Leslie Romero


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Leslie Romero


Post by Jilly »

Name: Leslie Santana Romero
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: R/C helicopters, skateboarding, simulation video games

Appearance: Leslie stands at 5'3" and weighs 155 lbs. He is quite short and a little overweight, although due to his somewhat active lifestyle, the extra weight makes him look more stout than pudgy. He is Cuban-American with a light-brown skin tone that tans easily.

Leslie has a round face with beady, dark-brown eyes, a small mouth, and a round nose which gives him the appearance like that of a bear. He has thick, black hair uniformly shaved down to just the skin, and he keeps his facial hair trimmed down as well. He has some acne scarring mostly concentrated on the left side of his face.

Leslie dresses in a casual, streetwear style. On the day of the abduction he was wearing a brown denim jacket with a gray hooded lining, a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of yellow Timberland boots. He also had on a nondescript brown belt around his waist and a gold cross necklace.

Biography: Leslie was born on November 11th, 2003 to Gabriel and Sara Romero in Tampa, Florida. Gabriel worked as an aerospace engineer for the United States Air Force before eventually retiring and subsequently working as a real estate agent the year before Leslie entered high school. Due to being in a household that didn't need both parents to work, Sara was mostly stay-at-home mom, occasionally working part-time gigs for supplemental income. Leslie has no siblings.

Growing up, Leslie was a child who mostly kept to himself and was a bit of a loner. Part of this was due to his natural disposition, but another factor was due to moving around fairly often due to his father's job in the military. This instability, along with having to change schools and locations fairly often, meant that Leslie would have a hard time keeping friends or really opening up to people as he felt there was no point in making strong bonds if he was just going to have to move again in a few months. This way of thinking would continue until 8th grade when Leslie's father retired from the military and ultimately rooted the family in Salem, several miles from the last air force base he had worked at.

Other than some slight resentment in having to move constantly, Leslie has a good relationship with his parents. He appreciates his mother as someone sensible who he can talk to about anything or come to with any problems he's having, although there are some things he does keep secret from her. He also appreciates his father and views him as a strong, male role model to look up to, although he doesn't have as strong of a relationship with him as he'd like to due to his work hours and him more or less being gone away from the house very often.

One hobby Leslie does get to enjoy with his father is remote control helicopters and airplanes. His father made it a point to bond with him early on over his favorite hobby. Due to the thrill of trying to operate a machine and keeping it in the air along with the puzzle-solving elements of troubleshooting problems or physically fixing issues, Leslie grew an attachment to it as well. Later on when he was able to start taking odd jobs such as mowing the neighbors' lawn, Leslie would use his own funds to finance and purchase his own remote control vehicles.

Just before middle school, Leslie would also develop an interest in skateboarding, initially using it as an excuse to try to bond with a school friend who had invited him to go on the weekend. He pretty quickly found it rather fun and would try to go to the skate park or just skateboard around town whenever he felt like it, although he is very bad at pulling off any tricks and just has fun swaying around on a board.

Around sophomore year of high school, Leslie became interested in business and engineering simulation video games. Not being much of a gamer, he got an interest in checking out Planet Coaster after some of his friends were talking about it. After getting it as a gift from his parents for his birthday, he fell in love with it as a near limitless construction toy box of sorts along with the business management angle to it. Later on after looking up similar games on the internet he would also find joy in simpler, older games like the Roller Coaster Tycoon series and OpenTTD.

Leslie does alright in school, mainly getting Bs and Cs and doing about what he needs to to graduate, though he could do better if he studied harder. He does really enjoy math and science and will put more of an effort to pay attention in class and will sometimes manage to pull off a few As. Socially, he is somewhere on the outside of things. He is friendly enough, but some of his peers do think that he is cold and hard to read. He has tried to work on opening up to people his age in a more meaningful level, especially now that his family has settled down in a place, but he still struggles to create those strong relationships.

After high school Leslie doesn't know what he wants to do, although he has entertained the idea of going to trade school and becoming an electrician.

Advantages: Leslie is practical and calm, and he will generally think things through a few times before acting instead of leaving it all up to intuition. He also has fairly decent stamina due to his outdoor activities like skateboarding and lawn mowing.
Disadvantages: Although he does have friends, he will be entering the game without any real close connections, which may put him at a disadvantage in regards to the social game.
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Post by backslash »

Alright *cracks knuckles*.

Leslie looks really good and is DENIED pending just a couple of minor things!

You mention that he keeps his facial hair trimmed, but what sort of facial hair does he have? Mustache, beard, soul patch, etc.?

I'd like a bit more elaboration on Leslie's disposition and calm nature, since that's named as one of his advantages. It only gets a passing mention in the bio right now. I'd also like one more disadvantage, as right now he only has lack of close connections listed.

That's all, so post in here when you've added those things, and Leslie should be ready to go!
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by backslash »

This character biography has had no alterations for more than two weeks and has been put in the abandoned characters forum. This profile is eligible for resubmission by the handler upon alterations requested by the staff.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."

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