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S129 - Worth, David

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:46 pm
by VoltTurtle
Name: David Worth
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Running, Survivor club, video editing

Appearance: David Worth stands at five feet, eight inches with a weight of 140 pounds, making his build relatively slim, although his legs are somewhat more developed. He has short, curly brown hair and green-blue eyes that sit over an average-sized nose on an oval face. His general manner of dress steers towards comfort, with him wearing sneakers, jeans, and casual collared shirts. On the day of the trip, he was wearing a black North Face winter jacket, a green Vans hooded sweatshirt over a black t-shirt, grey Adidas sneakers, white socks, and blue sweatpants.

Biography: David Worth was born on August 6, 2003 to in Salem, Massachusetts Andrew, a CEO of a small IT firm, and Helen Worth, a sports writer for the Salem News. He is the second of four children, two years younger than older sister Macy, and three years older than twin brothers Jackson and Sully. David had a relatively normal childhood. While he got in a few squabbles with his brothers and sister, they were the normal squabbles which were quickly cleared up. At school, he was able to make a few friends, however starting in middle school, he became slightly moodier and more cynical. There was some worry about this change from his family, but fortunately, some visits to a counselor showed that this was merely normal cynicism and growing up as opposed to being any sort of personality disorder. In general, middle school was a mild affair, with David enjoying his time with his friends and doing decently in his classes.

Over the years, he was relatively active, very often going for runs around the neighborhood. While they would start by just running in the yard, over time he started running down the driveway, and now he does a few laps around the street, taking the time to relax his mind. While he is decently fast and resilient, he has never considered joining the track or cross country teams, preferring to simply run on his own time.

His main interest started in the fifth grade, when he started to watch the unscripted competition Survivor, which interested him due to the strategy and social jockeying involved in doing so. This was an interest that he shared with his father, and over the school year, the two of them would spend every Wednesday watching the show.

In ninth grade, David was enrolled in John Endecott Memorial High school, where he was able to maintain the same general friend group from primary and middle school. While he continued running for fun, he also started up a club in his sophomore year based around the show Survivor. Using various challenges and twists from both college and official Survivor seasons, he was able to make a club that had a decent following. The show is currently wrapping its fifth season, an All-Star season that had competitors from the previous four seasons compete for a second time. He has released the first two seasons of Survivor: JEM on YouTube, with the first season opening to decent fanfare and the second season opening to better reviews, as he spent the summer and weekends editing the show to put on YouTube. He is also the show’s editor, having taken a class in video editing in his freshman year, but mainly teaching himself how to edit using editing software that he has purchased in preparation for the show. At present, he is in the process of editing the third season of Survivor: JEM for about ten hours a week, although it has taken a back seat to school, with the club being his sole extracurricular activity, with him being the President.

Currently, David is doing well in his classes, with a high B average. He prefers English class the most, although he is able to do decently well in his other classes. His sole extracurricular activity is Survivor: JEM. Socially, he is within the average. He has a small group of friends, and is somewhat well known as the host of Survivor: JEM, but he is not especially liked or disliked by the student body at large. He is a relatively decent guy to be around, although people can describe him as being hard to handle at times due to being slightly cynical. He has sent out applications to various colleges, including UConn, UMass, and Northeastern University, but he does not have any replies, nor has he decided on a major. He is closest to his father, as they both spend every Wednesday watching Survivor. He is on good terms with his mother and his siblings, although Macy is currently a student at Boston University.

Advantages: David’s running hobby gives him good speed and endurance. His time editing his Survivor seasons have given him a keen eye for details and a critical mind.
Disadvantages: David's main athletic activity is running. While it has developed his legs and cardiovascular system, it means that his upper body strength is low. Furthermore, he can be brusque and moody, potentially alienating potential allies.

Designated Number: Student No. 129


Designated Weapon: Magnesium wire

Conclusion: Endurance is helpful, but unlikely to result in success. The poor weapon draw and lack of fighting experience also does not bode well. - Boris Petrikov