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new kid with new kids looking for new kids

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:03 am
Hope I'm not too late with this since I pretty much just joined this site. Probably gonna update the post whenever I actually type up and finalize their profiles but I'll start with what I have so far. The info here isn't exactly the final product but the basic concept holds true for each of them.

Donatello Fisher
Clubs: None, although he was in band for a few months in 7th grade
- Male, Mostly Caucasian with some Italian for extra spice, 18
- Lanky boi with lots of band tees and a bomber hat he always wears everywhere
- Low grades and a fake rebel attitude to match. Is kinda empty inside tho
- Socially competent to a decent extent but ultimately an introvert
- Pretty laid-back in general, though he can get demanding when it comes to his music
- Raised by a single mother (who was always busy with work) as an only child, never met his dad
- Spent his early youth alone mostly and lived online instead of going outside
- Spends his time these days drumming, riding his bike or browsing the internet
- Interested in dark and morbid subjects and grew up watching shock videos on the internet so he has a pretty strong stomach
- Atheist and afraid of death, believes that nothing comes after
- Loves rock music and discussing music of any kind really, although he might find those who know more than him to be a bit intimidating
- Briefly joined band in 7th grade before he decided it wasn't for him and quit
- Poor and will probably take advantage of richer friends tbh
- Was a gross, weird loser in elementary/early middle school and attracted all the bullies, still holds a grudge to this day
- Drums and sings at the same time and is proud of it
- Not very political but generally identifies as a leftist
- Straight but thought he was ace for a bit, pretends like being forever single doesn't bother him, it kinda does
- Smokes weed but has never done anything else, doesn't advertise this fact as it clashes with his image
- Formed a band called Bent in 9th grade, initially as a way to show off his skills and cover the songs he loves. They performed "Blitzkrieg Bop" at that year's talent show and he got a big boost in popularity and confidence. In 10th grade he got edgier and more experimental but kinda sucked as a songwriter and started taking his frustrations out on the band so they ended up breaking up that year. Doesn't really like to talk about it much and is probably on bad terms with the members
- Sometimes plays video games but only single-player since he doesn't like online toxicity
- Secretly kind of craves social validation though he won't admit it, tried going by "Donny" when he was younger to fit in but eventually went back to his full name since it's more unique
- Not the most empathetic and can come across as selfish
- Got really depressed in quarantine and basically disappeared in 2020 after deleting his all of his social media, came back in 2021 after his mom lost her job
- Has pretty much given up on music as a career at this point and is looking into community college
- Has heard every Ninja Turtle joke
Looking for:
- Maybe a potential future love interest
- Close friends who similarly enjoy music and aren't turned off by his attempts to manufacture an identity
- Friends and acquaintances who vibe with his chill exterior
- Former band members who he treated badly, may or may not resent him for it
- Classmates who don't know him super well and took note of his performance at the school talent show
- Artsy kids who noticed his attempts at experimentation and have things to say about it
- Former or current bullies, who he considers to be enemies
[+] Relationships
None so far

Ramona Rodriguez
Clubs: Track, Gymnastics, Christian club
- Female, Latina, 18
- Slim and toned, enjoys showing off her gains with stuff like crop tops but doesn't want to violate the dress code so it's mostly athletic wear at school
- Can get quite competitive in things she enjoys but prioritizes everyone having fun above all
- Has a large extended family and loves them all
- Sometimes has a bit of an ego but means well and wants to see her peers succeed
- Doesn't take life too seriously and enjoys keeping things light
- Sense of humor is a mixture of ironic self-deprecation and groan-worthy dad jokes delivered completely sincerely
- Was very close with her grandfather and picked up a similar attitude towards life from him
- Started taking care of him as his health declined and sat with him at his deathbed when he passed
- Naturally empathetic. Volunteers a lot at the local nursing home and has a soft spot for elders
- Is afraid of becoming old and weak, very much enjoys being young and vigorous
- Likes to purposely misuse modern slang and pepper old phrases she's picked up from the elders she works with into her vocabulary
- Joined track and the gymnastics team to stay healthy and age gracefully
- Works very hard at track and running makes her feel alive
- Extroverted and friendly to most people she meets
- A little too trusting and oblivious to when she is being taken advantage of by her peers
- Devout Christian but doesn't believe in chastity and staying "pure"
- Enjoys school and earns solid grades
- Runs an Instagram workout account and is fairly active on social media
- Bisexual and considers herself lucky that the majority of her family is accepting of this
- Actively avoids keeping up with current events as it brings her down
- Is secretly into trashy reality shows and all the drama they entail
Looking for:
- Current or past romantic partners of either gender
- Relatives of any kind (Her family is pretty big so your kid will surely fit in there somewhere)
- Close friends who can handle and appreciate her sometimes intense athletic interests, friendliness and terrible puns
- Fellow club members with opinions, be they good or bad
- Friends and acquaintances who find her attitude appealing
- Those who find her to be grating and obnoxious
[+] Relationships
None so far

3rd Character (TBD)
I don't have any real plans for this person yet but I'm considering someone with a more spiritual, spacey kind of vibe so if that sounds like something you would be interested in, let me know.

Re: new kid with new kids looking for new kids

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 2:13 pm
by Ryuki
-I can see Chester getting along with him despite him being more into electric/dubstep music. Since he identifies as leftist, Chester could talk to him about progressive ideals. Also, they could play local multiplayer games.
-Karen might take interest in his taste in music, since she wants to break away from classical music forced on her by her parents.

-Dominiqua would definitely find her to be a kindred spirit. She loves to run, exercise, and reality shows (mostly Survivor).
-Wendy might crush on her. Her family is Christian, so they may see each other at church. Wendy is more of an introvert and less athletic, so they might have a yin-yang type of dynamic.

Re: new kid with new kids looking for new kids

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 10:00 pm
by Dr Adjective
Hello new friend! I come bearing ideas!

For DonnyDonnatello:
He seems like just the sort of person Evie might've made friends with when they were younger, though they're probably not as close any more? She's too agreeable to have really made an issue out of any of his eccentricities, and while I haven't completely nailed down her taste in music in my head, it definitely at least overlaps with rock. Also she's not rich-rich, but definitely well-off enough to be taken advantage of and unaware enough to not really notice/mind.

Standard Beth response; she's kind of a judgemental asshole, he's easily judged because different, quick maths. At least she probably didn't do a Turtle joke recently, fruit's too low-hanging, you know?

And Ramona!
Evie definitely vibes with her easy-going-ness and sense of humour, and especially her kindness. She's not quite the evangelical stereotype, but even so it's likely Evie's tried to nudge her towards veggie-ness if the two are friends though, so that might well be a source of conflict if Ramona isn't about it. Also, in any case, Evie will certainly be recently be realising oh no, she's hot. So there's that.

Relations with Beth might be interesting, depending! She's also very big on her faith (do you have a particular denomination in mind? I'm about 99% sure Bethany's Congregationalist) and would definitely respect Ramona's dedication. Since they'll have Christian club in common they'll be aware of one another at least, but I figure the relationship depends on how Ramona feels about Beth?

Thanks and welcome aboard <3

Re: new kid with new kids looking for new kids

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:38 am
by ViolentMedic
- Roberta plays piano/possibly keyboard, and might have been on board for the band. She's also an often angry/vitrolic person, so once stuff started going south it could have been a big blow-up if she was involved, because she is not masterful of her temper.

- Marshall might be good for getting along with her, they're both on track team, they're both big on school, and she seems like she'd be able to withstand his general loud-and-pushy-but-well-meaning vibe without ending up crying. xD