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Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 4:17 pm
by CardboardAirplane
For a while, Perante Losoa sat there completely unable to move.

He had woken up, and it hadn't taken a genius to remember just what the hell was going on.

Survival of the Fittest. His death warrant had now just been signed by showing up here.

I mean, come on. Did he ever see himself as someone who had even a chance?

[ Perante Losoa Game: Start ]

No matter how much he tried to muffle the sounds of his crying, it was still ugly and loud enough to where others could easily hear it if they were close enough. He tried his best to take his mind off of things, but he couldn't stop thinking about everything he just saw before coming here. All of the blood, the video of the two other kids. The fact alone that they were brought somewhere unknown was bad enough and then everything else had to happen on top of it.

Knowing that whoever the hell he was with, every single one of them would have to end up dead.

Something else he remembered back at the auditorium suddenly came up in his mind though, there were cameras, right? Everyone was watching all of this. Look at this pathetic state he's in right now, does he really want anyone seeing him like this? Anyone?

He wiped away the tears as he quickly managed to quiet down enough to bring about the illusion of tranquility. Just stay calm, and stop shaking so damn much, this is pretty embarrassing right now.

He slowly god up and looked around for his bag, a large S027 on the side of it. With a shaky hand, he unzipped the bag and looked around for his weapon.

Oh deary me, that ain't one he could consider a good weapon.

Re: Suppression

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 2:03 am
by Ryuki
S060-Chester Folk-Start

Chester woke up on the balcony of the building, slumped up against the door. He felt cold and miserable. Sitting next to him was his duffel bag. It was the first reminder that he'd been thrust into a game of kill or be killed.

Survival of the Fittest. Last one standing. How could this be happening? Chester opposed every aspect of this game. Killing classmates to survive, even if you didn't like them that much. Friends turning against friends, just like in that video they watched at orientation.

There was no way Chester would allow it to go down like that. He needed to find a way to get off this deathtrap. But first he needed to find shelter. He got up and was just about to enter the building when he had a thought. What if there was someone hostile inside? He needed to be careful. Who knows who might be crumbling under the pressure of the game already.

Chester knocked on the door.

"Hello?," he said, "Anyone in there?"

Re: Suppression

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 5:06 am
by CardboardAirplane
Perante flinched and jerked his head towards the source of the noise, his heart beating faster as he realized someone else was here. He put a hand over his mouth and closed his eyes to focus on his breathing.

God, should he even say he was here? If he didn't, would the other person just leave? No wait, doors not locked. He'd just walk right in. Or they would just leave, he didn't know their intentions. If they're just looking for people, they'd just leave.

Okay, okay, who's this? He tried to think, it's a little harder to tell just by voice, but maybe if he got a face it'd be easier to tell. But that'd mean letting the door open.

Then again, this person clearly had the manners to ask before coming in. Knocking the door in it of itself shows that this person was friendly, right?

You know what, fuck it. He trusts this. These people aren't killers. They were his classmates. Surely people wouldn't devolved into monsters that quickly.

"It's Perante." He said, his voice hiding the nervousness he had. "I'm here, who's this?"

Re: Suppression

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:34 pm
by Ryuki
Perante was one of the lacrosse players right? And if Chester recalled correctly, he’s seen him working at 7/11. He wasn’t someone he talked to usually, but he didn’t seem so bad.

“Chester Folk!,” he said, just loud enough for the voice behind the door to hear, “I don’t want any trouble! Can I come in?”

Re: Suppression

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 5:16 pm
by CardboardAirplane
Chester Folk? Oh! Yeah, he never seemed like a bad person. A small smile slowly appeared as he felt just a little bit safer. This was no killer outside of the door.

Perante walked up to open the door.

A moment of hesitation as his hand reached the doorknob.

He stepped back further into the room.

Come on, why was his heart racing all of a sudden? Just go back and open the damn door.

He stayed still where he was. "Yeah sure, come in..!" He said, inviting the boy inside.

Re: Suppression

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:19 am
by Ryuki
"Okay," Chester said.

He turned the doorknob, and opened the door slowly. He peaked his head inside, and found Perante standing back from the door.

"Uh, hey," said Chester awkwardly as he entered and closed the door behind him.

He took a quick look around the office. This place was definitely ancient. It was dustier than a basement.

"So, uh, how are you holding up?," Chester asked.

Re: Suppression

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:18 am
by CardboardAirplane
Well now he was alone. It was just him and Chester right now. It felt rather tense, and the awkward energy surrounding both of them wasn't helping in the slightest.

The idea that Perante just didn't know what the hell he had was unnerving in a way, so maybe he should try to figure that out very soon.

"Well..." He shrugged, forcing a smile that just made it look like he was feeling very lost right now. "As good as anyone could in a situation like this." Which to him felt like an extremely vague answer the moment after he said that.

He took out the weapon that was assigned to him, holding both in one hand as he held a very sarcastic thumbs up with the other.

"Could've been a lot better if I say so myself." He let out a laugh. "They're probably more useful as hand warmers or something, and like, that's telling."

"I hope you got something better?"

Maybe it'd be better if he didn't though.

Re: Suppression

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:28 pm
by Primrosette
((Aion Rhodes continued from nooooo don't get kidnapped by the AT your too sexy aha))

Aion glanced over at a free-standing building raised up a story above the ground and he was relieved that the both of them had found somewhere for shelter and he found himself shivering more out in the cold. He never really liked cold weather and it made him wonder why he even wanted to go on the ski trip in the first place. He guessed it was too late to regret that shit now.

His feet were still shuffling through the snow, and he was glad that he wasn't tripping and tumbling over his own feet for a while now.

He still felt a wave of tiredness taking over, making sure to head more faster towards the building.

He glanced back at Amos who was right behind him, stopping in his tracks.

"Do you think it's safe to go in?" He asked quietly, feeling a wave of dizziness taking over. Ugh.

Re: Suppression

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:39 pm
by Ohm
((Amos continued from nooooo don't get kidnapped by the AT your too sexy aha))

The two of them had shuffled their way through the snow and found this tall building, well, Aion had shuffled, and Amos had tried to keep that pace to not make things too awkward for the guy. Some of the things he'd said so far sounded like that could be an issue he'd find. It was pretty easy to shuffle along, anyway.

Amos cocked his head back as he gauged the height of the building. There was a balcony up there that one could probably get a good view from, worth a shot to get there outside of the shelter. Maybe cross reference using the map?

"Hey, be careful there," Amos said as Aion brushed against him with his shoulder. He had been acting a bit weird since the houses a while back and it's clear his head was messy from the ceramic. He at the very least needed to sit down.

"I'm sure it's fine, better than out here."

Re: Suppression

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:49 am
by Ryuki
“Actually, I haven’t checked my bag yet,” said Chester.

He had just woke up. The first thing he wanted to do was find shelter from the cold. He hadn’t thought to check his bag for something useful, or to see what weapon he got. Perante had what looked like a brass knuckle, something to give punches some extra sting. Could Chester have something better, or worse?

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to check,” Chester said.

He put his duffel bag on the old desk and opened it up. There was an extra jacket, which is good, since Chester’s hoodie wouldn’t be enough to mitigate the cold. A first aid kit, for any injuries. Water, crackers, and bread to prevent dehydration and starvation. And finally, the weapon. It looked like a belt. When Chester pulled on the buckle, it revealed a blade.

“Well, that’s surprising,” Chester said, “but, I don’t know if something like this will very useful.”

He put the weapon back in his duffel bag. He pulled out the extra jacket and put it on.

“At least with this, we won’t freeze to death, maybe,” he added.

Re: Suppression

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:04 pm
by CardboardAirplane
"Oh yeah, sure, I don't mind." He did ask the question after all.

While Chester was rooting around through their own belongings, Perante decided to go have a look around the office a bit. As far as he knew, nobody else was here before him so there might be something worth noting here.

A bottle of whiskey inside of a cabinet was the first thing he found and he couldn't help but laugh a bit. Maybe someone would like to drink their problems away. He wouldn't exactly blame anyone if they wanted to do so at the moment. Now was kind of the time to start trying to forget about stuff.

Looked like there was another door here. Opening it lead to an outside balcony, which he quickly closed again. Didn't want to deal with the cold right now.

"Huh?" He turned around only to find Chester holding... Whatever the hell that was. Looked sharp, that's all he could say. Not too sure about it's use though, though it still seemed more useful than whatever Perante got. "Well that's... Something." He nodded. "Ooh, good idea, remember seeing I had a jacket too."

He walked over to his bag which he left on the ground and grabbed the windbreaker. Maybe a bit more awkward to wear considering he's already wearing a jacket but he could still put it on over his jacket.

Re: Suppression

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:38 pm
by Primrosette
Aion was pretty sure that he could hear some muffled voices on the inside of the building. He couldn't really tell as his head was buzzing like static and he just wanted to lay down and sleep. But he had a feeling that would be a bad idea. Head injuries could be more severe if he fell asleep, right? Sure, he had gotten in fights and got some broken bones and bruises here and there in the past. But not a head injury like this.

"Fuuuucck." He let out a long sigh and he glanced back at Amos once again.

He then looked back at the door.

"Sounds like there are people in there. You want to check it out first?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "I really don't want to get bonked on the head again. Fuck that shit."


"Maybe peek inside cautiously to see if they're friendly. Fuck, I dunno."

Re: Suppression

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:20 pm
by Ohm
"I can check, just don't, you know, hit your head on something." Amos moved towards the building and climbed the stairs; there was a fledgling concern in the back of his mind about what he and Aion were supposed to do if there were people inside: and they weren't friendly. But he couldn't risk that when the guy had been on the fritz since the ceramic incident.

He internally shrugged and opened the door slightly, enough that he could poke his head.

"Hey!" He cupped his hands around his mouth.

"We're friendly! Dude hit his head and needs a place to stay!"

Re: Suppression

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:45 pm
by Ryuki
More people. Okay, if they wanted to cause harm, they wouldn't have asked to come in, right? Of course, there was the possibility that it was a ploy to get Chester and Perante to lower their guards. But, Chester didn't want to give into that kind of thinking. He'd be playing into the terrorists' hands if he did.

"Okay," Chester said, "We're friendly in here. Right?"

Chester looked at Perante, waiting for his call.

Re: Suppression

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:42 pm
by CardboardAirplane
He flinched and turned his head towards the unknown voice just outside the door. Well, inside now since the doors slightly ajar. At least Chester knocked at least, then again whoever this was decided to make themselves known so that's worth something.

"Yeah yeah, we're friendly, we're good." He said, just answering to the call without really thinking about what he was saying. He was just saying the same things that Chester was.

But there was something about someone hitting their head already? It made him a little nervous knowing someone was hurt this quickly... But then again, from the way it was worded it sounded like it was just an accident and they messed up or something. Folks really gotta be careful here.

"You said someone was hurt..? How bad is the injury?" He asked.