Amos Flanigan

i don't have my other profile's edits ready but need to get in the queue

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Amos Flanigan


Post by Jilly »

Name: Flanigan, Amos
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Outdoorsmanship, gardening, chess

Appearance: Amos stands at about 6'5" and weighs about 160 lbs. He is rather gaunt and looks older than his age with sharp, somewhat skeletal facial features, although he does not appear sickly and is just rather thin. He has pale skin and burns easily in the sun, especially over the summer. His eyes are green and deep-set and he keeps his sandy blonde hair loose and wavy; the back of his hair extends down over the nape of his neck before curling inward.

Amos tends to have a very relaxed presence, and walks and stands with a slight stoop. His voice is equally rich and soothing and his Upper Midwestern accent is apparent, although he has lost a little of it in the past few years since moving to Salem.

Amos doesn't keep up or care about fashions much, let alone the funds to explore options. Most of his clothes tend to be hand-me-downs from his older siblings, or generally bought cheap from bargain retail stores.

On the day of the abduction, Amos was wearing a tan t-shirt with "Lowell Fishing Tournament - Ft. Lauderdale FL July 5-7 2019" in white block letters superimposed over a graphic of a black fin tuna. He also had on a pair of blue jeans and black logger boots. He also had on a dark green, sherpa lined flannel shirt jacket.

Biography: Amos was born on October 11th, 2003 in St. Paul, Minnesota to Rudy and Clare Flanigan, a police officer and a payroll specialist for a local environmental consultation company respectively. Amos was preceded by two older brothers, Kirk (22) and Douglas (26), though currently in his household it is just him and his parents.

As a kid, Amos was always a warm, personable sort and had an easy time integrating into his peers through play. Although he never found himself bored sitting at home, he always enjoyed being outside much more and regularly went on camping and fishing trips with his father and brothers since he could hold a fishing pole.

Around middle school, looking for a fun activity, Clare started trying to run a backyard vegetable garden, initially strong-arming everyone in the family but eventually only relying on Amos to be of any help, also turning it into a bonding experience between the two of them. Amos enjoys it as another excuse to be outdoors, along with the joy of taking care of a tomato plant much like a child and enjoying the fruits of his labor when harvest time came.

In the spring before graduating from middle school, due to the death of Rudy's mother and the failing health of his father who lived on the outskirts of the Boston area, the family decided to leave and move closer to help take care of him in his last few years. Amos was initially frustrated with this news as he'd have to move away from what he considered his home and his friends along with being neutral about the state of his grandfather as he was never that close to him, but as it wasn't his call he accepted that he just had to come to terms with moving cross country.

Shockingly Amos did not take well to the move anyway through the entirety of his freshman year, uncharacteristically withdrawing himself and not bonding much with his new peers upon entering high school or even his family, preferring to stay in his room and listen to music or browse the internet on his phone for hours after coming home from school. His parents, although concerned, chalked it up to teenage angst and maintained distance from him to let him figure out his issues.

Amos's attitude didn't change until he started bonding with his grandfather through chess games, first doing so to humor the old man but eventually enjoying both the strategy and the social aspects of games, using the time to talk to his grandfather about school or his parents or life in general. These talks led to Amos opening back up to both the rest of his family along with putting in an effort to make friends at school and joining clubs.

After his depressive episode Amos has been a fairly decent student, making straight B's with A's in math and the sciences. He struggles somewhat in the humanities, having to put an extra effort in to memorize facts he considers boring and worthless. As far as after-school activities go Amos is a member of the chess club along with the Adventure Club, where he and his peers go on hiking or camping or fishing trips and the like about once a month.

Socially Amos has done well for himself and tries to be friendly and a positive presence to his friends and peers, although he's a bit of a floater when it comes to people. He wouldn't consider himself particularly close or attached to any specific friend circles, but he enjoys getting dragged into parties or gatherings and meeting new people. He tries to read the room and back off if someone isn't receptive to him or avoids specific people he's not particularly fond of versus engaging with them, but his tendency to be a social chameleon has labeled him as somewhat as a fence-sitter when it comes to issues along with his genuineness coming off to his detractors as being so aggressive it's fake.

After high school, Amos plans on continuing with education and wants to get a degree in biology, aspiring to get a career in the environmental field. He hasn't made his choice out of the schools he has applied to just yet, but expects to do so shortly.

Advantages: Amos is low energy and amicable and should have an easy time finding allies upon entering the game. His outdoor survival experiences will help him adapt to the environmental pressures of the game.
Disadvantages: Amos's friendliness may be too off-putting for some people. He may also have trouble with the other social pressures of the game, mainly with the high stakes nature along with the possibility of making alliances with the wrong people that will drag him down.
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Post by backslash »

Hey there Jilly, I'll be getting Amos today. He is temporarily DENIED for just a few small fixes.

I'd like a little more elaboration on what sort of outdoors skills Amos has that would help him on the island; we can infer basics, but since his skillset would reflect the sort of outdoors environments he's been in, specifics are also helpful. Can he make a shelter, make a fire, catch or forage food, etc?

Similarly, I don't see his listed disadvantage of struggling with the social pressures of the game being that different from what most people in the situation would experience. What downsides are there for Amos specifically in relation to those pressures that other people might not have?
Amos doesn't keep up or care about fashions much, let alone have the funds to explore options.
That's really all I've got for Amos, so post in here when you have made those edits and I'll give him another look!
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by backslash »

This character biography has had no alterations for more than two weeks and has been put in the abandoned characters forum. This profile is eligible for resubmission by the handler upon alterations requested by the staff.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."

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