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Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 8:44 pm
by SOTF_Help

Hello, and welcome to Survival of the Fittest! We're glad you've taken an interest in our roleplay, and we hope that you'll join us! This introduction will tell you how to get started.

First of all, SOTF is a roleplaying forum based heavily off of Koushun Takami's novel Battle Royale and the franchise surrounding it. Following the first version of the game, however, SOTF branched off into its own unique universe with its own canon. SOTF centers around high school students from America who are abducted by a mysterious organization known as the Arthro Taskforce and forced to fight until only one of them remains.

While the students are the stars of the game, the Arthro Taskforce and its leader, Danya, are the recurring villains of the plot. The AT has been abducting students to take part in the game for over 10 years, and while the characters fight for their lives, other events are unfolding behind the scenes chronicling the AT's inner workings and the efforts of those trying to stop them.

If you'd like to take part in the game (and we certainly hope you will!), please read the rules and the FAQ linked below. If you have any questions not covered in those, feel free to message a staff member; they are the members with purple usernames, both on the site and in our Discord server. You can also visit the Wiki if you would like to read up on past versions of the game.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy your stay!

~The SOTF Staff Team

Table of Contents

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:12 pm
by SOTF_Help
Global Rules

1. The current staff team of Survival of the Fittest is the final arbiter of what the rules mean and how they should be interpreted. Precedents set by rulings from previous staff teams or staff members may inform rulings in the present, but do not necessarily dictate them.

2. The staff team reserves the right to ban any member that the team unanimously agrees to be a threat to the health and safety of the SOTF community, with no further reasoning required for the ban.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:13 pm
by SOTF_Help
Character Applications & Acceptability

1. In order to participate in SOTF, you must submit a character profile for review by the staff team in the Character Registration / Applications board (unique to each version) while the staff team is accepting new submissions. This is known informally as the "critique process". Once you have submitted a character profile for review, the staff team will reply with either an approval or a denial.

2. All profiles must adhere to our profile template exactly. Our profile template (and advice for filling it out) can be found in the spoiler(s) below.
[+] Profile Template

Code: Select all

[B]Name: [/B]
[B]Gender: [/B]
[B]Age: [/B]
[B]Grade: [/B]
[B]School: [/B]
[B]Hobbies and Interests: [/B]

[B]Appearance: [/B]

[B]Biography: [/B]

[B]Advantages: [/B]
[B]Disadvantages: [/B] 
[+] Advice For Filling Out Template
Name: Pretty self-explanatory, everyone has a first and last name. You will be asked to justify anything silly or fantastical.
Gender: Your character's self-identified gender.
Age: Almost all V8 characters will be in the 17-18 age range. Anything outside of that must be explained and justified in the profile, and anything unreasonable will need to be changed.
Grade: Characters in V8 Pregame may be seniors only.
School: All characters for V8 Pregame must attend John Endecott Memorial Academy.
Hobbies and Interests: List anything that your character was involved in, such as school activities, volunteer work, etc., here. Important: Ensure you cover anything listed here in the biography! This section should be a simple list, with each item separated by a comma.

Appearance: Describe, in detail, what your character looks like, including their typical style of outfit and (during Final Apps) the outfit they were wearing at the time of abduction. Please be as descriptive as possible, anyone reading your bio should be able to picture your character vividly.

Biography: Tell us a bit about your character -- their past, their personality, their likes and dislikes, their general outlook on the world -- anything that makes your character stand out or anything you deem important or influential to your character should be listed here.

Advantages: Are there any advantages that your character may have over the other players? Make sure to explain how these advantages help with your character's survival in the game, and ensure these are covered beforehand in the biography and don't come out of nowhere!
Disadvantages: What are some disadvantages that your character has as opposed to the competition that will hinder their survival? Bear in mind lacking fighting ability and gun training are not disadvantages, but rather the assumed norm. Advantages and disadvantages should be written in narrative, not as lists.

3. Once your character has been approved, you may then immediately begin posting as them in the open in-character forums, with no further input required from the staff team.

4. Should your character be denied, you will be provided with a list of edits and suggestions for the character's profile that must be addressed to the staff's satisfaction before your character can be approved. Please do not edit your character's profile unless directed to by a staff member, as doing otherwise can cause confusion and delays in your character being critiqued.

5. The staff team reserves the right to permanently deny characters in the event that the staff member judges the profile to either be unacceptable by the standards of the site, or otherwise be unsalvageable via the critique process. Characters that are permanently denied cannot be edited and resubmitted for review. Please be aware that this is only ever done in rare circumstances, and that the staff team always tries to avoid permanently denying a character whenever possible.

6. All character profiles submitted should be written by a single handler; you may not submit profiles written by other handlers.

7. In the interests of realism, characters who are close relatives to or have any significant relationship to any past SOTF characters will not be accepted. Additionally, winners of past versions, escapees, or other survivors of the game may not be resubmitted to a new game. The only exception to this rule are past winners who did not kill another character prior to winning, per the in-game rules outlined in-character by the AT.

8. All characters must be original characters. You may not submit characters from movies, comic books, etc. You may not submit characters who are direct inserts of celebrities or people from internet posts including but not limited to Reddit, creepypastas, Twitter threads etc. If in doubt, please contact a member of the staff team for clarification.

Note that coincidental name matches are fine. If a character just happens to be named Michael Anderson but bears no other similarities to the director of the same name, that is acceptable under this policy.

9. While we understand that many handlers like to insert fictionalized versions of their friends and family into SOTF, there have been incidents that show that this can be rather problematic. SOTF turns up fairly high on internet search results, and may lead to real-world consequences for those involved. For example, coming up on SOTF can be a bad thing for people when applying for jobs, and we don't want them to only find out after the fact that one of their friends accidentally caused them trouble.

As such, inserted characters must have their names changed enough as to be unconnected to their basis by an internet search. We realize that there is no way for staff to double-check this before it becomes an issue, but if it does become an issue (such as if we receive angry PMs and emails from someone asking us to take their name off the site), staff will have to change the character's name. There is no way to automatically replace names, so any change requires a massive amount of staff time and attention. Even a minor character may end up taking hours of by-hand replacement.

Note that this only applies to characters based on people/the names of people who the handler knows. We're not going to penalize you if a random person has the same name as your character; the odds of picking a name with nobody attached to it are fantastically low. Similarly, we will not be changing names of characters at the request of people uninvolved with the character/handler, as even a cursory glance at the profile should prove that there is no relation. Basically, it's the old disclaimer about resemblance to real people, living or dead, being coincidental: if it is purely coincidental, everything's fine.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:15 pm
by SOTF_Help
Posting & Conflicts

1. Please keep OOC (out of character) comments off the roleplaying boards -- there are several sections where you can talk freely with your fellow handlers, as well as a Discord server. OOC posts on the roleplaying boards, unless done for specific reasons (i.e. an apology for being away, pointing out a critical mistake in a roleplay, etc.) are highly frowned upon and should be kept to a minimum.

2. All roleplay on the forums should be done in third-person novel format, in past tense, with proper punctuation, spelling and grammar to the best of the writer's ability. We are not English teachers, and we will not punish you for bad grammar, but good grammar increases the readability of your writing and is easier on the eyes. For an idea of the level of quality generally expected of handlers (our term for writers, or those who 'handle' kids on the island), just read any current or recent thread.

3. Contact a staff member through the forum or Discord with any questions or concerns, or if you have any issues with another member of the site. Do not try to take matters into your own hands by starting an argument or verbally assaulting somebody. For more information, consult our Code of Conduct.

4. As a roleplay rooted heavily in realism, SOTF commands a certain level of knowledge about characters, the setting, and rules. Before writing, handlers should familiarize themselves with the site's rules (you're currently reading these!) including the FAQ and all other subsections, the state of the world, and with other characters as well as the current school or island (depending on if we are in the pre-game or game phase of a version). Information on a handler's own characters should be well-informed as well, and may require research (for example, if you intend to write a character with a disability, you will be expected to thoroughly research said disability and its consequences on a high school student first).

5. Sometimes, the staff team may deem it necessary to remove someone from the community temporarily or permanently, for the health and safety of the game and the rest of our members. Some bannable offenses are outlined in the rules, but other situations may arise in which staff have to make this decision, as noted in Global Rule #2. Bans may apply to the site Discord chat, the forum, the wiki, or all three, depending on the problematic behavior in question.

Users may be banned for variable lengths of time depending on the issues that led to the ban. For certain offenses, handlers may be banned for a definite and temporary period of time, such as the length of one full version. These situations generally include behaviors which would present a significant problem during the game but which do not constitute a bigger problem for the community, such as a persistent inability to abide by the character acceptability rules. In these cases, banned users will be given a definite time when they will be allowed to participate again.

In most circumstances that do not constitute an immediate threat to the safety of the community or the integrity of the board, a handler may receive ONE "indefinite" ban, as a final warning before receiving a permanent ban. Handlers may submit an appeal of their indefinite ban to the staff team after a period of two months, outlining their understanding of the problem behavior that led to the ban and how they will conduct themselves going forward. An indefinite ban lasts until an appeal has been submitted, reviewed by the staff, and deemed to demonstrate an appropriate understanding and willingness to improve.

In circumstances more immediately serious than the above, cases of long-term and persistent bad behavior, or anything which gives staff a reason to believe that a user is a threat to the health and safety of the community, a permanent ban will be issued. Permanent bans encompass all parts of the site, including the forums, Discord, and the wiki, and cannot be appealed at any point. Permanent bans are rarely given out, as we like to give people time and opportunity to improve themselves, but sometimes they are necessary for the good of our site.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:17 pm
by SOTF_Help

1. Be realistic! SOTF places emphasis on realism within its setting, and the characters in this roleplay are ordinary human beings, the vast majority of them being high school students. Characters will be injured, and characters WILL die. Handlers are expected to write a character's condition, abilities and injuries within the constraints of reality (for instance, not just shrugging off that broken ankle in order to jump from one rooftop to another, then keep running).

2. Characters must be a high school student of the proper grade and school (the specific school changing with each new version). Neither underclassmen nor students currently attending other schools are allowed to participate in the game.

3. Character deaths are final; this roleplay setting does not have means of resurrecting dead characters. Character deaths are dictated by random rolls conducted regularly throughout the game (see more information on rolls here). A handler may choose to kill off their own character at will; the death must follow all the usual conventions of realism, so they cannot just drop dead without actual cause. Suicide, accident, or even being killed by another handler's character are all acceptable ways of dying unrolled. It is encouraged (but not necessarily required) to place "death tags" at the end of a post in which a character dies, generally denoted in bold, red lettering.

4. God-modding, power-playing, calling hits, or any variation thereof are all disallowed. You can't automatically shoot someone with your gun, or cut them with your knife, no matter how positive you are that your hit will connect. Forcing somebody into a situation where they must take a hit, or otherwise dictating their actions in a way that forces them to act in one way and not another (ex. John backed May into a corner and shot at her chest-and-neck region seven times at point blank), is also considered god-modding and is not allowed. Handlers are suggested to converse with their writing partners in order to work out a scene; other people are usually willing to cooperate and collaborate.

5. Metagaming is also prohibited. Metagaming is using information obtained out-of-character to your advantage in-character. For example, if John has killed Bob's friend May, but Bob doesn't know that, it would be metagaming from Bob's handler to have Bob react to John as a murderer. Another example would be 'mind-reading', where a character reacts to another character's thoughts. In this case, John wants to kill Bob, but is pretending to be friendly - it would be metagaming for Bob to suddenly realize that John is going to try and kill him.

6. Survival of the Fittest contains adult themes and as such, handlers are required to be at least 13 years of age in order to participate. Please be mature enough to handle these themes and know that some threads may be sexual, gory, or ultra-violent in nature. Please label your thread with content warnings accordingly for the benefit of those that may be made uncomfortable with the themes contained within it. If you're unable to label your thread, contact a staffer and we'll take care of it for you!

7. If you are not the first person to post in the thread and you plan on entering it with one of your characters, you should take the time to read said thread beforehand to avoid misunderstandings. It wouldn't be good if your character walks peacefully into a gunfight and acts oblivious to it all. If you are unsure that your character's presence in the thread would be disruptive, it never hurts to ask the handlers already in the thread.

8. Please insert links to a character's previous thread whenever that character enters another thread. Conversely, when leaving a thread, add a link to that character's next thread (you may have to go back and edit the post when they join the next thread). This helps to establish a character's continuity, and aids people in following along with a character from thread to thread without manually searching for their next appearance.

9. Unless otherwise noted, the limit for active threads within a given sub-area of the island is one. As such, it is encouraged to read other threads in that sub-area to determine if there is an opening before creating a new thread.

10. The exception to this rule is what we refer to as a "one-shot". This is a thread made up of one single, uninterrupted post by a single character and can be posted outside of the active thread limits. A thread consisting of a single character, but made up of multiple posts, is NOT considered to be a one-shot for activity or area thread limits.

11. Handlers are encouraged to play multiple characters. Unlike many other roleplaying forums, all characters are played under the same handler username rather than creating a separate account for each character. There is a cap to how many characters may be played by a handler at any one time. In Pregame, this limit is six. In the game proper, this limit is four. To better understand this cap and how it is affected by adopting characters, see our rules on character adoption.

12. Staff may, at their discretion, enforce in-character consequences in response to in-character actions, based on the stated in-character rules of the game. For example, if your character goes around breaking cameras, even if it is not part of an escape attempt, staff may rule that the character's collar is detonated by the AT.

13. Each version will have a "Pregame" that details the mundane lives of the characters prior to the beginning of the game. Characters can be in one normal Pregame thread at a time, along with additional threads in certain subsections, such as the school's dance and the "Memories from the Past" section.

14. The "Memories from the Past" section in each version's Pregame remains open to posting from all characters (even dead characters) even after the conclusion of the rest of Pregame. This section remains open until one week after the start of that version's Endgame.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:19 pm
by SOTF_Help
Killing, Dying, Rolls, & Cards

1. As mentioned elsewhere, character deaths in SOTF are determined by what we call "rolls". Each character that is currently alive is assigned a number, which can be found in the "Rolling List" posted during each version. During each set of rolls, a number of characters determined by staff are selected to die using these numbers via random number generation (dice rolls, hence the name). Once rolls are conducted, they are logged and then posted publicly in the "Announcements" forum.

2. Characters are rolled individually, so a handler with four characters is statistically more likely to be rolled than a handler with one or two. However, a handler may only have one character of theirs rolled during a single session of rolling. The exception to this rule is during the rolls to determine the final four students going into SOTF's "Endgame", where a handler may have any number of characters rolled.

3. These rolls are usually performed twice a month, once at the middle of each month (around the 15th) and at the beginning of each month after the first. At the very beginning of the game (the first month) and during the holiday season (December to January), rolls are conducted once each month instead of twice. Staff reserves the right to delay rolls outside of these periods, should extenuating site circumstances come up that necessitate it.

4. At the start of the game, each handler is granted one "Hero Card" and one "Swap Card". A Hero Card allows a handler to sacrifice one of their own characters to save another handler's character who has been selected to die, effectively switching places. A Swap Card allows a handler to exchange a character for one of their OWN characters who has been rolled. When rolls are announced, handlers have three days from the time of posting (helpfully noted in the announcement itself) to play these cards. Each card can only be used once per version, and there is no way to gain extra cards. In the event that a handler receives a Hero Card but does not want to be saved, they may contact staff stating as such and the Hero Card will be withdrawn and returned to its handler, allowing them to use it again at a later date or in the same set of rolls to save a different character if they so wish.

5. Once card timers have ended, handlers have an additional 9 days to write the character's death. Any death which runs over this deadline is ineligible for both BKA and BDA. While the staff will normally strive to do its best to allow handlers to keep control of death scenes, any death which runs an entire extra period overdue (as in, to the end of the next allotted death period) will be handled through SOTF_Help, as if the character were terminally inactive (including the potential for appeal). This will occur without regard to any plans in place, in the most expedient way possible, meaning that it is strongly in the interests of any killers to make sure deaths run on time, as doing otherwise makes it highly probable that they will lose rights to the kill.
[+] Rolls Deadlines Visual Aid
6. SOTF staff does not officially recognize any deals made between handlers to 'trade' Hero Cards, death rights, or similar elements of planning. Staff will not be monitoring them and will not be acting as arbitrators for deals. In discouraging these deals, deal proposals are not allowed to be posted in threads containing rolls, in Roleplaying Discussion, or elsewhere on the board or in the public Discord chat. If you choose to make a deal, you must arrange it yourself, and accept all risk and responsibility associated with it.

7. The handler of a rolled character may post one and only one time per thread in which they are rolled to request that their character be saved. They may, however, post more than that to request death ideas. Similarly, the handler of a rolled character may PM other handlers in chat requesting death ideas, but may NOT PM handlers asking for Hero Cards. Handlers who are NOT rolled are never allowed to post to the roll thread asking for kills, nor may they PM handlers asking for kills unless the handler has requested death ideas. Lastly, do not celebrate a character being rolled (for any reason) or gloat about not being rolled in chat or elsewhere. This behavior is very impolite, and is expressly forbidden. Offending posts will be deleted, and further consequences may ensue for willful or repeat offenses. Handlers who are not rolled may only post in these threads if they have roll-related business, such as the use of a Hero Card.

8. Prior to each in-character announcement, voting for the Best Kill and the Best Death of the prior period are held. Handlers are directed to vote by posting anonymously in the voting thread for any nomination. A character who wins the Best Death Award (BDA) will receive a scrolling page quote at the top of the main page of the site. This quote is nominated and voted on by the handlers themselves. The prize for Best Kill Award (BKA) is in-universe; the winning character is announced in-character and will be supplied with a new weapon as well as other rewards, such as a freshly cooked meal, to reinforce their violence. If a death runs over time, then that character is ineligible for a Best Death Award and the killer is ineligible for a Best Kill Award.

9. Each in-game day, certain areas are declared Danger Zones. These are areas on the island which must be vacated; failure to leave in time will result in the character's collar being detonated. Out of character, you have time to wrap up any threads in the affected areas in the same timeline as the card/death deadlines given out with the announcement: three days to finish up regular posts, and a further nine days in which you can only post an exit from the area. Any character who does not leave the Danger Zone within that period of time will be forfeit and modkilled through collar detonation. If you are in a Danger Zone and will be Away for the duration of the allotted exit time, have a fellow handler in your thread or a staff member remove the character for you so that they will not be killed.

10. If you wish to have your character die via their explosive collar detonating, please contact one of the members of the staff team to work out the details of the death prior to it being posted. Collar deaths that are not written with the prior approval of the staff team will either need to be edited or be declared non-canon.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:20 pm
by SOTF_Help
Activity Rules, Inactivity, & Aways

Once each game starts, we expect a certain level of activity from our handlers. This is to make sure that each version proceeds smoothly and that there are as few disruptions as possible for the sake of game health.

1. At a minimum, we require a single post every two weeks (fourteen days), unless we have been notified that a handler is Away during this time. Away handlers receive fourteen days plus the duration of their time Away (within the restrictions listed in the Away thread).

2. Inactivity is measured from the exact moment a post goes up. After fourteen days (or 336 hours) have passed without a post, a character is considered inactive.

3. When a character becomes inactive, the handler will be notified. Each handler is entitled to one single activity warning per version. This warning will take the form of a message from the staff notifying the handler that one or more of their characters are inactive. After a handler receives a warning, they immediately enter a one week grace period in which none of their characters will be considered inactive, allowing them to catch up on posts.

4. A handler who has received an inactivity warning becomes ineligible to participate in the official adoption system for the remainder of the version unless they have no remaining characters. They may, however, still be given characters by other handlers outside the system, though they will be subject to all the usual caveats in doing so (for more information, see the section on adoption rules).

5. A character who becomes inactive after their handler has been warned is considered "terminally inactive". This means that the handler has, by not posting, forfeited their rights to the character. At this point, the staff team will take control of the character and dispose of them in one of two ways, detailed below. Additionally, a handler who receives a second activity warning is barred from participating in the official adoption system during the next version as well as the current one.

6. Until one-third of the characters in the game have been rolled and the rolls posted publicly, terminally inactive characters are given to new handlers or handlers without full rosters to write, as detailed in the adoption rules.

7. During the latter two-thirds of the game (or if the character is deemed unsuitable for adoption by the staff due to sensitive subject matter or other extenuating circumstances), they will be killed off anonymously by SOTF_Help. This may take the form of suicide, an accident, a fight with other terminally inactive characters, or (usually) collar detonation in a Danger Zone. Once a character has been declared terminally inactive, the initial handler has no further role in the proceedings. They will not be allowed to write the death themselves or control its direction in any fashion. If the character is already in a scene which is supposed to lead to their death, staff may make an effort to carry on with the plan, but this is not their responsibility and the character may be killed in another fashion if it is more convenient.

8. Handlers are able to appeal notification of inactivity. Such appeals must occur within three days of the activity warning being given. During these three days, characters will not be auctioned for adoption or killed off. Appeals may be granted or denied (with explanation) at staff discretion, based on the circumstances of the inactivity and handler activity history (such as prior warnings in previous versions).

9. If an appeal is granted, a handler will receive forty-eight hours from the moment of granting to post. Away posts made during this period will not be honored. You may prepare a post even as the appeal is being processed, but you should never post until your appeal has been granted. The only exception is in the case of staff error; should that occur, the handler will be allotted forty-eight hours or their actual remaining time, whichever is greater.

10. Inactivity sweeps (aka, staff checking all currently alive characters for activity) may occur at any time. Unless you are officially Away or have a real-life extenuating circumstance, inactivity generally will not be excused. You are solely responsible for making sure that your characters do not go inactive.

11. To avoid inactivity, handlers are encouraged to post in the current Official Away Thread (found in the "Roleplaying Discussion" forum) whenever they know for sure that they're going to be away for a certain amount of time. If for whatever reason a handler is unable to post in the thread, they are encouraged to contact someone else or a member of staff to post on their behalf.

12. If you are "Away", your officially noted time away from the site will not count as inactive time against your characters. Staff reserve the right to determine what constitutes both a valid reason and time for being away; if you plan to be away for more than six weeks, this is such a hindrance to the site that you will be asked to give up your characters for adoption instead, or they may be killed at staff discretion. Please be aware that being away does not make you exempt from rolls or Danger Zones for game health reasons.

13. "Placeholder" posts DO NOT count as posts for the purposes of the activity system. They do not count EVEN IF they are edited to include content, as staff are not notified of edits and do not have time to constantly dig through older threads. In order for a post to count for the purposes of the activity system, they must be sufficiently detailed and complete enough to allow activity in the thread to continue unimpeded, allow other handlers and readers to understand what is happening, and provide something of substance for other characters to engage with (such as thoughts, actions, and the like). Because of the varying natures of threads and posts and writing styles, situations will be judged case by case. Should you feel that a post in your thread is problematic, please notify a staff member so that staff may review it.

14. Handlers may put up "one-shots" (see Roleplaying #10) to avoid inactivity. However, consecutive one-shots DO NOT count as posts for the purposes of the activity system. Every character must participate in one multi-post thread with at least one other character present between each one-shot for them to count as posts for the purposes of the activity system. Collaborative posts (posts written by multiple handlers and involving multiple characters, but posted by only one handler) only count for activity for the posting handler, and NOT any of the collaborators. Additionally, these posts DO NOT count as one-shots for the purposes of area thread limits and may not be posted when there is an active thread in a location.

15. Activity rules change significantly during a version's Endgame, as detailed under the Endgame specific rules.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:21 pm
by SOTF_Help
Escape Attempts

Escapes are allowed, but are intended to be exceedingly difficult. They inherently carry a very heavy risk to attempt, and characters won't get another chance to try if they fail. All of this is to maintain the game's verisimilitude, as characters are high-school students with limited supplies trying to overcome an organization of expertly-trained adults while being constantly monitored.

1. If you want your character to try to escape, contact the staff via board PM or Discord, detailing your character's plan, step by step, as well as a list of all the characters involved.

2. If your plan involves other characters, a direct PM will be required from each handler involved, stating that they are approving their character's involvement and potential death, even if the attempt is successful.

3. Upon receiving the plan, Staff will confirm that the plan has been received and whether or not the plan is viable to attempt. Staff will not confirm whether the plan will succeed or fail until it is attempted in-character.

4. Should you choose to enact the plan, you will need to handle it in-character, checking in with staff step by step (and post by post). After each step, SOTF_Help will let you know what happens via PM.

5. You will be able to write the outcome of your character's escape attempt, regardless of whether your plan succeeds or fails.

6. Members of the staff team are barred from having their characters initiate or engineer escape plans, and may not contribute metagame knowledge to escape plans from non-staff handlers.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:21 pm
by SOTF_Help
Weapons, Possessions, & Supplies

1. At the start of every version, characters are rolled weapons from a premade weapon list staff create prior to the version start. These are assigned the same way that deaths are decided—via random number generation.

2. New weapons can be acquired via roleplaying with other handlers. Handlers may exchange weapons between characters, or weapons can be acquired from dead characters (either by the killer or by scavengers). Keep in mind, though, that a weapon is always left in the condition last established by the handler (for example, if a handler establishes that a gun was down to one bullet, it won't magically be refilled when you get it).

3. Characters may also pick up random items lying about the arena. Keep in mind that all items that could be used as deadly weapons without much effort or improvisation (such as knives, guns, and tools) will be stripped from the arena before the students arrive. Should you make a post where your character finds something that would constitute a deadly weapon, you will be asked to remove it from the post. However, mundane objects such as broomsticks and extension cords can be acquired without the need for staff approval. Should you have questions about what your character can scavenge in their environment, make sure to contact a staff member for guidance.

4. Any and all items found on the island that are intended to be used in an escape attempt MUST be cleared with staff prior to their acquisition. If you attempt to use an item that was not cleared with staff in an escape attempt, your attempt will be denied outright.

5. As each student is dropped off in their respective positions scattered across the island, they are issued a designated daypack. These daypacks are black duffel bags with the character's designated number emblazoned on the outside in white. Inside the daypack are essential contents to help ensure the students' survival on the island. In the spoiler below, you'll be given a run-down of each item, along with the purpose they'll serve in helping to aid your character's survival.
[+] Daypack Contents
Each character receives the same amount of rations, which include two loaves of bread, two tins of crackers, ten high-energy survival ration food bars and four one-liter bottles of water. The arenas that the characters are trapped on have typically been abandoned for years, so additional rations will be sparse.

Map and Compass.
Each character is provided a map of the island, along with a compass to help navigate it.

Designated Weapon and Instruction Manual.
Note that you'll only be receiving an instruction manual if your weapon warrants it. Designated weapons vary between characters, and are randomly assigned by the Arthro Taskforce. Weapons can range from useless jokes to powerful guns and all things in between.

Given that there's no electricity anywhere on the island, you're going to need a flashlight if characters want to navigate dark corridors or the wilderness in the dead of night. Just be careful not to draw any unwanted attention.

Extra Duffle Bag.
Students will usually have some belongings in their bags at the time of the abduction. All of these have been rummaged through, and personal belongings that could cause problems down the line (read: extra weapons, laptop computers, pen and paper etc.) have been confiscated. Anything else you’ve been allowed to keep, all tucked away in an extra duffle bag!

The First Aid Kit.
In order to facilitate the student's survival, and to ensure that a single injury doesn't end up life-threatening on its own, the Arthro Taskforce has supplied every student with a standard Red Cross issued first aid kit. The first aid kit contains the following:
[+] First Aid Kit Contents
This is a standard, fully-stocked first aid kit. Details on components may be found here. The kit is an olive green box, made of metal. It contains:
-Pocket mask
-Face shield
-Adhesive bandages, including knuckle bandages
-Sterile dressings
-Non-Adhesive bandages (varying lengths and widths, not guaranteed sterile)
-Butterfly closure strips
-Sterile surgical sutures and needle
-Saline solution
-Antiseptic wipes
-Burn dressing
-Hypoallergenic adhesive tape
-Surgical mask
-Safety Scissors
-Alcohol pads
-Hand sanitizer
-Emergency blanket
-Oral rehydration salts
-Aloe gel
-Burn relief gel
-Tincture of benzoin
-Anti-fungal cream
Other items specific to each version may be included in addition to the above items, which will be detailed in that version's Prologue if applicable.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:22 pm
by SOTF_Help
Code of Conduct

These rules pertain to the conduct of handlers in the official SOTF Discord server.

1. If someone asks you to stop doing something, do it. If you believe that you are being inoffensive, knock it off anyways. If you think you're being harmless, be prepared to explain why to the staff should the situation escalate.

2. If you have an issue with someone's behavior, you may invoke the Code of Conduct to ask them to stop. If this doesn't work, report it to staff. If you escalate the situation or retaliate, you will share responsibility if/when the staff does get involved. Please do not use the Code of Conduct frivolously; it is not intended to be used against people for disagreeing with you. If you misuse the Code of Conduct, your ability to invoke it may be revoked by staff.

3. Criticism of characters and expression of opinions is allowed. Relentless mocking of characters is not. We want all our writers to feel welcome and safe in chat. Saying, "I do not like character X because their reactions are unrealistic and they seem lacking in emotional depth" is fine. Saying, "character Y's dumb and gonna start eating corpses now" is not. If you're unclear on where the line is drawn, ask a member of staff.

4. Listen to the staff if they are acting in a staff capacity. We are here to make sure all the members of the site feel welcome. If that means telling our friends to calm down, we will do it. It's nothing personal.

5. Violation of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, including being temporarily muted in the chat, or outright suspensions from the chat, the site, or both.

6. Our Discord server is members-only. We ask that every member of the server have an account on the site. You do not have to use, post with, log into, or otherwise interact with your account, but you do need to have one. If you are on the server and do not currently have an account, we ask you to make one within a week. If you are a newbie and want to get a feel for the community before joining the site, that's totally okay! We just ask that within a week of your joining the server, if you think this is someplace you want to hang out, you make an account on the site.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:24 pm
by SOTF_Help
SOTF Account & Honesty Policies

1. On SOTF, handlers are not allowed to have multiple accounts simultaneously active. This is because we only allow so many characters per handler.

There are some rare instances where a handler may wish to change accounts. If a username change is all that is desired, that can be easily accommodated. Should you want a whole new account, however, please let staff know that you had an old one and which it was. We're fine with accounts being switched if there's a good reason or it's been a long time since you were around. Many of our handlers fall into this category. We need to know about it, though, so that we can track things like adoption eligibility, activity warnings, and staff notes/warnings between accounts, and also so the old account can be locked.

Running multiple accounts at once is effectively cheating, and will result in a ban. Changing accounts without notifying staff will be frowned upon heavily, and will result in a ban should it be determined that any inappropriate action was taken or advantage gained. If not, the handler will be warned and may face further consequences, up to and including a ban depending on the circumstances.

2. Due to incidents of ban evasion, the use of proxy servers to log into the site is disallowed. For those who do not know, proxy servers hide the location of your login. They provide no other real utility, and as such are most commonly used as a tool to evade security precautions. They are not the same thing as naturally refreshing IP addresses (which many countries have) and if your IP frequently changes for reasons besides proxy use, you have no cause for concern. We implemented this rule to better allow us to quickly weed out potential security threats. The response/repercussions for handlers using a proxy beyond this point will vary according to the situation, but if we have any reason to suspect that they are ban-evaders they will be banned as such.

If you have any questions about this rule, or if you believe that you have a legitimate need to use a proxy to access our site, please contact staff. We're very willing to discuss the situation and to make case-by-case exceptions given adequate reason; we simply want our official and default stance to be clear here.

3. Nobody is ever required to share personal information. If someone asks for information and the request is denied, that's fine, and the person keeping private should not be harassed. If you want to make up a fake name for use on the site, that is fine as long as you let everyone know it's not your real name. That's a perfectly acceptable part of privacy, just let us know you're taking these precautions.

4. Any information you choose to share should be true. Should it come out that you have lied, that will be a bannable offense. We're being very hard-line on this because SOTF is a close-knit community. We've had members meet offline often. Relationships have started through the site. Dishonesty represents a serious problem, possibly even one that goes beyond a betrayal of trust to affect offline safety of our members. This is an area in which we cannot compromise.

5. SOTF respects that gender identity is not an easy or simple subject. This policy in no way obligates transgender, gender-questioning, or genderqueer members to disclose that they are. It does, however, mean that masquerading as a gender you do not identify as will be treated like any other lying. (Note that this in no way obligates anyone to come out before they're comfortable doing so. We understand that this is a process, and staying closeted until you're comfortable is not a violation of this policy.)

6. Similarly, deception through misdirection or "guessing games" is also banned. If you wish to keep your personal information private, that is fine. Do not, however, use it to tease or entice other members. Do not attempt to convey incorrect impressions. Do not lie through omission or implication. All of these things, depending on the incident and context, may be treated like any other lying.

7. This policy does not mean you can't joke around in chat or be humorously dishonest. The key thing here is, everyone needs to quickly find out that you're joking. As an example, a well-established handler claiming to be the opposite of who they truly are in chat as a brief joke is okay because everyone knows the truth and it's easily verifiable. Running jokes are okay. Attempts at legitimate misdirection are not. If in doubt, ask the staff; we keep member confidentiality in all cases where it is not a matter of safety (individual or community).

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:25 pm
by SOTF_Help
Endgame & Epilogues

Endgame is the time during which the final handful of characters face off. It usually contains four characters, but this may vary depending on the actions of the handlers slated to be in Endgame. This section contains the rules specific to Endgame (and the post-endgame Epilogue), including rules dictating how the winner is selected, how rolls in Endgame are conducted, and activity rules.

0. Endgame is an exciting time for the whole site, especially those taking part. While it can be both fun and tense, we expect endgame participants to continue to demonstrate good sportsmanship and honesty in the home stretch just as we do during the rest of the game. In the context of endgame the emphasis should be on treating your collaborators with fairness, respect, and goodwill. The game is designed to have one winner, but that does not mean that it is designed to be competitive; the goal is collaboration. Staff intend to be largely hands-off during the endgame planning and allow endgamers to work things out amongst themselves, but we will step in to arbitrate if it becomes necessary. Keep things civil, and remember that we are all here to have fun.

1. Inactivity for Endgame is handled differently. When it becomes a handler's turn to post, they have seven days to get a post up instead of the usual fourteen. If they fail to do so, their character gets declared terminally inactive and is modkilled. This deadline is strictly enforced down to the hour, and there are no activity warnings in Endgame. It doesn't matter if an inactive character was supposed to win; inactivity will be enforced. Being Away is still allowed, but will be very closely scrutinized and must be announced at least three days in advance for all incidents except emergencies, as staff hopes to avoid huge delays caused by handlers being gone for long stretches of time. If a handler will be gone for a very lengthy duration, the staff reserves the right to ask them to select a handler to take responsibility for their character in their absence.

2. If a handler has no interest in being in Endgame, or if they do not feel that they can keep up with the posting regime, they can opt out before the final pre-Endgame rolls by sending Help a PM stating that they are doing so. Staff will count those characters as automatically rolled, then roll down to the final four (or whatever is being done for the version) from whoever remains.

3. There is a time limit of one month after the death of the final pre-Endgame character for those handlers in Endgame to determine a winner. This decision must be a unanimous agreement between everyone participating in Endgame. If a winner is not determined in the allotted time, then Endgame will automatically go to rolls.

4. If winner determination goes to rolls, Endgame handlers will be allowed to observe rolls as they are conducted, with new discussion and a new vote for the winner being conducted between each roll. Once a handler's character has been rolled, their vote no longer counts for unanimous winner determination. Should a handler not want their character to win when Endgame goes to rolls, they may opt-out of the Endgame rolls, with their character being treated as if they were rolled normally.

5. Once a winner is determined, there is a deadline of one week to post the opening post of the Endgame thread. The onus for the thread starting is on the winner. While the winner is not required to post the first post in the thread, they will suffer the consequences if it is not posted in the allotted time, as if they had otherwise gone inactive in Endgame.

6. Should the previously determined winner be killed (either through inactivity or through handler action), Endgame will be paused for one month to let any remaining handlers determine a new winner, with rolls being conducted for this, if necessary.

7. Once Endgame has concluded, the winner will be able to write an Epilogue for their character, describing the aftermath of the game. Each post in the Epilogue must be submitted for review by the staff team before being posted, to ensure that no elements of the post conflict with the setting or the characterization of the Arthro Taskforce.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:25 pm
by SOTF_Help
Character Adoption

The process of adoption (transfer of a character from one handler to another) works as follows:

1. Characters that are being put up for adoption will be named in the Adoption Zone as eligible. Handlers may then post to submit "bids" for the character for up to a week afterwards. If no bids are made, the character is killed off in an inactive death. If there is only one bid, the character goes to the handler in question. If there are multiple bids, the handler which gets the character is determined by the priority list (see Adoption rule #3).

2. A character may become available for adoption only if they meet certain conditions. First, the character must have gone terminally inactive, and was not appealed or the appeal was denied. Second, the handler of said character must not have posted as "Away" or otherwise indicated they were not going to be able to post. Third, the character cannot have been previously adopted. Fourth, it cannot be too late into the game at the time of adoption (past the 1/3rd point).

3. Handlers making bids for a character will be ranked in a hierarchy determined by this list, with the character going to the handler of the highest tier:
  1. New handlers who didn't get a chance to take part, but have been actively participating in other areas of the site for at least a month (i.e. on the non-RPing boards or the chat).
  2. Returning members who did not submit any characters for the current version and would like to participate.
  3. New handlers who didn't get a chance to take part, and are brand-new to SOTF.
  4. Handlers who were in the game, but all of their characters are dead.
  5. Handlers who are currently in the game, with one character.
  6. As above, but with two characters.
  7. As above, but with three characters.
  8. Handlers who have received an activity warning during the current version, but who have no characters left.
4. Handlers are ineligible to adopt a character through this system if they have had a character go terminally inactive in the current or prior version, or if they have adopted a character in the version already. Additionally, handlers may be ineligible to adopt at staff discretion, decided on a case-by-case basis, if they have adopted a character in the past and treated them badly (using them as fodder, not attempting to play them properly, etc).

5. If a handler wishes to pass a character to their friend, this will be allowed in any circumstances other than if it would take the beneficiary over their personal character limit. To do this, both parties must PM a member of staff consenting to the character transfer. A handler may still receive a character handed off in this method if they have adopted a character previously in the current version. However, if they have adopted through this method, they are NOT allowed to then proceed to adopt another character through the official system.

6. If a character is adopted via hand-off to another handler during Pregame, the original handler and the recipient are not disqualified from adopting through the official system during the game proper.

7. Newly adopted characters will be ineligible to be Swapped or Heroed out for the space of three rolls, regardless of whether they are adopted through the official system or are handed off by another handler, and regardless of whether that handler gives permission. This is to prevent handlers from adopting characters solely to bolster their original characters' chances of surviving. You may still Swap or Hero to save newly adopted characters. After three rolls, adopted characters will be treated as any other characters, and may be Swapped or Heroed normally. Note that this rule applies even if you adopt back a character you originally created and handled.

8. Any character adopted after the 1/3rd point of the version, or any character adopted by a handler who has already adopted a character during the version, will not be considered as belonging to their new handler for the purposes of protection against double rolls. These characters will be considered unattached, and may be rolled regardless of whether one of their handler's other characters is rolled in a given set.

9. If a character is given up for adoption, whether through a hand-off from one handler to another or through inactivity, they become the sole property of their new handler, to do with as they please. If you have handed off a character to another handler, you forfeit all rights to post with that character, including in Memories from the Past and other game sections.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:26 pm
by SOTF_Help
Applications to Staff

Periodically, the SOTF staff team may allow for applications for new staff members. These applications (and the subsequent tests) are handled as the following:

1. We will accept applications for two weeks (fourteen days) after applications open. Soon after this point, we will move into the staff application test.

2. The staff application test will consist of at least two phases. The first phase involves critiquing example profiles. The second involves answering questions related to staff work and performing miscellaneous tasks that may be expected of a staff member.

3. In order to be eligible for consideration, a handler must have been a member of SOTF for at least three months, and must have handled a character in an actual version or have handled a character actively in the ongoing version for at least three months.

4. There is no penalty for choosing to be tested, regardless of the staff team's feelings, but the staff team will not inform you of your likelihood to be accepted at any point. You are free to declare that you would rather not be tested in the event that the staff team feels that you're an unsuitable candidate based on your application, and will receive a polite declination if that is indeed the case.

5. Once you have begun the application, all communications relating to it should be channeled through SOTF_Help. Any communications addressed to individual staffers will be grounds for mandatory immediate rejection of your application. Any communications with individual staffers which are not reported by the staffers will result in consequences for the staffer in question upon discovery. We have had way too many instances of this in the past, and it puts staffers in an uncomfortable position, therefore it is now a zero-tolerance issue.

6. Furthermore, PMs to Help should only be questions regarding the content of the current test section or notifications regarding your availability so that test sections can be rescheduled. In the past, we've had many applicants provide updates or commentary as they worked, and while this is generally innocuous it has occasionally led to slower responses. Staff log and discuss every communication with Help related to the test, so for the sake of brevity and ease of response we want to keep it completely business related. As such, PMs outside these guidelines will be counted against you.

7. Please remember that staff applications should remain secret until new staff are chosen. This is a part of the test. Staffers must be good at keeping secrets, and this lets us test you on that front. If you mention having applied, directly or through insinuations, this will be held against you during consideration.

8. Finally, deadlines in the test are absolute. If you will be absent during a part of the testing period, please notify staff right away, and they will reschedule your personal test for later, giving you the same total time as everyone else. If you do not do this and do not meet the deadline, your application will be rejected. This ensures that everyone receives the same amount of time, and also avoids delaying the entire test while waiting for one person.

Re: Official SOTF Rulebook

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:31 pm
by SOTF_Help
Contacting Staff

SOTF staff members are readily identifiable by their purple usernames on the boards and on the Discord channel. If you need to contact the staff team, you should PM the SOTF_Help account and then your message will be reviewed by staff. While staff tries to check on the SOTF_Help account as often as possible, delays do happen, and so if you have not received a response in a few days time, please message a staffer directly to alert us. If you have a question or concern that necessitates an urgent response, make sure to nudge a staff member on Discord to check the SOTF_Help inbox after you send your PM.

The current SOTF staff team (as of 8/11/24) is: Deamon, VoltTurtle, Buko, Ruggahissy, Kermit and Gundham.