Taylor Commits A Time Misdemeanor


The corridors in John Endecott Memorial Academy are trapped between two different eras, both of them antiquated. The walls of the building while having had restoration still match their original design from when the main school building was first constructed. The original wooden flooring of the corridors has worn away over the years and has since been replaced by new lacquered flooring that gets notoriously slippery when wet. The corridors themselves run around the outside edge of the original school building with the entrance to the classrooms being located on the interior side of the corridors themselves. Stairs to the first floor can be found at the back of the building while the newer connecting corridors to the more modern wings are located opposite. Lockers line the walls of the corridors and there is a running joke among the student body that lockers are assigned at random due to the allocations following no discernable pattern. One block of lockers can be in use by all grades within the school.
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Taylor Commits A Time Misdemeanor


Post by backslash »

((Taylor Thorne continued from Light on a Window))

Taylor drifted aimlessly in the hallway, or maybe it would be more accurate to say that they oscillated around. Vibrated. Jumped from one state of being to the other, due to heightened electron activity or whatever they'd been going over in physics the other day. Point was, they were just kind of hanging out and waiting for the hall to be clear, but trying not to look like they were waiting for that exact thing.

They were going to be late to class, they guessed. Not that that was an unusual occurrence, which in a way made this the perfect crime! Nobody would ever know, and the best part was that it wasn't even a crime.

When the next class bell had rung, and the last few stragglers aside from Taylor had filed off to their destinations, Taylor crossed the hall to the locker they had been eyeing. They were sure - relatively sure - that this was Trinity's locker. They'd seen her standing in front of it, at least, and that was circumstantial evidence. You could go to jail on circumstantial evidence!

There was a combination lock on the locker door, but it had been left unsecured, likely when the owner rushed off to class. That was good, because Tay didn't actually have a plan for what they would do if they hadn't been able to get into the locker. With a motion that was too jittery to quite be called fluid, they slipped the lock off so they could pop open the locker door, and in exchange, they deposited their prize inside, right on top of a neat stack of textbooks.

It was a four-pack of Monster Energy classic flavor, because Trinity seemed like a classic kind of person. Taped to it was a handwritten note.

Hey Trinity,

Sorry for the trouble the other day and thanks for talking to me! Good luck in the student council election!

- Tay <3

With that, they shut the locker again and replaced the lock. They clicked it shut too, and it only occurred to them a minute after doing so that maybe they should have left it as they had found it. Oh well. It made the whole thing a little more mysterious, right, like oOoOoOoOh, how did this gift somehow phase through the door?? Spoooooky!

They'd have left sandwich guy an apology note too for throwing their drink all over him, but they kiiiiind of wanted to never be seen by him ever again, so they hadn't tried very hard to hunt down his locker. It was probably fine, though. They'd say sorry if they bumped into him again.

Their cargo safely delivered, Taylor backed away from Trinity's locker and booked it down the hall to their next class.

((Taylor Thorne continued in Madness: Exaltation))
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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