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Forum Rules

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:41 am
by SOTF_Help
This section exists to provide a space for characters to interact over the internet and other mediums in threads that may not fit exactly within the pregame timeline. This is so that handlers can create social media posts, brochures, et cetera for their characters without it taking up their one present day or memory thread. Some examples of things you can post here:
  • Facebook posts, Twitter threads, etc.
  • Fliers and brochures posted on public bulletin boards
  • Personal notebooks or diaries
  • Group texts or chats
  • Things taking place in other mediums that do not fit into face-to-face interaction or a set time period
Threads that take place at school or any other established pregame location DO NOT go here. If you post a thread in this section that belongs somewhere else, staff will contact you to either move or remove it. Do not use this space to try to get around the thread limit.

This section is beholden to the same realism and consequence rules as the rest of pregame. If your character is posting on Facebook about illegal activities, making threats, or putting inappropriate content up in a public space, they will face consequences from appropriate authority figures. Likewise, your character cannot hack the Pentagon or do anything that they wouldn't be able to accomplish in any other pregame space. As with other sections of pregame, staff reserve the right to declare anything overly problematic in terms of content or continuity non-canon.

As stated above, continuity should be adhered to. You are of course free to reference any past events taking place in canon, but not the abduction or the events of the version proper; threads for that belong in the Meanwhile section that will open when the version does.

This section is for approved V8 pregame characters and NPCs only. You may not post in here with any V8 character who has not yet been approved, with characters from past versions, or with characters that you intend to use in future versions.

This section will remain open for the duration of pregame and will close at the same time that it does, shortly after the version proper launches.

Because this is a trial run of a new pregame feature, please keep in mind that any and all of the above may be subject to change depending on how things go. So play nice, and have fun!