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Sebastian Odegaard

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 3:12 am
by Tonyksin
Name: Sebastian Odegaard
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: John Endecott Memorial
Hobbies and Interests: Acting, Singing, Dance, Theatre, Modelling, Fashion

Appearance: Sebastian takes much from his Norweigen ancestry. He stands at a tall 6’3, with a fair complexion and almost platinum blonde straight, silky hair. His hair is worn at a medium length, going a bit past his shoulders when let down, although he usually ties it up in a messy bun unless he’s dressing up. He has a strong, square jawline, and sharp facial features standing out on his long face. His cheekbones are prominent and high on his face, with a small upturned snub nose above moderately thin lips and a wide mouth.Under those lips sits a row of perfectly straight, bright white teeth, thanks to braces at a young age and constant dental care. His ears are of relative size to his face, and have a bit of an outward turn. His large, round eyes are set a bit wide on his face, with long lashes that make their blue-green hue shine brightly. His brows are always sculpted thinly and set rather high above his eyes. Sebastian had a small beauty mark on his forehead just above his left eye. As far as facial hair goes, Sebastian makes sure to shave and buzz away any and all hair that sprouts below his hairline away.

Sebastian’s body is kept in reasonably good shape, though he couldn’t hold a candle to his more athletically-inclined peers. His dance classes and healthy diet keep his weight between 185 and 190, although his ideal would be somewhere around 175. Not being a fan of body hair, Sebastian keeps most everything on his body waxed, including under his arms and in more private areas, only allowing the light wisps of blonde hairs to remain on his legs. His tall and thin frame has just the right amount of lean muscle so that he doesn’t look frail, and thanks to his experience in dance he is very flexible.

As far as clothing goes, Sebastian has a rather odd sense of personal fashion, consisting of odd pairings of design with heavy influences from other cultures. Tending towards the more comfortable and casual in his day to day life, he can often be seen in a variety of skinny-cut pants and fashion tees, usually paired with an eccentric vest or jacket. On the trip, Sebastian wears a pair of black cigarette pants with textured white stripes that cuff about a quarter of the way up his calf. Tucked in tight and flat to his body is a long sleeved black and white rose print button down lapel shirt. Atop this is a burgundy thick knit oversized hooded cardigan that comes down to his knees. On his feet are a pair of black leather heeled chelsea boots with a black sole and zippers running up the insides. A pair of soft pink high socks connects them to his pants. The only jewelry he had on is a silver ring on the middle finger of his left hand and a pair of diamond studs in his ears.

Biography: Sebastian was born on July 5th, 2003, to Alexander Odegaard and his second wife Julia Galanis. Alexander was a very successful talent agent working in Los Angeles, California, representing mostly models and TV actors. After his first marriage came to an unpleasant end, he soon began to represent a young ingenue who was a college friend of his daughter Nina, Julia. He quickly became enamored with the girl, and she gained quick success as a runway model with his influence and help. One fateful night, a late night meeting and drinks quickly turned into something much more, and the two fell into a relationship before long. Within the year they were married, to the ire of his ex-wife Marianne and especially his daughter, who felt as if her friend and now colleague in their shared field had betrayed her trust by marrying her father. Alexander was 56 on their wedding day, and Julia only 23, the same age as Nina. Two years into their marriage, Julia became pregnant, and nine months later Sebastian was born.

After the birth of Sebastian, Nina, who had been estranged from her father and his new wife on principle, decided to attempt to mend her relationship with the new family in order to be a part of her new baby half-brother’s life. Her friendship with Julia, who she once considered her best and closest friend, while still a bit strained, was on its way to a healthy friendship once more. Alexander’s relationship with his daughter remained relatively cold at the start, but time quelled his daughter’s anger with him, and within a few years they felt as close as they once were. The family seemed to be going in the direction of forgiveness and togetherness.

As Sebastian grew older, he took after his father as far as looks. Even being a man in his early sixties, his good looks and strong features shine through. Alexander, his nose for sniffing out talent and money, took his son and immediately began to audition him for kids clothing catalogues and commercials. Sebastian’s good looks and happy and easy to direct disposition made him a darling in the child model community, and his face was plastered all over magazine ads and billboards all over the country. His father soon began throwing him in dance classes and signing him up for vocal lessons. As he got even older, his father began to push him a bit more, signing him up for commercial auditions and sending the boy to any TV pilot audition looking for a boy his age. After proving his acting chops in a few commercials, Alexander used his connections and called in favors to get the now seven year old Sebastian cast as the youngest child Max in a brand new CBS sitcom, “The Family Jules”. Said sitcom would run for four twelve episode seasons.

In the midst of Sebastian’s success as a child actor, his home life was in a state of turmoil. His mother Julia, who had since retired from her modelling career, had reservations about how hard Alexander had been pushing their son towards this specific path and career when he was so young, wanting him to be able to experience a normal childhood and make his own decision as to what his future should be. Alexander however, was adamant that Sebastian work even harder for his career’s sake, putting a strain on his education and social growth as a result. This dissonance grew and grew, and by the time the series finale of “The Family Jules” was filmed and broadcast, Julia and Alexander were in the middle of a messy divorce and fued. For a big portion of this time, Sebastian would stay with his sister Nina and her husband Jeremy, who would attempt to distract him from his warzone of a home by taking him to go see local theatre shows, and even once taking him for a weekend in New York City to see Wicked on Broadway. Sebastian, seeking an escape as much as his sister wanted to provide it, found himself starstruck by the glamour of the stage and the lights and sounds of Broadway, beginning an obsession with anything musical theatre that would follow him the rest of his life.

With his sitcom cancelled and his parents divorce finalized, eleven year old Sebastian was presented with a choice. Stay in LA with his father, or leave California with his mother to return to her hometown of Salem, Massachusetts. Even though it meant leaving his sister, whom he had a very close relationship with, Sebastian chose to follow his mother, and leave his overbearing, career-obsessed father behind. It was an easier decision than he wanted it to be. I wasn’t as if he had any friends to speak of. The idea of attending a real school and being able to interact with people his own age for an extended period of time appealed to him greatly. It would be the first time in his young life he would have the opportunity to feel normal, and he craved it. Even if it meant leaving everything else he was used to behind.

However, life in Salem was not as satisfying and amazing as he had hoped. Sebastian found it very difficult to relate to the other children his age. And being the new kid made it hard to infiltrate the friend groups who had known eachother since childhood. Sebastian ended up feeling very alone and ostracised for his oddly formal way of speaking and lack of interest in the more standardy childish entertainments and hobbies of his classmates. Instead, Sebastian ended up focusing on his dance classes and his voice lessons, which his mother was happy to let him continue in Salem. All the while spending his nights alone watching bootleg Broadway shows on YouTube and wishing to see his own name on a marquee someday.

It wasn’t until his high school debut that Sebastian seemed to hit his stride with his peers. Puberty came and made him grow taller and changed his once cute features into handsome ones. Sebastian began to look at school as an excuse to play a role. All the world was a stage after all. He crafted an image of himself that he felt he could sell to his peers. Eccentric with just a hint of wild-child. Unpredictable and yet easy to talk to. Fun but also serious about his craft. Just a hint of himself surrounded by enough razzle dazzle to distract from the boring. It was the role he was meant to play. And it worked. It made him interesting. It made people seem to care for the first time since he’d come to Salem. And he thrived on it. Their interest was addicting.

It helped that, when it came time to start seeing his peers in a sexual light, Sebastian didn’t seem to be able to choose between his male classmates or his female ones. In fact the idea of having both appealed to his suddenly greedy nature. Sebastian wasn’t the kind of person who was satisfied with anything less than exactly what he wanted. Weather that pertained to partners, parts in the school plays and musicals, seats in classrooms, He wanted what he wanted and he was willing to do whatever it took to make sure he got it. Even if that meant tossing someone aside if they got in his way or manipulating a situation to make sure he got the desired result. Sebastian learned through his high school years how to be very good at playing the game and never looking like the villain. Another part of his act.

Another advantage he had in making his eccentric fantasy ring true, was his sister Nina. Still working in the fashion world, she was a constant supply of the avant-garde, odd, fashion forward ensemble that Sebastian prided himself on concocting around this character of himself. She loved to send him anything she could get her hands on, at his request, and he appreciated the gifts greatly. Anything to keep up his act. Anything to push him forward another step.

As far as friends, Sebastian keeps people around he deems useful or complimentary to his aesthetic. Though he feels affection for his friends, it pales in comparison to the love he has for himself, so he would never choose their happiness or success over his own. It’s not personal. He still cares for them. He just finds himself more important.

Under the facade, Sebastian is a greedy, self-centered person. Willing to ruin a good friend’s reputation if it means he gets ahead. Willing to use any asset to his advantage. Including his body and soul if he could take it out and sell it. His father’s lessons sank into his bones, whether he realized it or not. Academically, Sebastian did well enough to get by, as none of those things mattered. His goal was and always will be Broadway. And when he graduates this year, he plans to head straight to New York and chase that dream.

Advantages: Good at reading a room. Is able to manipulate situations to his benefit. Comes across as unthreatening.
Disadvantages: Willing to sacrifice others for his own survival, which could end up showing him for who he really is. Doesn’t like situations where he feels out of control, and could react poorly.

Re: Sebastian Odegaard

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:17 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Hey Tony! Sebastian's currently denied pending some changes. We'll start with the grammar and spelling ones, and work our way to content stuff.

School: John Endecott Memorial < Don’t forget the ‘Academy!’ It’s part of the full name of the school.

His hair is worn at a medium length, going a bit past his shoulders when let down < Nitpick, but this is FAR longer than what would be considered medium length for a male.

wide mouth.Under < Just a missing space here

Even being a man in his early sixties, his good looks and strong features shine through. < This is in present tense (past tense should be shone).

Alexander however, was adamant < Alexander, however, was adamant

Julia and Alexander were in the middle of a messy divorce and fued. < feud

his parents divorce finalized < parents’

I wasn’t as if he had any friends < It wasn’t.
Actually, beyond a grammatical ding here, this whole sentence is a bit informal and I would suggest just saying that Sebastian’s lack of real friendship aided in his decision to move with his mother and leave LA.

Even if it meant leaving everything else he was used to behind. < Incomplete sentence, you’d be better off joining it with the last one.

age. And being the new kid < age, and being

eachother < two words, each other.

in Salem. All the while < combine the sentences with a comma like that example two up from here

Eccentric with just a hint of wild-child. Unpredictable and yet easy to talk to. Fun but also serious about his craft. Just a hint of himself surrounded by enough razzle dazzle to distract from the boring. < These are all sentence fragments. Easy fix though, if you turn the period before eccentric into a colon and incorporate all of these as parts of a list.

It was the role he was meant to play. And it worked. It made him interesting. It made people seem to care for the first time since he’d come to Salem. And he thrived on it. Their interest was addicting. < While these are not fragments, the profile seems really staccato now. You can combine these sentences, and remember that as a general rule you shouldn’t be starting a sentence with ‘And’.

Weather that pertained to partners, parts in the school plays and musicals, seats in classrooms, He < Whether. Also he shouldn’t be capitalized.

Sebastian learned through his high school years how to be very good at playing the game and never looking like the villain. Another part of his act. < The return of our old friend, the sentence fragment. You probably want the emdash ( — ) here.

fantasy ring true, was his sister Nina < nix the comma

hands on, at his request, < you can kill the comma after ‘on’

Willing to ruin a good friend’s reputation if it means he gets ahead. Willing to use any asset to his advantage. Including his body and soul if he could take it out and sell it. < SENTENCE FRAGMENTS


The advantages and disadvantages need to be in complete sentences, and they should be mentioned or alluded to in the profile. I can’t find anything about Sebastian’s ability to read the room or manipulate social situations in his biography, which could be bolstered by including examples of things he’s done. I’m also unsure if a moderately athletic 6’3” person (speaking as a moderately athletic 6’3” person) naturally comes off as non-threatening. We’re sorta… large. Same story with the disadvantages by the way — I don’t really see anything about how Sebastian reacts when the situation is out of his control, nor is his willingness to sacrifice others for his own gain truly a disadvantage (if anything, it’s the opposite).

As far as content, Sebastian feels largely complete but there are a few things I’m questioning. He left to go live with his mother in Salem to live a normal life, but it seems like he almost immediately missed the spotlight. Why, then, did he not move back to LA to try and recapture more opportunities? He wanted his name on a marquee after all and had the connections to make his dreams most likely come true.

How does Sebastian manipulate and get his way? I’ve mentioned this before in the bit about advantages and disadvantages but showing us some examples of how he uses his cunning will strengthen the biography.

What are Sebastian’s career goals and has high school helped him to shape them in any way? Also, add some further information about his academics: does he care for any subjects, does he excel, does he try? He has an interest in theatre, so does he involve himself with the school’s theatre program or act in any plays? Does his love for fashion manifest in any way beyond how he dresses? There’s very little information about his interest in singing or dancing beyond the fact he takes dance lessons and voice coaching, something he continued in Salem from LA… so does he have the same coach and they do this online, or did he find a new coach? Does he do modeling anymore, because there’s no mention of that as an interest or activity of his beyond when he was a child? I want to know much, much more about Sebastian’s interests.

Anyway, when you’ve got all that, I’ll take another look!

Re: Sebastian Odegaard

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:49 pm
by backslash
This character biography has had no alterations for more than two weeks and has been put in the abandoned characters forum. This profile is eligible for resubmission by the handler upon alterations requested by the staff.