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Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:16 pm
by Applesintime
((Matthew Bell continued from Ursa Major Meltdown))

As much as he thought Jack was starting to become an asshole who was being a dick to people for no reason, Matthew was still glad his name wasn't on the motherfucker's little speech. Granted, there were only a few names that he'd like to see there, and all of them appeared once in a different way than getting jokes cracked about their death. From where he'd laid his blanket out on the cellar - it was cold as shit, but he'd know if anyone was coming down - Matthew's fists clenched.

How he'd love to brutalise that motherfucker's face. Beat him to hanging on to an inch of his life, and then pull his fingers away from that last little sliver of life and let him drop into hell. A frustrated huff permeated the air. There's a lot of people Matthew'd love to hear had died too. The ones who'd taken Danya's little fucked up call as an invitation to go and start killing. Betty was second on the list. How come she got something for killing, anyway? Not exactly fair, but nothing about this was fair. Number one?



No, fuck that.

Katelyn didn't deserve that, to get called by a little cutesy-wutesy nickname while she fucking murdered people. Two people! Hell, she'd started the whole fucking thing by waking up and immediately shanking her fucking ex!

Matthew had always known she'd end up doing something like this. While her little simp army congregated around her to see her latest drawing of a headless woman being fucked by a dog or whatever creepy, fucked up furry shit she drew, while Ashlyn acted like her little sister wasn't a ticking timebomb that'd end up being in a true crime post in 20 years, he'd always known that she'd end up doing some utterly fucked shit. And with how she'd leapt to the task that little motherfucker Danya had presented them.

Admittedly, there were a few people he was surprised to not hear from Danya's lips. Half of Katelyn's Simp Squad, uh, the weirdos who prepped for SOTF while jerking themself off to old footage (though there was major overlap there), Dani seemed admittedly like the kinda person who'd black widow someone.

But as much as Matthew tried to think about who could kill, those were the only ones. Sure, he didn't like a bunch of people. They thought he was an arrogant asshole who was too smug or whatever, they thought he was an evil Republican, they thought he was a bully. Matthew didn't like them either. But there was a difference, a total world of difference between being an asshole and murder. There'd probably be a couple of people surprised to see him not on the list.

Today was a new day. Find Shaun. Put a bullet in Katelyn and/or Betty's head. Do some fucking good.

With a stretch and a groan, Matthew pushed himself up.

Re: Dissension

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:13 pm
by ViolentMedic
((Mônica “Molly” Oliveira continued from just thought I would spice things up a bit.))

There was a lot to process. Molly was trying not to. But there was nothing for it on the walk here but to think about it.

Oakley’s death had been for nothing, because there’d been ten others. Oh, no, wait… his death hadn’t been for nothing? It’d gotten Betty Quinn a shiny new gun and a nice meal? Did Betty think it was worth it?

And that wasn’t even getting into stuff like Aracelis beaning a girl to death? Aracelis could be… harsh, but that was just… like, what? Bad enough for her, to know a friend could do that. Probably worse for Lúcio. And Shu and Kiera… hadn’t they been dating? Had she dumped him? Molly had dumped a lot of guys in her time, and some of them were on this island...

Mitch hadn’t been on there, though. That was good… (She shouldn’t have run. Shouldn’t have let him go in another direction, but it wasn’t her fault, he’d left--)

This was the worst. These thoughts were the worst. Each time there was a loose thought, Molly tried to put it in a box and shove it to the back of her mind and just not think about it. Out of sight. Out of mind.

“A cellar’s basically a hole in the ground, right?” Molly said slowly as she pulled open the trapdoor, glancing back at Lúcio. “Maybe we’ll be safe here?” She caught a whiff of damp mildew and wrinkled her nose. “Smells gross.”

Holes in the ground sucked. But at least she didn’t smell blood.

Re: Dissension

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 11:53 am
by VoltTurtle
((Lúcio stared blankly at the open cellar door.))

"Yeah," he said, frozen stiff, not making a move to climb down inside. "It'll do."

Lúcio had been staring off into space ever since the announcements came on. Quinn was the one who killed Oakley. Ari beat Constance to death. More than one classmate was a two-time killer. Ari beat Constance to death. Shu killed his girlfriend. Ari beat Constance to death.

He needed to find her, and soon.

"Is-" he started to say quietly, only to stop, take a deep breath, and blink himself out of his stupor.

"Is anyone down there?" he called out.

Re: Dissension

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 12:58 pm
by Applesintime
The cellar door was opened, letting in the morning light fully. Squinting, his eyes readjusting to the light, it took Matthew’s half-awake brain a second to realise what it meant. Staring up at the open door, what the voices said didn’t register as much with his brain as the fact that there were voices.

Matthew didn’t recognise them at present, and considering how many people were apparently eager to go off the fucking rails, he wasn’t going to be taking any chances. At least they weren’t Kitty.

Scrambling for the gun he’d set next to him as he slept just in case, he pointed it up at the open door with shaking hands, the adrenaline forcing his brain into a state of alert. If these fuckers were wannabe murderers or actual murderers, he was trapped.

But there was only one way down, and it was hard to murder when you had half a mag in your chest.

“Names or I start shooting.” Matthew barked out. There were two voices, so unless people had started teaming up, it probably wasn’t murderers, but sure as shit he wasn’t gonna take that chance.

Re: Dissension

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:53 pm
by ViolentMedic
So much for a safe hole in the ground.

“Eep!” Molly instinctively closed the cellar door again, as if it would stop the bullets. “Molly and Lúcio Oliveira! We’re friendly! ...Also, how can you not--”

Okay, so she hadn’t gotten prom queen, just like Lucio hadn’t gotten king, but they’d been both on the homecoming court, that should have counted for something, right? Wow, that was so not important right now…

If he wanted names, though… he was probably listening for… for people like Betty and Aracelis. Not for them.

She opened the hatch again, though she kept half-hidden behind it, clearly nervous.

“We’re just trying to hide, we promise!”

Re: Dissension

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 11:08 pm
by VoltTurtle
Wait, Lúcio recognized that voice.

"No need to be an asshole, Matt!" he shouted through the now closed cellar door. "I know that's hard for you, but I'mma ask that you cool it for just a sec!"

He glanced over at Molly, placing an arm around her to try and keep her calm.

"We haven't killed anyone, and neither have you," Lúcio continued. "So if you wouldn't mind letting us in without poking a few new holes in us, that would be swell!"

Re: Dissension

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:06 pm
by Applesintime
Lucio and Molly. Matthew didn't exactly know much about them - Lucio ran that Body Improvement Club or whatever, which Matthew didn't really see a point in. If you wanna work out, just go to the gym. Lucio was being a little snarky shit, but he was just gonna let it go for now. What was important, was that their names weren't on the goddamn list.

"Alright!" He lowered the gun, still keeping it in his hands just in case shit was all FUBAR. "I'm not gonna shoot you if you're not gonna attack me. We're all good!" I mean, were any of them stupid enough to attack someone in a chokepoint who had a firearm? He didn't know, but Matthew was gonna find out.

Re: Dissension

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 2:20 pm
by ViolentMedic
Molly took a deep breath. It was easier to be calm when Lúcio was there. A little. Juuuust a little.

“Okay! Coming in! Um, I have a sword? Don’t be scared about it, though?”

With that, keeping the sword in one hand but with the point aiming downwards, and her other hand reached to grip Lúcio’s orange mess of a jacket, so that he’d stay there, so he wouldn’t run off the moment that she got ahead like Mitch had. He never would, though, family was different from friendship based mostly on video games.

She stepped down into the cellar, her eyes moving from Matthew to the gun in his hands, before she let out a nervous laugh.

“So, um… yeaaaaaah… hiiiii.”

Re: Dissension

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:54 pm
by VoltTurtle
Lúcio followed Molly down into the cellar, leaving the hatch open so the sunlight filtered down into the room.

"Interesting place you got here," Lúcio observed, his attitude rather nonchalant despite the gun in Matt's hands. "Molly and I were looking for a hole in the ground to hide out in, and I gotta say..."

He slapped one of the empty barrels next to him, hand coming away covered in cobwebs, which he shook off without missing a beat.

"It's less of a shithole than I woulda dug!"

His face was suddenly decorated with a wide, cheeky grin, as if he had just made a hilarious joke and hadn't just found out that his girlfriend murdered someone.

"At least," he continued, smile disappearing just as rapidly as it had come. "That's assuming Mitch's ass stuck around long enough to help us dig. Hope that dumb bastard's alright. Gonna have to find him again after we find Ari."

Lúcio rolled his shoulders and neck, working out the cold-induced stiffness.

"That's enough about me, though," he said, looking back at Matt. "You got any plans at the moment, big man?"

Re: Dissension

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 12:09 pm
by Applesintime
Well, the Oliveiras hadn't rushed him and stabbed or beat or whatevered him to death, so Matthew figured that it was all probably fine and they weren't gonna kill him. Sticking the gun back into his waistband after flicking the safety off (god, couldn't they have given them some cheap holster? He felt like a fucking gang member) Matthew leant back against the wall and watched them look around. "Welcome to Casa del Matthew. Kinda small and cramped, a little damp, cold, but the rent's cheap. Don't get many cold callers either." Letting out a light chuckle at Lucio's joke, Matthew responded with one of his own.

"So you guys ran into Mitch? Seen anyone else? I'm, uh, I'm gonna look for Shaun. Maybe see if Corbin or Dani are near as well. Nothing too concrete." Matthew shrugged. He figured mentioning that he was gonna start running around shooting players if he saw any wouldn't go off well with these two. It sounded kind of weird out of context, explicitly saying you were gonna just go around and start shooting people because they'd killed people. But they'd shown they had no consideration for other people's lives. Why should anyone else consider their lives?

"Well, uh, you're welcome to hole up - heh - here. I'm just gonna..." Big stretch. "Wake up a little."

"Fuck, I can't believe how many people just started killing at a snap of that little fuck's fingers."

Re: Dissension

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 9:42 pm
by ViolentMedic
“We saw, um… Micah, on the mountaintop? And…”

Oakley’s corpse flashed briefly in her mind, and she wrinkled her nose.

“And Marian? Lots of M’s.” Molly rubbed the side of her face idly. “I’d like to find Dani, too? I think?”

She hadn’t really figured all that out. She still wanted to hope for rescue, and that wasn’t off the table, was it? It’d only been a day. And Dani was one of her best friends, but at the same time… she’d be just as happy finding anyone friendly. It didn’t really have to be Dani.

“Have you seen, uh...”

She wasn’t sure about finding Aracelis. Even without that murder on her name… Molly liked her on her own just fine, but she’d always had this talent for ratcheting up arguments and tension. If her and Dani entered the same room on this island, Molly suspected only one would be leav--

That was horrible to think about, what the hell?

“Have you seen Aracelis?” Molly blurted out quickly, before she could linger on the thought too much. “Or anyone else, really?”

She might not be sure on it, but if Lúcio wanted to find her, then she’d have to go along with it. She didn’t want to find out if ‘bros before hoes’ applied right now.

Re: Dissension

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:10 pm
by VoltTurtle
Well, if Molly was just going to say it...

"We are looking for Ari," Lúcio said, nodding to Molly. "Glad we're on the same page there, sis."

He crossed his arms, leaning up on one of the nearby walls in a way that he thought made him look like a calm and collected badass but in reality probably made him look like a poser in an oversized parka. Matt hadn't said what he wanted to do, but he had made it clear what was on his mind. Lúcio could feel the contempt brewing behind the words snap of that little fuck's fingers. Given that, Matt's opening hostility, and his—let's call them personal—issues, Lúcio figured that his brother from another mother was looking to head down a bad road. Best to nip that in the bud, quick.

"And yeah, lot of what we heard this morning was pretty shocking. I saw a man die right in front of my eyes yesterday," he trembled slightly, "and I only found out whodunit a little while ago. A lot more people besides him are dead already. I ain't gonna defend that. Yet, I can't bring myself to hate them."

Lúcio's optimism was indefatigable.

"People are scared, Holmes. We've got bombs strapped to our necks, and until someone gets us out of here, at least one of us has to kill another or we all go pop. Put a bunch of unsupervised teenagers in a pressure cooker like that, and misunderstandings can lead to murder. Everyone here is a victim, and hell, for all we know, all of those murders could've been self-defense. And I'm not just saying that because my girlfriend was one of the killers!"

He was, however, hoping that what he said was the truth, and he was going to act like it was until proven otherwise.

"So I ain't about to condemn anyone until I can talk to 'em myself, you know? You and I, we're better than that, get what I'm saying?"

Re: Dissension

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:15 am
by Applesintime
"Aracelis, no. Uhh... shit, who have I seen. Jack, uh... Ingrid. Eve, or uh, Evelyn? Oh! I also saw uh, shit, you know that dude in WAP who's like, the most generic white dude imaginable? Yeah, I saw him. He has an assault rifle and a penchant for holding people hostage. J - something. I dunno." Come to think of it, Matthew hadn't ran into many people. Maybe that was a good thing, because he wouldn't run into murderers. Maybe that was a bad thing, because he wouldn't run into any of his friends. Looking around for a fucking murderer seemed like a great way to win a Darwin award, but shit, they could go kill themselves for all he cared.

No matter what bullshit spouted outta Lucio's mouth, his reassurance that he wasn't just sticking up for a bunch of murderers because his girlfriend was a total fucking psycho got to Matthew a little. Fucking simp. It was naive bullshit. Half the people he would have fingered as potential murderers in an SOTF game if pressed were already up on the leaderboards, and the other half would follow in due time.

"You really believe Katelyn," Matthew put an emphasis on her name, "killed two people in self defence? Or Janice? Katelyn's a fucking... fucking little loony bitch. You really think she didn't just see Robin and that little psycho brain of hers thought that she'd kill him?" He didn't even like Robin. But, funnily enough, he liked murderers less. Giving Lucio a less-than-impressed look, he continued. "It's naive bullshit. And I'm not saying I'm gonna run around looking for them, but shit, they gave me a fucking gun." Matthew patted where he'd shoved it into his waistband. "If I see one of them, I'm not just gonna sit on my ass and let them run off to go and kill more people." The frustrated hate in his voice hung in the air.

Letting out a frustrated snort, he picked up his bag, pulling it over one shoulder. He wanted to make a jab now, about how if the Oliveiras wanted to go parlay with murderers and get stabbed in their backs they could do just that, but it was still two against one.

Re: Dissension

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:42 am
by ViolentMedic
Generic white guy? If Molly had to guess, she’d say that was Josh. Not that she spoke to him much… she really only remembered he existed because he was on the lacrosse team, and she always forgot about him when he wasn’t in her eyeline. Was he in WAP? That felt like it involved having opinions…

But, like… nevermind that, really – and Josh was gone from her head again the moment her thoughts moved on – she couldn’t really call either Lúcio or Matthew fully wrong or right. And normally she strived to never take sides, but this time she was legitimately unsure.

Because yeah. People were scared. But there was a difference between being scared and bludgeoning someone to death. And maybe some of them had been pressure. But maybe some of them hadn’t been. Asking everyone personally was sure a bad way to find out.

But he was right about this island being a pressure cooker, because Matthew was already steaming and ready to go.

“I mean...” Molly started, before tailing off for a long few moments before she said, “Two people… is a lot. Couldn’t be an accident, or it’d have to be the worst stream of luck. And I agree that it’s best to run from Kitty or Janice if I see them. I think anyone else would think the same.

"But one person… I mean, I’m not saying I want to be careless… but what if I’d opened that door faster without knowing you were in here and just ran on it, because I was excited about being out of the cold?”

The thought was an unpleasant one, but it was lodged in there now. Molly tilted her head, idly curling one of her wavy locks around her finger.

“Would you have shot me? And do you think that the announcements would explain your side of the story?” Molly tilted her head, eyes wide. “The terrorists are just mean gossips who want to cause drama, you know? To shorten the time, so no-one comes to rescue us.”

Re: Dissension

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:52 am
by VoltTurtle
Ouch. Lúcio's instincts were sorta right, though he should've figured that Matt wouldn't give so easily. Thankfully, Molly took the words right out of his mouth.

"Yeah, man," he interjected, vaulting off of his sister's words. "Those guys, they're the worst shit-stirring gossip-brained dickbags that anyone could ever be. They benefit from keeping this game short, and if that means convincing you and me and all the rest of us that Sally-May is a cold-blooded killer who you need to ice, then that's aces to them. Then Sally-May's friend comes to ice you, and then your friend ices her, and on and on it goes until none of us are left, and they've won again."

He leaned against a nearby wall, trying to look cool as a cucumber even as his hands shook, imagining what was to come.

"You call me naive, but it's anything but. I know that some of 'em could have snapped, but I also know that we can't be sure," he continued. "Like, you mention Kitty, but did you ever try to get to know her at all? I did a couple times, and all I got was that she was a little scaredy cat, running and hiding from a big teddy bear like me. Even if I'm being uncharitable, she's probably just afraid that everyone's out to get her. And with people like you runnin' around, she might even be right!"

He sighed, and tilted his head to one side. Who would've thought so many of his classmates would be so quick to be at each other's throats?

"Look, man. I ain't sayin' that you shouldn't defend yourself if it comes down to it, but that's where it should end. As the good Lord said, 'let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone'."