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[post-ironic name for a relationship thread]

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:41 pm
by Frozen Smoke
So, you may have seen my other thread - Which covers the character I'm going to be doing by far the most pregame work with, as quite honestly I don't have the time to run 4 characters simultaneously this version. But - I am still going to participate in a few threads here and there, and relationships are crucial hooks for building fun thread scenarios, and building up the stakes when you get into the game. After all, it's hard not to want to do right by a character and write them off with a half-assed post if you've already put 5k words of character establishment into them.

So, here's the sweet and short of my other three children, whomst I'll be much more amenable to making plans with and generally finding ways to create fun writing stuff happen;
[+] Erin Reine
Aesthetic: Goth-via-apathy. A lot of black hoodies, game/band shirts and ripped jeans, but not constructed into any meaningful outfits, but at least clean and functional.
Personality: Introverted, with a tendency towards being quiet and staying out of the way of attention. Struggles to handle her emotions when pressed, even when stakes are relatively low (e.g. rages a lot in video games). Lashes out in subtle ways to deal with lingering frustration, but tends not to directly confront others.
Potential Hooks: Video Games (DOTA 2/TF2), Shoplifting (if your kid works at a bodega/walmart, you can maybe catch her shoplifting), Emotional conflict (lashing out/being beaten down), Small friendship group
[+] Caleb Young
Aesthetic: Effort in all the wrong places. Long, scraggly ponytail, and patchily grown facial hair. Clothes seem to be ill-fitting, either a size too big or size too small, and not really of any consistent style. This is added to by his tendency to dress in bold colours, typically primary or secondary ones.
Personality: Withdrawn, shows an obvious lack of interest when discussing things that don't relate to him or his own hobbies, but actively tries to avoid social interaction. Gives off an air of doing as little as he can get away with at school, often being reprimanded for using his phone in class, or falling asleep. When forced into making small talk by circumstance, is polite if concise.
Potential Hooks: Cheating At School (Is your kid good at a subject? Caleb will help sell that fact by trying his best to get your kid to cheat for him, even if he cannot corrupt your goody two shoes), Anything else you think of tbh
[+] Maeve Nosurnameyet
Aesthetic: Modest-Preppy. Blouses and jeans that look nice without looking expensive. Practical, black book bag without an obvious logo. Wide rimmed, round glasses, and natural but often-cut hair. Could fit into the backdrop of a High School TV Show as an extra without any alterations.
Personality: Bubbly, intelligent girl.
Potential Hooks: TBA

Re: [post-ironic name for a relationship thread]

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:35 pm
by Yonagoda
Maeve might be friends with Isaiah (smart, talkative nerds, I think?)

Betty also *knows* how to shoplift, she just hasn't done it in a while- I don't know if she's willing to talk about it to erin directly, but she's probably taken a slight interest in the past, maybe asked, like, "hey how did you pull that off" but now she's a more responsible kid and cut her ties... idk

Caleb: Isaiah is a Good Student but he's also like... vaguely moralizing. If approached while he's with someone else, he's, like, gonna give a lecture on academic dishonesty but if there's no chance of getting caught or observed, he's probably going to email him a copy of his notes and physics homework or something.

Re: [post-ironic name for a relationship thread]

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:25 pm
by Alyssaromantic
Teddy would definitely try to get on Maeve's good side. (Both of them are bubbly as all hell).
Caleb might have tried to cheat off of Teddy once, which if so, probably backfired dramatically because she would start trying to tutor him.