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C'est la Vie

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:13 pm
by Salic
Really, it was all very sudden.

She'd been on a bus. Then, she'd been in an auditorium-type space where a man named Danya had told them about various topics. First, she'd watched two of her teachers die. Then, Danya had told them about the collars, and the black, metallic ring weighed heavily on her neck. Then, he told them about their bags and all the assorted items contained within. Her own bag had S086 printed on it. She had grabbed it and slung it on her shoulder. Then she grabbed the cattle prod that had been resting a few feet away.

She swallowed heavily. She paced back and forth. She looked around the room, deducing it to be a medical room of some sort. She sat down again, putting her head in her hands.

She was in Survival of the Fittest. Constance was going to die.

((S086: Constance Blanchet - GAME START))

Constance had already looked in her bag and checked her pockets, and was suitably dismayed that her camera was gone. All she had wanted to do on the ski trip was to take some pictures and hang out with her friends. It didn't seem like too much to ask. Was it? Was it really too much to ask of the universe to take some fucking pictures? Maybe it was. Maybe it was. Still, it seemed rather disproportionate that the universe would make her die at the hands of her peers just for wanting to take some photographs. Maybe it was better not to contemplate it at all. Maybe it was better just to let herself be subsumed by the darkness of the shitty little infirmary.

She knew that thinking was dangerous. If she thought, she would think about all of the goals that would never be realized, of her parents that she'd never see again, of the future she'd envisioned fading into nothingness. So, she didn't think. Instead, she just sat, motionlessly, waiting for whatever else was coming. She didn't know if what was coming was an animal or another classmate. Maybe the two were indistinguishable. Maybe the classmate would come in a few minutes to finish her off. Maybe it would be hours. Maybe it would be days. Maybe no one would come here, and she'd have her head blown off like Mr. Ramos. Then, Constance realized she was thinking again.

She shut her brain down and waited for the inevitable.

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:55 pm
by Jilly
((Leslie Romero starts here.))

Leslie never liked hospitals or the doctor's office. Though, he probably wasn't really that special in that regard. People didn't come here for a good time.

His boots clacked against the ground as he passed through the hall of the small infirmary. It was cold, too. He hated the cold. Here he was gonna fucking die without ever seeing a sunny Florida beach ever again.

The door into one of the rooms was left open. His head turned to peek inside, and he completely stopped in his place, in the middle of the open door at seeing Constance sitting right there.

He stuffed his right hand into the pocket of his denim jacket. And then he just kinda stood there, staring. He didn't expect this so soon, let alone not really knowing what to say.

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 8:05 pm
by Salic
Constance heard clacking down the infirmary hallway, the clacking growing louder and louder as they approached the ajar door she hadn't bothered closing. As the clacking got closer and closer, suddenly they stopped. Constance took her head out of her hands and swung it back towards the door.

Someone was staring at her.

Despite the fact that she heard them coming, she still let out a startled gasp at the sight of another student. It was Leslie. Leslie something or other. She scanned him, giving him a once-over, and she saw that he had his hand nestled in his pocket.

"Hey Leslie." She didn't really know what to say after that. Normally she was talkative. She could chat up anyone all day. But now, in the middle of a death game? The thought of talking to anyone like that felt so foreign and alien as to be incomprehensible. She struggled to find her next words.

"Your hand's in your pocket. That's not a gun, is it?" She may have been waiting for the inevitable, but for the inevitable to come so soon? Constance balked at the thought. That was all she had to say, though. Her mind went blank after that.

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 3:49 am
by Jilly
Leslie's eyes went wide. He shook his head and quickly pulled his hand out of the pocket and patted it down. "N-no..."

He stuffed his hand back into the jacket pocket, but then changed his mind and hooked his thumb into the corner of his pants' pocket instead, tapping his free fingers a couple of times. His eyes went to Constance's bag sitting slumped by her feet.

His fingers fidgeted some more.


Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 4:06 am
by Salic
Constance watched as Leslie practically jerked his hand out of his pocket and starting tapping his fingers. She watched as his eyes darted around the room seemingly at random. She eyed him up again before picking up her cattle prod.

"No. I've got this. It's a cattle prod. Melee stunner."

She set the cattle prod down again.

"So," she said, not knowing what to really follow it up with. "So."

Constance fidgeted her with her hands and looked down towards her bag. Her leg was falling asleep in her criss-cross position but she didn't change it. "So," she said again. "You have a plan or something?"

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 5:53 am
by Jilly
Leslie nodded his head when Constance presented the cattle prod. "Ah..." He def didn't want to be anything near that thing.

He took a step closer and breached the threshold of the door. The fingers rapped against the denim a few times again.


Another step. He shrugged his shoulders, or rather tried to; it was more like a half shrug, way too quick and way too floppy to signal much of anything. A shr.

"Mmm, n-not really," he lied. He glanced at Constance's bag again before wiping his face with the back of his free hand.


Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 6:04 am
by Salic
"No. I don't. Other than waiting for the inevitable, I've got nothing," she stated flatly. "I don't know how someone could plan for this. I don't know what they would plan for this."

She looked down at her bag, not paying attention to whatever Leslie was doing. He seemed really nervous, though who could blame him? They were sent on an island to die gruesome deaths at the hands of their friends. Being nervous about it was almost an underwhelming level of fear.

"So," there she was with that word again, "what are you gonna do? After you leave, I mean. Oh, qu'est-ce que je dis? You don't have a plan at all. Why am I even asking?"

She put her hands in her head again, not really knowing what else to do.

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 6:38 am
by Jilly
"Y-yeah. Dunno."

Leslie eyed the bag again. He gulped down a warm ball of saliva.

Another step closer.

He freed his hand from the front pocket and reached around to his back. He picked up his pace as he pulled the stun gun out and flicked the prime switch on.

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:10 pm
by Salic
Constance was still looking down at her bag when she heard a soft click followed by the clacking of Leslie's boots. She glanced up for a moment-

-and immediately panicked, seeing Leslie approaching her armed and ready.

She reached for her cattle prod and tried to stand up.

"Hey, wai-!"

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:50 pm
by Jilly
Leslie hastened his steps, running towards the bag as Constance reached for the cattle prod. He rammed forward and jammed the prongs of the stun gun right into her side when he got close enough and held the side of his finger right over the power toggle.

"KZZZZZZZZZT-" the stun gun screeched, all tens of thousands of volts of electricity slicing through the otherwise eerily quiet walls of the infirmary like a sashimi knife through raw octopus.

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:55 pm
by Salic
In the moment just before, Constance had almost been standing, getting ready to face off with the armed-and-dangerous Leslie. In the next moment, Constance was sprawled out on the ground, shouting and convulsing in agony due to the stun gun. The pain coursed through her body faster than lightning, and her side felt like someone detonated a bomb there.

The electricity raced through her body, causing her muscles to activate and leaving her spasming on the ground. All she could do was writhe on the ground helplessly and hope Leslie didn't have the will or stomach to finish her off.

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:48 pm
by Jilly
Leslie was nailed in place as Constance spasmed and fell onto the floor like a rag-doll. His eyes widened, his breath shook as he just stared at her wiggling around on the ground, grunting in pain.

He shook his head and broke from the trance as he swooped down to grab her bag and then bolted out, flailing around and nearly tripping over his own two feet himself.

"L-lo siento," he lied under his breath, probably nowhere near audible to Constance but he couldn't stop for anything right now.

He didn't stop running even after making it out of the building and disappearing into the frozen wilds, leaving nothing behind but his own heavy footprints that imprinted into the compacted snow in the other direction from where he came.

((Leslie Romero continued in the locker room of the mine))

Re: C'est la Vie

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 4:37 am
by Salic
Constance had braced for whatever was coming as best as she could, but nothing came. Still, the agony of the stun gun prevented her from looking around, and she laid there immobilized for a long while before the pain fully subsided. Finally, she leaned up on her arms, swiveling her head back and forth.

Son of a bitch.

Leslie, her duffel bag, and her personal bag were long gone. He was probably out of the building, anywhere but there by now. Fuck. This was really fucking bad.

Her cattle prod was still there though, so she picked it up and limped out of the room. The exit door down the hall was crooked. Constance made her way over there, cattle prod at the ready just in case Leslie was waiting. That motherfucker.

She pushed open the door, cattle prod positioned threateningly in front of her, but there was no one there. A few quick scans confirmed it. However, she did see something out in the distance. Footprints, it looked like. She took a look towards her own feet and found more footprints that definitely weren't hers. He left a trail.

"Espèce de petit con. Je te retrouverai, salaud," she whispered under her breath. If that bastard thought he could just tase her and rob her blind, he was dead wrong. She placed one foot in front of the other, following the trail left by the amateur thief that was her classmate. She'd survive this whole ordeal. She'd find a way, though her prospects looked much grimmer without any of the food that the terrorists had provided her. She'd get it back though. She had to, or else she was going to die real quick.

Constance placed her feet carefully in the prints Leslie had left behind, determined to follow this trail to the end and find the aforementioned larcenist. That bastard would pay for his treachery.