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Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 8:20 am
by D/N










So yes, after hosting one in 97 songtests I am now apparently hosting 2 in 3. At least this one is a legitimate if inexplicable victory of mine!

So what shall we do for our monumental ONE HUNDREDTH songtest? Well, I don't have anything truly epic in mind, but let's use this centenary mark to pay homage to what these songtests are ostensibly based on in the first place.

So that means we will be hosting our very own SOTF Eurovision contest this time around!

The normal standard rules will be below, but this contest will yes will have some special rules so make sure you read through them all.

Anyway, Eurovision, if you don't know, is the yearly adventure in wackiness and music where each European country except those that are in funding rages or don't feel like it or are too sinisterly dictatorial at the moment submit a song. Also Israel. And Australia does now because why not? These songs are then separated into semifinals and finals, and voted on, and hey you get the drill, all with a big show that is uh, rather heavy on the spectacle as you can see above. So, to approximate a SOTF Eurovision, here are the rules:

1) You can choose a song from any country participating in the 2022 Eurovision Contest. See the map below:


Actually the map is confusing. Uh, you can't submit from any yellow countries, they're not in this year. Green and purple countries only

Or to be easier - Albania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Armenia, Austria, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Cyrpus, Georgia, Finland, Israel, Malta, San Marino, Serbia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Ireland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom

2) Only one submission per country. If you choose a song from a country has already been submitted, tough luck, gotta pick another one.

3) Some artists may be eligible for different countries (ie a singer with dual citizenship, a band with members from different countries). If I judge that the connection between artist and country is too tenuous (like say submitting KISS to represent Israel because Gene Simmons was born there but hasn't lived there since 1958), I may tell you to pick another artist because I'm mean like that.

There are also some rules and guidelines for song selection! PLEASE READ, LIKE REALLY!

1) In addition to not using a song from a previous songtest, you can't submit a song that's been in Eurovision before. So look it up, I'm not gonna provide a list. Previous Eurovision artists are fine.

2) You don't need to pick a typical Eurovision-style song. Choose from any genre! However, I would appreciate if you did me a solid and didn't pick like Adele or David Bowie or something for the UK.

3) HOWEVER, and on that note, Eurovision is all about the here and now! Rule for this contest only - NO OLD SONGS. Any song must be from the last 10 years, so 2012-2022 just to make things simple for us all.

4) Eurovision songs have a maximum of three minutes! I'm not gonna hamstring you that much, however songs can't be so long that Eurovision can't do its commercial breaks on time. You have a MAXIMUM FOUR MINUTES THIRTY SECONDS for songs. So you can submit your Moldovan black metal masterpiece, just not the one that's eleven minutes long.

5) Music videos are not required but are suggested for the spirit of Eurovision. Live performances are also acceptable. Note that if the music video is a bit over 4:30 that's fine, as long as the song itself isn't.

6) UPDATED CLARIFICATION RULE - Just like in real Eurovision, songs can be in English or the country's national language.

Any questions or angry outbursts about these rules can be directed to me on Discord!

I will post on this topic the countries that are taken in smallish groups.
[+] Other Typical Rules Are Here
- Send in your songs via board PM or Discord

- Songs will be divided into 1-3 semifinals, probably 2, if you can't be here for the first semifinal please contact me and I will put your song in the next round!

- Listen to every song in your round and give them votes, 12 for your favourite, 10 for your next favourite, then 8 for the third, 7 for the fourth, and so until you give 1 point to your tenth favourite. Not voting will result in your song getting DQ'd! Rounds last for 3 or more days.

- You can still vote if you're not in a round, as a public vote, which counts for half the points.

- The top songs move onto the finals, with the number depending on the number of songs in a round.

- Repeat the voting process with the finals, and that's how we'll determine the ultimate winner of the tournament arc.

- Submit your songs before the first round starts, not gonna let people jump in after the first round starts, etc.

- Whoever gets the most points will get to host the next contest. If they pass, it goes to second place, then third, and so on.

- General songtest rules:
- Nothing that has been submitted before. If your song is over ten minutes people only have to listen to the first ten minutes.
- Please be nice in chat.
Will be taking submissions up to, oh let's say 11:59 PM Sunday February 20th so you've got the weekend to make your choices!

Send me submissions or votes on board via PM or on Chat

UPDATE - THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES ARE CURRENTLY TAKEN: Russia, Germany, Finland, France, Sweden, Ireland, Czech Republic, Austria, Estonia, Denmark, Lithuania, Iceland

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:39 pm
by Laurels
Douze points or lose points?

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:23 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Count me in!

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:23 am
by D/N
Will probably leave another day or so for entries as I don't think I'll have the post up until later tomorrow anyways so if anyone wants to submit still have the chance!

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:23 am
by D/N
Please welcome the following handlers to the stage:

1) Jilly
2) RC
3) Toben
4) pan
5) Skraal
6) DN
7) boogie
8) Blizzard
9) Slam
10) Rugga
11) Laurels
12) Cactus
13) Mara
With the following songs in random order:

Representing Finland!
Vinttikoira - Mary Jane

Representing Iceland!
Of Monsters and Men - Visitor

Representing France!
YELLE - Ici & Maintenant (Here & Now)

Representing Czech Republic!
Radůza - Josefozi

Representing Lithuania!
Alina Orlova - Spindulėlis

Representing Sweden!
First Aid Kit - Fireworks

Representing Denmark!
Myrkur - Fager Som En Ros

Representing Ireland!
Hozier - Work Song

Representing Serbia!
Ministarke ft. Sasa Matic - Zver

Representing Estonia!
Kerli - Where the Dark Things Are

Representing Russia!
Piknik - Kem by ty ni byl

Representing Austria!
Wanda - Bologna

Representing Germany!
Alice Merton - Vertigo
Please send in your top ten songs in the following format:

12- Song Name
10- ...
8- ...
7- ...
6- ...
5- ...
4- ...
3- ...
2- ...
1- ...

With 12 being your favorite song, 10 being your second favorite, and so on. It's all fairly obvious really. Public votes count for half. Please remember to ping me at DN if you post public votes in Discord.

Votes by board PM or Discord are both perfectly acceptable, just message me on either! If you do not vote, you will be disqualified and bring shame upon your adopted nation.

The round will last for, well I'm terrible at sticking to deadlines, so let's let it go until the end of the work week. That means you have until Friday February 25th around 9:00 PM EST. Please be sure to get your votes in before then.

Now let us all wave tiny flags!


Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 3:58 pm
by D/N
Let's say about 12 hours or so to get votes in!

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:15 am
by D/N
Still waiting on some votes so in the interest of entertainment and less dqs am extending to about 10PM EST tomorrow!

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:04 am
by D/N


The following countries have been disqualified by Eurovision. Quelle surprise!
[+] DQd
DQ - CZECH REPUBLIC - Radůza - Josefozi, submitted by Jilly. It scored 36 points, including one 8
[+] DQd
DQ- AUSTRIA - Wanda - Bologna, submitted by RC. It scored 39 points, including one 12 and one 10
[+] DQd
DQ - SERBIA - Ministarke ft. Sasa Matic - Zver, submitted by Rugga. It scored 46 points, including two 8s
On to the ten placing countries!

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:15 am
by D/N


Who's at the bottom of the barrel this year?
[+] 10th place
10th - RUSSIA - Piknik - Kem by ty ni byl, submitted by Skraal. It scored 19 points, including one 12
[+] 9th place
9th - FINLAND - Vinttikoira - Mary Jane, submitted by boogie. It scored 31 points, including one 12
[+] 8th place
8th - IRELAND - Hozier - Work Song, submitted by Laurels. It scored 35 points, including one 10
Who's going to fill the boring middle?
- Iceland
- France
- Lithuania
- Sweden
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Germany

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:31 am
by D/N


We move closer. You folks, get out of the way!
[+] 7th place
7th - SWEDEN - First Aid Kit - Fireworks, submitted by DN (me!). It scored 41 points, including one 12 and one 8
[+] 5th place the lesser
6th - LITHUANIA - Alina Orlova - Spindulėlis, submitted by Mara. It scored 45 points, including two 8s
[+] 5th place the greater
5th - ESTONIA - Kerli - Where the Dark Things Are, submitted by Blizzard. It scored 45 points, including one 18 and one 8
How will the final four shape out?
- Iceland
- France
- Denmark
- Germany

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:39 am
by D/N


Who has fallen just short of glory?
[+] 4th place
4th - ICELAND - Of Monsters and Men - Visitor, submitted by Slam. It scored 46 points, including two 12s and one 10
[+] 3rd place
3rd - FRANCE - Yelle - Ici & Maintenant (Here & Now), submitted by pan. It scored 47 points, including one 12
Which means we are down to!
[+] The Top Two
- DENMARK - Myrkur - Fager Som En Ros, submitted by Toben
- GERMANY - Alice Merton - Vertigo, submitted by Cactus
The thrilling conclusion soon!

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:48 am
by D/N


It's time to announce our champion! We are down to:

DENMARK - Myrkur - Fager Som En Ros, submitted by Toben
GERMANY - Alice Merton - Vertigo, submitted by Cactus

Our second place song...

Scored 66 points, including one 12, one 10, and two 8s...

Our winning song...

Score 84 points, including one 12, an incredible six 10s, and one 8

In second place
[+] 2nd place
2nd - DENMARK - Myrkur - Fager Som En Ros, submitted by Toben!
1st - GERMANY - Alice Merton - Vertigo, submitted by Cactus!
Congratulations to all the countries!

Re: Songtest ONE HUNDRED - SOTF Eurovision

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:57 am
by D/N
So congratulations to Cactus, who can choose to host the next Songtest or pass it down the line! Either way, I won't be hosting another of these for a while hopefully, so have fun!

Will see if I can get a spreadsheet up before I fall asleep!