Me, As Well! A Relationship Thread by This Guy, Catche
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:35 am
I am here…………………………. now.
And I have some kids to share and such etc.
Betty Quinn:

-A theater girl through and through. Has a deep love of performing on the stage as well as watching other performances.
-Adopted as a baby, raised in Salem
-Upper middle class background
-High marks in classes
-Upbeat attitude and personality, makes an effort to maintain a wide circle of looser friendships in addition to her smaller group of very close friends.
-Highly protective of those whom she does call her close friends, would do anything for them.
-Prone to inserting herself into the business of others, even if it is done with the best of intentions and an apologetic smile.
-When placed into a group project or something of the like, Betty has a tendency to try to guide and direct the actions of the group, feeling most comfortable when she doesn’t need to rely on the direction of another.
-Takes part in tutoring, finding validation in helping to bring success to those that most need it.
-Averse to discussion of politics, knowing that such discussions only lead to trouble.
-Holds a personal fondness for self-help philosophies and messaging, using them to keep up motivation.
-Though Betty tends to try to stay away from petty conflicts, she’s not above delving into drama at times.
What does she need?
-Fellow theater kids, with whom she is presumably friendly with, though I am not opposed to some of that classic passive aggressive theater kid rivalry stuff as well.
-Students who she tutors
-Friends from outside her extracurriculars. Betty is fairly socially active and would presumably have a few friends that she might know from class or elsewhere.
-Enemies. Kind of. Though Betty is the sort to try to avoid making enemies, there would certainly be some who would be rubbed the wrong way by her attitude or her controlling tendencies.
-A boyfriend. Open to this as an option, though it is not of immediate necessity. Would probably be a fellow theater kid or an athlete.
Kenneth Barton:

-Born and raised in Salem.
-Middle class background
-In middle school, Ken was quite overweight and had a severe acne problem. He has since lost much of that weight through exercise and his acne has subsided, though he still has a fair bit of acne scarring across his face.
-Ken was raised in a religious household but has since drifted into agnosticism leaning towards atheism.
-He still holds most of the conservative views instilled onto him by his family, though he is usually only keen to openly advocate for these views in environments that he’s likely to have support within, and among those with similar views defers to those that can better articulate an argument.
-Ken is not a particularly skilled speaker, having a tendency to misspeak or to make inflammatory statements, particularly when put under pressure.
-In terms of academics, Ken’s record is a bit mixed, but he does quite well in history, having a particular interest in military history.
-Gaming is his most long standing hobby, having held onto it since before he changed up his habits to lose weight and get into better shape. His primary experiences have been with PC games and holds a particular affinity for strategy
-Ken has more recently become more interested in watching MMA. He has no interest in competition himself, but eagerly takes any opportunity to engage with other fans.
What does he need?
-Friends. Not a lot, since Ken isn’t exactly a social butterfly, but a few. These friendships could grow out of shared political interest or through his other hobbies. It’s also possible that Ken could have friends who were more divergent from himself in personality if they were close from a young age.
-Grudges. Ken is usually not someone who actually confronts people that he doesn’t like, and is more likely to hold a festering but quiet disdain for those who have perhaps wronged him in some way.
-Enemies. Possibly. It is possible that Ken could have more active beef with someone so long as they were not particularly intimidating and there was something to prolong such a dynamic.
Stuart Kowalski:

-Born and raised in Salem
-Blue collar background
-Stuart was also brought up in a religious household, and to this day believes himself to be a devoted Catholic.
-Bible study? Maybe.
-He is gay, but remains closeted, not yet able to come to terms with it himself. Though not a bigot in action, this unresolved tension results in some obvious discomfort when discussion of LGBTQ+ issues come up. As things are now, he self identifies as either straight or vaguely “not interested”
-Stuart is an avid reader, particularly of classic literature and fantasy novels. However, his single greatest love in this is Tolkien’s Middle-Earth series of books, which he grew up with and remains a favorite of his to this day.
-He has recently been trying his hand at writing his own short stories, frequently with fantastical themes, though he does not share these.
-Among classmates, Stuart is a kind, if somewhat shy and reserved boy, with a decent enough reputation, if he appears on someone’s radar at all. It is quite easy for him to be missed due to a minimal social presence and not being particularly striking in appearance.
-Generally does well in classes, particularly in the realm of English/Literature.
-He might do some tabletop stuff, depending on what’s going on with the rest of the school. If the opportunity presents itself, it is certainly something that he would enjoy. He’d be a healer or something.
What does he need?
-Friends! Stuart isn’t gonna have the biggest circle around, but he’s an agreeable sort and could really use some! Could be people he knows from church or others that share his taste in books.
-Tabletop? Idk if there’s in IC group or groups that might be doing this, but it tracks as a hobby for him if there’s a group that would have him.
-In terms of romantic shit, there might be a boy that he develops particular feelings for/attraction to, but no more than that at the start of his pregame, to be sure. Otherwise, he’s trying to figure out how to address his feelings more generally.
Vivian J. Benoit

-Born in upstate New York, Vivian and her family moved to Salem around the time Vivian began middle school.
-Upper middle class background.
-Performs well academically.
-A very tense relationship with her father, a problem which has only gotten deeper through the increased isolation that the family went through during the height of the pandemic.
-Previously had very long dark brown hair, got it gut shorter and dyed shortly before the start of fall semester.
-Vivian fills her schedule with quite a few extra curricular activities, including Model UN, Yearbook, Film Club, perhaps manager of one of the sports teams(?). If there’s some anti-bullying/respect each other/whatever club, she’ll be in that too.
-Generally views herself as being a bit more mature than her peers and, though she is generally friendly, can often display a condescending attitude. This may result in her friendliness as reading false to some.
-Politically liberal and quite vocal about this, though she is more moderate than her peers that might specifically identify as “leftists”.
-Pop punk vibes.
-In connection partial connection to her habit of joining a bunch of clubs. Vivian has a tendency to overstuff with commitments and place herself in high stress situations, taking on responsibilities to the point where she is stretched thin.
What does she need?
-Friends. Vivian is involved in a lot at school and is generally quite sociable and loyal to those she is close with, so she’d likely have friends with a decent range of backgrounds and interests.
-Enemies. Vivian is the most openly confrontational of my crew and with an outspoken nature and a manner that can grate on some, it’s likely that there are a few people at school with whom she would share a mutual dislike.
And I have some kids to share and such etc.
Betty Quinn:

-A theater girl through and through. Has a deep love of performing on the stage as well as watching other performances.
-Adopted as a baby, raised in Salem
-Upper middle class background
-High marks in classes
-Upbeat attitude and personality, makes an effort to maintain a wide circle of looser friendships in addition to her smaller group of very close friends.
-Highly protective of those whom she does call her close friends, would do anything for them.
-Prone to inserting herself into the business of others, even if it is done with the best of intentions and an apologetic smile.
-When placed into a group project or something of the like, Betty has a tendency to try to guide and direct the actions of the group, feeling most comfortable when she doesn’t need to rely on the direction of another.
-Takes part in tutoring, finding validation in helping to bring success to those that most need it.
-Averse to discussion of politics, knowing that such discussions only lead to trouble.
-Holds a personal fondness for self-help philosophies and messaging, using them to keep up motivation.
-Though Betty tends to try to stay away from petty conflicts, she’s not above delving into drama at times.
What does she need?
-Fellow theater kids, with whom she is presumably friendly with, though I am not opposed to some of that classic passive aggressive theater kid rivalry stuff as well.
-Students who she tutors
-Friends from outside her extracurriculars. Betty is fairly socially active and would presumably have a few friends that she might know from class or elsewhere.
-Enemies. Kind of. Though Betty is the sort to try to avoid making enemies, there would certainly be some who would be rubbed the wrong way by her attitude or her controlling tendencies.
-A boyfriend. Open to this as an option, though it is not of immediate necessity. Would probably be a fellow theater kid or an athlete.
Kenneth Barton:

-Born and raised in Salem.
-Middle class background
-In middle school, Ken was quite overweight and had a severe acne problem. He has since lost much of that weight through exercise and his acne has subsided, though he still has a fair bit of acne scarring across his face.
-Ken was raised in a religious household but has since drifted into agnosticism leaning towards atheism.
-He still holds most of the conservative views instilled onto him by his family, though he is usually only keen to openly advocate for these views in environments that he’s likely to have support within, and among those with similar views defers to those that can better articulate an argument.
-Ken is not a particularly skilled speaker, having a tendency to misspeak or to make inflammatory statements, particularly when put under pressure.
-In terms of academics, Ken’s record is a bit mixed, but he does quite well in history, having a particular interest in military history.
-Gaming is his most long standing hobby, having held onto it since before he changed up his habits to lose weight and get into better shape. His primary experiences have been with PC games and holds a particular affinity for strategy
-Ken has more recently become more interested in watching MMA. He has no interest in competition himself, but eagerly takes any opportunity to engage with other fans.
What does he need?
-Friends. Not a lot, since Ken isn’t exactly a social butterfly, but a few. These friendships could grow out of shared political interest or through his other hobbies. It’s also possible that Ken could have friends who were more divergent from himself in personality if they were close from a young age.
-Grudges. Ken is usually not someone who actually confronts people that he doesn’t like, and is more likely to hold a festering but quiet disdain for those who have perhaps wronged him in some way.
-Enemies. Possibly. It is possible that Ken could have more active beef with someone so long as they were not particularly intimidating and there was something to prolong such a dynamic.
Stuart Kowalski:

-Born and raised in Salem
-Blue collar background
-Stuart was also brought up in a religious household, and to this day believes himself to be a devoted Catholic.
-Bible study? Maybe.
-He is gay, but remains closeted, not yet able to come to terms with it himself. Though not a bigot in action, this unresolved tension results in some obvious discomfort when discussion of LGBTQ+ issues come up. As things are now, he self identifies as either straight or vaguely “not interested”
-Stuart is an avid reader, particularly of classic literature and fantasy novels. However, his single greatest love in this is Tolkien’s Middle-Earth series of books, which he grew up with and remains a favorite of his to this day.
-He has recently been trying his hand at writing his own short stories, frequently with fantastical themes, though he does not share these.
-Among classmates, Stuart is a kind, if somewhat shy and reserved boy, with a decent enough reputation, if he appears on someone’s radar at all. It is quite easy for him to be missed due to a minimal social presence and not being particularly striking in appearance.
-Generally does well in classes, particularly in the realm of English/Literature.
-He might do some tabletop stuff, depending on what’s going on with the rest of the school. If the opportunity presents itself, it is certainly something that he would enjoy. He’d be a healer or something.
What does he need?
-Friends! Stuart isn’t gonna have the biggest circle around, but he’s an agreeable sort and could really use some! Could be people he knows from church or others that share his taste in books.
-Tabletop? Idk if there’s in IC group or groups that might be doing this, but it tracks as a hobby for him if there’s a group that would have him.
-In terms of romantic shit, there might be a boy that he develops particular feelings for/attraction to, but no more than that at the start of his pregame, to be sure. Otherwise, he’s trying to figure out how to address his feelings more generally.
Vivian J. Benoit

-Born in upstate New York, Vivian and her family moved to Salem around the time Vivian began middle school.
-Upper middle class background.
-Performs well academically.
-A very tense relationship with her father, a problem which has only gotten deeper through the increased isolation that the family went through during the height of the pandemic.
-Previously had very long dark brown hair, got it gut shorter and dyed shortly before the start of fall semester.
-Vivian fills her schedule with quite a few extra curricular activities, including Model UN, Yearbook, Film Club, perhaps manager of one of the sports teams(?). If there’s some anti-bullying/respect each other/whatever club, she’ll be in that too.
-Generally views herself as being a bit more mature than her peers and, though she is generally friendly, can often display a condescending attitude. This may result in her friendliness as reading false to some.
-Politically liberal and quite vocal about this, though she is more moderate than her peers that might specifically identify as “leftists”.
-Pop punk vibes.
-In connection partial connection to her habit of joining a bunch of clubs. Vivian has a tendency to overstuff with commitments and place herself in high stress situations, taking on responsibilities to the point where she is stretched thin.
What does she need?
-Friends. Vivian is involved in a lot at school and is generally quite sociable and loyal to those she is close with, so she’d likely have friends with a decent range of backgrounds and interests.
-Enemies. Vivian is the most openly confrontational of my crew and with an outspoken nature and a manner that can grate on some, it’s likely that there are a few people at school with whom she would share a mutual dislike.