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S034 - Rhodes, Aion [DECEASED]

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:21 pm
by Deamon
Name: Aion Rhodes
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Boxing, romance novels, classical music and automobile mechanics

Appearance: Aion is a Caucasian and his skin is of porcelain color with pink undertones. He is 5’3” and he weighs 135 lbs. His arms and legs are quite muscular due to exercising regularly and keeping up his boxing techniques despite his tiny size. He originally had ginger hair that he had dyed completely purple, and his hairstyle is an undercut with a messy cut on top of his hair. His eyes are slightly droopy and they are the color of dull gray. He has slightly bushy eyebrows that are well-kept and he has also dyed the brows purple to match his hair. His face is roughly heart-shaped and his small, smooth lips are almost always formed into a side frown. He has some light brown freckles that are scattered across his cheeks, nose and a few on his forehead.

Aion prefers to wear clothes that are the colors of purple, dark blue and grey. His wardrobe has a lot of influence from punk styles. He likes to wear no-brand, buttoned-up shirts with short sleeves and dark blue or grey tight jeans that have layered belt chains on the sides and black leather shoes. He likes to wear two small black hoop earrings on both his ears, a black necklace with a shark tooth and no other jewelry or accessories.

On the day of the abduction, he was wearing a short-sleeved button-down shirt with a split pattern design; the right side is lilac-colored with a pattern of metal chains and flames, and the left side is navy blue with white skulls and bones. He was also wearing a black critical sleeveless tee under his button shirt, dark blue tight, chained jeans and a black H.D anarchy leather jacket. He had on his shark tooth necklace and earrings, a rainbow badge under the jacket and his black leather shoes.

Biography: Aion was born on the 28th of April 2003 and raised as the middle child of Ryan and Ava Rhodes in Salem, Massachusetts. His older brother, Dillan, is four years older than him and his younger brother, Sammy, is three years younger than him. His parents were introduced to each other by mutual friends at a university party and they got married after they had graduated and they had conceived their first child at the time. Ava has a job as a human resources generalist and Ryan works as an auto mechanic. They managed to not spoil their three kids too much when they were growing up and showed their support to their kids and each other equally. Dillan was pretty much the babysitter of his younger siblings as he was pretty responsible and mature for his young age and he liked to take care of his brothers whenever their parents needed him to. Until he was kicked out at the age of sixteen and Aion had to take over as the one looking after Sammy independently.

Aion was a pretty boisterous child around other children and he liked to keep active more than sitting still for too long. His grades were more or less average as he didn’t find lessons that interesting, and he found it more fun to do physical activities or just playing with other children. He mostly had a lot of friends in elementary school until he got involved in a fight between older bullies to protect a classmate and he ended up with a broken arm and a busted nose. He was just eight when this fight happened and the bullies were ten-year-olds who liked to pick on the younger, weaker kids. The students that got him hurt ended up getting expelled due to his teacher and his parents taking it up to the principal and most of his friends felt scared to hang out with him due to the fight and how he lashed out afterwards. They didn’t like how different he was as he seemed more bad-tempered due to how the fight made him feel like he wasn’t strong enough to protect others and those friends felt more cowardly as other bullies had targeted Aion as an easy picking for them to mess with. During his last years of elementary school, he mostly got quieter, tried to do better in his lessons to distract himself from other bullies and he mostly spent his time indoors instead of doing fun activities, barely seeing any friends. No one really went to help him out of his withdrawn behavior as most of the kids were wary of him and he was pretty distrustful of other people.

Around the age of nine and after his incident with the bullies the previous year, he was watching the movie Rocky with his brothers while their parents were away at work and he got inspired to learn how to box to defend himself and to make sure that no one would mess with him again. One of his biggest inspirations and one of his all-time favorite movies is Cinderella Man, as he always found himself going back to watching it whenever he was in a sour mood or whenever he wanted to find some motivation about his favorite sport. He asked his parents to let him take up some boxing classes at nearby gyms. They noticed that it made him happier and livelier after he'd had a rough time in school and was behaving more sullen and lonely. He currently goes to TITLE Boxing Club in Salem, as he uses it to help himself keep fit and as a way of letting out his pent-up anger so he can let go of any bad thoughts and de-stress from all of his current problems.

When Aion was just about the age of eleven, he had gotten bored one day and hunted through his mom’s collection of romance novels out of pure curiosity. He ended up enjoying the central love story and the struggles and hardships that the main characters had to go through to get their happy ending. Some of his favorite authors are Nora Roberts, Nicholas Sparks, Robyn Carr and Alyssa Cole. He likes to read them in his own private time. He still likes to read romances currently and he isn’t open about it to his small group of friends as he knows that they would tease him for it.

Not long after his twelfth birthday, Dillan had got into a huge argument with their parents behind closed doors and Aion and Sammy had no clue what the argument had been about. Afterwards, Dillan would get into fights with their parents regularly about his sexuality that Aion didn’t understand at the time and Dillan ended up getting kicked out after he had been using cocaine and heroin around a young Sammy. After some months of family tension after the Dillan disaster, the family got a call about Dillan dying in a motorbike accident, and it completely shattered Ryan and Ava, as they blamed themselves for not getting Dillan help with his drug addiction due to them not accepting him for being gay. They believed that him turning to drugs was the result of them turning their back on him for being himself. Aion couldn’t understand why Dillan, whom he had a close sibling relationship with, had died and his way of grieving ended up resulting in him being angry at everything and everyone else. He started getting into fights with other students that were taunting him, breaking plates, throwing chairs at people who were trying to help him calm down, trying to break doors and yelling at other students that had no idea what was going on with him personally. He got suspended a few times and one of his teachers discussed their worries about Aion’s behavior with his parents to get them to get him help as soon as possible. His parents had tried to get him help with anger management therapy but the results didn’t stop him from still feeling short-tempered or stressed out. He did however, find other things that could help him calm down for a while, such as boxing, reading and other things that he could invest his time in. He bullied other students from his school outside of school as he thought that would keep him out of trouble with his teachers and his parents. He would taunt and threaten people who were more weak-willed and less likely to report him to teachers or tattle to their parents. He had gotten suspended a few times when a few students did tell a teacher and he would stop bothering them after that and he goes looking for a new target. His parents would always ground him for what he did to other students, however, he would still try to do the bullying more privately so that he would get in less trouble with them.

When Aion was around the age of thirteen, his mother had decided to make him listen to some classical music to help reduce his anger over other people that he didn’t get along with. Any negative mentions of Dillan felt like a berserk button to the young boy. Classical music actually did help him feel more relaxed and a lot more calmer. He was actually thankful that his mom had introduced him to that type of music. His favorite classical musicians are Beethoven, Mozart, Bach and Brahms and he will make sure to listen to them if his anger is being pushed over the edge by other people’s bullying. He was getting bullied by older students who liked to mess around with him and mainly because of his short temper and being a smaller guy. He still uses the music as a type of therapy in his own way, and he also uses the music when he is doing other hobbies or if he is working on something that he needs to concentrate fully on.

At the age of sixteen, Aion definitely felt like he had a closer bond with his mom and his younger brother as he continued to grow up and he felt like he wanted to close the distance between him and his father. He actually looked up online videos about auto mechanic work and he found himself becoming more intrigued by the subject. He actually asked his father for advice on how to learn about fixing and repairing cars and his father happily showed him how things work by demonstrating on a clunker. He also picked up repair manuals to help him out if he struggled to practice. He did some studying on how to repair cars from his father. He learned a lot of new skills about mechanical work and he would feel a lot closer to his father for how supportive he is. He is currently a lot better at repairing cars as he has some neighbors that would ask for his help if there is something wrong with their cars and he definitely felt like he has a close bond with his father over a familiar hobby and interest. His father would always ask him to help out once in a while at the repair shop that he is working at and Aion is happier to have time with him. They would have conversations about anything that would either interest them and if they just needed to vent about anything that was bothering them.

Aion found out that he was gay at fourteen when he kissed a close friend who was a guy at a party when they were playing spin the bottle, and he found himself not feeling any attraction to girls at that time. It took him a while to open up about himself as he was feeling confused about how to handle those feelings and how he was having bullying and anger issues against other people. He opened up to his family on his seventeenth birthday and his father broke down the most as Dillan being gay had been one of the reasons of why he had been kicked out of the family and Dillan endangering Sammy around drugs had been the last straw. Ryan and Ava didn’t want to make that mistake again as it had resulted in the death of one of their beloved kids and they were going to support Aion and learn how to be better parents for their remaining children. Aion then opened up about his sexuality to his friends and other people at the school and he got mixed reactions to it when he had expected it to be worse than that. He is currently in a love-hate relationship with another student and the rainbow badge that he is wearing belonged to Dillan that he took from his brother’s room to wear it proudly.

In high school, Aion’s favorite subject is PE as it involves physical activities and it’s just a more fun class to him personally. Other subjects are just around the grade of Cs as he is pretty much average at them, and he doesn’t care about being the perfect student. Although, he does try his best if it’s a teacher that he actually likes, and he will feel disappointed if he feels like he let them down in trying to better himself in his studies and his homework. Mainly the classes that he liked were English, Math and Science as the teachers would make him understand the lessons a bit easily and he would not like to see them disappointed over him getting a grade below a C.

Aion’s closest relationships are with his parents and his younger brother over other people and he would not change that for anything in the world. He makes sure that Sammy is happy with the things that he loves to do, such as knitting, drawing comics and bird watching, and he doesn’t want his brother to force himself to like things Aion likes just to bond with him. Aion’s relationship with his parents are a lot better than it was in the past as it felt like the family had lifted a heavy weight off of their shoulders and they are both supporting their two sons a lot better with things that they both want to talk to them about. He can be very observant about other things that are happening around him, and he will either help with such situations or he will not depending on how he personally feels about it at that time. Though he does have a small group of friends. His friends do get irritated when he tries to fight with people after his short temper is provoked or if he bullies other people who are weaker and more cowardly. Some people can rub him the wrong way with remarks about him or even the bullies who are all-talk and can’t fight whom are yelling, pranking and taunting him. He is more likely to do these things outside the school so that he won’t get caught or suspended. He can also be impulsive that could end up getting himself or other people in trouble because of him saying things that he doesn’t mean or leaping into action without a second thought. Aion, however, can have moments of being fearless and confident in what leaps and risks that he wants to achieve with his life, even if other people will think he will fail in getting his dreams or goals done. Aion can also be seen as a rude and an unfriendly person as he is still hurting from his brother’s death and he has no idea how to control his emotions that well. But he still cares about people deep down inside even if people see more of his negative side on the outside and it is rare to get him to open up his softer side.

Aion isn’t that sure of what he will do as a career after he has finished school and he doesn’t really want to go to any universities or colleges as he doesn’t think he will be invested in studying subjects at them for too long. However, he has been keeping the idea of being an auto mechanic in mind for a possible future.

Advantages: He is quite strong due to keeping himself fit and he had taken up boxing as a way of being tough and strong. He is pretty loyal and close to his small-kit of friends. His fearlessness can help him take risks that can either be good or bad for him and possibly others in the long term.
Disadvantages: Due to his dislike of other people, it is likely that he will alienate other potential allies that want to pair up with him. His short temper would make him more stressed and anxious and his impulsive nature could end up putting himself or others in harm’s way. His short stature could result in him being overpowered by anyone that is taller and much more stronger than him. He could have targets on his back as he has bullied other people who don’t deserve his wrath.

Designated Number: Student No. 034


Designated Weapon: Meat shredder bear claws

Conclusion: Listen twink, you're going to need to watch yourself out here, you may have the bear claws but there are bigger meaner bears than you out in these here woods. - Josie Knight