I Saw Goody Sansa in the V8 Planning Board
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:30 am
Hello! I have three concepts that I am playing fast and loose with so honestly come at me with everything <3
They do not have surnames yet because those are hard x Now with surnames!
Dusty Danielson is a born-and-bred Salemite and the only child in a comfortably middle class family (his mother is a paralegal and his father is a copywriter). He is a well-rounded student, doing fairly well academically, in sports (he plays lacrosse), and creatively (he wants to follow his father’s footsteps and go into marketing). He is attractive and well-presented, keeping an eye on trends and dressing accordingly. He is gay and open about it, and has a reputation for promiscuity. Dusty also has ADD and is supposed to take Ritalin for it, but he has a love-hate relationship with it (he feels that it interferes with his creative juices, and often sells it to other students). He is upfront and honest, meaning people trust him to tell the truth, but his lack of tact also means he comes across as quite catty.
Dusty is looking for!
-- Boys (he doesn’t usually go beyond one night stands but does like to keep a few friends with benefits around)
-- Other lacrosse kids
-- Kids who might buy off him
-- Fashion kids/shopping buddies
-- People he might’ve rubbed the wrong way with his attitude
Roland Fischer is the third of four boys, and his parents (a short order cook and a tailor) are worn out, man. He is sweet and often comes across as a little naive and dimwitted, with few aspirations beyond finishing high school (which is actually causing him some anxiety, though he isn’t fully cognisant of that yet). He has been in a wholesome, long-term relationship with a fellow senior for some time now. The two of them watch the Real Housewives together (all series, but with a strong emphasis on New York and Beverly Hills) and he is a huge-fan on the d-low. He is a member of the school’s basketball team, never losing hope that they’ll one day at least place in a competition of some kind. Works in a local cafe and has a burgeoning interest in latte art. He is fairly popular, with people appreciating his laidback and positive attitude. Very much a try anything once kinda guy, so if you need a hobby buddy of any kind he's your man x
Roland is looking for!
-- A girlfriend <33333 Someone please be Roland’s love bunny ;-;
-- Other b-ballers
-- Other popularish kids
-- Anything really, this kid could do with more depth oops
Sutton Herrera is a total go-getter. She’s a cheerleader, in student council, a classically trained soprano, speaks three languages, is going to Columbia, and wants to refute the idea that people like her are all on the verge of a nervous breakdown, thank you very much. Wants to become a district attorney one day. Although she has generally tried to toe the line politically to appeal to a broader audience, the events of recent years and the current state of the US have led her to become more outspoken. Friendly and not above the occasional cutting comment, but is more and more often coming across as flat and low energy of late, because being this great is bloody tiring. (Does anybody have some bud she could borrow?) She also loves a good power suit.
Sutton is looking for!
-- Dates~ (She has no idea if she likes anyone romantically or sexually yet so if you ask her on a date regardless of gender she’ll probably say yes just to see what happens)
-- Other student council kids
-- Other singers or musicians she can jam out and practice with
-- Other cheerleaders
-- Toking buddies
They do not have surnames yet because those are hard x Now with surnames!
Dusty Danielson is a born-and-bred Salemite and the only child in a comfortably middle class family (his mother is a paralegal and his father is a copywriter). He is a well-rounded student, doing fairly well academically, in sports (he plays lacrosse), and creatively (he wants to follow his father’s footsteps and go into marketing). He is attractive and well-presented, keeping an eye on trends and dressing accordingly. He is gay and open about it, and has a reputation for promiscuity. Dusty also has ADD and is supposed to take Ritalin for it, but he has a love-hate relationship with it (he feels that it interferes with his creative juices, and often sells it to other students). He is upfront and honest, meaning people trust him to tell the truth, but his lack of tact also means he comes across as quite catty.
Dusty is looking for!
-- Boys (he doesn’t usually go beyond one night stands but does like to keep a few friends with benefits around)
-- Other lacrosse kids
-- Kids who might buy off him
-- Fashion kids/shopping buddies
-- People he might’ve rubbed the wrong way with his attitude
Roland Fischer is the third of four boys, and his parents (a short order cook and a tailor) are worn out, man. He is sweet and often comes across as a little naive and dimwitted, with few aspirations beyond finishing high school (which is actually causing him some anxiety, though he isn’t fully cognisant of that yet). He has been in a wholesome, long-term relationship with a fellow senior for some time now. The two of them watch the Real Housewives together (all series, but with a strong emphasis on New York and Beverly Hills) and he is a huge-fan on the d-low. He is a member of the school’s basketball team, never losing hope that they’ll one day at least place in a competition of some kind. Works in a local cafe and has a burgeoning interest in latte art. He is fairly popular, with people appreciating his laidback and positive attitude. Very much a try anything once kinda guy, so if you need a hobby buddy of any kind he's your man x
Roland is looking for!
-- A girlfriend <33333 Someone please be Roland’s love bunny ;-;
-- Other b-ballers
-- Other popularish kids
-- Anything really, this kid could do with more depth oops
Sutton Herrera is a total go-getter. She’s a cheerleader, in student council, a classically trained soprano, speaks three languages, is going to Columbia, and wants to refute the idea that people like her are all on the verge of a nervous breakdown, thank you very much. Wants to become a district attorney one day. Although she has generally tried to toe the line politically to appeal to a broader audience, the events of recent years and the current state of the US have led her to become more outspoken. Friendly and not above the occasional cutting comment, but is more and more often coming across as flat and low energy of late, because being this great is bloody tiring. (Does anybody have some bud she could borrow?) She also loves a good power suit.
Sutton is looking for!
-- Dates~ (She has no idea if she likes anyone romantically or sexually yet so if you ask her on a date regardless of gender she’ll probably say yes just to see what happens)
-- Other student council kids
-- Other singers or musicians she can jam out and practice with
-- Other cheerleaders
-- Toking buddies