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Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:23 am
by RC~
((Janice Cresner Pregame Start))

Men and women, shoving meat in their mouthes, saliva dripping out, chewing constantly, biting strategically. It was appalling. It was the peak of decadence.

It was the annual Hot Dog Eating Contest.

Yes, it's this time of the year again, the sun is shining, the weather is great and the park was turned to the location area of the execution of hundreds of animals who had to die for a monstrous competition.

On the spot where on different days families and children could play frisbee, now stood a big stage, on it were degenerates competing against each other and against a clock who could eat the most in a specific amount of time.

Then there were the benches and the space for spectators, presumably consisting of family members of the competitors or sickos.

Observing from the outside from that was a group. A group Janice belonged to, a group protesting against this waste of food, against the killing of animals.

Watching with disgust, she could recognise some of her classmates participating in this massacre. This was the grossest thing ever.

"This is digusting! Gross," she shouted in hopes the contestants would hear her, and would slowly begin to question their life choices that lead them to shoving hot dogs in their mouth in quick succession. Janice had to gag while watching the show unfold, an action the participants seemingly either weren't capable of or learned to get rid off.


Re: 🌭

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:10 pm
by DerArknight
In the midst of contestants waiting for their turn, there was one boy who did not hear Janice's shouts, made inaudible between all the smacking and burping.

((Derek Caldwell continued from Light on a Window))

While awaiting his number to be called, Derek sat on a seat at the back of the stage, together with everyone else awaiting their turn. The sun was just at the right angle to blind him, a good number of his competition was made out of fat neckbeards who took this whole event way too serious and he didn't even like hotdogs.

The reason for his entry into the contest was sitting on one of the smaller benches designated for children.

As it turned out, the annual Hot Dog Eating Contest was kind of a big topic on Abel's school. And Abel liked to brag about his big brother because despite Derek's best efforts, Abel didn't have much to brag about. "Big bro, I told them you were better than Clara's big sis, and they laughed at me." The last part was all it took for Derek to sign up for this crap.

He had no illusions about winning. Dammit, Neckbeard McHentai sitting next to him could probably swallow the whole audience and would ask for seconds while getting handcuffed. But Derek was used to make the best out of the rare opportunities he got to eat beyond his appetite. And he would enter a thousand stupid contests to make his brother happy, even if he had bad odds.

What he had't expected was a freaking protest forming to preach about the poor animals. Like wasn't there anything better to protest against? The fuel that this protestants used up to get here today had probably done more bad for mother nature than a few animals that would have been killed and sold to someone else anyway.

He even spotted a classmate of his in the group. Janice Cresner, if he remembered correctly. She seemed angry and... sick?

Derek hoped the poor girl didn't had a heat stroke or something.

Re: 🌭

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 9:25 pm
by DerArknight
((RC lost interest in this thread and gave me permission to end it however I want, so I will do just that))

"#003 and #004, get ready for your match!"

After spotting Janice, Derek didn't need to wait long before his number was called.

Then he went on to have an epic battle against #004 which ended with Derek finishing only one bite ahead of his opponent.

Or maybe #004 turned out to be Clara's sister, who Derek defeated in an even epicer fight, winning only through the power of brotherly bonds and Abel cheering them on.

Or maybe hotdog-hating aliens attacked and Derek had to join forces with the protesters to save the world from being destroyed.

Or maybe none of the above things happened.

Maybe Derek got defeated in the first round because he was an amateur going up against profis. Maybe he also got stomach ache on the next day because he managed to eat way too much way too fast. And maybe it didn't mattered because Abel was proud of him anyway.

Who knows?

((Derek Caldwell continued elsewhere))