A Curse, A First

Content warning: SA

The cellar below the church was kept hidden by the large wardrobe that was placed on top of the trapdoor leading down into it. The cellar itself is a roughly rectangular-shaped room cut out from the stone bedrock the church was built on. Cold, wet, and populated by a large colony of spiders and rats, the cellar was used to store stashes of alcohol that had been illegally shipped to the island. All that is left of this enterprise is a large stack of empty wooden barrels and scattered glass bottles.
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A Curse, A First


Post by Ruggahissy »

((Josh James continued from One Room))

Josh and his new.... Dani made their way far from the Research Station. He looked at the map and saw a town, which would have more shelter and maybe fewer people in each structure with more structures overall.

Give me shelter, he thought.

He looked at Dani as he forced her ahead of him. Josh wondered idly if he should say something as they walked, but didn't. He kept a keen eye out for others, but they didn't encounter anyone.

The came up upon a hill with a church on it and though this specific building wasn't familiar, the concept and the trappings, the aura, were familiar.

Give me shelter, he thought.

The beads of the rosary slid and slipped between his fingers as they walked forward toward it.

Inside, he saw a trap door that led down. Shining his flashlight down into the cellar, he confirmed it was empty and nodded his head over to Dani, forcing her down. Once they were both inside, he closed the trap door after them. No one would sneak up on him this time.

He sat on the ground and instructed her to do the same, setting his flashlight on the ground so that the light pointed up, dimly illuminating the room.

"I'm sorry," was the half-truth he said.

"I'm hurt, and I just need help fixing it, I can't see my own face," he said, a little embarrassed. Of course you can't see your own face, no one can, dumb dumb.

"Do you know my name?"

One hand held the gun, the other rotated the beads in his pocket.
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((Dani Bird continued One Room))

This was some serious bullshit, Dani thought.

Being dragged across an island was exhausting, to the point she could say she wasn’t all that scared anymore and just plain tired. She wasn’t even sure where he was dragging her off to, or why. He had been pretty much silent since her (second) abduction when she was talking with Door Guy and got spooked by Large Girl. She had largely been silent throughout the whole thing as she did not want to antagonize the guy with the gun. She did feel some relief knowing that she probably wasn’t going to get raped. If that were the case, Gun Guy would have done that a long time ago by this point.

Instead she was pulled along, across the island, to a town, into a church, and now a creepy cellar in said church.

She sat down as he had instructed her to, and she huddled up, wrapping her arms around her knees as he sat down and talked.

…And immediately he made her want to scream. Not in fear, but sheer anger.

Seriously? Seriously? He grabbed her, pulled her away into the wilderness, made her fear for her life, dragged across a whole goddamn island, and all he wanted WAS TO BE PATCHED UP?!

She just stared at him, wide eyed daggers being aimed at his direction. Of all the things, he could have just ASKED for help! Or stopped anywhere else on the way so at least she wouldn't be fucking tired. She didn’t say any of that out loud as she didn’t want to get shot, but still!

"Do you know my name?"

She grimaced slightly. Now there was a question she wasn’t expecting to get asked, and frankly, she didn’t have an answer.

He looked… familiar. Probably on the lacrosse team? He wasn’t unattractive or anything, but good lord was he bland. The kind of person you’d bump into on the street and forget about them an hour later. What were all these people she didn’t recognize today? She just had terrible luck in not finding anyone she would bother to know. Wheelchair Girl, Door Guy (though admittedly, she could not see him), Large Girl, and now Gun Guy.

…She made a mental note to try and learn other people’s names.

Now what about this guy? Didn’t know his name. She could lie, but he still had a gun and he might just shoot her or worse if he figured out she lied. She could guess the name, but the same result might happen.

“Err… Not… Really?” She answered, shifting away slightly. “I, uh… I think you seem familiar. Just… blanking on the name right now with being scared out of my mind.”

Partially true, she was scared but out of her mind? That hadn’t been the case for a while now.

“I think it was… Joey?”
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"That's... okay," he responded with a sigh.

Joey Josh pulled her bag over and took out the first aid kit, laying it next to Dani.

"I'm scared too," he said looking away slightly. The dim light meant that when he turned, only half his face was visible and the rest faded into the shadows. His voice sounded sincere, truthful, but he couldn't stop a half-smirk from forming, turning it away from her until he could reset his expression.

"Sorry," he repeated. He wasn't used to having a conversation this long with someone who wasn't in lacrosse.

He turned back and reached out, looking like he might grab her arm for a moment, but his hand stopped. The fingers came inward a little and instead, he opened her first aid kit.

Ingrid had smashed his face pretty hard and he knew there was blood running down his face. He hoped that his nose wasn't broken, but it wasn't like it would be the first time. He grew up the youngest of a gaggle of brothers and played a sport that involved throwing a ball near your face.

"How does it look?" he said, leaning in so she could see. He almost added her name on the end of the question -- he knew it -- but it felt too personal.
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Okay, so he hadn’t shot her yet, so she would consider that a small win. She either got close enough that he was accepting of her not knowing exactly, or he didn’t have the motivation to shoot her over it. Either way, Joey Gun Guy hadn’t killed her. She would take her wins, no matter how small. Of course, she wasn’t completely lucky. He was taking out and opening up the first aid kit from her bag. So not only did he kidnapped her, he wanted to use the stuff given to her to patch himself up.

”How does it look?”

She looked him over and… yeah, he was looking pretty banged up. Someone must have had it in for him judging by his blood covered face. Not that she could blame whoever did it to him. After all, Joey Gun Guy was apparently the kind of guy who kidnapped women and drag them across an island.

“I won’t lie, it isn’t too great.” She said, sighing. She slid her leather jacket off and tossed it to the side so that she may have better range of motion if she was going to do this. She pulled the open first aid kit over to herself and started looking through it. “Just a heads up, I’ve never done anything like this so please be patient.”

She pulled out items she thought she would need. Gloves, adhesive bandages, alcohol pads… It was all guess work on her part. She had no real experience in any of this sort of stuff. Some others might, but this was knowledge she never thought she would actually need, let alone use.

She put on the gloves and took out an alcohol pad, then turned to smile at him. A polite enough smile to hopefully get him to ease up. She wasn’t exactly happy about this situation. If anything she wanted to make a dash for it. But he was probably just as on edge as her, but he had the luxury of having a fucking gun.

“Mind if I get next to you?” She asked, trying to sound as gentle and sincere sounding as she could while silently hoping her time in the drama club was shining through here. “I’ll make sure your handsome face is back in order.”

She wasn’t too sure on that line, but in her experience guys liked it when a good looking girl gave them a compliment. If he seemed receptive to it, then she had ammo in her corner at least to aid in this situation. If need be she wasn’t unwilling to go further. She just needed him to lower his guard enough, be comfortable enough for her to make a break for it. If she could nab the weapon, that’d be a plus.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Dani studied him in response the question he posed. Josh felt a bit strange watching someone inspect his face. It gave him a perhaps not totally unpleasant tingle at the crown of his head.

So as not to be eye to eye, he moved his gaze down, only to notice that her sweater had a cutout at the chest. That seemed a bit ostentatious to him. He looked on in disapproval for about two counts of Mississippi before deciding maybe it would just be easier to close his eyes entirely.

His grip on the gun tightened.

Josh opened his eyes again when he heard her rustling around inside of the first aid kit.

She smiled at him which was a bit surprising, so he smiled a small smile back at her.

He was reasonably sure that he wasn't ugly. His mom had always said he was handsome; people said he looked like his oldest brother, who lots of people said was good looking. But in reference to him, it was usually "He's pretty hot but -" It was always the but, so it didn't seem like whatever he had was enough.

"O-Oh. Mmhm," he mumbled in the affirmative to her getting closer to give medical aid. "Um, shucks," he said. "S-same. Not that you're handsome. You know," he fumbled.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Dani kept her smile up, sliding closer to him with the alcohol pad in hand. He talked and Dani found out he was the sort of person to say “shucks”. She wasn’t sure if it was cute — which given the situation, she’d be hard pressed to say it was with any sincerity — or if it was just a sign of how bland he was. Still, she pretended to be amused when he stumbled with his response to her compliment. Not the kind of guy to hear a pretty girl calling him handsome?

“I get what you are trying to say,” she laughed playfully as she sat at his side. Slowly she raised the alcohol pad towards his face. “Now this may sting just a bit, but I’m sure you can handle it, handsome.”

Carefully she dabbed the pad to his face, around his injury and where the blood had seeped on to try and clean him up. Occasionally her eyes would dart to the gun before going back to his face. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest, adrenaline spiking as being this close to him and the gun was more than a little nerve wracking. If he notices, she’ll try to play it off as just her nerves and apologize. With any luck that should placate him into not shooting her.

“So, um, you have a name, big guy?” She asked, still cleaning up his face and the wound. “I get the feeling I was way off, so mind correcting me so we can be on a first name basis?” She paused, then added playfully, “Unless you want me to keep calling you ‘handsome’ in place of your actual name.”
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Josh made a little noise when the pad touched his skin and he shrunk back just slightly. She was sitting very close to him, but the gun was in he left hand, on the other side of her. He sat with his legs crossed on the cellar floor.

Whether that was from the sting of the alcohol or from surprise being called "handsome" again, it wasn't clear even to him.

He looked up towards the pitch black ceiling that the light of the flashlight wasn't able to reveal and his eyelashes fluttered a bit, an involuntary reaction to someone touching his face.

After a few minutes of carrying about her tasks, she addressed him again, so he looked back at her. She was pretty, but that likely wasn't new information to her. He decided to look freely for a moment in her piercing eyes.


There it was a third time. "Handsome."

"I can be Joey if you want," he said, unsure of what to do in this situation, unsure if he was even really that attached to "Josh."
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Okay, so Joey Gun Guy doesn’t mind being called “Joey,” which Dani wasn’t too thrilled by. She felt that it would have been better for her chances if she had his actual name, throwing it in on occasion, maybe saying it was a good name or some other complimentary descriptor even if the name was painfully boring like “Josh” or something. But she supposed she had to work with what she was given, and she still had a few other tools she could use in her favor.

“Okay, ‘Joey’ it is then.” She said, nodding politely.

After getting his wound and face cleaned up, she reached down and picked up the bandage, preparing it to be placed over the injury. She leaned in closer to him, “accidentally” brushing her chest against his arm while her fingers gently touched his chin and tilted his head towards her way. She took the bandage and carefully placed it on his head, making sure it was perfectly in place. Smiling, she pulled back and looked over his face.

“I think given the circumstances, I did pretty okay getting your looks back in order.” she said while giving him a playful wink. “Was there anything else you needed help with, babe?”

She silently hoped that was all and she could go. She doubted she’d be that lucky given how terrible her luck had been in the past… How long had they been kidnapped for? A day or two? Either way she sort of still hoped that having been patched up he’d just let her go.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Josh Joey swallowed loudly while she delicately went about the work of cleaning the blood off his cheek and bandaging and taping his nose.

She put her fingers with their long nails under his chin and tilted his face. Josh wasn't used to really being touched much, and even less so in a deliberately tender manner.

He felt a bit nervous, but not from fear this time -- or perhaps not the same sort of fear as before.

Josh should have just told her to go now, but he didn't hate having her near and talking to him. He would let her go off. He would tell her she could go back to where he'd dragged her from and she could try again to get into that building or whatever.

It was the feeling of taking an extra piece of candy at Halloween, eating a piece of cake when you were on a diet. The indulgence of something you shouldn't do, but it's harmless if you do it just a little, right? If you can control yourself to limit what you do?

He wouldn't eat all the candy.

Even though eating one piece makes it more tempting to eat the rest.

"Can I have... a hug?" he said a little sheepishly. He couldn't remember having had a hug in years, but in this moment, in this situation, he really could use one.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Her smile remained affixed to her face as her mind processed the request. A hug… Not a request she had honestly been expecting, especially from a guy who had literally kidnapped her. Admittedly, things could still escalate and she would have to mentally prepare herself if something like that were to happen. Still, a hug of all things. Was Joey seeking some level of physical affection to relieve stress? Was he touch starved? Was he just picking up what she was laying down? Hard to say really.

Her eyes moved towards the gun. That was still going to be a problem if he decided to escalate things. If things were to escalate, she’d hope it didn’t involve a gun to her head. She needed to edge things in her favor.

“Yeah, sure, I can give you a hug, babe.” She said. “But, uh, first I gotta take off my sweater. Kinda all sweaty from our, uh, walk earlier and it feels uncomfortable.”

Without waiting for input, she reached to pull her sweater up over her head and took it off. Now she sat there, her low-cut red tank top on display with a black bra underneath. The cold air of the nipped at her exposed flesh, but it was significantly less cold down in the cellar than it was outside. Nothing she couldn’t handle. As she had worn much more revealing clothes in colder temperatures. If it weren’t for the fact the school staff would have raised a stink over it, she probably wouldn’t have worn the sweater to begin with. As it turned out, that was a very wise decision as now she was thrusted into a death game on some frozen ball of an island.

Regardless, she now had her best assets on display. If she was lucky, she could put him in a compromising position or distract him long enough that she could make a grab for the gun or try to make a run for it. She adjusted her top a little before turning her attention back to her kidnaper, giving him a sultry look.

“Right, come here,” she said, trying to put on as much of a seductive sounding tone to her voice as she could. She held out her arms, gently gesturing for him to come close and enter her embrace.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

She agreed to the request after all, but he still felt a little uneasy about having asked, even though he did and still wanted it.

Dani pulled her sweater over head and set it off to the side and he looked at her in the dim light, flashlight making things in the cellar only kind of visible.

What struck him was that she had a black bra and a red tank top. Didn't girls normally want to kind of hide the bra and pick a skin color or the shirt color? Unless she wanted people to see the bra. That was pretty audacious.

This thought made his eyes widen momentarily before looking down and to the right at the floor.

Dani held her arms open and he felt hesitant for a moment. Josh got onto his knees and put the gun down against his left leg. He slipped off his pea coat, leaving him in a long sleeve shirt.

"S-sorry," he said quietly.

Then, without much warning, his arms shot out and snatched Dani, pulling her close in a flash, like a spider jumping out to grab an insect.

His arms wrapped around her, and held her fast against him. Dani's hair had a faintly floral scent to it. One of his hands was holding the space where her back became her neck. She was soft and warm and together, their warmth doubled.

"Sorry," he repeated, squeezing her tighter. Secure in the knowledge that she couldn't see his face, eyes wandered down to the space where they met. He sighed deeply.
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Dani was honestly surprised by how quickly Joey went and wrapped her up in a hug. For a moment she thought he was going to try and strangle her or try to snap her neck. Fortunately it did just seem like a hug, even though he had one hand on the back of her neck. Heart pounding in her chest, she forced herself not to freeze up and wrap her arms around him in a hug. She slowly stroked his back, shushing him gently like a caretaker with a crying child.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. It was NOT okay, but she was playing a part.

While hugging Joey, she took stock of the current situation. The good news was that he put the gun down before hugging her. The bad news? Her head was angled in such a way to be facing the opposite direction of where the gun was and she was essentially pinned in place against him. She was thankful he couldn’t see her face or the scowl she was wearing might set him off.

She had to think of something.

Her best chance for sure was to reach for the gun, but she was in a bit of an awkward position. Maybe if she were to try and subtly attempt to reach for it…

With no other option, she had to commit to the first plan she had in mind.

Slowly her right arm stroked his back, steadily traveling down it. Very slow, very careful. Reaching to his lower back she continued to move her hand, traveling to his waist and slowly inching towards the thigh of his left leg…
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Holding her against him, he could feel her heart racing; he could feel her moment of hesitance before she unlocked to hug him back.

"It's okay," she whispered to him as he hugged her. Dani's voice was comforting in the front, but there were distinct notes of anxiety underneath that he could hear with her speaking directly into his ear.

He wasn't proud of it, but his face radiated with a warmth that flushed his cheeks and turned his ears red. Tension wound up in his chest. He smiled, unseen.

It wasn't just that she was a pretty girl, though that was certainly part of it.

It was because she was afraid, but she was compelled to move in spite of that. He was bending someone to his will and that was sort of exciting -- more exciting than when she took off the sweater. It made his physical senses sharpen while his mind started to cloud.

Was it more appealing to control or be controlled? This unique situation gave him the opportunity to experience control.

Was he... wicked for such thoughts?

Did he care?

"What are you doing?" he murmured, squeezing a little. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against hers.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Her hand stopped on his thigh as he squeezed her and pressed his head against her. He noticed her movement, but she figured he would. She didn’t quite like how close he was holding her, but this was the shitty situation she found herself in. All she could do was hope she could assume some sort of control over the situation.

“I was thinking…” she whispered. “We probably don’t have much time left. And, well, we are already here, alone...”

Internally she was cringing. This was not the sort of shit she was ever expecting to say to anyone. To her it sounded so very stupid. Just a few degrees separated from going “you don’t want to die a virgin, do you?” She did not want to fuck this guy, no matter how hot he was. Hinting at it was a move of desperation more than anything, motivated by the fact he had a gun.

She didn’t know if he knew that, of course.

She was working on the assumption that presented with the opportunity, him being a horny idiot might get him to slip up. Best case scenario, she can make it out of this without having to get dicked down in some filthy basement. Second best case scenario, they do the deed and she would be allowed to leave soon after.

Worst case scenario…

Well, she had been considering the worst case scenario ever since she was kidnapped.

All in all, she wasn’t feeling too confident in her odds. All she could do is keep up her act and hope for the best.

She squeezed his thigh, shifting her hand slightly away from the gun.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Josh felt Dani's hand on his thigh.

His breath picked up. His inhales and exhales became deeper as she responded with her whispers.

The hand he had on the back of her neck slipped two fingers under her collar, letting the metal rest against them, then pulling away a bit so that the collar pushed the back of his fingers and pulled against the front of her throat gently. He then let his hand lay flat against her neck again and slipped the fingers back out.

“I’m always alone," he responded.

His thinking was getting more jumbled.

Dani wasn’t doing this because of him, or rather, because she wanted him as a person. She didn't like him. It was because of the situation they were in and because she wanted to live.

But he wasn’t bad if they just both wanted things, was he?

No, that’s not right.

His consideration for her was melting like a candle as something else rose in its place.

The sharp-toothed monster in his mind’s eye unraveled its claws to grasp him.

Josh pulled back to look at her. They were close enough that their noses almost touched.

He forgot the beads in his pocket.

He looked down at her and his slightly parted lips just barely touched hers— it wasn’t a kiss, but more like lips skimming the surface of an apple the moment before biting. When she squeezed his thigh, he gave a small gasp.

The arms around her withdrew slowly and he swallowed loudly.

One hand went out to the side, unsure, feeling around. The left went straight to the girl in front of him, sliding with fingers splayed down into her tank top past the bra. He was struck by how incredibly warm it was and squeezed, sinking his fingers into the soft flesh. A feeling of fear, that this wasn’t good, was slowly expanding to battle his impulse.

The other hand found the flashlight, slid down the shaft, and flicked it off.

It was dark now.

He didn’t want her to see what he was doing, and he didn’t want to see it either.
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