S032 - Parth, Medea [DECEASED]

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S032 - Parth, Medea [DECEASED]


Post by Deamon »

Name: Medea Parth
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Tinkering, robotics, programming, let’s playing/live streaming video games, online activism, ASL

Appearance: Medea stands at about 5'5" and weighs around 130 lbs. She possesses a somewhat curvy figure with notably plump thighs. She is ethnically Caucasian, with smooth white skin that is free of blemishes. Her facial features can best be described as conventionally pretty with her round face, small nose, heart-shaped lips which curl slightly upwards, round, blue eyes, and curly shoulder length, full-bodied blonde hair. Her eyebrows are neat and narrow, and she almost never wears makeup unless someone insists on putting it on for her. Medea smiles fairly regularly, almost always having one plastered on her face.

In terms of dress, Medea heavily favors more casual attires. More often than not she'll wear t-shirts with pajama bottoms as her preferred outfits of choice. Other than that, she has a fondness for knit sweaters, sweatpants, and hoodies. She often favors bright and warm-colored clothing, as well as shirts that have designs on them, with a preference for anything that can be described as cute. Medea doesn't wear jewelry often, but does possess some earrings and necklaces that she wears on occasion. On the day of the abduction, Medea was wearing a yellow winter coat over a blue t-shirt with a cartoon bear and the words "Hello Bear!" on it, red flannel pajama pants, a blue knitted hat, a cross necklace, and blue canvas sneakers.

Biography: Medea Parth was born December 25th, 2002 in Salem, Massachusetts to Jacob Parth and Rosemary Parth (née Buckland); two rather successful neurosurgeons. Jacob and Rosemary met during their early years in the Boston University School of Medicine, quickly hitting it off and going out. The two dated through the entire time they attended medical school, eventually getting married six months after graduating. After getting married, the two would move to Salem where they would begin planning to start a family together. Three years after coming to Salem and having some success in their careers, Rosemary became pregnant with Medea.

It was difficult at first trying to balance their careers with taking care of their new daughter. It was often that the couple would hire babysitters to take care of Medea while they were at work, but during their time off they would give their baby daughter plenty of affection and attention. Fortunately for them, Medea was a fairly mild baby who was hardly difficult to handle on the days they were there. They raised their daughter with the best care they could manage, teaching her what they knew in a way she could understand. They didn’t use what would be considered typical means of discipline on Medea, but instead chose to set boundaries and rules for Medea to follow, such as using kind words, not pushing or hitting others, and being polite and respectful. If they were out doing an activity with Medea they would remind her of the boundaries they set, and if she were to misbehave they would simply end the activity prematurely. This passive method of discipline enforced Medea to self-regulate, and the consequence of leaving or ending an activity was left completely up to her. Being fairly religious Christians, when she was old enough to comprehend the concepts of the bible her parents taught her their beliefs. Their beliefs generally focused on Jesus Christ’s message of love and forgiveness as well as some their own interpretations of the text, such as certain passages not to be taken literally or certain commonly held beliefs not being in their personal belief system. These teachings would stick with Medea as she grew older, maintaining her religious beliefs and doing her best to show love and forgiveness to others.

She was a naturally inquisitive child, and she showed great interest in machines and devices. More often than not she would take apart various electronics she could get her hands on in attempts to “play surgeon” like her parents. While these activities would result in her parents needing to replace the things she took apart more often than not, they still encouraged Medea’s natural inclination to tinker and helped her understand how to put back together the things she tried to take apart. Later in life, these early experiences coupled with her parents’ encouragement helped Medea develop an interest in technology, especially programming and robotics.

She was a fairly sweet, empathetic child, but one that lacked the energetic nature that most children her age possessed. While she would play with the other children often, Medea generally preferred less active activities such as reading and drawing. Her elementary school years were generally uneventful, as she was a bright if rather unmotivated child when it came to her classwork. While her teachers did their best to get Medea to do better at her schoolwork, she’d only ever do so much before her attention drifted. Socially, on the other hand, she was doing great in her younger years. Medea was a natural social butterfly and would happily talk and play with the other children, and during these years she would form her closest bonds. She first met Laci York, who Medea was quick to latch onto and would talk and play with every day at school. After Laci she met Eric Peralta, who Medea approached with an offer to play with him after she saw him by himself. It wasn’t long until Medea made more friends, meeting June Madison, Savannah Adkins, and Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart. These five would form Medea’s closest friends that she would carry with her throughout her life, often playing with them, having lunch with them, and hanging out with them outside of school. She loved her friends dearly, showing each and every one of them her unconditional love and made a point to try and spend some one-on-one time with each of them when she could.

Middle school would see her move on with most of her friends, with the exception of Clover who would attend a different school and Medea would lose contact with during her time in middle school. Middle school passed uneventfully for Medea aside from Clover’s sudden lack of communication. Medea still heavily talked with and hung out with her friend group, while making some new friends as well during this time. Medea would become considerably more passive in her personal life, often not even making the effort to personally organize hangouts with her friends and generally preferring to stay within the comfort of her own home at the best of times. She would still happily go hang with her friends if they were to come collect her, however. Her attitude towards schoolwork had not changed much, as her attention seemed to wane whenever she needed to work on her school given tasks. Though still rather bright, if not more so since her years in elementary school, her lack of motivation became even more pronounced and she would only ever put in enough effort to get the bare minimum as to not outright fail.

Her real focus around this time in her life would be her tinkering and religious beliefs. While she always had a deep-seated love of tinkering, her interest in it expanded heavily in middle school. One day while on YouTube, she found clips from the show BattleBots. While not interested in the fighting aspect of the program, she was fascinated by the skill and artistry that went into the machines that made up the sport. She would work to create her own machines, often asking her parents to help her by buying the materials she needed to do so. Her parents were more than happy to lend a hand in their daughter’s hobby, buying many used electronics, toys, and drones from garage sales, pawn shops, and thrift stores. Mostly so Medea wouldn’t tear apart their newer, much nicer appliances in the pursuit of her hobby. Medea would use the parts of these items to create a vast array of inventions, robots, and drones, though her attention and motivation to complete these devices never stayed and she would more often than not cut corners and keep them together with extensive use of duct tape and zip ties. Despite the often ramshackle and slap-dashed appearance of her creations, they still manage to function as Medea intends they do.

She would look into her religious beliefs more in middle school, taking the time to read through the bible even if she would take extended breaks away from it. She did her best to understand the words and lesions passed on through Jesus Christ, doing her best to live up to his example. She showed a genuine love for everyone, regardless of who they were, and never judged them for the way they lived their life. She always made herself available to talk with them should they need it, and always assumed the best of everyone she met. She also greatly preferred worshiping in the privacy of her own home to going out to a church. She did all this because she genuinely believed that is how Jesus would have wanted her to live her life. Despite her growing interest in her own faith, she was never vocal about it and largely kept it private, only really discussing it when someone asked. She also became a vegetarian midway through middle school, but she was largely tolerant of people eating meat around her since she never liked imposing her lifestyle onto others.

Another member of Medea’s friend group would come in the form of Peyton Hoffman. Peyton was the friend of a boy Laci was dating and sometime after Laci broke up with that boy she started dating Peyton. Medea, for her part, was ecstatic to get to know Peyton, especially since he was dating her oldest best friend. With Medea and Laci, Peyton was quickly absorbed into the friend group and Medea would see that the two of them would get some one-on-one hangout time together as a new friend of hers.

Towards the end of middle school, Medea began to question herself. Some of her friends had boyfriends or girlfriends, and that made Medea wonder about herself. She thought about it a lot and did some research, coming to the conclusion that while she had some romantic interest in a lot of different people, boys and girls, she had no particular interest in sex and felt general indifference or mild disgust at the thought of it. For a brief period of time she had concerns regarding her sexuality in terms of her own faith, though a talk with her parents on the matter reassured her that who she chooses to love does not conflict with the beliefs they taught her. Since then she identified herself as asexual and panromantic.

Going into high school, things were largely the same as they were in middle school with Medea keeping up with her core friend group. Soon after starting high school Medea learned that Clover was also attending the same high school, along with a boy Clover befriended named Kyle Emerson, both of whom Medea was ready to welcome into her life. Her high school days were generally easy, with her spending her time with her friends and engaging with her hobbies. During her freshman year she would look into programming as an extension to her tinkering and robotics work. While difficult at first, she persisted and had gotten pretty good at programming and coding in her spare time, though like with her tinkering before her attention would invariably drift and she would get lazy with her programming. The code she wrote was functional, though the manner in which she made it was often lazy with many corners cut so she would be done with it sooner rather than later. Despite her hobbies with tinkering, robotics, and programming, she never actively sought out any clubs to exercise these talents of hers, content with just doing them outside the school.

Sophomore year she would put some focus on being more active on the internet. She would pursue goals such as raising awareness on the internet for various causes, such as fundraising for local events. Though she would drift from cause to cause pretty regularly, she was sincere in her desire to help and was always happy when her help seemed to make a difference. She also began trying to learn American Sign Language, out of a desire to simply be able to communicate to people who could only use it. It was one of the few things she was capable of maintaining her attention on long enough to properly learn how to do it, with her still practicing almost every day for at least half an hour to make sure she can do it properly. Towards the tail end of her sophomore year she would start up a Twitch channel named “Medea Plays” where she would live stream herself playing various video games. While she never really considered herself much of a gamer, she wanted to do this out of the desire to entertain other people and hoped to brighten people’s days. She would mainly focus on mainstream games and games that were recommended to her by friends who were more knowledgeable on the subject, playing through them on a pretty irregular schedule. Her following is still pretty small, barely going over 230 viewers at the best of times, but her base is fairly loyal, drawn to Medea’s natural charm and kind demeanor to her viewers.

However, towards the end of sophomore year, Medea’s friend group became fractured. Her longtime friend Eric informed the group that he was moving away from Salem as his parents got a high-paying position in another state. Medea was greatly saddened at the news, breaking down crying when she heard the news. She genuinely thought that she may never see Eric again and would worry if he would be okay when he was gone, as she knew Eric had depression. After he left she would try her best to message him as often as she could, but as time went by the messages between the two would be less frequent. She would worry about him a lot, but she did her best to think positively and believe that everything was okay with him and that he was simply busy with the change. Still, she would always keep an eye on her messages, just in case he would message her.

Junior year during the height of the COVID pandemic and forced to remain inside, Medea saw little change in her daily life. She did focus a little more on streaming in her newly acquired spare time, but without friends to take her out of the house she mostly spent her days in her room. Around this time her parents had the idea of adopting a cat from a local shelter, feeling it would keep Medea company while they were away at work more than usual due to the pandemic. The cat — a Ragdoll by the name of Belphegor — proved to be an ideal partner for Medea. He readily sought out affection from his new owner and was largely self-reliant, often reminding Medea to refill his food when she would forget. Belphegor would also appear on her streams, becoming quite popular with Medea’s viewers and being something of a channel mascot. Medea for her part loves her cat, being almost inseparable from him when she is at home and affectionately calling him “Belphy”.

Academically, not much has changed in her move to high school. She still has problems focusing on her schoolwork and only ever just making a passing grade. More often than not she has finished her homework assignments in a last-minute rush on the way to school. The class she arguably does the best in is math, and her worst subject is PE as her own laziness tends to get the better of her. Socially, she excels, between her friend group and everyone else she befriends, she is most comfortable in a room of people that she can talk to one the regular. She has made a good many friends in her high school career and loves every single one of them, but her friend group of Laci, Savannah, Clover, Peyton, June, and K are the ones who are most important to her.

For after high school she has given some consideration to seeking higher education, but her lack of ambition usually means she tends not to focus on the prospect and chooses to live in the now and go with the flow of life rather than think of the future. The few times she ever considers a higher education in depth is when her friend Laci brings it up to her, but even then she tries to dodge the topic. Her parents expect her to go to college or even university when she graduates, but their daughter’s lack of ambition and lackluster performance in school concerns them regarding her future. When the matter comes up, her parents will often request that Medea put more consideration into her future. She has no occupation so she usually relies on her parents giving her money or her followers on Twitch giving her money, though in the case of the latter she usually asks that they give to charity instead of her. When she needs to get around she usually relies on a friend giving her a ride and typically doesn’t do a lot of traveling outside of her house unless her friends drag her away for a hang out, which she is genuinely enthusiastic for.

Advantages: Because of her kind disposition, she has a great many friends that she can count as allies. She is genuinely smart and could put that intellect to good use if properly motivated to do so.
Disadvantages: Her biggest flaws are her motivation and attention, two things she has struggled to keep even on projects she enjoys and tends to try and rush things to get them done. She is also unfit as she tends to shy away from doing much physical activity, preferring more intellectually and socially stimulating activities than physical ones. In addition, she usually assumes the best in people and is most likely to make a bad judgment call on someone rather than be cautious of them.

Designated Number: Student No. 032


Designated Weapon: Cat-o-nine-tails

Conclusion: Wow look at that, you struggle with motivation, your weapon is designed to increase that. Just hand it off to someone and let them go to town, I'm sure you'll be motivated then you fucking loser. - Josie Knight
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