. The Most Important Meal (Rhory)
58. Fell Tidings (Rosa)
[+] Day V
1. The Fourth Announcement
2. Can You Hear Me Now? (Saul, Bill, Logan, Sapphire, Mirabelle)
3. Gypsy Rap II (Post 38-End) (Brendan, Stacy, Erik, Sarah T, Harun, Rashid, Sapphire)
4. House of the Rising Sun II (Post 9-End) (Feo, Isabel, Dave, Winsome, Helen, Roland Har, Kitty, Charlie)
5. Wind in the Willows II (Post 28-End) (Marty, Joshua, Aston, Anna, Michelle, Ben)
6. Pleather for Breakfast (Hayley, Kyle, Ema)
7. Make/Break (Hayley, Kyle, Ema, Jennifer R, Morgan, Frankie F)
8. Instinct II (Post 14-End) (Alex J, Joss, Jason C, Jessica, Hayley, Ema, Kyle)
9. Darken Your Clothes & Strike a Violent Pose (Jackie M, Reiko, Courtney, Jimmy R, Alan, Ash)
10. The Long Road Home (Sarah X, Bridget, Dutchy, Kimberly, Roland Hay, Joe, Alan)
11. But I Might Die Tonight (Kimberly, Josie, Sierra, Maxwell C, David M, Kevin)
12. Reduction (Bridget, Sarah X, Trent S)
13. Just a Kid, Napping (Tyler, Sarah A, Annaliese, Alice Bo)
14. Aimless (Isaiah, Leila, Ricky)
15. You Don't Have To Do This (Lillian, Rob)
16. The Moment of Truth (Mike M, Josee, OC, Cisco, Rob)
17. The Middle Children of History (Garrett, Madeleine, Mirabelle)
18. Blackout (Liz, Kimberly, Mirabelle)
19. Bloodgarden I (Post 1-32) (Brook, Leila, Raine, Ridley)
20. Leaving Me Lonely Still (Jennifer P, Samantha, Nick R)
21. Shaker (Jessie, Imraan)
22. The Spark (Jimmy B)
23. Beyond Awkward (Rosa, Jimmy B)
24. Surely God Is In This Place (Raidon)
25. Take Back The Fear (Staffan, Darren, Evelyn, Nik, Fiona, Autumn)
26. Breaking Down The Wall (Marco, Maxwell L)
27. Cliff Richard (Richard)
28. And As If It Couldn't Get Any Worse (Anna, Joshua, Marty, Aston, Michelle, Richard)
29. No Crying Allowed (Gloria, George, Maria G, Michael, Cassidy, Duncan, Maxwell L)
30. Slow Cheetah (Tim S, Ilario)
31. Meet Again (Ivan, Simon, Tabi, Clio)
32. All's Fair (Raidon, Mizore, Victoria, Jacob, Colin)
33. If You Don't, Don't (Logan)
34. That's a bout. Salute. Shake hands. (Ben, Brendan, Courtney)
35. Pretty Handsome Awkward (Vivien, Teo, Nick L, Gracie, Mike J)
36. Corpsewalker (Kris, Raymond, Annaliese, Janet C)
37. Grace under Pressure (Jay, Janet B, David M)
38. Out on a Tether (Andrea, Allen)
39. Could Have Been Worse (Aaron, Aileen, Milo, Jackie B, Charlie)
40. Walk on Water or Drown (Dustin, Marion, Garry, Sunil, Rena)
41. Castles in the Sand (Bill)
42. Where House? (Rein, Alex J, Jessica, Gary)
43. Fairytale of New York (Acacia)
44. Bloodgarden II (Post 33-44) (Brook, Colin)

Re: SOTF Main Versions Reading Guide [WIP]

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:05 pm
by RC~
[+] Day VI
1. The Fifth Announcement
2. Alex in Sunderland (Alex S, Remy)
3. Birdland (Brendan, Aislyn, Saul, Joss)
4. In Theory, This Should Be Easy (Kimberly, Steven, Aislyn, William H, Felicia)
5. A Day at the Beach (Ericka, Logan, Jamie, Ricky)
6. Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes (Peter M, Kaitlin)
7. The Beggar King (Jeremy, Liz, Mirabelle, Garrett, Madeleine, Brendan)
8. From the Tit to the Bone (Rhory)
9. In a House, in a Heartbeat (Maxwell L)
10. Read the Fucking Manual (Sofia)
11. And I Need You To Recover (Simon T, Tyler)
12. One Final Bow (Colin, Tim Q)
13. Fatal Fury (Maria G, Cassidy, Maxwell L)
14. Amazing Journey/Sparks (Aston, Eiko, Anna)
15. Later, Buddy I (Post 1-20) (Marty, Joshua, Quincy, Tiffany C, Aston, Anna)
16. Without Love, It Cannot Be Seen (Hayley, Ema, Kyle, Charlene)
17. Laisser Tomber le Filles (Rhory, Bill, Logan, Marion)
18. Enter the Deathsquad (Sofia)
19. Sprint for the Finish Line (Andrew, Hayley, Ema)
20. Free a Mind, Crack a Skull (Courtney)
21. Requiem For a Rockstar (Marty, Kevin, Maxwell L)
22. Encumbered By Shining Armor (Peter S)
23. May the Lord Accept This Sacrifice (Peter S, Jessie, Imraan)
24. Repairs
25. The Gully (Liz, Brendan, Mirabelle, Jeremy, Garrett, Carla)
26. Doesn't Matter, I Had Sex (Jimmy B, JJ, Claire, Rosa)
27. Broken Like the Sun (Julian, Raidon, Mizore)
28. YYZ (Isabel, Roland Har, Leila, Dave, Winsome, Kitty, Helen, Raidon, Mizore)
29. Don't Fear The Reaper (Neill, Bobby, Rachel)
30. The Sound of Silence (Tabi, Ivan)
31. Sedation (Sarah X, Bridget)
32. Alone in the Dark (Alex W)
33. Tactic Static (Mike M, Violet, Sarah A, Alice Bo)
34. Suum Venite Faciamus Latere (Reiko, Mia)
35. And Knowledge Itself Is Power (Bridget, Sarah X, Simon T, Mia)
36. Anthem for Doomed Youth (Acacia, Thea, Charlene, Joe, Ricky)
37. Still in the Dark (Ivan, Tabi)
38. Make Your Own Kind of Music (Andrea, Allen, Roland Hay, Dutchy, Alice Bl, Ash, Bounce)
39. What Goes Up (Raymond, Annaliese)
40. Camping in the Woods (Alex W)
41. Down the Road (Maria G, Maxwell C, Josie, David M, Sierra)
42. Our Last Days as Children (Jasper, Alan, Alex C)
43. Poise and Rationality (Jackie M)
44. Classy, Not Classic (Vivien, Alex J)
45. Keep on Smiling (Jennifer P, Harun, Sarah T, Nick R, Melissa, Sapphire, Rashid, Stacy)
46. The Kindness of Strangers (Samantha, Adrian, Reiko)
47. The Lost Boys (Trent S, Erik, Joe)
48. I'll Huff and I'll Puff (Garry, Sunil, Rena, Dustin)
[+] Day VII
1. The Sixth Announcement
2. Later, Buddy II (Post 21-End) (Aston, Anna, Nick R, Marty)
3. Hmmmn (Kari, Zach, Samya)
4. But That Was Yesterday (Jason H)
5. Eep (Remy, George, Gloria, Michael, Sarah T, Stacy, Ericka, Kari, Samya, Zach)
6. Cross (Ilario, Rhory)
7. My God, What Have I Done? (Kimberly, Rhory)
8. Second Verse, Same As the First (Alex J, Jessica)
9. Aching Chest and Blurry Sight (Cisco, Josee, Meredith, Mike M, Maxwell C, Gracie, Teo, Nick L, Jessica)
10. Endings and Beginnings (Quincy, Tiffany C, Peter M, George, Kaitlin, Mike M, Joe)
11. There's Always Room in the Swamp (Dustin, George)
12. Legoland Empire (Maf, Nathan, Saul, Felicia, Joss, Jason H, Tiffany C, Quincy)
13. Lonely American Nights (Morgan, Tim Q, Celeste, George)
14. Overdose on Adrenaline (Alex W, William H, Rena)
15. Cruel Justice (Maxwell L, Alice Bo, Sarah A)
16. Streita (Dutchy)
17. Seeking (Kimberly)
18. Bloodgarden III (Post 45-68) (Brook, Vivien, Dutchy, Kimberly)
19. Peripeteia (Brendan, Steven, Jackie B, Peter S)
20. The Dead Flag Blues (Roland Har, Raidon, Mizore, Julian)
21. Repercussions (Madelyn)
22. Feral Intelligence (Kris, RJ, Mary-Ann, Eiko, Aston)
23. The Man Your Man Could Smell Like (Raymond, Annaliese, Isabel, Alex J, Jimmy B, Rosa, Allen, Felicia)
24. Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. (Neill, Bobby, Rachel)
25. The Guilty Ones (Hayley, Ema)
26. In Honesty, We Didn't Plan This Far I (Post 1-8) (Dave, Helen, Kitty, Leila)
27. I Was a Teenage Hand Model (Autumn, Madeleine, Claire)
28. A Day Late (Jennifer P, Melissa)
29. White Sparrows (Tabi, Madeleine, Ivan, Maria G, Jackie M, Janet B, Jay, David M)
30. Nothing to See (Kevin, Ilario)
31. Something Left to Save (Winsome)
32. The Youngest Was Most Loved (Ema, Sapphire, Hayley)
33. Intermission (Maxwell L)
34. Wishing Well (Alice Bo)
35. Throw It On a Fire (Violet, Mike Mo)
36. In My Restless Dreams (Josie, Sierra)