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Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:23 am
by Yonagoda
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Romantic, current
Romantic, past or one sided
Close friends
Less close friends
Dislikes mildly
dislikes a lot

Lorenzo/a "Ren":

A social floater who knows just a little bit about everyone, but isn't really anybody's best friend. Ren has built most of their reputation around being passive and involved in most conflict, but shows a preference around those more within counterculture circles, mostly due to the fact that as someone who used to be bullied they just really find the agressivier energy to be cool. Exceedingly nice, if not concerningly self-depreciating and also a huge pushover who can let you talk them into doing whatever. They mold their hobbies around their ever-revolving circle of those they are closest to at the moment, and currently is into axe throwing, role playing, and cooking (the only hobbies that they developed independently) along with partying (but not that hard,) video editing for their friends' and their own social media, skateboarding, kickboxing, and maybe some more if you can convince me hard enough. Their parents own a Chinese buffet which they work as a chef at. As of now, they haven't come out as transmasc to most people and uses she/her usually but made some exceptions to a few really, really close friends (mostly childhood friends.) Lowkey want to disappear and change their whole identity, which they aren't really sure of at all about the details. Uses he/him too, but only when he feels like it's safe to do so, which is never lol. Would let you stab them if you ask politely, also does music on the side but isn't very confident about it. Their sister, Rosa, who they always hammer in the fact is adopted because of Jealousy issues, is a few years younger and enjoys throwing parties and is very sociable and a bit promiscous and wild so there's that too.

Looking for: To be honest, socially they're kinda chill with everybody but if you have a kid that you think they would find "cool" in some way or wouldn't like them all that much, or former bullies, hmu! They find a new friend every week so maybe if they have accidentally neglected a friend, that works too. And anyone who knows them by their parents' buffet! Also I'm open for them to be in a band, and they do both LARP and tabletop roleplaying. Hangs around the conspiracy squad but isn't one of them.
[+] relationships
Amaryllis: “She’s so cool! I saw her at a few shows before- I’m glad she’s a friend (:”
Donovan: “A cute little rascal. I might have helped him do some, uh, wacky stuff but nothing that gets me in trouble I promise!!! Just some, uh, editing I promise haha”
Aion: ''He's nice- well, not nice, but I sorta learned that his shittalking's kinda endearing! He's entertaining to watch. It's a lil' complicated.''
Francis: ''Broooo that idea was crazy! but maybe less property damage next time?"

Eugene: “We cooked together before, it was fine. He’s really good at games that I’m not that good at, but we had fun that one sesh, so it doesn’t really matter, right?”
Mai: “We stan a strong queen. Seen her kicks before- they’re nasty, wow.”
Matthew: “Party guy… seen him around the conspiracy squad too- yeah, you know the one. Not really a big believer, but they’re cool and we hung out a bit before.”
Coda: “Met him at the skate park a few times. Seems like a cool dude.”
Andrew: “Aw, that really happened? That sucks. You know, my parents almost made me quit my sport too. Anyways, you wanna play that song again?”
Brook: ''I may disagree with him politically, but… That's bound to happen. People disrespecting my community, y'know? So I think maybe talking to him's worth it- he's not as bad as his takes makes him seem?
Saim: “He was a sk8ter boi she said see you later boi but I’ll never leave you friendo. Sorry that’s kind of the worst joke I’ve ever made wow.”
June: “Yum. That. Uh. That came off wrong!”
Ren: “Yes yes yes let the Renpocalypse begin lets gooooo!”
Clover: You know, I kinda feel like she wasn’t as nice to me as when we first became friends? Still a cool kid, though.
Birch: “Solidarity. They’re a nice friend. Can I hug them? I wanna hug them.”
Chanel: “I feel bad for her, but at the same time it’s at least partially her fault from what I’ve heard? But just because she sorta caused it doesn’t really mean she deserved it, you know? Like consequences vs justice or something… either way, nothing to lose if I keep talking to her, so I just keep talking to her!”
Yoona: “Rock-n-roll, baby! Well, it’s not technically rock and roll but, like, you know! Music go vrooom.”
Matt-the-Dad: “... You know, it’s so weird to think that kids my age actually do the do, much less have kids, but you know what? He’s a nice dude who actually didn't give off creep vibes and I won’t judge and oh my god his kid is so cute look at him!!! Look at his chubby cheeks!!! Look at the duck onesie holy shit!!!! He loves ducks and I love that but also, like, I feel weird because I like eating them.”
Buster: “You really don’t expect him to be good at partying but hey, he’s fun! Although I absolutely will not call him by his nickname. Ever.”
Teddie: ''Swell dude. Didn't have much in common but I think he's just pretty neat''

Abhishek: “Um… sometimes he’s fun to be with, but… wow. Really hot takes there, bud, you know that one of my uncle’s uncles or something starved to death because of communism, right?"
Danger Dave: “He’s a good guy when I need him and an absolute dick at other times but he’s never really acted against me before so he’s, like, cool with me. If you’re reading this school officials no I did not tape the rubber chickens please stop asking.”
Alex: “I’m not, like, technically a part of that conspiracy club but it really helps to be prepared, you know?”
Timothy: “We skate together, but that’s not the point. The point is, like… is he unironic? I hope he’s ironic. Why are there so many communists?”

Part of not two, not three, but a whole quintuplet of siblings, Isaiah has tried (and partially failed) to stand out. They're known for being very nice and helping out in tutoring and volunteer activities, but truth to be told he's more than a little flaky and prone to joining and quitting sports, clubs, and relationships on a whim, recently switching from basketball to hockey. Tries to make up for that by being dependable at parties (designated driver) and such, fails miserably. They live on a farm and enjoys beekeeping, hiking, political activism (specifically lgbtq rights) and is quite open about his views, but sometimes changes the intensity of them depending on who he's asking and who he's talking to. He also helps with the family farm and helps them out at church activities, even though he has begun to doubt his own faith, identifies as more agnostic as of now. Maybe a little holier-than-thou, but keeps it under wraps well.

Looking for: Any basketball ex-teammate and hockey teammates, exes, a current boyfriend/girlfriend, and any friends and enemies. People he. knows from church and volunteer, too.
[+] relationships
Betty: A popular girl part of a close-knit clique, she has been really tired of the popular life and wants to chill and maybe cut all social interaction out of her life, but didn't because that would be rude. A therapist/mommy friend, she's too scared to let go of her current friends (but is totally willing to cut off her friends' friends' friends) so she tries to make up for what she feels like is a lack of interesting-ness and also financial stability by being super nice, like, all the time, but is prone to literally bet on other students' relationships behind their backs. Her list of hobbies are fashion, arts and crafts, swimming, lawn games, and making money. Maybe more than a little insecure. Maybe a bit sociopathic. Maybe depressed. Who knows? All I know is that she's been feeling this deep void in her for a long time and is just really not feeling that happy with the way her life is going. She works at a boba shop nearby, and makes some money selling clothes, accessories, pins, etc and patching up/modifying clothes for her classmates. Not really secretly rude/malicious/mean/rumor spreading or anything, she just doesn't care and is tired of pretending to care. The closer you get to her the more apathetic she is, and she only has a few people she truly calls friends. The truth is, she isn't malicious, and she isn't really as bad as some rumors say- but pretending to be nice and clinging to her clique is the only reason why she is popular.

Looking for: Friends that actually like her, friends that know she's totally fake, people that gamble with her, and not-friends that either think she's fake or nice... honestly idk hmu. Isn't open for a relationship atm but any crushing, on either sides, is totally OK and maybe she'll start dating in pregame idk
[+] relationships
Amerika/Erika: Cryptic local taxidermist. Probably very neurodivergent, and suffers from pretty bad intrusive thoughts about people that she just avoids by not talking to people at all. She likes nature and hiking and animals (dead or alive) and Japanese culture, but only because she's half Japanese and actually secretly detests weebs. Maybe some woodworking, flower pressing, cooking... tradwife energy. Anyways she also looks kinda scary but it's just the resting bitch face! Sometimes help out at anti-drug campaigns, used to also sometimes appear in her father's articles/blog posts/podcasts which are very conservative and recently turned very conspiracy theory-ey, but has now broken away from it because oh shit oh god oh fuck he actually thinks there's chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay. Sells some bones if you ask her. Runs a semi-popular art/poetry blog where she vents about her poor family situation.

Looking for: Any customers, possibly friends but to be honest she's only gonna warm up after a lot of work, people who know about her dad's podcast and maybe doesn't like her (or does like her) for it. Maybe someone having a crush on her?
[+] relationships
Giselle Modisette: A social drifter and absolute shitlord. She's chill and gets along with people well, and is often found at parties and also online. Kind of the creative type- draws, writes, dances, makes music and music videos, makes clothes- all of that. Also a trivia nerd. She likes checking out conspiracy theories and trolling people who believes in them with no remorse. Unfortunately for her, being chronically online has caused her to be... lacking in tact. Giselle has trouble handing serious topics and often ends up offending others by making jokes in bad times.
[+] relationships

Alex Avanesian: "He's... well, no offense, but he's kinda nuts? But it's the good kinda nuts. He's fun to listen to, but sometimes I kinda wonder how much he actually buys into his shit and how much he knows about like... the fact that I kinda don't believe him one bit. Like, he's funny- he's just also massively in need of maybe some mental health services if he thinks that SOTF was made by ISIS or something lmao.
Millie Miles: Underweight, cute vsco girl. She's generically nice, comes off as trying too hard to be mature in more ways than one, and have anger problems that she's desperate to hold back. She lives with her single mother, a morbidly obese fetish model, and spent her childhood bouncing between nannies and doing way more household tasks than a little kid really should. Her grades are average, She's mildly popular but not like actually popular, she just talks to people a lot, and she attends a decent amount of parties and enjoys socializing. She's also into environmental activism and feminism, though she isn't super outspoken about it. She swims a bit, does some voice acting, and most of all enjoys documentaries, especially those about food science and weight loss. Lowkey needs therapy.

Looking for: A girlfriend, maybe a few ex friends from her yelling at them, people who teased her for her mom's... situation, and friends.
[+] relationships
Noah Karimi-Danya: Spending most of his life in NYC, Noah's life was turned around when his sister was arrested for a robbery and shot (didn't kill) two people. In the eventual fallout, his parents divorced, and he moved with his mother and his other sister to Salem with the financial support of relatives. Noah is generally rebellious, purposely unnerving, and gets a kick out of seeing people get disturbed by his dark jokes and references to some pretty fucked up shit, but underneath all that is just an edgy teen trying his best as probably the most stable person in his family. Terminally online, and participates in the robotics club and hangs around the "anti-sotf club," out of both a need for irl friends and a genuine fascination on human tragedy sparked by early-on bullying about his last name. He is also an unironic communist- not, like, super extreme but he picked the ideology up when he just wanted to make memes about Stalin... I need someone to radicalize him rip. Also likes pole dancing, raising bugs, and crossdressing. No, seriously. He's a communist femboy.

Looking for: Someone to radicalize him lmao and maybe a friend if your kid can stand him???
[+] relationships

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true illness

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:47 am
by Dogs231
Lorenzo/a "Ren":

Donovan is absolutely the type of guy to try and convince Ren to make terrible decisions with him. He enjoys vlogging, so he could stand to learn from Ren's video editing skills as well. He also would likely be a fan of the Chinese buffet. Honestly, I see them getting along fairly well.

Abhishek is a huge fan of making really terrible nuclear takes, so if that's the kind of counterculture that Ren would like, I'm sure they'd get along well.


Corbin and Isaiah have some similarities: They're both vaguely Christian and both do volunteer work. Perhaps they've worked together while volunteering at food pantries or something along those lines?

Donovan loves basketball, so it's feasible the two have played together at some point. Maybe Donovan could be annoyed at him for quitting the sport?


Abhishek is the only connection I can really see here, but he loves buying pins, patches, and badges to stick on his clothing.


Abhishek might know of her dad's political views and probably make fun of them.


Abhishek is also kind of a gremlin who loves to shock people and enjoys historical trivia. He probably feels a bit creeped out by the true-crime and other more egregious things and probably argues politics with her on social media to predictably pointless results.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:38 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
Hiya! First, let me return some calls and riff on some stuff you wrote in my thread;
  • Isaiah and Amaryllis; I can't see them in a past relationship but they would likely be at least somewhat friendly based on shared politics if they got a chance to bond over that. If Amaryllis ever tries to organize a Socialists of Salem group nature walk, Isaiah is probably on the list for that too.
  • Ren and Amaryllis; Amaryllis probably isn't all too interested in Ren until they mention the guitar playing. After that, Amaryllis is all about finding a time for them to play some music together and jam out. Amaryllis has precisely the kind of directive personality that it sounds like Ren is susceptible to, so I can see them being in Amaryllis' orbit, maybe has come to a few shows and is on Amaryllis list of people who can sit in with the band for a practice session if they so desire.
  • Amerika and Amaryllis; Okay, while Amaryllis definitely wouldn't have the best first impression with Erika based off of her dad, once it was clear that her own politics were milquetoast I can see Amaryllis diffusing somewhat. She isn't the type to hold grudges if she knows there's no point. The taxidermy weirds her out a bit, though. Maybe they've been on a hike together where Amaryllis tried to radicalize her somewhat? Just food for thought. Overall though I don't see much bad blood between these two. More than slight frown at the anti-drug stuff, though.
  • Eugene and Amerika: I can see Eugene reading her blog if she got around to sharing it with people at school. He's pretty chill and probably thinks the taxidermy is neat. Potentially, they could bond over the poems first, if there's a poetry club they would have been part of together. But that's an additional frowny-frown on the politics from Eugene.
  • Eugene and Ren; Cooking buddies! So home-ec classes are increasingly rare, but if they got the chance to cook together they could spend some time hanging out over that. If you get the feeling that Eugene would be someone Ren thinks is cool, maybe by virtue of having a relatively low guard and trying to be easy to talk to, maybe he could try to teach them a fighting game or two.
  • Coda and Gabrielle; Coda senses Gabrielle's reticent internet hermit status and has observed her accidental references to some obscure internet shit, and thus has pinned her as an acceptable target for some memes on one of the anonymous Salem High (I'm not gonna try to memorize the real name right now lol) class of '22 meme pages. If Gabrielle hates Coda's memes, maybe they got down to a confrontation over this. Maybe that confrontation was online, with the account, or maybe she did some sleuthing and brought it up in person. Up to you! Regardless, their mutual enmity has been noted.
  • Coda and Ren; Coda's another cool kid, but Coda doesn't really run in the same music scene as Amaryllis and Ren do. I think he'd probably try hitting up the school groups for some instrumental samples here and again. Maybe they'd have met each other at the skatepark?
  • K and Gabrielle; Gabrielle and K are both sort of reclusive burnouts, even if K is more just going with the flow than actively hiding. Maybe she sees him talk to his friends and realizes he's sort of nice? I don't know here either lol.
Here's some other things based on stuff that you wanted;
  • Amaryllis/Coda and Betty; Both know she's really fake, and both are sort of put off by it. Amaryllis is just rude to her, and Coda's made a few maybe slightly meaner than usual memes about her clique.
  • Mai Onodera and Ren; Both are kickboxers, I think! We'll talk more when she's ready but maybe they go to the same gym.
  • K and Amerika; I can see him buying stuff from her sometimes. She's a bit more offbeat in the same way as him, they kind of share the same ethos in a way that he can detect.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:10 pm
by Applesintime
Lorenzo/a "Ren":

They might know Matthew and him know them from going to his parties. He's probably went to the Chinese buffet their parents own once or twice. And this is pending and may not be accurate but they might know Alex from the conspiracy squad?

Isaiah: Again Matthew might know him from parties and stuff? Probably has some respect for him because man, the designated driver is an important role.

Betty: If she's a popular girl, Matthew probably knows her, as he's a popular dude too.

Am/Erika: Matthew might have tried talking to her once or twice if she's interested in Japanese culture and because of her anti-drug campaigining, but I don't imagine it going anywhere else. Alex might have checked out her dad's conspiracy blog, and while he doesn't really agree with it he'd probably try to talk conspiracy with her.

Gabrielle: Oh, Alex and her are probably really good friends! They're both into true crime, serial killers and SOTF. They're both terminally online too, and Alex would appreciate talking about the stuff that he doesn't really think he can talk about to other people with her. Matthew is probably vaguely concerned about her and thinks she might shoot up the school.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:22 pm
by Slam
- I think Teddie would probably know Ren by virtue of them both wanting to make lots of friends, but I don’t think they’d have enough in common for a proper relationship to really take hold unfortunately.
- Isaiah and Teddie would probably be acquainted through mutual sports participation, and possibly through LGBTQ+ shared interest. Maybe they even fooled around together?
- Teddie would probably be friendly with Betty but I don’t think he’d see her for the person she really is. She might very well make bets at his expense though.
- Teddie would again be friends because he wants to be friends with everyone but even he would probably get creepy vibes from Erika.
- I suspect Teddie wouldn’t have had enough time/interest to break down Gabrielle’s shell, so it might just be the case he tried to talk to her once and got snarked off.

- Spuds would probably find Ren too confusing, so I don’t think there’s much here for them.
- As a fellow farmer, Spuds may have a few chats with Isaiah about that. Otherwise, not a huge amount bringing the two together.
- Spuds would be civil towards Betty but I don’t think there’d be much dragging them into friendship.
- Spuds would steer clear of Erika because she’s not down to clown with that.
- Spuds also wouldn’t have the patience to break through Gabrielle’s shell. She might give her a stern lecture about not being such a tool, though.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true illness

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:53 am
by Yonagoda
Dogs231 wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:47 am -Abhishek is a huge fan of making really terrible nuclear takes, so if that's the kind of counterculture that Ren would like, I'm sure they'd get along well.
Not exactly the kind of counterculture they like, but they find him entertaining enough to stick with him and pretend to understand what he's saying.
Donovan loves basketball, so it's feasible the two have played together at some point. Maybe Donovan could be annoyed at him for quitting the sport?
That works! I think maybe Isaiah would probably be, like, apologetic about it and try to sooth things a bit, though. No telling if it would work.
-Abhishek is the only connection I can really see here, but he loves buying pins, patches, and badges to stick on his clothing.
Betty might make him promise to not tell anyone she made, like, north Korea propaganda pins but I'd see her as someone who actually manages to get along with him, yeah. She's the type to pretend to agree with him, which would be the case if she wasn't actually a bit of a communist herself.
-Abhishek might know of her dad's political views and probably make fun of them.
And Erika would let him. She's a bit of a pushover. If anything, actually, she'd join in. Like, "haahaa yeah I'm scared I'm gonna go stupid when I grow older, I sure hope I didn't get the weird genes from him!! haahaa" but awkwardly.
-Abhishek is also kind of a gremlin who loves to shock people and enjoys historical trivia. He probably feels a bit creeped out by the true-crime and other more egregious things and probably argues politics with her on social media to predictably pointless results.
Take a step up from arguing, how about mutually trolling and shitposting? For ever bullshit take Abhi makes, Gabrielle's the type to jokingly hit back with an even worse take.

Other than that, I think everything else is perfect.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 3:43 am
by Super Weegee
Lorenzo/Ren: "I don't know much about her. Seems to be nice, though."

I don't really think they would be close friends, but Brook would consider her to be a good acquaintance.

Isaiah: "Wait, he left cross-country? Um, okay then."

Brook would probably view him to be nice, but depending on if he's successful at being dependent at other stuff or not, Brook likely won't be afraid to suggest someone else while Isaiah's still in the same room. Since Isaiah's pro-LGBTQ+, I can also see them getting into arguments about it in some form.

Betty: "Skank."

Yeah, Brook's going to be one of the not-friends that thinks she's fake. Definitely on his 'ignore' list.

Amerika/Erika: "Didn't her father's podcast go 'off the rails' or something like that?"

Outside of her father's podcast, I doubt that Brook would know her all too well, although they might get along in regards to politics.

Gabrielle: "Have you noticed a common theme of nobody liking you?"

Brook's probably talked to Gabrielle once or twice and got snarked off. Combine that with the gossip he's heard about her posting gross stuff online and whatnot, he'll be content with ignoring her on the off-chance she happens to initiate conversation with him.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:53 pm
by Irina Ivanov
5 v 5 letsss gooo

Hi I have internet man, actually nice band singer, the flipfloppy trouble maker, another flipfloppy quiet person and an actual nice popular girl. Ray, Hailey, Dirk, Annalise and Coco.

Coco I think should be friends with Betty since she's connected with everyone and is in the popular groups. The thing with Coco is that she is far from a doormat but she never calls out her friends on anything. I feel like Coco would secretly know Betty is less then truly connected, but just try and try! Even if Coco feels like she's being cut off because she's just a friend's friend, that's fineeeee...Also she likes fashion, and she's willing to support her friend by sending clothes to be modified.

Depending on what faith Isiash is, he could know church choir singer and devout Christian Hailey Patterson! Speaking of Hailey, since Ren is chill he's probably good with most of my kids except Dirk probably. Raymond be a tabletop rp conspiracy guy.

Nothing for Erika rn, sorry

For Gabrielle, Raymond and Annalise (Trivia gal) both hang out on the internet tons, and Raymond is a part of the conspiracy kids even if he's seen as posing for clout and for his internet fame. He probably is hanging out with her on a nearby sotf/true crime forum but keeps it more under wraps, and is probably concerned for her secretly but doesn't know what to do so he just sticks with her and snarks back. Dirk probably really dislikes her for her weirdness and unpleasantness, he isn't going to be pleasant back exactly.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:53 pm
by Yonagoda
MethodicalSlacker wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:38 pm Hiya! First, let me return some calls and riff on some stuff you wrote in my thread;

Eugene and Ren; Cooking buddies! So home-ec classes are increasingly rare, but if they got the chance to cook together they could spend some time hanging out over that. If you get the feeling that Eugene would be someone Ren thinks is cool, maybe by virtue of having a relatively low guard and trying to be easy to talk to, maybe he could try to teach them a fighting game or two.
Sure! Ren's always down to learn new things and talk to new people.
Coda and Gabrielle; Coda senses Gabrielle's reticent internet hermit status and has observed her accidental references to some obscure internet shit, and thus has pinned her as an acceptable target for some memes on one of the anonymous Salem High (I'm not gonna try to memorize the real name right now lol) class of '22 meme pages. If Gabrielle hates Coda's memes, maybe they got down to a confrontation over this. Maybe that confrontation was online, with the account, or maybe she did some sleuthing and brought it up in person. Up to you! Regardless, their mutual enmity has been noted.
That confrontation's probably online. I think maybe hate's a too strong word in retrospect- depending on the memes, she goes from "pretty annoyed" to... well, hatred, I guess, actually lol.
Coda and Ren; Coda's another cool kid, but Coda doesn't really run in the same music scene as Amaryllis and Ren do. I think he'd probably try hitting up the school groups for some instrumental samples here and again. Maybe they'd have met each other at the skatepark?
That can work! Occasional skating buddies who share their beats together :3
K and Gabrielle; Gabrielle and K are both sort of reclusive burnouts, even if K is more just going with the flow than actively hiding. Maybe she sees him talk to his friends and realizes he's sort of nice? I don't know here either lol.
I dunno either, uh, we'll see it when we get there? Maybe they just know each other exist but don't really talk much??? IDK.
Amaryllis/Coda and Betty; Both know she's really fake, and both are sort of put off by it. Amaryllis is just rude to her, and Coda's made a few maybe slightly meaner than usual memes about her clique.
Betty isn't actively malicious or spreading rumors or anything, but yeah she's got just a whiff of fake vibes. If anything, she's more like "eh" to any rudeness and ignore the memes and is nice in her actions, too, she just happens to be really off putting rip
Mai Onodera and Ren; Both are kickboxers, I think! We'll talk more when she's ready but maybe they go to the same gym.
Can't wait!

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 8:57 am
by Yonagoda
Applesintime wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:10 pm They might know Matthew and him know them from going to his parties. He's probably went to the Chinese buffet their parents own once or twice. And this is pending and may not be accurate but they might know Alex from the conspiracy squad?
Yeah, I think they know. Like, not know know, but they talk to conspiracy kids once in a while.
Gabrielle: Oh, Alex and her are probably really good friends! They're both into true crime, serial killers and SOTF. They're both terminally online too, and Alex would appreciate talking about the stuff that he doesn't really think he can talk about to other people with her. Matthew is probably vaguely concerned about her and thinks she might shoot up the school.
No commentary other than ouch, but also maybe that's her vibe!

everything else is kinda perfect.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:51 pm
by Deamon
Ren could know Jessica as both skateboard, not sure how interested they'd be in Jessica's other hobbies but that's an option.

Erika would also probably know Jessica is both were outdoorsy types who enjoyed hiking and such.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:11 am
by Yonagoda
Slam wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:22 pm Teddie:
- Isaiah and Teddie would probably be acquainted through mutual sports participation, and possibly through LGBTQ+ shared interest. Maybe they even fooled around together?
We talked this out on discord, but yeah! They're Exes now!!!
- Teddie would again be friends because he wants to be friends with everyone but even he would probably get creepy vibes from Erika.
Ouch... but yeah, she is a lil creepy at first (and second, and third) look!

- Spuds would steer clear of Erika because she’s not down to clown with that.
ouch pt. 2 but that's respectable
- Spuds also wouldn’t have the patience to break through Gabrielle’s shell. She might give her a stern lecture about not being such a tool, though.
Feel free to roast my kid lol

other than that it's all gucci!

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:16 am
by Yonagoda
Super Weegee wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 3:43 am I entered your relationship thread and you entered mine, so let's go off of, like, what we went thru in your thread.

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:15 am
by Gundham
I know a few of your kids have met some of my other kids, but I could see Rebekah and Erika having an interesting dynamic. Rebekah's out in the woods a lot, and probably they've crossed paths out there at some point. If Rebekah knew that she was an aspiring taxidermist she'd probably be willing to keep a note of any carcasses or bones she finds, and report it back to her. She'd probably reason that it's better for Erika to have them than the werewolves. :lol:

For Gabrielle, I could see her and Karin either being vitriolic friends or absolute mortal enemies. Karin has resting bitch face and a huge chip on her shoulder, and she's also a connoisseur of vintage snark. So there's potential for them to respect each other as masters of the craft, but they could just as easily hate each other's guts, and trade nasty insults back and forth. Let me know your thoughts!

Re: Smile politely at my kids y'all, you're witnessing true mental illness

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:05 pm
by Yonagoda
Entered a new kid in!