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Micah Flanagan

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 8:55 pm
by Laurels
Name: Micah Flanagan
Gender: Male
Age: 17
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Weightlifting and strength sports (Body Improvement Club), raising goats, butter and cheesemaking, soapmaking, partying

Appearance: Micah stands at about 6’3” and weighs about 220 pounds. Most of his weight comes from muscle, as Micah has been actively working out and building muscle since middle school. This has resulted in large biceps, pectorals, and thighs. He regularly maintains his physique through training and proper nutrition, making him quite physically imposing. He is Caucasian, but with a natural tan from farm work. He has a strong jawline and straight nose. His hair is naturally a darker brown and is a bit curly and wavy on top, although he keeps it shorter in the back. He has thick brown eyebrows and dark brown eyes. He has a dark brown beard, although he keeps it trimmed and above the neck.

Micah doesn’t really care a lot about fashion, tending to spend a lot of time in muscle shirts and tank tops, athletic shorts/pants, and tennis shoes. He tends to follow the school dress code by wearing jackets or hoodies over his tank tops and longer pants and jeans in winter. He’s not a fan of jewelry or accessories and tends to go without anything extra.

Biography: Micah Abraham Flanagan was born on October 27th, 2003 to Elijah and Rebecca. He was the second of five fraternal quintuplets, being younger than his brother Josiah and older than his brothers Zebulon and Isaiah and his sister Ruth. The birth of quintuplets did allow Micah and his siblings to enjoy some local fame growing up, although Micah was never too interested or willing to play along with it. He enjoyed the perks just fine but never went out of his way to make a big deal about it.

Growing up on Flanagan Farms, Micah got involved in farm work early on. Micah enjoyed the physical labor, always willing to do the heavy lifting and more physical tasks. He was always an athletic child growing up, preferring to spend time outdoors and running around. His parents did try to put him into team sports like football when he was in elementary school, but Micah never did enjoy them that much and soon dropped team sports before finishing elementary school.

Around middle school, Micah soon discovered weightlifting and soon got involved. He enjoyed going to the local gym and working alongside trainers. He soon also began participating in weightlifting competitions outside of school. To Micah, it was fun to work on improving his body and to be able to get stronger. He also discovered strongman competitions and began to try entering those around the Salem area. The farm allowed him to work out at home more. While Micah has had varying success in these fields, having won some competitions and placed at others, he has kept up with them as he’s gotten older.

It was also in middle school that Micah wanted to take on more responsibilities around the home. Seeing that Ruth was taking care of chickens, Micah soon was gifted a young goat he ended up naming Guinevere. With guidance from his mom, Micah soon learned how to care for Guinevere, learning how to care for her and milk her. Guinevere has also delivered a few kids in order to keep her milking, with some being sold to other farms, while others Micah has kept to care for. His other goats are named Cordelia, Margaret, and Gwendolyn. Rebecca also taught him how to make products from goat milk, including butter and cheese. Micah soon began learning how to make different types of goat butter and cheese and has sold his wares with the rest of the Flanagan family at farmer’s markets. He would also learn about goat milk soap and began selling his first few bars at these events and giving them as gifts. To Micah, caring for Guinevere and making products from her milk is one of the few creative things he does and he loves finding new ways to play around with his interests.

It was also towards the end of middle school that Micah began to examine his sexuality. He had always found himself more attracted to men than women, although he never paid too much mind to it. It was during puberty that these feelings began to grow stronger, and by the end of eighth grade, Micah came out as gay. He was pleased to be accepted by his family, especially since he wasn’t the only queer child in the family. Once out, Micah did begin dating around, although most of his relationships weren’t serious and were mostly flings or friends with benefits. Micah is not adverse to a relationship, but he hasn’t found anyone who he wants to commit to yet and thus continues to play the field.

At John Endecott, Micah is known for being fairly terse and stoic, but is generally good natured and kind to others. He’s not very verbose and tends to hang back in most social situations. However, he is fairly loyal and close to his serious friendships and social groups. He joined the Body Improvement Club, as it was a way for him to continue his fitness routine but also have some social interaction in it. It’s also a way for him to bond with his brothers Isaiah and Josiah, as they are also members. Micah is somewhat well known for being a bit of a player, as he tends to enjoy the party atmosphere of Salem. He may not be a very social person outside his group, but he does have a love for the frivolity and fun that can come from attending parties and potentially meeting people. He tends to use these events to find hookups or to have fun, although he does try to stay responsible and safe for fear of it harming his future sports and college opportunities. Because of his reputation and quiet nature, some students may not have a good view of him and don't try to get close to him. This is mostly due to him being quite physically intimidating to look at, and his quiet nature coupled with his reputation as a player has made some people have trouble getting close to him.

Academically, Micah falls in the A-B range, with most of his weaker grades being in artistic and humanities courses. Micah’s best subject is science, particularly biology and human anatomy. He studies regularly, although he tends to do a gradual bit every day rather than studying in larger sessions before exams. Micah is intending to go to a sports university on scholarship to participate in weightlifting or other strength sports. He is interested in sports medicine and has considered becoming a physical therapist. He knows it’s fairly intense and expensive, so he’s been doing whatever he can to save money and not put too much of a burden on his parents.

Micah’s home life is fairly decent. He has a close relationship with his mom since she taught him a lot and they tend to work on new recipes together. He is on good terms with his father as well, but overall isn’t as close to him as his mom. He is on fairly close terms with his siblings, having good relationships with them, although he tends to be fairly neutral in family squabbles.

Advantages: Micah is in terrific physical shape from his exercise regimen. He is also fairly loyal and close to those he is in relationship with, so he could stay close to his friends and siblings if they're together in dangerous situations.
Disadvantages: Micah doesn’t have the best reputation due to his dating life and his appearance, and that could give some people the wrong impression of him. He’s also not very verbose and tends to stick back in conflicts, and while that may help him at times, it might mean he has trouble acting or speaking up in certain situations that call for action.

Re: Micah Flanagan

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 3:23 pm
by backslash
Hello Laurels! Micah looks very good and is DENIED pending just a few minor changes.

So goats, like other mammals, only give milk when the are expecting or have had a baby. Since Guinevere seems to be the only goat that Micah has, I'd just like mention of what the family does with her babies (presumably selling them when they're old enough, but there are other possibilities).

I'd like a little more elaboration on why and how people might have a negative view of Micah, since prior to that it's stated that he's known for being quiet but generally good-natured. Since this is a disadvantage, it needs a bit more detail.

I'd also like to know what exactly he enjoys about partying besides using parties for casual hookups, since he's said to not be very social outside his personal group.

I can see how Micah's loyalty to his friends and loved ones can work as an advantage to those people, but how does it benefit him personally in the context of the island? Similarly, I feel that his hanging back in social situations could be both a positive and a negative; you explain what action he might take on the island, but not why it's a disadvantage in that context, so expand on that some more.
To Micah, it was fun to work on improving his body and trying to be able to get stronger.
Clunky here, you can get rid of "to be able" and just make it "trying to get stronger."

That's all I have right now, so post in here when you've done that and I'll give Micah another look!

Re: Micah Flanagan

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:24 am
by Laurels
Ok, that should be everything.

Re: Micah Flanagan

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:21 am
by backslash