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Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 1:05 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Tenshi Marie Anastasie Fukushima-Yves: Now Giving Fashion Advice To Her Peers For FREE!!!!*

*whether they like it or not

Isn't she generous? Anyway, here's the drill: sign up by posting in this thread to get all your kids with approved profiles (in pregame or finals) evaluated on their fashion sense, complete with some pointers from the Number One Fashion Princess In The Whole Wide World. (and it would be helpful, but not mandatory, to list the names of your approved kids in the signup post too). You can also state you're excluding one or more of your kids, if you wanna.

Completed Signups Here:
1. Grand Moff Hissa
2. LordOfAwesome
3. Dogs231
4. Yonagoda
5. Deamon
6. ViolentMedic
7. KamiKaze

Disclaimer: Tenshi is a jerk and incredibly biased. Her opinions are not representative of her handler's opinions, on fashion or otherwise.

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 1:26 pm
by Pippi
hell yeah hell fucking yeah

I would love to hear Tenshi's thoughts on my childs' (and by extension, my) fashion attempts!! These childs being Trinity Ashmore, Robin Valenti, Jess Kawazoe, Beatrice Briggs, Poppy Fontaine, and Ada Bentley!

I've linked both the pregame and main game outfits for both Trinity and Jess because they have notable differences between them but I also fully understand i have _a handful_ of kids so absolutely please do not feel any pressure to cover both outfits!

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:41 pm
by Ryuki
Interesting. All of my kids have been approved for the game, and I'd like to hear Tenshi's thoughts on their fashion sense.

-Karen Nguyen
-Chester Folk
-Dominiqua Ashmore
-Wendy Kennedy

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 3:10 pm
by CardboardAirplane
Well shucks, I do have only one character approved at the moment but considering it's the one I gave fuckin rainbow socks to, I'm very much fine with that.

Perante Losoa

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 7:51 pm
by Applesintime

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:22 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
In terms of clothing, Trinity is almost always found in dresses, particular sundresses and spring dresses. As with her nails, she favours light, bright colours such as blues and pinks. During the colder months, she’ll mostly stay indoors if she can help it, but when she begrudgingly goes outside, she has a small collection of warm jackets and pea coats. Trinity’s favourite outfit is a pink spring dress with white polka dots that reaches down to her knees, and she loves to accompany this with her nails painted in alternating pink and white.

On the day of the abduction, for the trip down to the Whiteface Mountain Ski Resort, Trinity swapped her usual spring dress out for a longer ankle-length one, in a thicker material, still in pink. To help keep out the cold, she wore a light pink pea coat over the top, a pair of black woolen gloves, and a pair of warm, white leggings. She also had on her favourite black Mary Janes and gunmetal grey glasses. Trinity had not painted her nails before the trip, as she anticipated wearing her gloves for the majority of it.
Alrighty, listen reeeeeal close: the thing you got going on with your nails is great! Love it! It's neat and visually interesting without getting overly busy or impractical like some nail tutorials you'll find online... they're still so pretty though... Alright, you better bask in that praise! Let it seep into your soul~ let it shield you! Because, uh...

Your favourite dress sucks. Like, polka dots were never cool, but you could work with just one piece that's polka-dotted. The entire dress though? Eugh, you look like the costumer for a kid's movie dressed you in something they bought from a department store to trick people into thinking you're 12!

As for the winter look, I'm nooooooooooooot sure about the silhouette, but like at least you dressed for the weather AND colour coordinated - well, except for the black gloves and black shoes, those are kinda glaring against pink, lighter pink, and white. Like, couldn't you at least get white gloves or something? And the shoes... I guess they can't be helped. Actually no, how much can those Mary Janes with like, the pink accents and heart clasps cost, 150 dollars?

In terms of clothing, Robin’s wardrobe is almost entirely made up of racing merchandise; mostly official Formula 1 gear and clothes sold by the teams, as well as a few unofficial shirts and hats referencing the sport. He has at least one item of clothing for each team currently participating in Formula 1, but the bulk of it is of the teams he follows most closely; Ferrari and Alfa Romeo. His go-to combination is a baseball cap, a jacket over a t-shirt, a pair of chinos or jeans, and a pair of trainers.

When Robin’s class was abducted, he was wearing a navy blue t-shirt underneath a replica 2019 Ferrari softshell jacket. The t-shirt featured a photograph of Charles Leclerc, edited so his torso was removed and his legs stretched up to his neck, with the text ‘Charles Leg’ above the image. He wore a pair of light tan chinos, a pair of red Puma trainers, and a replica Charles Leclerc Ferrari baseball cap. He also wore a papaya-orange McLaren Racing face mask, both due to his precautionary measures over the COVID-19 pandemic, and due to the fact it would help him keep warm.
Euuuuuuuuugh, this is the guy that hit on me that one time, can you imagine the nerve? I dunno if he even remembers it. He obviously didn't remember my high standards! And he creeps on Cedar too apparently?! Unforgivable.

So, "ROMEO", if you're interested in such a deadly sport in the first place you're probably not gonna live long enough to worry about this, but what's gonna happen when you... you know... have to develop an actual personality? Not sure if you've heard of it in the F1 circle.

And what is with everyone putting memes on t-shirts? Like yeah, the point of graphic t-shirts is to be funny and trashy for people who have to shop at the department store, but some things should just stay on the internet, kinda like you should have just stayed home from the trip and the fuck away from Cedar! She's too good for you! She's too good for all of the boys in this fucking school! I'm... MEENA WHAT WAS THE WORD? SISTER GENDER? I'm cisgender, but if I had a potion that could turn me into a boy, I'd drink it so that Cedar could finally find a guy in this school who wasn't mediocre, dear GOD.

...ahem. As I was gonna say, I'd give you props for making a face mask into a statement piece if that statement wasn't just more of the same shit that's all over you. Thanks for covering your stupid mug though. NEXT!

A lot of Jess’ clothing is either loose, such as a collection of oversized band t-shirts, or relatively revealing, such as her penchant for crop tops and denim cutoffs or daisy dukes. She dislikes wearing jeans, and never wears skirts; she will very begrudgingly wear dresses for events such as weddings and the like. She also frequently wears leggings or knee socks with her outfits. Jess has no piercings, but wears a couple of black metal bangles on each wrist, and a plain black leather choker. The one constant in each of Jess’ outfits is a pair of headphones, either on her head or around her neck. These are black in colour, with a black cartoon skull on a white circular background printed onto each earpiece.

Jess’ favourite outfit consists of a dark mauve spaghetti strap crop-top with a picture of a white cartoon skull, similar to the design on her headphones, and a pair of black cutoff shorts over the top of a pair of black and white horizontally striped leggings. The outfit also contains a pair of black platform sandals, two black bangles of various thickness on either wrist, her black leather choker, and her headphones. As her favoured outfit breaks school dress code, she generally wears an oversized t-shirt with the logo of one of her favourite artists, such as Swedish House Mafia, while at school, keeping her crop-top in her bag to change into later.

For the school trip, Jess had to make some notable adjustments to her usual ensemble, thanks to the cold weather. She wore a dark purple tank-top under a long-sleeved black t-shirt, both of which were a lot closer-fit than she was usually accustomed to wearing. The tank-top had neon blue text on it that said 'BAD AT VIDEO GAMES', and the t-shirt was a custom design in a thicker material, and had 'DJ JAZZY JESS' in holographic text at an angle printed on the front. She also wore a pair of grey hiking boots with red laces instead of her usual pair of sandals. She kept her cutoff shorts and black-and-white striped leggings, as she believed they would be enough to keep her warm, but she also had a pair of black windpants in her bag, just in case. Her mauve crop-top and platform sandals were also in her bag, as was a puffy maroon jacket that she was desperately hoping she wouldn't need to wear. In terms of accessories, Jess wore her striped ribbons in her hair, her black leather choker, two black metal bangles on each wrist, a K/DA Akali facemask on, and her skull-print headphones around her neck.
Oh. My. God. It's that trope of "she literally cannot wear sensible clothing because reasons" in REAL LIFE. Truth really IS stranger than fiction! Huh? Breathes through her skin...? Daniel what the FUCK are you talking about- Also wow, you're a cartoon skulls goth are you? A cartoon skulls and band t-shirt goth at that! If you wanna be moody and dramatic in fashion sense, there's literally tons of that in way more elegant designs this season. It can even be black and white if you insist on it!

Well, it's good to know you can at LEAST dress for cold weather. Hey, you didn't even sacrifice your normal ensemble to do it, even though that shorts and striped leggings combo is KILLING me, and not in a good way. God, it's like socks and sandals for pants! It MIGHT work with longer shorts? Might?! And your ribbons are striped too, which like... matching hair ribbons and leggings. That's a weird combo to colour coordinate. People agree that it's kinda weird, right? With nothing else at least. Like, maybe if your long sleeves were also striped it'd be neat, but they're not, they're plain black with... wait, is that YOUR logo? ...I should do that...

Also, HAH! LEAGUE FAN SPOTTED! Well, either that or you got unironically sucked into the k-pop band literally made to sell video game shit. Awful, just awful, even IF the mask is kinda cool. Like, on its own. Actually, that makes it MORE awful! God dammit! Now my pride won't let me wear the cool thing! This isn't fair!

Beatrice isn’t particularly fashion conscious and aims more for comfort and affordability in her dress over anything else. To that end, she prefers more traditionally masculine clothing over feminine, sticking to wearing jeans, cargo pants, and shorts, along with t-shirts and jackets. She’ll also frequently wear the training tops and shorts she owns, even when not exercising or practicing with the football team.

On abduction day, Beatrice was wearing a letterman jacket in the royal blue, white and gold colours of John Endecott Academy, over the top of a light green Adidas training top. She also wore a pair of navy blue jeans, white ankle socks, and a pair of black walking boots. Her hair was tied up with a simple black hair tie, and she had her traditional two white hair clips in her left bang. She also had a small pin, designed to look like the Pokemon Sewaddle, attached to her jacket.
Uh... I dunno what to say? The jacket looks too good for the rest of the look, which honestly kinda brings it down with it to mediocrity. The gold looks so lonely! Put something gold coloured on you to keep it company and bring it into the piece better!

...under that jacket is kinda atrocious though. Like, I've never liked that shade of light green. I guess it matches the sewaddle, but that little guy's so much cuter. I'd say putting a little spash of what you're wearing underneath your jacket on your jacket was a clever idea, if I was confident you actually intended it. And if the colour wasn't so... eugh, what is with sports companies and slabs of weird, sickly colours like that? Is it a material thing? I think if we're gonna treat sports people like modern day rockstars, we should start dressing them the part!

Poppy has a fairly simple style of dress, not going for anything particularly extravagant; most of her clothes are relatively inexpensive. She’ll commonly be found wearing a t-shirt and hoody, along with a skirt and either tights or knee socks depending on the weather. In warmer months she can be seen wearing tank tops and shorts, and in colder months, sweaters and jeans, along with a beanie and fingerless gloves if she’s going outside. She has a particular fondness for Converse shoes, along with hair accessories like bows and ribbons, and has recently started wearing other accessories like chokers and bracelets. She is very near-sighted, requiring a pair of black rectangular glasses in order to do almost anything.

On the day the students of John Endecott were abducted, Poppy was wearing a lavender t-shirt; the words ‘Dogs Hate Grapes’ along with a picture of a bunch of grapes crossed out were printed in white on the shirt. She also wore an unzipped, olive-green hoody with a white zipper and hood strings, which she had embroidered a pattern of brown paw prints onto, across the back and onto her right shoulder. In terms of her lower half, Poppy wore a sapphire blue skater skirt, stopping just above her knees, a pair of black knee socks, and a pair of light blue Converse. She also wore her glasses, and a number of accessories; a lavender bow pinned to the right-hand side of her hair, a pair of stud earrings in the design of the Cloud9 esports team logo, a black choker with a metal heart in the centre, and a woven bracelet with an amethyst in the centre on her right wrist.
I've never liked the hoodie-and-skirt combo. If you're gonna wear a sweater-and-skirt combo, you should do it with a nice sweater, not some cheap-looking, baggy... thingy. Also, it's such a shame you're not that into fashion with those glasses, you can pull off a really classic look in those! Oooh, has anyone ever tried putting bows and sparkly little 'kei stickers on their frames? That could be so cute! Someone should make that a trend!

And now...okay, I've been giving people a pass on jacket-colour and shirt-colour combos, but since you had the gall to leave yours unzipped, I'm forced to look at it. Who thinks purple and green is a good idea? And both lavender and olive are pale shades and shit, so if you put them together wrong it just looks... weird and bad like a dying flower patch. I mean, I GUESS the paleness means it's not as bad as it could be, can you imagine if it was bright purple and green? Eughhh. I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it. So, like, with that out of the way... you can pair purple with blue, or you can pair green with blue, but all three at once? Thaaaaat's a hard pass from me, especially with how rich the blue is in comparison! Like wow, why didn't you make that the centerpiece colour instead and keep the lavender and olive to the accents? That... could have worked actually!

...also, what's with girls with choker necklaces in this school? That's kind of a weird trend... I will give it a chance before passing judgement upon it.

Ada dresses simply the majority of the time, but she still stands out somewhat because of her penchant for bright colours. She prefers cold weather to hot, as she is more comfortable wearing clothes such as jackets, sweaters, cardigans and long skirts with tights. In hotter weather, she will switch to a mixture of simple but brightly coloured t-shirts and tank tops, along with shorts or knee length skirts. Ada also wears a couple of simple pieces of jewelry on most days. These consist of a simple woven bracelet with a small aquamarine, her birthstone, in the center, and a necklace made up of green jade shaped to resemble a magatama strung through a length of black cord.

On the day of the abduction, Ada was wearing a thick and warm long-sleeved sweater, which was a cherry red colour. She wore a simple bright purple t-shirt underneath, and completed her outfit with a dark blue ankle length skirt, black floral-patterned tights, and a pair of black flats. She also wore her glasses, her earrings, her bracelet and her magatama necklace on the trip.
Fiiiinaaaally, a cardigan truther! But if you didn't wear one on the trip, then tough luck. Not that I was gonna go easy on you if you were wearing a cardigan but, you know.

Aaaaaaand your penchant for bright colours has already bitten you in the ass. That cherry red sweater could be a look. That navy blue skirt could be a look. Those black patterned tights could be a look! But put em all together and they're less than the sum of their parts! It's a confusing mess of bold colours and statements! Like, there has to have been a better way to pull this all together, but I'm drawing a blank on what, it might just be unsalavagable honestly. Honestly, I need to take a minute to thank my incredible self restraint in not throwing on literally every piece of clothing that's my favourite on any given morning, for preventing me from looking like THAT.

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:24 am
by Buko
Let me put up my two kiddies

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:55 am
by Cicada
Surely Tenshi won't review bomb her bestest friend (she will)

(only characters making it through final sign ups will be Ashlyn, Salem, and Cedar)

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 1:32 am
by almostinhuman
please tear these bitches apart they can't dress themselves smfh

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:15 pm
by midnight_twelve
if Tenshi's not too busy singlehandedly waging war on our bad fashion choices, Chloe and Fred await their reckoning :D

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 1:12 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
In terms of fashion, her parents restrict her wardrobe to professional-looking or business attire, such as polos, blouses, khakis, slacks, and slip-on shoes. One the day of the abduction, Karen wore a gray long coat over a black blazer. Under that, she wore a white button-up shirt with a shirt pocket, a black miniskirt, black slip-on loafers, white knee-high socks, and a black tie.
Eughhh! I'm so lucky to be born with parents who actually know how to dress professionally, because I do NOT know when we decided khakis were it, they're like some horrible compromise between dress pants and pajamas. Have they ever put you in a blouse and khaki combo? They seem dumb enough to do that and AH! I accidentally visualized it and I might just die like I saw the video in The Ring - wouldn't that be horrible?! All 31 of my subscribers would be so upset! ...and, you know, so would my friends. Karen's parents, you're monsters!

And they can't even dress you for the weather properly! Who puts their kid in a miniskirt and loafers on a trip to a ski resort?! Who puts their kid in ANY of that for a field trip? It's like they think they're sending you to a business meeting, but they can't even really dress for that- gah! It's driving me insane! Every time I look there's one tiiiiiny thing that just bothers me even more!

Um, I'm supposed to be giving advice right?

...Heyyyyy, everyone watching this~! Can we get a GoFundMe going to get this girl away from her parents? Her fashion sense desperately needs it. I'll even match the first fifty dollars! How high can rent be in this old town, anyway?

His usual style of clothing consists of baggy pants, T-shirts with graphics of his favorite music artists and games, and sneakers. His most recognizable choice of clothing is a light blue and grey striped hoodie. He is often seen with white Skullcandy-brand headphones around his neck. On the day he was abducted, he wore his regular hoodie and headphones, baggy blue jeans held up with a brown belt, grey and orange sneakers, and a black T-shirt with a yellow Deadmau5 logo printed on the front.
Like I said, graphic t-shirts are supposed to be fun and cute in a trashy way for department store shoppers, but I swear every other graphic t-shirt I've ever seen has been for some kind of fandom people use as a substitute for a personality or aesthetic. Anyway, that's just scratching the surface - like, you put in so little effort you wore the hoodie you wear every day but bothered to put a belt on your pants? But like, other than the belt, this is filling out basically every line on the no-effort school-outfit list. Hoodie? Check. Jeans? Check. Graphic tee? Check. Ugly running shoes? EUGH, check! Sports companies are once again at it with the horrendous colours, which is NOT helped by how much it clashes with all the blueeeee. Like, the only way this could have been more low-effort is if you were wearing old sweatpants! Honestly, I'm still not over the belt - if you're gonna put in that much effort why don't you put in a little more on dressing up for the biggest trip of the year probably? Like, get a nicer pair of jeans and throw on a navy blue or black jacket or something.

And the headphones? So many half-wits in this school think putting a pair of headphones around your neck counts as accessorizing, bitch please, it's accessorizing as much as my fucking hearing aids are accessorizing. Or your phone's accessorizing! So what if it's from a trendy company? My phone having a cute case and little charms wouldn't mean shit if I wasn't as cute and fashionable as I always am~!

In terms of wardrobe, Dominiqua tends to favor practicality over style. She prefers light clothing, especially during warmer months. She can be seen wearing tank tops, crop tops, plain t-shirts, khakis, and spandex shorts. For colder weather, she prefers hoodies and heavy jackets. For footwear, she wears tennis shoes year round, plus hiking boots for nature walks. She keeps tracksuits for track and field events. The only accessory she wears is a gold stud she keeps in her right ear, a gift from her grandmother.

On the day of the abduction, Dominiqua wore a heavy black jacket over a grey sweater, with a blue tank top with a small white Nike symbol on the front underneath. She also wore blue tennis shoes with white laces and black track pants, with a matching black track jacket packed as well.
Are you going to a ski hill or a tennis court? I mean, for once I don't hate the Nike item, it's... fine. You can build a look around it maybe. That tank top with those track pants though? Like, honestly I'm not sure whether I prefer the look with the jacket on or the jacket off, they're both kinda mediocre. On the one hand, I'm never gonna love it when the top's the exact same colour and shade as the bottoms, though I guess it's easier on the eyes than the alternative bad colour decisions. On the other hand, a tank top with a heavier pair of pants? I'm not thrilled about it either, it just looks... mismatching, even though they're both so sporty. Like, a tank top and leggings I can buy, track pants and a slightly baggier sleeved shirt I can buy. They match in... in weight! I dunno how else to explain it, so just take my word for it~

I approve of that gold stud though! Maybe we should get your grandma to dress Karen!


Wendy tends to dress casually to feel comfortable. She owns t-shirts, slacks, and sweaters, most of which are pastel-colored. Some also feature characters and icons from her favorite shows and games. During cooler months, she tends to wear hoodies or heavy jackets. For footwear, she wears tennis shoes for all seasons, and sandals for warmer months.

On the day of the abduction, Wendy wore a light grey t-shirt with the cat character Pusheen on the front, a pink hoodie, khaki slacks, and pink sneakers with white laces.
Remember when kawaii fashion used to be cool and, you know, fashionable? Now there's a whole horde of tumblr girlies who think they can slap pastels and some mascots onto their lowest of low effort wardrobes and call it an aesthetic. You might think I just have a bias against hoodies, but there's fairy kei and mori girls who make hoodies look cute but that's a talent most people in this school just don't have. You can't buy an aesthetic at a department store! It comes from within~!

But it sure doesn't help when paired with fucking khakis! That pink hoodie isn't very good and it's STILL too fucking good for any form of khaki! Honestly get rid of the khaki and get some leggings and a long skirt that complement that hoodie's shade and you might be on the track to being as cute as you clearly wish you were! I mean, you even went to the effort of getting matching sneakers, which is way more than most of our classmates can say at this point.

But that shirt... I already fucking hate non-metallic grey in fashion, but Pusheen's already a little grey-ish for that background, so whoever designed it has no fucking excuse. I'm so sorry Pusheen baby, you're too good for that shirt!

Anyway, final pointers is to get some accessories on that outfit. A bracelet or a hairclip maybe. It'll go a long way to making you look not boring!

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 4:16 am
by carduinal-cyn
A forum where you can get yourself roasted? Sign me the heck up!

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:15 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
This sounds fun. I'll play!

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:58 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Dani and Medea if you be so kind.

Re: Tenshi's Unsolicited Fashion Advice

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 3:00 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Perante’s sense of style is a little weird, mixing formality with things that look more comfortable. Also having good posture and standing up straight, rarely sitting or standing relaxed, also keeping a smile up a lot of the time even if it seems inappropriate. On the day of the abduction, he was wearing a black faux-shearling jacket above a tan long sleeved shirt with a vest that’s a darker shade than his shirt, while wearing gray sweatpants and almond flat tops with rainbow socks. Also donning a red beanie with a chibi Siberian Husky patch on it.



Where to even fucking begin?

Like for most people the most GLARING thing would be the rainbow socks, but to my classically trained eye, you went and paired something as great for winter fashion as shearling with GRAY. SWEATPANTS! How fucking dare you?! Wipe that stupid grin off your face right now, you should be ashamed! But don't think I'm letting you off the hook for the rainbow socks! Like, the rest of the outfit, even the - hurrrrk - gray sweatpants are going for a more subdued winter palette, and that could have been good. That could have been classic, even with the red beanie, with any other pair of matching pants! But then you had to go and shoot it in the foot, literally, with rainbow socks. What the FUCK were you thinking? WERE you thinking?! I don't think so!

And finally, that husky is UNFORGIVABLY cute for this fucking look. Give him to me!