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oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:35 am
by Yugikun
it’s pen pen
need a pick-me-up

Re: oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:44 pm
by Pippi
shit like, right now?
christ im still half asleep
ur lucky im such a nice guy yknow
where u at anyway?

Re: oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 9:10 am
by Yugikun
i’m sorrrryyyyyyyyyy
i’ll try and pay u back
just, like, went to a post-quarantine thing last night and, uh
loved it so much i stayed here the whole night lmao
fb tells me its 12 lakeside crescent

Re: oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 9:35 pm
by Pippi
pretty sure you still owe me from the last time i had to pick u up

There is about a minute gap before the next message comes through.

kidding kidding
u can just buy me lunch or something and we'll call it even no worries
it's not to far away from my place anyway
whos party was it anyway?
cant have been to good if i wasnt invited lol

Re: oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:08 pm
by Yugikun
uhhhhh remember alex from grade above us?
he wanted to celebrate quarantine being over
made an open invite on FB to fuck up his house
dunno why you weren’t invited
i’ll get you lunch to repay that as well tho

Re: oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 10:08 pm
by Pippi
haha yeah you bet


to right you will, didn't even bother to mention it t


nah its cool you dont have to worry about that, that guys loss for not bothering to invite me
dumbass is gonna be kicking himself in a few years, gonna see me on the news after winning my 5th grand prix and wishing hed invited the next f1 world champion
anyway whatever, glad u had a good time at least
u good for me to head over now?

Re: oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:02 am
by Yugikun
whenever you can
thank uuuuuuuuuuu in advance

Re: oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:19 pm
by Pippi
aight gimme like 10 mniutes to get ready still not dressed
then its like 20 minutes from my plcae to there
so long as traffic isnt fuckin hellish which it always is
anyway ill text u when im outside yeah?

Re: oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:46 am
by Yugikun
see u there : )

Re: oh me oh my, where did it go awry?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 9:02 pm
by Pippi
aight cool
see u soon