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Relationship Thread with Prim?! Here we go!!

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:52 am
by Primrosette
Heyyyyy! Here are my V8 kids that will hopefully come up! Feel free to tell me what you want here or just DM me if it is easier to do so!

Aion Rhodes


"Go away...!"
  • Observant
  • Fearless
  • Confident
  • Rude
  • Impulsive
  • Unfriendly
[+] Info
- Likes boxing
- Dislikes people (even his friends)
- Likes hotdogs
- Has a love-hate relationship with [redacted]
- Has an interest in automobile mechanics
- Likes classical music
- Has an interest in theater/acting
- Has anger issues (tried to get anger management, but it didn’t help)
- Is open and not the jealous type (strange) in relationships
- Currently single (kinda) and gay
- Smol boy (5’0)
[+] Looking For
- Theater/acting friends
- People that can tolerate his issues
- Enemies/Bullies
- Possible ex/es
[+] Relationships
Indigo "Indie" Howe: "I want to fucking punch him and kiss this pink psychopath at the same time. Ugh!"
Luna Moon


"So what do you like about stars?"
  • Serious
  • Motherly
  • Loyal
  • Kind
  • Picky
  • Mostly Stoic
[+] info
- Is straight and single
- Has a crush on her childhood friend (doesn’t have the courage to tell him about her feelings)
- Loves to babysit kids (especially Matt’s son, Toby)
- Has an interest in childcare
- Doesn’t tolerate judgy people who don’t know the full story of people’s situation/issues/etc
- Likes Astronomy
- Doesn’t care if people call her Moon Moon
[+] Looking for
- Friends of any social groups or if they have an interest in astronomy or childcare/babysitting/etc
- People who might dislike her for being too stoic or if she doesn’t like them for judging others
- ???
[+] Relationships
Matthew "Matt" Bittlesgate: "Having to babysit both Matt and Toby is both wonderful and hard work."
Missi Days


  • Sociable
  • Party Animal
  • Emotional
  • Fun-loving
  • Cheerful
  • Lazy
[+] info
- Loves to host parties and go to a lot of parties
- Loves weed like it is her best friend for life
- Has daddy issues and tries her best to handle it in private
- Is pansexual and single
- Is very flirty when she likes someone more than a friend
- Likes to play video games (any; she isn’t picky)
- Likes classic movies
[+] Looking for
- Party pals
- Weed buds
- Video game buddies
- Enemies/jerks
- Possibly lovers/flings and maybe a few exes
[+] Relationships
Mason Sullivan


"Yo, yo! What's up, buddies?"
  • Adventurous
  • Sarcastic
  • Troublesome
  • Charming
  • Irritable
  • Independent
[+] info
- Wannabe rapper and isn’t that good at rapping/singing
- Uses they/them pronouns (doesn’t mind people using he/him if that is easier/comfortable for them)
- Skateboard lover for life
- Loves parkour
- Loves to be chaotic and to cause trouble whenever they can
- Is a dog lover (has two labs called Bongo and Bingo)
- Is a rich kid (doesn’t care for money and doesn’t like to be spoiled by their parents)
- Loves to bug people for either attention or just the lulz
- They have a terrible sense of fashion and they don’t care if people hate it
- Is Asexual
[+] Looking for
- Chaotic buddies
- Fellow skaters/Parkour kids
- Dog lovers
- People who hate or get annoyed by their shenanigans
- Just one ex that helped them discover what their sexuality was
[+] Relationships
Raven Frey


"R-Raven likes butterflies..."
  • Quiet
  • Shy
  • Gentle
  • Reliable
  • Sensitive (if pushed too far)
  • Naive
[+] info
- Tol boy (6’5)
- Watches anime sometimes
- Likes to work out at the gym
- Has a sweet tooth
- Has a hobby/interest in butterfly collecting
- Wants to become a lepidopterist like his mother (she got him into butterflies at a young age)
- Is a big lover of all animals
- Sometimes talks in the third person if he is nervous or excited about something/someone
- Will get more serious when he gets angry (when is rare if anyone can push his buttons) and start to say “I” instead of his name (referring to the point above this one)
- Birdwatching is a peaceful hobby for him
- Is gay and recently got out of a relationship on good terms
- Currently a member of the basketball team
- Rarely talks unless people get to know him better/becomes friends with him
[+] Looking for
- Fellow basketball/gym buddies
- Anime lovers
- Butterfly/birdwatching/animal lovers in general
- Possibly bullies
- Possible crushes
[+] Relationships
Summer Morgan Ventura


"Awww, look at how cute these kittens are!"

  • Kind-hearted
  • Friendly
  • Optimistic
  • Emotional
  • Insecure
  • Finicky
[+] info
- Loves to be spoiled without being bratty about it
- Is a lesbian, taken and is very much in love with her werewolf girlfriend
- Has an evil, bully twin that likes to make her insecure (played by Condor!)
- A cat lover
- Has a ginger cat called Winter
- Is on the track team
- Is a girly girl (mostly) at heart
- Loves Halloween
- Loves the occult and has a big interest in studying it
- Witch baby!
[+] Looking for
- Occult lovers/witch buddies!
- Cat lovers
- Fellow track friends
- Bullies/meanies
- People who might have a crush on her if you want to be a hopeless suitor
[+] Relationships
Althea Drummond: "She's the perfect werewolf girlfriend! Teehee!"
Luna Ventura: "She's my precious sister but..."

(Credit to Kotorikun for the cute art!!!)

Re: Relationship Thread with Prim?! Here we go!!

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:11 am
by Super Weegee
Aion: "The fuck's your problem?"

Brook's first impression of him isn't exactly going to go well, considering Aion's anger issues, unfriendliness, and due to him being gay (depending on if Brook knows about it, that is.) Even without that last part, he's most likely going to be on Brook's ignore list.

Luna: "If I had a younger brother, she'd be the perfect babysitter." (or) "Oh, pardon me if I don't want to get the full story, princess."

Since Brook's the kind of person to judge people, especially in regards to politics, I can't imagine that Luna's going to like him. If she never seriously confronts him about it, though, he's going to think of her as a friend due to her motherly and kind nature (hence the two quotes).

Missi: "She hosts the best parties ever!"

They're both sociable and fun-loving (to a lesser extent on Brook's side), so I can definitely see them liking each other.

Mason: "His 'music' is like nails on a chalkboard."

I doubt that Brook and them would know each other all that much, although from Brook's side, it'll be along the lines of 'that annoying kid with the godawful music.' Brook's also not going to care about their pronouns, so perhaps some slight antagonism?

Raven: "Nothing wrong with keeping in shape!"

They both like to work out at the gym and keep in shape, so he and Brook would be buddies. There might be some tension between them depending on if Brook knows about Raven's sexuality.

Summer: "Can't hate someone for liking animals and being athletic, at least."

Brook has some fondness of animals and he can respect Summer being part of an athletic team, but her being a lesbian will get in the way of any potential friendship (again, depending on if he knows of her sexuality or not.)

Re: Relationship Thread with Prim?! Here we go!!

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:59 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Aion Rhodes
Medea: Would try to be friends, but probably not make much progress. She'd be tolerant of his issues and probably pick up on his anger issues and try to help him since she has a friend who has struggled with anger issues.
Dani: Fellow theater kid, they probably wouldn't get along though given she is pretty egocentric despite how nice she can be.

Luna Moon
Medea: Would probably be great friend!

Missi Days
Medea: I can see them being friends and has probably gone to one of her parties once or twice (depending if someone drags her to one). They've probably even gamed together! Maybe they dated?

Mason Sullivan
Medea: Would be nice to him at least! Though they don't have much in common I feel besides both being rich kids.
Randolph: "Dogs... Why did it have to be dogs? I hate dogs..."

Raven Frey
Randolph: Could be friends? They both have shared interests in birdwatching and are animal lovers (though Randolph is scared of dogs). They are both pretty shy and quiet, so I can see them enjoying each other's company... provided Raven isn't too weirded out by Randolph's behavior and appearance.

Summer Morgan Ventura
Medea: Another friendly person for Medea would like to befriend!
Randolph: Friends with her girlfriend and they both practice the occult. I can see them being friends provided she has no hang ups about his general weirdness.

Re: Relationship Thread with Prim?! Here we go!!

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:03 pm
by Sunnybunny
I am slowly trying to gather frands so I'm doing like a few connections at a time but like DUDE LET'S PLAY

I think my wild gal Izzy and Mason would be cool because Izzy is reckless to a fault and easily enabled for FUN. They can be exes too, if that suits your fancy, she probably wouldn't have missed a beat from friendship -> dating -> friendship.

Re: Relationship Thread with Prim?! Here we go!!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:12 pm
by decoy73
Summer: Kaede is an animal lover, so she'd probably be good with Summer