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S033 - Ashmore, Dominiqua [DECEASED]

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:18 pm
by Ruggahissy
Name: Dominiqua Ashmore
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Nature photography, track & field, swimming, environmental protection, dog walking, camping, Survivor

Appearance: Dominiqua stands at 5’11”, weighing 145 pounds, striking a slim, lanky, albeit toned figure. Most of her height is in part due to her long running legs. Also, her chest is rather flat. She has a heart shaped face with high cheekbones, bow shaped lips, a straight nose, and wide brown eyes. Her dark brown skin comes from her African American parentage and time spent outdoors. She keeps her black hair short, styled in a buzz cut.

In terms of wardrobe, Dominiqua tends to favor practicality over style. She prefers light clothing, especially during warmer months. She can be seen wearing tank tops, crop tops, plain t-shirts, khakis, and spandex shorts. For colder weather, she prefers hoodies and heavy jackets. For footwear, she wears tennis shoes year round, plus hiking boots for nature walks. She keeps tracksuits for track and field events. The only accessory she wears is a gold stud she keeps in her right ear, a gift from her grandmother.

On the day of the abduction, Dominiqua wore a heavy black jacket over a grey sweater, with a blue tank top with a small white Nike symbol on the front underneath. She also wore blue tennis shoes with white laces and black track pants, with a matching black track jacket packed as well.

Biography: Dominiqua was born in Salem, Massachusetts as the oldest child of John and Roberta Ashmore. She has a younger brother, Lovell, who is three years younger than her and is a ninth grader. The family lives near their grandparents from her mother’s side, Isaac and Shauna, who are happily retired. John works as a tour guide for the Salem historical tours, while Roberta works as a hairstylist at a local salon.

As a child, Dominiqua was very active and loved to run around a lot. She enjoyed playing games on the playground with other children, some of her favorites being basketball and tag, which allowed her to expend excess energy. Whenever her parents were at work, her grandparents would babysit. Her grandmother would let her look through nature books she kept, which Dominiqua was mesmerized by, finding the pictures of trees, forests, and plants beautiful. Her grandfather also introduced her to the reality series Survivor, which she found fun to watch for the challenges the contestants participated in.

When she was five, Dominiqua and her parents went on a camping vacation, an experience she greatly enjoyed. She went on nature walks through the forest, experienced plants and animals closer than normal, and swam in the lake near their campsite. Her family has periodically gone on camping trips every year, and each time she learns a new skill from her camp loving father, such as pitching a tent and starting a fire. Getting to learn these skills felt rewarding to her, plus getting to explore new surroundings was exciting.

Another interest that came about on these camping trips was nature photography. Her mother brings a camera along to preserve the memories, so Dominiqua learned how to use a camera as well to capture pictures of the animals and plants she’d see. Roberta, being a former photography student, taught her how the camera works and a few techniques she remembered. Dominiqua enjoys nature photography as a means to preserve the memory of her camping and exploration experiences.

In middle school, sixth grade, Dominiqua’s family got a golden retriever puppy. His name is Sweetie, and John picked him up from a neighbor who was giving away puppies from a litter. This came as a pleasant surprise to Dominiqua and Lovell, who were both fans of dogs for their lively behavior. John figured that getting a dog would teach the siblings the importance of responsibility. Thanks to research on Dominiqua’s part, she and Lovell have maintained Sweetie’s health to this day. Dominiqua likes to take him for walks and play fetch with him, with Lovell stepping in when necessary.

In eighth grade, as a way for Dominiqua to earn more spending money, she began offering to her neighbors to walk their dogs for them. She and Lovell split the profits they make, as well as the workload. They offer their services on the weekends to anybody too busy to walk their dogs themselves. Sometimes their clients are out of town, have a disability that prevents them from walking their dogs themselves, or have errands to run. Dominiqua also views this service as great exercise.

In her freshman year of high school, Dominiqua tried out for the track and field team, thinking it could make good use of her excess energy. Dominiqua enjoys running, as it is great exercise, plus she enjoys the sense of euphoria from the speed she gains. She also tried out for the swim team for similar reasons. She mainly participates in the short distance sprint, as well as hurdles. She has enjoyed swimming since she was little, for the sense of weightlessness she feels in water. For the swim team, she mainly participates in the short relays. She is also taking photography classes to enhance her skills with the camera and take better nature photos.

In connection with her nature photography, Dominiqua has an account on Twitter where she posts various pictures of animals, plants, and scenery she has taken. She has developed a small, but loyal following, from photography buffs, nature lovers, and environmental activists online. Dominiqua also follows environmental activist groups, to spread messages about environmental protection. Dominiqua cares a lot about the environment because most of her cherished memories include exploring nature on her family's camping trips. She doesn't want to see natural beauty being destroyed or wasted, so she raises awareness by participating in peaceful protests, and posting said protests on her Twitter page.

An interest that has persisted since childhood is Survivor. While her love for the show has varied season to season, she keeps up with it on a yearly basis. Her favorite seasons include Pearl Islands, China, Tocantins, Cagayan, and David vs Goliath. She hopes to one day become a contestant when she graduates high school. Her parents are a bit iffy on the idea, however, Isaac believes she can do it if she puts her all into it.

Dominiqua has a close relationship with her family. Her parents support her interests, with John, a former high school baseball player, helping her practice for track & field, while her mother supports and helps her out with photography. She and Lovell get along well as siblings, as they help each other with their dog walking business and chores. Isaac and Shauna, who sparked her interest in Survivor and nature, respectively, think highly of their granddaughter and support her as well.

Around campus, Dominiqua is seen as approachable, outspoken, and passionate. She has her fair share of detractors who find her annoying, always preaching about the environment. She tends to ignore their comments, finding it pointless to give these people her attention. Much of her friend group includes teammates from the track & field, classmates from photography class, and fellow environmental activists. Academically, she’s average to above average, with physical education being her strongest subject, and math as her weakest. When she graduates, she hopes to attend a college to advance her photography skills.

Advantages: Dominiqua is strong and agile from all her exercising. Skills she acquired from camping experience, such as making fire and building shelter, will come in handy for surviving in the wilderness. Students who find her imposing will be discouraged from attacking her.
Disadvantages: Dominiqua’s energetic personality can come off as grating for some students. Her height and figure can also come off as intimidating, leading smaller students to be wary of her. Her imposing figure will discourage some students from allying with her.

Designated Number: Student No. 033


Designated Weapon: Pack of three self-heating field rations (Canadian)

Conclusion: I see she's a fan of the reality television program "Survivor". Well, good news for you. - Abby Soto