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Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:50 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
(S011 — Danielle Bird: Game Start!)

Dani groaned as she leaned upwards, placing a hand on her head and wincing. She had the mother of all migraines right now and she wasn’t too sure why. In fact, she didn’t quite remember where she was. She blinked her eyes and looked around for a moment and saw she was in a gym of some kind. A rather small gym that was missing weights it looked like. She was confused for a moment before it quickly dawned on her. When she woke up now she just assumed her last memories were simply some kind of nightmare, one she was having on the safety of a bus. After all, who wouldn’t have a nightmare of being kidnapped for Survival of the Fittest in this day and age?

A string of rapid profanity exited her lips and she shot up, standing to her full height and looking around quickly. Her gaze settled on a camera that sat affixed to a corner wall, a white hot rage billowing in her chest as she looked at it.

“Hey! Assholes!” She barked as she stomped towards the direction of the camera, glaring daggers at it. “Are you fucking serious?! Do you know who I am?! Who my father is?! You kidnapped ME and put me on some backwater island?!”

No response. Subconsciously, she knew she wouldn’t get one but her anger was keeping her focused right now and she needed that.

“Seriously, how dumb are you guys?! You do realize rich people get kidnapping insurance, right?!” She asked rhetorically. “You could have made some actual money from all this, but instead you wasted, what, a few million?! Billions?! To put kids on an island?! What is the fucking logic there?! GIVE ME AN ANSWER!”

She stood there, staring into the silent camera with nothing but contempt. Her heartbeat rapidly, hearing it in her ears as the blood rushed through her and she panted in anger. After a few moments she backed up, leaning her head back and rubbing her eyes in frustration. Thoughts ran through her mind, more insults and pointing out the illogic nature of her whole situation, but she knew none of it would actually do anything to help besides allow her to vent her fury at her situation. She groaned in frustration and lashed out with her foot, kicking a nearby treadmill.


A few more kicks and stomps to the treadmill soon followed, each one punctuated with her screaming “fuck”.

A moment passed and she leaned over, gripping her knees as she panted from winding herself by abusing the workout equipment. The anger that had washed through her started to subside, leaving feelings of sorrow and despair in its wake. Tears welled in her eyes, she sniffled and gritted her teeth as she tried to fight back the sobbing that was about to come.

Why did this happen to her? What did she do to have this happen?


She crumpled to the floor, panting devolving into quiet sobs as the reality of her situation was allowed to take real estate in her mind. She cried at the thought of what might happen to her. She cried at the thought that she might never see her mom, her dad, her grandmother ever again. She cried at the thought that she might die alone…

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:46 pm
by Skraal
S028: Billie Sommerfield - START

Damn it all.

She hadn't even wanted to go on this trip in the first place. What was the point of going on a ski trip if you can't ski? She would have been perfectly find staying home for this, but her mom had to insist that she go and socialize with her classmates rather than spend the time alone on her computer. In a moment of weakness, Billie agreed, and now she was paying the price for it. Her bad luck had struck yet again, shoving her head first into the second worst day of her life.

Billie sighed as she checked her chair's wheels, making sure they hadn't been damaged. There was no way to sugarcoat it: she was fucked. Even if they had given her a weapon that she could use without having to physically overpower an opponent, the whole island was covered in obstacles that would be impossible for her to pass. Even something as simple as dragging herself up or down stairs was a painful ordeal at the best of times. The thought of making an escape between floors, or past a fence, or anything was laughable at best. And that was without even getting into the business with danger zones. Shit, she didn't even want to think about what would happen if she got stuck in one of those.

Thankfully, she was spared from having to imagine various scenes involving her head getting blown off by the sound of sobbing coming from a nearby room. Billie patted the duffel bag to make sure that it was securely hanging on the back of her chair before wheeling through the door, soon greeted by the sight of some pathetic looking workout equipment and an even more pathetic looking Danielle Bird crumpled on the ground.

To be perfectly honest, Dani wasn't exactly high on the list of people Billie had been hoping to run into here. That girl was... a bit of a drama queen, to say the least, and the crowd that she ran with always seemed too superficial and airheaded for Billie's liking. It was perfectly in character for her to be completely breaking down here, after all, this was probably the first time she ever had run into any trouble that she couldn't just buy her way out of. Still, given the circumstances, Billie felt that she might as well at least say something, if only to distract herself from her own miserable thoughts.

"Um... are you okay in there?"

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:11 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
In the midst of her own misery, a voice came asking if she was okay. Dani paused her crying, turning to face the source of the voice. She saw… actually, she had no idea who this even was. Definitely seen them around — wheelchair bound people are hard to miss — but she really could not put a name to the face. Her face flushed, feeling embarrassed that she was seen in her present state. She had worked hard to maintain her image, so this level of emotional vulnerability being on open display was something she wasn’t exactly comfortable with others seeing. Maybe if it was someone she was close with she might have been more okay with it, but that wasn’t exactly the case at the moment.

She sniffled, rubbing her eyes dry of tears. She inhaled and exhaled, steading herself and calming her emotions. She stood back up, dusting herself off. She inhaled again then exhaled a sigh.

“Yes, I am okay.” She said, her voice cracking a little bit. She cleared her throat before continuing, “I was just… getting my emotional breakdown out of the way.”

She turned and moved back over to where she had woken up at, where a duffel bag sat with a tag that read “S011” on it. She huffed in annoyance. They really couldn’t even be bothered to use their names for this? Reducing them to numbers? She guessed even that bare minimum of humanization was too much effort.

“I suppose I should be thankful that you didn’t try to kill me at least.” She said. “If I got killed while I was crying that would just be insulting.”

She opened her bag, inspecting its contents.

They gave her friendship bracelets. Given the nature of this whole scenario, that was just adding insult to injury. And the windbreaker that was in the bag was a crime. Did they seriously expect her to wear this garbage? She had standards, dammit. She scoffed in distaste, putting the items back and zipping the bag shut.

“Well this shit is fucked, right?”

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:56 am
by Skraal
Billie let out a quick chuckle. The phrase this shit is fucked was definitely the understatement of the century. This was a genuine catastrophe, and, to be perfectly, 100% honest, it wasn't made any better by starting it off with this girl. Not that she was terribly unpleasant (for now), but Billie would have much preferred to have run into someone who she knew would actually be interesting conversation. Still, Dani hadn't grated on her nerves too much yet, so for now, Billie decided to stick around for a bit and actually engage in conversation.

"Well, not like there'd be much danger of that..."

Billie turned back, slipping her duffel bag off of the back of her chair and plopped it down onto her lap, setting off a brief but nevertheless annoying muscle spasm in her left leg. She took a brief glance over to make sure that she hadn't slipped off the footrest before turning her attention back to the bag, unzipping it and pulling out the joke of a weapon they had given her. The compact tool might have been useful in the hands of some of her classmates, but for her it was little more than a paperweight. She held up the ice axe, tilting it slightly as she displayed it for Dani.

"I don't think I'd be able to kill anyone with this even if I wanted to. I mean, I guess I could throw it at someone, but with my luck they'd probably just pick it up and use it on me."

A few more seconds of display passed before she returned the tool to her bag and poked around a little inside, finally putting to rest the hope that any sort of additional weapon would be hidden inside. Billie sighed and zipped it up again, yet again reminded of just how much more screwed she was then her classmates.

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:31 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
She watched curiously as the wheelchair girl began rooting through her duffel bag for, what Dani presumed, her weapon. When she produced the object in question, Dani frowned instinctively. The weapon the other girl actually got was actually somewhat decent. Granted, Dani didn’t know how useful an ice ax would be in a fight, but she was sure it was a hell of a lot more useful than what she ended up getting. At least with one good swing you could maybe embed the thing in the skull of someone. But from how the wheelchair girl talked about it, one would think she was holding some random toy and not a tool meant for piercing ice. It rather annoyed Dani that she herself got what was essentially useless, but the person who got a somewhat decent tool didn’t see the potential of it.

…But that did give her an idea.

Dani gave a small restrained laugh.

“Well, it is a helluva lot better than what I got,” she admitted, giving a self-deprecating smile. “The bastard only hooked me up with friendship bracelets. Which totally would clash with my look, you know?”

She laughed again, putting a lot more bitterness into the tone of it. Trying to give off the impression of lamenting her luck. It wasn’t entirely fake, but she was trying to invoke some kind of solidarity with the other girl over their “mutual” screwedness over their weapons. After a moment she dropped her smile, giving the other girl a more serious look.

“Look, let’s be real here,” she said. “We are both at a disadvantage when it comes to this… ‘game’. So how about we work out a deal?”

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:56 am
by Skraal

Silence filled the air as Billie turned Dani's words over and over in her mind. What sort of deal was she talking about? A trade? The contents of their duffel bags were almost certainly identical, and Billie highly doubted that their personal bags had anything that the other would want. No, it couldn't be anything as simple as that. Billie frowned as her head turned to the side, eyes glancing downward as she thought.

The only other option, if the trade wasn't in goods, would be in services. That said though, Billie couldn't think of anything else possibly on offer there either. This better not be some sort of offer where Dani tries to "protect" her in exchange for supplies and shit. That would be so unbelievably cringe, but at the same time, Billie couldn't rule it out. She had enough frustration to deal with back home with people treating her like a child and offering to do stuff for her for free. If Dani thought that she was going to pay for it, she had another thing coming.

A few more seconds passed before Billie looked back to her conversation partner. As upset as she was, it wouldn't be helpful to keep working herself up over hypotheticals. She leaned forward slightly, clutching the daypack protectively as she replied,

"What kind of deal?"

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:45 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
One could feel the silence as the other girl mulled over Dani’s words, which made Dani somewhat uneasy. She also noticed how the other girl clutched the bag protectively as she leaned forward. Dani made a mental note to tread carefully. She didn’t want to make any unnecessary missteps if possible. She needed for the wheelchair girl to let her guard down enough to work her magic.

“Well first off, I’m not going to ask that you hand over all your stuff. So you can relax there,” she said, folding her arms under her chest and frowning in slight annoyance. “But for real, how good would you say your chances are? I doubt you are unaware of your personal disadvantages.”

The wheelchair. It was unspoken, but it was very clear what she was trying to get across.

“So how about this: we help each other. I’m willing to give you a hand, cover that particular disadvantage and try to help increase your chances.” She explained. “However, a bit of a problem, I don’t have much in the way of actually defending myself let alone you.”

And now for the big ask…

“Look, your weapon is way better than what I got, but I don’t think you can make much use out of it as you are.” She said, doing her best to give a sympathetic look to her. “So all I ask is that you — if you are willing to work together — give it to me.”

She quickly raised a hand, trying to cut off a response before one could be given.

“And before you say anything, I will say that you would have the absolute right to take it back at any time. This just benefits me in actually giving me a fighting chance with a tool I can actually make use of.” She said, leaning over to pick up her bag from the floor. “And if I get a hold of something better, I will give it back to you or give you the replacement.”

She adjusted the strap on her bag, securing it across her chest. She looked at the other girl, stern look on her face.

“Think carefully on this,” she said. “If you have a problem with the terms I set then you are on your own. I can’t be working with someone who can’t trust me.”

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 4:22 am
by Skraal
Aaand there it was. Billie's hands clenched tightly into fists as she continued holding onto her bag. She had been willing to give Dani the benefit of the doubt, but now it was clear that her initial suspicions were, in fact correct. It was hard to tell which possibility was more offensive, the thought that Dani honestly thought that she was so incapable that she'd hand over a weapon to a girl she barely knew in exchange for protection, or that this was some sort of attempt at a trick. Regardless of what the truth turned out to be, there was no way in hell that Billie would be agreeing to anything of the sort.

It was so incredibly frustrating how people acted whenever they felt like Billie needed something from them. She hated those people most of all, the ones who were so quick to try and take care of her, making a big show of the favor that they were performing. The worst part of it all was the looks she would get from them, with the sad eyes and the cloying smiles normally reserved for puppies and infants. It was even worse than the people who would immediately avert their eyes as she came into view, in order to not have it seem they were staring, because at least those people would leave her alone afterwards. No, it was really the friendly ones that she couldn't stand. The fact that they felt the need to act so familiar with her made it obvious that they saw her as less than a normal young adult, something vulnerable and pitiable. It wasn't like Billie was deluded enough to think that things were just as easy for her as for other people, or that her quality of life wasn't restricted by her physical limitations, but it still wasn't fun to be constantly reminded of it through someone else's behaviour towards her.

Her reply to Dani came out quick and sharp, the irritation in her voice making it abundantly clear how she felt about the offer presented.

"Um, no. I know my legs don't work, but my brain does. I can take care of myself, thank you very much. If you want to upgrade your weapon, you'll need to get it from somebody else."

Billie gave a quick glance towards the exit before looking back towards Dani. The time it would take for her to turn around and leave would ensure that Billie wasn't going to get the last word here, even if she did decide to leave. She had might as well give Dani one last chance to say her piece, but to be perfectly honest, she doubted that any further conversation would make things better.

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:21 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Dani considered the other girl curiously as she responded. Dani wasn’t upset that she was denied, annoyed maybe but not upset. She fully expected it to be a real possibility that the other girl wouldn’t go with the terms of deal. She considered for a moment simply trying to overpower her to get the ice ax, but she in no way wanted to waste the energy trying to wrestle the item away from the other girl. Energy she could use to travel and find someone else, perhaps someone more incline to do what she wanted of them.

“Suit yourself,” Dani said with a shrug. She started to move towards the exit, making sure to give herself space between her and the wheelchair girl. “Think I'll be heading off. Unless you have something else to say, I think I'll wish you luck.”

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 4:24 am
by Skraal
Billie relaxed slightly, silently watching Dani head for the door. At this point, it was really the best outcome. After all, any attempt to press the issue would have only made things more uncomfortable, and things definitely wouldn't have gone well for the two of them had Dani decided to resort to force in order to get her way. Kudos to her for not being a total asshole. Billie gave a shrug towards the departing girl, unable to resist throwing out one more parting shot.

"Nah, I'm good. Best of luck to you too, maybe out there you'll actually find someone who needs your help."

She gave a brief wave before dropping her hand back down to her bag and glancing over to the side, searching the walls for a clock. Without her phone, she didn't really have a way to tell the time, and given that she didn't know how long it had been exactly since she woke up, it'd be good to know how much more time she had left in the day to prepare for the inevitable danger zone announcement.

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:49 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Dani resisted the urge to grumble. Her plan was thoroughly dead in the water. She would be lying if she were to say she didn’t have some small hope that wheelchair girl would change her mind. Would have made this whole interaction not a waste of time.

“Right, well, see later then.” She said, hastily walking out of the room.

With the room behind her, Dani gritted her teeth. Tears started to well up once again as the stress of her situation reared its ugly head. Where would she go? What was she going to do? In her heart, she did not want to die. She also didn’t want to hurt anybody, but she knew she would have no choice in the end. If she stuck here and it was kill or be killed, she knew she needed to do whatever it took to survive.

((Dani Bird continued in Open Room…))

Re: Mean Time To Breakdown

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:34 pm
by Skraal
Billie didn't turn to look as she heard Dani leave, focusing her attention on the slowly moving hands of the white clock on the wall and waiting until Dani's footsteps were out of earshot. Thankfully, it was still pretty early, so there wasn't an urgent need to go looking for the exit just yet. (Unless the clock was super behind, which, honestly, would have been just her luck). That said, there also wasn't a need to stay here either; without the ability to use anything in there this small room was pretty useless as anything other than a makeshift prison cell... or maybe an execution room. After all, there was only one way in or out, and if the walls were thick enough to muffle the clanking and whirring sounds of the workout equipment, they'd probably cover up screams pretty well...

With a start, she turned to look at the doorway, still as empty as it was when Dani left. No matter how clear it was that nobody was there, however, Billie couldn't help but feel more than a little uncomfortable as she continued staring into the empty passage. Her own observations made the room feel a lot less safe than initially thought, and even though she doubted any classmates had turned into crazy spree killers (at least not yet), it still didn't seems like a good idea to linger here longer than necessary.

Probably best to get moving.

((Billie Sommerfield continued elsewhere))