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A Nerd's Non-Nerds Who Needs Nerds To Nerd Out With

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:08 am
by AnimeNerd

Had to make some cuts because of personal junk, but I still got characters and here they are!

Kyoto Aizawa: Local loner guy that rarely ever talks to people and when he does it's usually to tell them to fuck off. Used to be a sociable and friendly kid in elementary school, then his parents got in a car accident with a drunk driver, leaving him and his baby brother orphaned. He works at a local reliable mechanic's garage because his adoptive dad is the owner, and is really good at his job, probably having worked on your car. Don't bully people in front of you, he can and will throw hands. His little brother Toshiaki is a ray of sunshine and he loves him a lot, but has never talked about him at school. May be a weeb as well as a fan of cartoons, but it's a big secret. ALSO he's a fan of MMA fighting and practices Muay Thai and does some grappling work, so that might be important.

People for Kyoto: Previous friends he pretty much abandoned after his parents died, bullies he's punched in the face, people he's defended from bullies, other loners that he probably sits with during lunch, people that have seen him at work, MMA fans he might've fought, a few people who know about Toshi for some reason or another, one or two people he secretly told about his animation interest
[+] Relationships
K Emerson: “Doesn’t talk much, but that’s fine by me.”
Corbin Azinger: “Either a hypocrite or a dumbass, don’t know and don’t care which it is.”
Max McCormick: "He's alright. Fucked up how we both had to deal with car accidents, though."
Tristana "Tana" Blanco: The likelihood that this girl has tried to have a seance with victims of the Salem witch trials is one hundred percent. Definitely works at a Salem witch themed gift shop and embraces all the supernatural aspects of the town that she knows of. Has a problem with the actual dying part of the supernatural, though, since she lost two people she was close to in quick session, and is a bit over protective for her friends' sake when it comes to natural dangers. This has not stopped her from repeatedly trying to summon ghosts and playing with an ouija board multiple times like she's a horror movie character. Also enjoys making video games, and may or may not have made a game that got some attention on YouTube.

People for Tana: Friends that indulge her supernatural interests, people also generally interested in supernatural and magic stuff, coworkers from the gift shop, people she's annoyed with all the supernatural or being too protective, those too scared to talk to the "ghost girl", gamers she's had test games for quality
[+] Relationships
Eugene Marcus: “Happy to help play test games, and willing to hold séances after some Smash Bros? Yeah, you rock.”
Donovan Lauer: "Still don't know why he was surprised I agreed to the séance he suggested. Proctor's Ledge seemed like the perfect place to hold one, why wouldn't I agree to it?"
Stephan "Strawberry" Fields: Why yes, this Beatles fan did indeed give himself this nickname, why do you ask? Also, turns out letting your kid be raised by their stereotypical entitled Baby Boomer grandparents? Not a good idea. Pretty much thinks he's the best person on Earth twenty-four seven, has never used the word please as far as anyone knows. Annoyingly intelligent, and has probably been condescending to you at least two times. Does have his limits, though, because even if he enjoys being a jerk he's not a crazy sadist or anything.

People for Stephan: People he's been especially mean to, anyone that works at a business he's tried to scam, smart people who see him as a rival or vice versa, rare people that he's actually apologized to because of his grandparents, friends that are also jerks to most people
[+] Relationships
Amaryllis Perlman-Byrne: “Not only does her name sound stupid, and her music grates my ears, but practically any word that comes out of her mouth seems to give me a migraine. How the farmer hasn’t found his cow yet, I have no idea.”
Abhishek “Ahbi” Panicker: “How can someone that’s actually smart be so damn annoying? I’d almost want to study it, if I didn’t want to throttle him every time I was near him.”
Donovan Lauer: “Another idiot, this time a different type of annoying. I pray for his family, having to deal with him so often.”
Jessica Lee-Smith: "This girl just screams 'missed potential.' Smart, rich, and skilled. I almost want to apologize to her parents for her being such a freak."
Suzanna Slaughter: Please do not mention her last name, she knows she sounds like a comic book character and she hates it. One of the better people on the lacrosse team, would prefer to be on a football team but she realized that, not only was she surprisingly good at lacrosse, but she recognized that it was the only team that had any hope of not crashing and burning, so she decided to suck it up and roll with it. Also notably good as an artist, and if you're her friend she's definitely played Mario Kart or some shooter game with you.

People for Suzanna: Lacrosse team buddies, people that also like football, other people that do art things, people good with computers because her's isn't the best and is how she makes art, fellow gamers she's probably beaten in games, annoying people that enjoy making fun of her name
[+] Relationships
Amaryllis Perlman-Byrne: “Don’t know her too well, but her music is pretty good. I wonder if they’ll ever get an album done and need some art for the cover...”
Eugene Marcus: “He can kick my ass in Smash Bros, but I wipe the floor with him in Mario Kart. Hope he can get back to wrestling at some point.”
Corbin Azinger: “Not really into all the military stuff, but someone to talk sports with is someone to talk sports with. There definitely could be worse than him.”
Benjamin Beecham: "A cool person. I'm glad I know them."
Jessica Lee-Smith: "She's a good artist, and definitely a good person. Still kinda weird to see her art sometimes, though."
Gabriel Killingsworth: SURPRISE I HAVE ANOTHER-I mean, another kid that's more of an outcast, mainly because he wears not just goth but pastel goth fashion. Has forced his way into the fashion and someone will have to use the jaws of life to make him release his hold. Atheist that doesn't talk about it that much. Regularly snarky but it's not always to attack people and sometimes does it to show affection. Bakes but refuses to admit it for some reason or another. Been to a protest recently? Yes, the guy in the gothic baby blue dress with a matching parasol with white lace was indeed him. "Fuck the police!!" says Neapolitan haired pastel boi.

People for Gabriel: Other outcasts that he's casual friends with, anyone that actually likes his clothing style, fellow people attending protests against police brutality, at least one person that's tried to get him to make weed brownies please, fashion club members he's probably annoyed with snark, people that dislike him for all of the previous things.
[+] Relationships
None. Ha, what a loser!
Shoot any other relationship ideas you have my way, I'm open for anything!

Re: A Nerd's Non-Nerds Who Needs Nerds To Nerd Out With

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:25 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
Greetings, AnimeNerd! Here's some potential relationships for you to consider;
  • Kyoto and K: I don't really see many interactions between Kyoto and the rest of my cast besides this; K is a loner and the two might be familiar with each other because of that. K isn't the type to ask many prying questions or really impose, which I can see Kyoto potentially appreciating as well. Aquaintance level stuff here.
  • Tana and Eugene: Eugene's a gamer and would be more than willing to help Tana out or offer game design feedback. Additionally, he has a passive interest in the supernatural, and would be down to have a séance after some Smash Brothers or something fun and novel like that.
  • Amaryllis and Strawberry: I can see a fun interaction between these two if he tries to scam the store Amaryllis works at, which I've yet to really settle on, otherwise they're also likely to come into conflict because people like Strawberry sort of just categorically piss her off? Yeah lol
  • Suzanna and Amaryllis: A few members of Amaryllis' band are on the lacrosse team, so it's possible Amaryllis and Suzanna could have bumped into each other at a game/after a game/or something. Amaryllis is going to be looking for someone to do the cover art for her band's EP soon, and if nothing else Suzanna's last name is going to put her high on the list of people to seek out for that.
  • Suzanna and Eugene: Eugene's down to play Mario Kart or Smash Brothers or anything with Suzanna too, and promises not to make fun of her name. They might have known each other when he was more into exercise pre-injury as well, but only become close as friends/aquaintances afterwards? Just some food for thought.

Re: A Nerd's Non-Nerds Who Needs Nerds To Nerd Out With

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:52 am
by Dogs231

Kyoto could view Corbin poorly due to Corbin being willing to overlook the behavior of bullies as long as they're friends with him - perhaps he could view Corbin as a hypocrite for stating that he's against bullying but never trying to discourage his friends from doing it?


Abhishek is also both insufferable and smart, so I can imagine the two not liking each other very much.

Donovan is smarter than most people think he is, and I can imagine Stephan's condescension could seriously strike a nerve.


Corbin also has an interest in football and sports in general, so I can imagine the two getting along about that.

Re: A Nerd's Non-Nerds Who Needs Nerds To Nerd Out With

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 4:03 am
by AnimeNerd
MethodicalSlacker wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:25 pm Greetings, AnimeNerd! Here's some potential relationships for you to consider;
  • Kyoto and K: I don't really see many interactions between Kyoto and the rest of my cast besides this; K is a loner and the two might be familiar with each other because of that. K isn't the type to ask many prying questions or really impose, which I can see Kyoto potentially appreciating as well. Aquaintance level stuff here.
  • Tana and Eugene: Eugene's a gamer and would be more than willing to help Tana out or offer game design feedback. Additionally, he has a passive interest in the supernatural, and would be down to have a séance after some Smash Brothers or something fun and novel like that.
  • Amaryllis and Strawberry: I can see a fun interaction between these two if he tries to scam the store Amaryllis works at, which I've yet to really settle on, otherwise they're also likely to come into conflict because people like Strawberry sort of just categorically piss her off? Yeah lol
  • Suzanna and Amaryllis: A few members of Amaryllis' band are on the lacrosse team, so it's possible Amaryllis and Suzanna could have bumped into each other at a game/after a game/or something. Amaryllis is going to be looking for someone to do the cover art for her band's EP soon, and if nothing else Suzanna's last name is going to put her high on the list of people to seek out for that.
  • Suzanna and Eugene: Eugene's down to play Mario Kart or Smash Brothers or anything with Suzanna too, and promises not to make fun of her name. They might have known each other when he was more into exercise pre-injury as well, but only become close as friends/aquaintances afterwards? Just some food for thought.
I like all of this and I’m definitely up for all of it, with another possible relationship with Coda, specifically Suzanna thinking their class clown antics are annoying, but having some form of respect for them because of their fencing skills.
Dogs231 wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:52 am Kyoto:

Kyoto could view Corbin poorly due to Corbin being willing to overlook the behavior of bullies as long as they're friends with him - perhaps he could view Corbin as a hypocrite for stating that he's against bullying but never trying to discourage his friends from doing it?


Abhishek is also both insufferable and smart, so I can imagine the two not liking each other very much.

Donovan is smarter than most people think he is, and I can imagine Stephan's condescension could seriously strike a nerve.


Corbin also has an interest in football and sports in general, so I can imagine the two getting along about that.
Also like all of these ideas! The only thing I can think to add is the (hilarious) possibility of Donovan attempting to bate Tana into holding a séance in some very scary/somewhat dangerous location, only for her to be completely on board with it. That’s up to you, though.

Re: A Nerd's Non-Nerds Who Needs Nerds To Nerd Out With

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:13 pm
by Irredeemable
Max McCormick is a seriously loner-y loner who also has a car accident as an inciting moment in his backstory (in his case, causing him to lose an eye.) Bullied horribly- I imagine him and Kyoto would have a pretty decent relationship. Possibly one of Max's only decent relationships.

Suzanna sounds like a natural friend of Benji, another lacrosse player, and might even have a relationship with Jess? Equally, I think Stephan might think of Jess as a rival and/or look down on her, since she's a fiercly intelligent but slightly bumbling person from a rich, well-established family.

Re: A Nerd's Non-Nerds Who Needs Nerds To Nerd Out With

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:05 pm
by Dogs231
AnimeNerd wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 4:03 am Also like all of these ideas! The only thing I can think to add is the (hilarious) possibility of Donovan attempting to bate Tana into holding a séance in some very scary/somewhat dangerous location, only for her to be completely on board with it. That’s up to you, though.
That does sound like something he would do, I'm up for it!

Re: A Nerd's Non-Nerds Who Needs Nerds To Nerd Out With

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:44 am
by AnimeNerd
Irredeemable wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:13 pm Max McCormick is a seriously loner-y loner who also has a car accident as an inciting moment in his backstory (in his case, causing him to lose an eye.) Bullied horribly- I imagine him and Kyoto would have a pretty decent relationship. Possibly one of Max's only decent relationships.

Suzanna sounds like a natural friend of Benji, another lacrosse player, and might even have a relationship with Jess? Equally, I think Stephan might think of Jess as a rival and/or look down on her, since she's a fiercly intelligent but slightly bumbling person from a rich, well-established family.
Irredeemable wrote: She's definitely up there on the nerdiness spectrum, being a furry, bit of an anime and manga weeb and some other stuff.
Yeah, Stephan definitely looks down Jess.

And yeah, I can definitely see the relationships with the others. Kyoto would definitely be on good terms with Max (their definition of good terms anyway), and Suzanna would be happy to hang out with Benji and Jess.

Though I have to also suggest two other things: Stephan and Max and Kyoto and Benji.

Stephan, obviously, is probably going to bully Max. Mainly about his super-loner tendencies, but possibly also being unnerved by his...method gaining income.

Meanwhile, reading the description of Benji reminded me of something I need to put with Kyoto: he actually also participates in MMA fighting! So, while they might still not know each other that well, they could spar each other regularly. That's up to you, though.

Re: A Nerd's Non-Nerds Who Needs Nerds To Nerd Out With

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:00 pm
by AnimeNerd
Bumping up for my second boy, Angel McMurdervalue

Re: A Nerd's Non-Nerds Who Needs Nerds To Nerd Out With

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 2:18 pm
by Ryuki
Kyoto: Dominiqua could have babysat for Toshi at one point, with Toshi having a positive opinion of her. If Wendy knows of his anime and cartoon hobby, they could get along.

Stephan: Karen’s would probably compete with him in studying, but mostly out of pressure from her parents (though she does find his personality annoying).

Suzanna: She and Wendy might have played a few rounds of Mario Kart.

Gabriel: Chester will definitely see him as an ally against police brutality.