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Mr. Sebastian Graham

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:26 pm
by SOTF_Help
Name: Sebastian Graham
Position: Latin/German Teacher
Gender: Male
Age: 58

Appearance: Mr. Graham is a large man of Irish-American descent, standing at 6’6” and weighing north of 400lbs. He is known for his large belly and bellowing voice but also for his equally large smile and pleasant demeanor. Well into his 50s, Mr. Graham has a receding hairline and light brown hair peppered with gray that cascades to his shoulders but is often tied up in a lazy ponytail. A large brown beard covers his face and inches towards his chest. Mr. Graham often is seen wearing polo shirts and khaki slacks and he alters the colors of his shirts to match the seasons. His jovial appearance and general good nature make him someone who serves as both a passable Ben Franklin or Santa Claus imitator depending on need, circumstance, or costume.

Biography/Personality: Sebastian Graham is a local Salem son whose family has served in the community for many years. The son of a local Methodist pastor, Mr. Graham had his moment of teenage rebellion when he converted to Catholicism after attending a Catholic High School on a football scholarship. As a young man, Sebastian had the desire to become a priest and he began studying theology with that goal in mind. Life had other plans when he met his wife Sylvia while attending school and instead, Sebastian applied his theological studies to the study of history and languages. He chose to specialize in Latin as his faith was still a very big part of his life. However, he is also skilled enough in linguistics and languages to also manage to teach German for John Endecott Memorial.

Mr. Graham has taught at John Endecott Memorial for going on two decades now and he is remembered fondly by past and present students as an avid listener and a positive presence. He has three daughters ages 18, 14, and, 9 whose pictures decorate his desk. He is known to get very defensive when people call Latin a dead language. Mr. Graham firmly believes that the lessons he teaches in his classes are life lessons first and foremost and to certain students, his enthusiasm can come off as positively annoying as opposed to positive. To his colleagues, Mr. Graham is viewed as a reliable and steadfast presence who has enough seniority to have some autonomy but has enough autonomy to have no need to get into everybody’s business. Mr. Graham does enjoy that they extend to him the same courtesy and instead of getting involved in office or administrative politics he is firmly and completely dedicated to his students.