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Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:41 am
by VoltTurtle
Hello everyone.

I have three children upcoming for V8.

Perhaps you would like to meet them.

My first child's name is Katelyn "Kitty" Graves. Kitty has a reputation for being the "weird, creepy girl that dresses like a cat", with many of her peers being put-off by her visible scars, melancholic behavior, morbid interests, and mental instability (something that is well known around the school due to two suicide attempts that landed her in the hospital), but those who have gotten to know her on a deeper level generally have nothing but nice things to say about her.

Kitty doesn't have a large number of friends, because she is a highly introverted individual, mostly keeping to herself whenever possible. This is due to a combination of extreme social anxiety and a general preference towards more isolated activities. She does, however, want friends quite a lot, but has trouble with confidence in social interactions. She is difficult to approach, because she tries to avoid letting new people get close to her, but those who manage to pierce the veil of defensiveness and avoidance that she maintains as a form of self-protection will quickly find a deeply passionate and kindhearted individual, even if she is somewhat rough around the edges with her numerous mental health problems.

Her primary hobbies are drawing and writing, though she also sews, hikes, and hunts. Her interests are generally somewhat morbid and dark, and her writing and drawing often reflects this. Something she also occasionally does, but is loathe to tell anyone else about out of embarrassment, is watching footage of Survival of the Fittest. This is not so much due to enjoying the violence (quite the contrary), so much as sating morbid curiosities and fascinations that she finds too difficult to ignore.

She needs some friends that she will be very close to, and perhaps some enemies that hate her for being weird. Casual acquaintances aren't in the cards; Kitty only lets some people in, and those that she lets in she gets DEEPLY attached to. I am also interested in her running an in-character D&D game based off of my own tabletop game, Eclipse. Those who play in this game will only be her very closest friends, so this will need to be decided by me based off of interest and her friend pool, though if you think your friend-of-Kitty would be interested in playing in her game, feel free to note that.

Also, she insists her friends call her Kitty and not Katelyn. Please do not forget this. It would make her sad.

-Ashlyn "Ash" Graves (Cicada)

-Alex Avanesian (Apples)
-Althea Drummond (Kotori)
-Ashlyn "Ash" Graves? (Cicada)
-California Fox (Deamon)
-Charlie (Jilly)
-Ellis Wheaton? (Laurels)
-Hades Thompson (Kilmarnock) (+)
-Iscariot "Izzy" Chanel Sutton (Sunny)
-Persephone Persy Alexander (Fenris)
-Ren (Zetsu)
-Roberta Woodvine (Deamon)
-Selene (Rugga)

-Anthony Rafael Halili (Aster)
-Ashlyn "Ash" Graves? (Cicada)
-Matthew Bell (Apples)
-Robin Valenti (Pippin)

For Katelyn, I won't be accepting pitches for relationships. Instead, if your boy/girl/someone-who-knows-better wants to get this đŸ± then they best make sure to (role)play with it first.

My second child's name is Natasha White. Natasha has a reputation for being extremely political and generally somewhat blunt/brash, but her sheer confidence and eloquence is often magnetic for a number of people. She is very openly a communist with an intense, burning hatred of capitalism, and can often be caught quoting Marx, Engels, and Lenin on the regular (and not just the common quotes, either). This is often the defining trait that most people first hear of when learning about Natasha, but she also has a deep love of hip-hop and general athleticism, and is actually highly approachable, intelligent, and polite (so long as the wrong politics don't get brought up).

Natasha has a friend group of nebulous size. She is passionate and personable enough to potentially have quite a few friends, even those who are politically neutral or politically apathetic. She is also stubborn and aggressive enough to earn herself many enemies, especially those that are political rivals. Her closest friends are those who are sympathetic to her politics, and she actually has a group (which she has named "The Vanguard") where she collects fellow leftists and leftist-sympathetic individuals to draw them further left and occasionally do activism (though for the most part they just hang out and shoot the shit).

Her primary hobbies are talking and participating in politics through activism, hip-hop (both listening and to a lesser degree, composing), volleyball, and muay thai. She is quite open about all of her hobbies and interests, with the exception of her apologism towards certain communist regimes.

She requires some friends, varying from casual acquaintances to members of her Vanguard. She also needs some enemies, primarily those libertarians, neoliberals, ancaps, conservatives, and reactionaries of the world (and maybe some leftcoms too, if they're the more prickly types). She is currently single, bisexual, and she's quite muscular. I've heard athletic women are all the rage, nowadays.
-Abhishek "Abhi" Panicker (Dogs)
-Amaryllis Perlman-Byrne (MethodicalSlacker)
-Iliya "Liya" Polaris? (Blizzard)
-Lynn? (Kilmarnock)

-Abhishek "Abhi" Panicker (Dogs)
-Amaryllis Perlman-Byrne (MethodicalSlacker)
-Iliya "Liya" Polaris (Blizzard)
-Kiana Coleman (Aster)
-Lara 'Spuds' Bullock (Slam)
-Lynn (Kilmarnock)
-Teddie Boyd (Slam)

-Anthony Rafael Halili (Aster)
-Brook Peterson (Weegee)
-Coda Taylor? (MethodicalSlacker)
-Corbin Azinger (Dogs)
-Matthew Bell (Apples)


My third child's name is LĂșcio Oliveira. I will forgive you if you spell his name without the accent, and so will he, though he might be a little annoyed by it in the same way he'd be annoyed to have a pebble in his shoe. LĂșcio is the most agreeable and likeable of my three children, being a handsome young lad who always goes out of his way to make others smile. He's well regarded by basically everyone due to his easy going nature, overwhelming friendliness, compassion, and quickness to share his large allowance to help those of his friends who need it. There is no difference between the LĂșcio that everyone knows and the LĂșcio that his friends know; he is always genuine and open, and always trying to get you to laugh and love what you can in life.

LĂșcio is more than likely drowning in friends and acquaintances, though he is particularly well-regarded among JEM's outcasts and downtrodden. LĂșcio holds no grudges, and harbors much, much less prejudice than the average teenager (though he still has some, as all humans do), and always seeks to bring those who he thinks could use the help into the fold. Bringing joy and peace to others brings LĂșcio himself joy and emotional fulfillment, and he's always happy to do it. Anyone can be LĂșcio's friend, but he has a special regard for those who join him in his unofficial Body Improvement Club (inspired by his favorite anime, Mob Psycho 100). Said club is provided gym memberships for free by LĂșcio himself, and they meet regularly on the weekends to work out, improve their bodies, and then cruise the town to get food (LĂșcio's treat) afterwards.

His primary hobbies include comedy (because he figures himself to be a wannabe stand-up comic), anime (because he's not-so-secretly a dork), lacrosse (because he likes the physicality), and bodybuilding (because he likes being pretty). Those who share his hobbies are much more likely to be a particularly close friend of his.

He needs some friends. A lot of friends. Some folks in his Club, too. Maybe some enemies, if for some reason your child hates joy, but LĂșcio would at his worst politely tell them they're being rude and subsequently cut off interaction with them, so its likely any rivalry wouldn't last. He also needs a girlfriend or boyfriend, and he's quite the catch in that regard, but if he has a boyfriend, their relationship will need to be kept secret. His parents are quite homophobic, and it makes him sad.
-Anthony Rafael Halili (Aster)
-Corbin Azinger (Dogs)
-Eugene Marcus (MethodicalSlacker)
-Josiah Flanagan (Sunny)
-Matthew Bittlesgate (Kotori)
-Micah Flanagan (Laurels)

-Alex Avanesian (Apples)
-Anthony Rafael Halili (Aster)
-Brook Peterson? (Weegee)
-Coda Taylor (MethodicalSlacker)
-Corbin Azinger (Dogs)
-Daniel Ozanne (Blizzard)
-Eugene Marcus (MethodicalSlacker)
-Iliya "Liya" Polaris (Blizzard)
-Isidore (Jilly)
-Jordan Toribio (Aster)
-Josiah Flanagan (Sunny)
-Kiana Coleman (Aster)
-Kyle 'K' Emerson (MethodicalSlacker)
-Lara 'Spuds' Bullock (Slam)
-Matthew Bittlesgate (Kotori)
-Melanie Stuart (Jilly)
-Micah Flanagan (Laurels)
-Teddie Boyd (Slam)

-Matthew Bell (Apples)

-Aracelis Fuentes (Deamon)

That is all.



Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:05 pm
by Applesintime
For Katelyn, I imagine that Alex could possibly be a friend of hers? They're both somewhat outcasty; Alex for his hot takes on SOTF and the motivations behind it, as well as his general enthusiasm for explaining his theories about it putting others off, while Katelyn for her scars, behaviour and morbid interests. The interests also match up; Alex isn't much interested in sewing, drawing or writing, but his father sometimes drags him hunting with him and Alex doesn't necessarily dislike hiking, although it isn't his thing. Their main shared interest, SOTF, would possibly be kept secret by her, although Alex is much more willing to discuss it, although he wouldn't mention that he watches videos either. I will note that Alex probably would be interested in the D&D game.

Matthew probably makes fun of her.

Meanwhile, Natasha has an intense, burning hatred for capitalism, and Matthew has an intense, burning hatred for Natasha. They probably argue a lot about politics, with Matthew's more conservative outlook and her communistic views. Alex probably knows of her as well, but I don't really think they would interact, and Alex's former support of Canon, plus him wearing some It's Canon! merch might make her not willing to interact with him.

For LĂșcio, both my kids know him. Matthew probably considers him an acquaintance, and thusly doesn't make any fun of him. LĂșcio might disagree with his making fun of people, but Matthew doesn't really mind. He might join the Body Improvement Club once or twice just to see what it's about, but I imagine he doesn't engage much afterwards.

Alex, however, probably just talks to him a bunch. The attempts to include Alex in stuff is appreciated, although he's not one for working out much, and as such probably wouldn't join LĂșcio's club.


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:17 pm
by Aster
Raf definitely steers clear of Kitty, and judges her from a veery far distance. He probably picked on her back in elementary/middle school, probably has something mean to say about her behind her back.

Raf’s also a neolib douchebag who I’m gonna offer up as a punching bag for Natasha. Kiana and Natasha don’t partiicularly run in the same circles, but she considers herself a progressive and would be the type to be pushed further left by the Vanguard.

Of your three kids Raf would proobably get along best with LĂșcio—they’re both sporty types and like anime, and Raf would appreciate the fact that LĂșcio isn’t Weird about it. He’d be the type to join the Body Improvement Club for the free gym membership (and for the MP100 joke). Thing is that Raf is kiind of an asshole who takes friendly ribbing too far sometimes, which LĂșcio proobably wouldn’t take kindly. I doubt it’s enough to sever their friendship, though, and Raf’s just learned to tone it down around him (while privately thinking he’s too sensitive).

While they don’t run in the same circles, I think Kiana and LĂșcio would get along swimmingly. LĂșcio is also probably one of the very few people who would go out of their way to talk to Jordan. They’re probably not close, but Jordan likes him and thinks he’s nice :)


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:05 pm
by Dogs231

Corbin and her probably dislike each other: He's relatively conservative and can be quite stubborn himself, though he's fairly apathetic and probably doesn't bother arguing with her, writing her off somewhat as just another commie.

Abhishek, on the other hand, I can absolutely see as a member of the Vanguard. She, along with the other members, would know where Abhishek actually lies on the political spectrum without his usual irony. He'd be more willing to have serious political discussions with her and the group, though he'd still tend to be jokey, if much more subdued. And, he can play a good accordion rendition of The Internationale!


I see Corbin and him generally being on good terms. Corbin's a fairly charitable guy who enjoys volunteering, and would also enjoy working out with the group, though he has no knowledge of anime outside of what he's heard from others and an even smaller amount of interest in it. He probably doesn't get the reference of the club's name.


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:51 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
Natsha's a bit... extreme, even for Lynn with whom she shares most of the same political values, but they more than make up for it by bonding over buff girl shit.


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:45 pm
by Zetsu
Kitty + Ren: weird awkward kids being weird and awkward together! Ren likes to hear about other people's hyperfixations and would be quite happy to enable Kitty's. They're both messy when it comes to social skills, which means Ren is very chill about Kitty doing socially inappropriate things, as long as Kitty is similarly forgiving; mostly Ren is relieved that they're not the only one. They'd also be good at picking up when Kitty is having a very not good time, though they're liable to get shy and bashful and tongue-tied if they attempt to help.

Kitty + Alice: Alice is down for hikes and hunts, as long as it's environmentally-conscious hunting (if it's not, then she wants nothing to do with Kitty). She'd probably be awkward if Kitty got too clingy or chatty, though. Alice mostly just wants to vibe quietly, so that can be a sticking point.


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:41 pm
by Sunnybunny
I would like to offer Izzy to be friends with Kitty. While it's not exactly a case of perfectly matching hobbies, Iscariot likes all sorts of things she can consider adventurous, and hunting is in that nebulous field. More importantly, Izzy just isn't someone that gets put off by much at all.

I'll also offer Josiah for The Body Club, because he is a bare knuckle boxer and those things go together. He's also... a huge dork!


Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:08 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
For Kitty: I think you mentioned in the discord that Kitty might be interested in The Mysterious Yandere Blog Writer's (aka Meena's) content? whether she would know Meena irl is up in the air, it seems unlikely they'd interact given how withdrawn they both are.

For Natasha: Liya's the kind to align with her politics enough to want to talk with her about them on a regular basis, especially since she seems relatively well-read on that sort of thing, which Liya would find kinda admirable (even if she's not much a books person herself). Potential member of the Vanguard?

For LĂșcio: Liya is also a lacrosse player, so maybe they're sorta-friends through that but then again, Liya doesn't want to be associated with the popular circle. An anime friend might be Daniel, if he's prepared for Daniel to go all WMG at him on occasion.

Will get back if I get more ideas!


Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:48 pm
by Slam
- Probably doesn’t make enough of an effort to get close to Kitty.
- I feel that if Natasha tried talking politics at Teddie after he mascot’d a volleyball game he’d stand there with a cute dumb face. But he’d still want to be friendly with her otherwise.
- Teddie would most likely float his way into LĂșcio’s many friends based on mutual friendliness. Probably not boyfriends but maybe there was/is some mild interest?

- Would not have enough interest in getting to know Kitty.
- Spuds isn’t huge on politics but she’d respect Natasha for her passion and buffness.
- Spuds would probs get along with LĂșcio due to compatible personalities and both being lacrosse players.


Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:17 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
Howdy! You're first and only on my list of calls to return today.
  • Amaryllis and Natasha: 100% agreed on Amaryllis being part of the vanguard. Amaryllis is super into synths—post-punk has a long tradition of embracing synth sounds and dub rhythms, and she has a keyboardist in her own band. So yeah, Natasha and Amaryllis being comrades in arms makes sense to me!
  • Eugene and LĂșcio: This one also scans for me. Eugene's less likely to be a regular participant than he is to kinda just show up and help out sometimes, he's taking it easy on the exercise still. I can see LĂșcio trying to give him a friendly push to get back into it, maybe noticing that he's recovered enough to be doing a bit more work than he gives himself.
  • Coda and LĂșcio: Maybe LĂșcio doesn't have enough wackiness going on to hold Coda's interest outside of school or related functions, but in classes together I see them being friends, and either comedy rivals or allies depending on how many levels of irony LĂșcio is on. I can see LĂșcio finding Coda's tendency to single people out a bit off-putting, but otherwise they'd be allied.
  • I'm agreed on Kitty, though I might add I don't think any of my characters would be enemies with her either.
And here's a couple other things my opportunistic eye caught that might also work.
  • Coda and Natasha: The shared interest in hip-hop piqued my interest here, but I think Coda might have a few too many bad takes for Natasha to want to really associate with them. I think Coda would be sort of a basic left leaning centrist, progressive socially and sort of misinformed economically, enough to pass as a terminally Online AnCap or something similar. Perhaps they've gone back and forth on diss tracks.
  • K and LĂșcio: If LĂșcio is a friend of the outcasts and downtrodden, he probably knows K. K seems well off enough, but definitely exists on the very edge of the social scene at JEM. I don't think K would want to come to Body Improvement Club, and probably uses being tired from Marching Band as an excuse, even in the off-season. I'm not super sure if this would make LĂșcio respect him for getting in cardio or despise him for being evasive, or neither, but K as an elusive recruit would be cool either way. Like he always seems ready to say yes, but there's always this one thing or another, but it's not like he's averse to it; and maybe he showed up a couple times, sporadically, months apart, but never enough to commit to it. It always seems like K's got something else going on, in a few different ways.


Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:46 pm
by Super Weegee
Kitty: Given that they share a love for drawing, writing, drawing, and they both watch Survival of the Fittest, her and Brook would get along, at least from his perspective. He'll be a lot more careful to watch his mouth around her and he'll be protective of her due to the suicide attempts. I wouldn't really call them close enough for him to get an invitation to play her game, though.

Natasha: Brook leans to the right and she's an open communist, so they'll hate each other for sure. Depending on how much he knows about the Vanguard and how Natasha draws people further to the left, he'll either pity the other members of the group or hold disdain for them, depending on the person.

LĂșcio: They're both athletes and like to keep in shape, so I can see them being friends, provided LĂșcio doesn't get too pushy with trying to spread joy to Brook. However, if Brook somehow learns that LĂșcio has a boyfriend, he'll try to distance himself.


Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:12 am
by Laurels
Looking over your cast, I feel like Ellis would want to be friends with Kitty and be in her D&D game, as he likes roleplaying and would probably really, really, really want to try being friends with a girl.

Micah looks like someone who would get along with Lucio and would be in the Body Improvement Club since Micah does weightlifting and is considering becoming a personal trainer. Doubly so since his brother Josiah is also in the BIC.


Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:14 am
by VoltTurtle
Okay, finally getting around to this...
[+] Wall
Applesintime wrote: ↑Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:05 pm For Katelyn, I imagine that Alex could possibly be a friend of hers? They're both somewhat outcasty; Alex for his hot takes on SOTF and the motivations behind it, as well as his general enthusiasm for explaining his theories about it putting others off, while Katelyn for her scars, behaviour and morbid interests. The interests also match up; Alex isn't much interested in sewing, drawing or writing, but his father sometimes drags him hunting with him and Alex doesn't necessarily dislike hiking, although it isn't his thing. Their main shared interest, SOTF, would possibly be kept secret by her, although Alex is much more willing to discuss it, although he wouldn't mention that he watches videos either. I will note that Alex probably would be interested in the D&D game.

Matthew probably makes fun of her.

Meanwhile, Natasha has an intense, burning hatred for capitalism, and Matthew has an intense, burning hatred for Natasha. They probably argue a lot about politics, with Matthew's more conservative outlook and her communistic views. Alex probably knows of her as well, but I don't really think they would interact, and Alex's former support of Canon, plus him wearing some It's Canon! merch might make her not willing to interact with him.

For LĂșcio, both my kids know him. Matthew probably considers him an acquaintance, and thusly doesn't make any fun of him. LĂșcio might disagree with his making fun of people, but Matthew doesn't really mind. He might join the Body Improvement Club once or twice just to see what it's about, but I imagine he doesn't engage much afterwards.

Alex, however, probably just talks to him a bunch. The attempts to include Alex in stuff is appreciated, although he's not one for working out much, and as such probably wouldn't join LĂșcio's club.
All that sounds good to me. Though I will note that Alex would definitely need to be the one to approach Kitty to begin with. Perhaps being in the Anti-SOTF club would be impetus for that. LĂșcio probably isn't too fond of Matthew due to his behavior, but wouldn't be confrontational about it.
Aster wrote: ↑Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:17 pm Raf definitely steers clear of Kitty, and judges her from a veery far distance. He probably picked on her back in elementary/middle school, probably has something mean to say about her behind her back.

Raf’s also a neolib douchebag who I’m gonna offer up as a punching bag for Natasha. Kiana and Natasha don’t partiicularly run in the same circles, but she considers herself a progressive and would be the type to be pushed further left by the Vanguard.

Of your three kids Raf would proobably get along best with LĂșcio—they’re both sporty types and like anime, and Raf would appreciate the fact that LĂșcio isn’t Weird about it. He’d be the type to join the Body Improvement Club for the free gym membership (and for the MP100 joke). Thing is that Raf is kiind of an asshole who takes friendly ribbing too far sometimes, which LĂșcio proobably wouldn’t take kindly. I doubt it’s enough to sever their friendship, though, and Raf’s just learned to tone it down around him (while privately thinking he’s too sensitive).

While they don’t run in the same circles, I think Kiana and LĂșcio would get along swimmingly. LĂșcio is also probably one of the very few people who would go out of their way to talk to Jordan. They’re probably not close, but Jordan likes him and thinks he’s nice :)
Sounds good!
Dogs231 wrote: ↑Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:05 pm Natasha:

Corbin and her probably dislike each other: He's relatively conservative and can be quite stubborn himself, though he's fairly apathetic and probably doesn't bother arguing with her, writing her off somewhat as just another commie.

Abhishek, on the other hand, I can absolutely see as a member of the Vanguard. She, along with the other members, would know where Abhishek actually lies on the political spectrum without his usual irony. He'd be more willing to have serious political discussions with her and the group, though he'd still tend to be jokey, if much more subdued. And, he can play a good accordion rendition of The Internationale!


I see Corbin and him generally being on good terms. Corbin's a fairly charitable guy who enjoys volunteering, and would also enjoy working out with the group, though he has no knowledge of anime outside of what he's heard from others and an even smaller amount of interest in it. He probably doesn't get the reference of the club's name.
I like it. Let's roll with it.
Zetsu wrote: ↑Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:45 pm Kitty + Ren: weird awkward kids being weird and awkward together! Ren likes to hear about other people's hyperfixations and would be quite happy to enable Kitty's. They're both messy when it comes to social skills, which means Ren is very chill about Kitty doing socially inappropriate things, as long as Kitty is similarly forgiving; mostly Ren is relieved that they're not the only one. They'd also be good at picking up when Kitty is having a very not good time, though they're liable to get shy and bashful and tongue-tied if they attempt to help.

Kitty + Alice: Alice is down for hikes and hunts, as long as it's environmentally-conscious hunting (if it's not, then she wants nothing to do with Kitty). She'd probably be awkward if Kitty got too clingy or chatty, though. Alice mostly just wants to vibe quietly, so that can be a sticking point.
I like these dynamics, though I think Alice might be put off by Kitty because she is very clingy. Ren's cute though, added.
Sunnybunny wrote: ↑Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:41 pm I would like to offer Izzy to be friends with Kitty. While it's not exactly a case of perfectly matching hobbies, Iscariot likes all sorts of things she can consider adventurous, and hunting is in that nebulous field. More importantly, Izzy just isn't someone that gets put off by much at all.

I'll also offer Josiah for The Body Club, because he is a bare knuckle boxer and those things go together. He's also... a huge dork!
So long as you think Izzy would be the type to approach the weird cat girl and try to befriend her I could get down with the sickness on that. More members for THE BODY IMPROVEMENT CLUB is always good.
BlizzardeyeWonder wrote: ↑Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:08 am For Kitty: I think you mentioned in the discord that Kitty might be interested in The Mysterious Yandere Blog Writer's (aka Meena's) content? whether she would know Meena irl is up in the air, it seems unlikely they'd interact given how withdrawn they both are.

For Natasha: Liya's the kind to align with her politics enough to want to talk with her about them on a regular basis, especially since she seems relatively well-read on that sort of thing, which Liya would find kinda admirable (even if she's not much a books person herself). Potential member of the Vanguard?

For LĂșcio: Liya is also a lacrosse player, so maybe they're sorta-friends through that but then again, Liya doesn't want to be associated with the popular circle. An anime friend might be Daniel, if he's prepared for Daniel to go all WMG at him on occasion.

Will get back if I get more ideas!
Yes! I think Kitty would follow her blog, and I like Liya as a Vanguard member. Liya and Daniel as casual friends of LĂșcio also works I think.
Slam wrote: ↑Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:48 pm Teddie:
- Probably doesn’t make enough of an effort to get close to Kitty.
- I feel that if Natasha tried talking politics at Teddie after he mascot’d a volleyball game he’d stand there with a cute dumb face. But he’d still want to be friendly with her otherwise.
- Teddie would most likely float his way into LĂșcio’s many friends based on mutual friendliness. Probably not boyfriends but maybe there was/is some mild interest?

- Would not have enough interest in getting to know Kitty.
- Spuds isn’t huge on politics but she’d respect Natasha for her passion and buffness.
- Spuds would probs get along with LĂșcio due to compatible personalities and both being lacrosse players.
I like the idea of Teddie just being friendly with Natasha but not understanding the whole communism thing, and I think the interest would be mostly one sided with LĂșcio, but I can dig it. Thoughts on Spud work for me as well.
MethodicalSlacker wrote: ↑Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:17 pm Howdy! You're first and only on my list of calls to return today.
  • Amaryllis and Natasha: 100% agreed on Amaryllis being part of the vanguard. Amaryllis is super into synths—post-punk has a long tradition of embracing synth sounds and dub rhythms, and she has a keyboardist in her own band. So yeah, Natasha and Amaryllis being comrades in arms makes sense to me!
  • Eugene and LĂșcio: This one also scans for me. Eugene's less likely to be a regular participant than he is to kinda just show up and help out sometimes, he's taking it easy on the exercise still. I can see LĂșcio trying to give him a friendly push to get back into it, maybe noticing that he's recovered enough to be doing a bit more work than he gives himself.
  • Coda and LĂșcio: Maybe LĂșcio doesn't have enough wackiness going on to hold Coda's interest outside of school or related functions, but in classes together I see them being friends, and either comedy rivals or allies depending on how many levels of irony LĂșcio is on. I can see LĂșcio finding Coda's tendency to single people out a bit off-putting, but otherwise they'd be allied.
  • I'm agreed on Kitty, though I might add I don't think any of my characters would be enemies with her either.
And here's a couple other things my opportunistic eye caught that might also work.
  • Coda and Natasha: The shared interest in hip-hop piqued my interest here, but I think Coda might have a few too many bad takes for Natasha to want to really associate with them. I think Coda would be sort of a basic left leaning centrist, progressive socially and sort of misinformed economically, enough to pass as a terminally Online AnCap or something similar. Perhaps they've gone back and forth on diss tracks.
  • K and LĂșcio: If LĂșcio is a friend of the outcasts and downtrodden, he probably knows K. K seems well off enough, but definitely exists on the very edge of the social scene at JEM. I don't think K would want to come to Body Improvement Club, and probably uses being tired from Marching Band as an excuse, even in the off-season. I'm not super sure if this would make LĂșcio respect him for getting in cardio or despise him for being evasive, or neither, but K as an elusive recruit would be cool either way. Like he always seems ready to say yes, but there's always this one thing or another, but it's not like he's averse to it; and maybe he showed up a couple times, sporadically, months apart, but never enough to commit to it. It always seems like K's got something else going on, in a few different ways.
All this sounds good to me.
Super Weegee wrote: ↑Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:46 pm Kitty: Given that they share a love for drawing, writing, drawing, and they both watch Survival of the Fittest, her and Brook would get along, at least from his perspective. He'll be a lot more careful to watch his mouth around her and he'll be protective of her due to the suicide attempts. I wouldn't really call them close enough for him to get an invitation to play her game, though.

Natasha: Brook leans to the right and she's an open communist, so they'll hate each other for sure. Depending on how much he knows about the Vanguard and how Natasha draws people further to the left, he'll either pity the other members of the group or hold disdain for them, depending on the person.

LĂșcio: They're both athletes and like to keep in shape, so I can see them being friends, provided LĂșcio doesn't get too pushy with trying to spread joy to Brook. However, if Brook somehow learns that LĂșcio has a boyfriend, he'll try to distance himself.
Sounds good for Natasha and LĂșcio. Kitty, though... she's fairly open-minded and quick to accept others as they are due to her own weirdness. I think she'd be put off by anyone who isn't okay with the LGBT community, so maybe he'd like her and she would be willing to converse with him, but she would try to keep interaction with him to a minimum.
Laurels wrote: ↑Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:12 am Looking over your cast, I feel like Ellis would want to be friends with Kitty and be in her D&D game, as he likes roleplaying and would probably really, really, really want to try being friends with a girl.

Micah looks like someone who would get along with Lucio and would be in the Body Improvement Club since Micah does weightlifting and is considering becoming a personal trainer. Doubly so since his brother Josiah is also in the BIC.
Ellis awkwardly befriending Kitty because she's easier to approach is a cute idea. I'm not so sure she would really return the friendliness to a great extent (and defo not enough to have him in her game), though she'd at least be polite and probably would still show him her drawings. I'd have to see them in game together before I could say anything else. Sounds good for Micah though.


Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:15 pm
by ViolentMedic
Whether Molly would manage to get through Kitty’s defences to friendship is debatable, but if she did, she’d be down for the tabletop gaming if it ever happened.

I feel like depending on the specific politics that come up, Marshall might get into arguments with Natasha. (He’s like sorta central-but-leaning-to-the-left, he’d probably be considered naively optimistic in that he thinks parts of the current system just need fixing up rather than a full overhaul.) Probably not like long-lasting anger, just depends what comes up when they’re in the same room. He’d probably like her just fine even if arguments did happen, but he’s a very blunt guy and two blunt opinions in the same room means double the abrasion. xD

Also as I mentioned before, Marshall would def be down for the body improvement club, and is also a lacrosse player. At the very least, there could be some acquaintancy/friendship-if-LĂșcio-can-withstand-awkward-and-oft-critical-bluntness (it tends to come from Marshall in a general vein of self-improvement, just very badly phrased.)

I imagine Molly would be pretty down for acquaintancy with LĂșcio too at the very least. Both pretty cheery and all. Maybe even a casual date or two, once upon a time.


Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 6:49 am
by Super Weegee
Wait, how did I miss the part about Lucio's body improvement club?

Brook's definitely going to sprint over to sign up the second he hears about that. Suffice to say, Lucio has been bumped up higher on his friends list.