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the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:23 am
by Yonagoda
[+] my oscar speech
*taps mic*

*taps mic again*

“Hello! My name is Yona and this is my first time hosting :) And I’m so glad to have this honor!

I would like to thank many people for my role here.

Kotorikun, as an artist whose artworks are what made me have my final decision to join this site and check it out.

Fen, for hosting a genuinely wonderful contest with a hilarious theme.

All the TvTropes editors on here, for introducing me to the concept of SOTF.

Kermit and Mara, my two dads, for no reason in particular.

And all y’all on here. Godspeed, friends. Have a great songtest!”

*Puts the mic down to the sound of enthusiastic clapping*
Today’s theme is…. Drumroll please!


That’s it. That’s all. I am no longer baby I want to be evil.

Oh? You want elaboration? You want more words? Oh, I’ll give you words.

There isn’t really any specific sort of crime, really. Are you a corporate shark committing, I dunno, tax fraud? Are you a modern day gangster selling crack cocaine (first baggie is free!)? Are you a deranged serial killer eating the skin of children? I don’t care. Let’s commit crimes. That’s it that’s all.

To note: This isn’t just songs *about* crime. If some ancient piano music gets you wanting to kidnap a child and make fine steak out of its legs? Sure, hell yeah! You also can put what specific crime you're committing to this song and why you picked this, but it isn't needed.
[+] rules that I totally didnt copy
- Send in your songs via board PM or Discord

- Songs will be divided into semifinals, preferably 2 if you can't be here for the first semifinal please contact me and I will put your song in the next round!

- Listen to every song in your round and give them votes, 12 for your favorite, 10 for your next favorite, then 8 for the third, 7 for the fourth, and so until you give 1 point to your tenth favorite. Not voting will result in your song getting DQ'd! Rounds last for 3 or more days.

- You can still vote if you're not in a round, as a public vote, which counts for half the points.

- The top songs move onto the finals, with the number depending on the number of songs in a round.

- Repeat the voting process with the finals, and that's how we'll determine the ultimate winner of the tournament arc.

- Submit your songs before the first round starts, not gonna let people jump in after the first round starts, etc.

- Whoever gets the most points will get to host the next contest. If they pass, it goes to second place, then third, and so on.


- General songtest rules:

-- no eurovision songs
- no reality show/competition covers
- no songs already submitted in a songtest
- there is no penalty for length in this contest. however, if a song goes over 7 minutes, listeners aren't obligated to listen to more than the first 7 minutes of the song. so choose a long song at your own risk!
The submissions phase lasts until the midnight of Feb.15 (with lots of leniency 'cause im a weenie), and then I'll start the first round!

Here's who's joining (I think you post to count yourself in?)

With a song:

1. Yona (ME!!!)
2. AnimeNerd
3. Kamikaze
4. Zetsu
5. dmboogie
6. Fenris
7. Blizzard
8. Laurels
9. Brackie
10. Paige

Without a song:

1. Maraoon
2. MK
3. Irina
4. Pippin
5. Skraal

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:28 am
by Maraoone
something something i volunteer as tribute

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:29 am
by Latin For Dragula
message received actual crimes being committed as we speak

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:35 am
by MK Kilmarnock
I'll come up with something good.

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:28 am
by Irina Ivanov
I volunette aads treibute

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:28 pm
by Brackie
i completely blanked on the fact song contests were running so here's my return

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:20 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
oh hell yes sign me up

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:14 pm
by Laurels
Ready to go.

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:25 pm
by Pippi
steals all the votes, wins before the songtest even starts i'm in!

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:42 am
by Skraal
I'm in!

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:39 pm
by Aster
Y'know what? Count me in, coach

EDIT: Wait oops I might've misread the deadline :x

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:35 am
by Yonagoda
Round one is up!

Handlers whose songs are here: Kami, dmboogie, blizzard, brackie, jilly, paige, irina, MS, ruggahissy, MW

Sweet But Psycho- Yandere Shit

Hotride- Stealing cars with credit card theft on the side

High Tide Rising- the crime is vague but someone is definitely going to be fucked up at the end of it, maybe me, we'll figure that out as we go

Vaudeville Villain

Probably a Robbery- idk probably jaywalking


Atom Bomb- "All of them. Band robbery if I have to specify"

Jolene's reply- Femme serial killer who hunts cheating men


Love is War- Songs to murder your stalker/ex/it's complicated to

The deadline is by... lets say 2/19's midnight. 3 eliminations.

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:19 pm
by Yonagoda
[+] Songs Eliminated
High Tide Rising
Vaudeville Villain
Probably a Robbery

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:59 am
by Yonagoda
Hello Yes this is time again!!!

We have... drumroll pls... AnimeNerd, Aster, Fenris, Laurels, MK, Pippi, TheLordOfAwesoome, Yugi, Zetsu, and Me (Yona)

Bellbottoms- Bank robbery and a getaway sequence

Bonny Ship the Diamond- Eating the rich

Dance of the Knights- Plotting world domination

Ready Or Not- Musical serial killer stalking his prey

Witness- fighting god in a denny's parking lot


Peacemaker- when i as a secret supervillain am publically exposed in front of people I know and I have to frantically chase sequence against the police (which I'm pretty sure is not legal) this is the background music I want playing

Lone Digger- bar fight

Laplace's Angel

Bad- Running an organized crime group

Villanous thing- Killing the partner of a captured police officer and then psychologically torturing him before turning him into a mindless slave to assassinate people for the sake of my underground drug mafia. I am also secretly in love with him because why not.

3 eliminations! Deadline is... let's say midnight of the 24th or morning of the 25th, depending on your timezone.

Re: the 75th hunger ga- I mean songtest!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:47 pm
by Yonagoda
[+] Songs Eliminated
Dance of the Knights